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I only sub to GSF...


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I do love new ships and maps, but that alone isn't going to fix the problem with GSF. As I see it, the facts that:


-GSF has few/no rewards that tie into the ground game

-Many servers have very low populations of regular players

-There's no cross server matchmaking (and likely never will be)

-The tutorial teaches new players basically nothing and they end up as fodder, get pissed off and then never play again



mean that GSF will pretty much just slowly march to extinction on many servers. I mean, I love GSF, it's almost all of what I do in SWTOR these days, but the queues get steadily longer and the opponents/allies get steadily fewer. For instance, on The Bastion, there are very few good Imperial pilots left, who all play at very different times, rarely group up and rarely end up together. However, there's a very regular group of Republic pilots who fly quite a bit virtually every day (Everyone on the Bastion probably knows who I'm talking about without even saying any of their names :p). More than half of my matches are against them. I don't mind, but I have multiple mastered ships and can handle myself against excellent pilots.


New players with 2 stock ships, however, die like flies. Again and again. Very frequently I will be most/all of the few kills Imp side gets against them. The last game I played against them ended at 12-50, with 7 of those kills being mine and nobody else on the team having more than 1 (most of which involved my assistance). I've gone 28 and 2 in death matches against pugs myself (Screenshot or it didn't happen). Most new pilots just don't stand a chance against veterans, and when their only experience in GSF is waiting 15-30 minutes to fight that same premade over and over, most of them are going to say, "To Hell with it." Yesterday alone I saw at least three people try it for the first time then express confusion/disgust with it after one match because they couldn't figure out how to land a kill and did nothing but get swatted down like a bunch of mosquitoes. I recall one of them said something like "I don't get this ****" and another said, quite plainly, "this is stupid".


Don't mistake my meaning. I have nothing against that premade or premades in general. I like flying against them, and I have been in matches where we beat them (usually when I'm lucky enough to queue at the same time as several other Imp vets). I've won 3-4 vs 1 against average pilots (as in killed them all myself, not just survived), but it's virtually impossible for me to win against even 2 of that group unless I get very lucky, because they actually use team work and watch each out for each other. Their team work is tight enough that if I don't drop one of them in a few seconds I'm not going to, because help will arrive that quickly. But I like to be challenged, and if it really rubbed me the wrong way I'd just form a premade of my own.


Basically, were it up to me (and I'm no professional game designer), I'd add cosmetic/fun ground-game items such as dyes, armor shells, mounts and pets that could be gotten from GSF, as well as more quests and game modes. Something to motivate people to bang their heads against the wall that is veteran players and premades, because right now there is little incentive unless you just really like flying. I'd also make cross-server matchmaking a supremely high priority.


BUT, that would be an awful lot of work, and I don't see it happening any time soon. I still greatly enjoy GSF, but my interest is beginning to decline.

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They are still adding new bomber and gunship variants, and I assume they will continue to add maps later in the year.


I did not say I wont play ever again, I am just not giving them money anymore, and more bombers and gunships are the last thing GSF needs!

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I also sub only to GSF, and while I am disappointed in the direction the money is going, I haven't lost hope yet.


And another bomber and gunship are actually entirely things that we need. The two bombers are well distinguished and fun, and a third would be great. The two gunships are fun, but only the type 1 is strongly competitive. Meanwhile, we have three types of scouts and strikes already.


The problem with the announcement is mostly that we don't have anything else exciting going on. The type 3 gunship and bomber, like the stealth ships, have been in the game since its inception, and without development won't even bring new components. Meanwhile, the game's actual weakness is having only five maps- an acceptable number given how long its been out, but less so in, say, September- which it is looking like we'll hit without new maps.



I'm sad that they have temporarily given up on GSF. I'm not a big fan of the ground game- I play WoW for that style of stuff, and I feel WoW delivers a much more competitive heroic raid game (I'd be shocked if anyone really felt differently- WoW's raids are best in industry) and a more fun pvp experience (here it's much more open to debate, as WoW's pvp isn't that respected compared to its pve). GSF is what I was hoping for when I bought SWTOR, and what I followed after I cancelled my initial scrippie, and what I pounced to come back in for.

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I I'm not a big fan of the ground game- I play WoW for that style of stuff, and I feel WoW delivers a much more competitive heroic raid game (I'd be shocked if anyone really felt differently- WoW's raids are best in industry) and a more fun pvp experience (here it's much more open to debate, as WoW's pvp isn't that respected compared to its pve). GSF is what I was hoping for when I bought SWTOR, and what I followed after I cancelled my initial scrippie, and what I pounced to come back in for.


Agreed -- before GSF came along, the end-game content of SWTOR was just sub-standard compared to its competition. GSF makes this game stand out, it's a shame.


But the people have spoken, and most people apparently go nerdtastic when it comes to player owned homes and strongholds or whatever the heck they are...


In any event, the beauty of GSF is you don't have to pay to really enjoy it. Unlike warzones (which I think are limited based on your status), there isn't a limit in GSF. So you get less req...I don't think people care much about that at this point.

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I did not say I wont play ever again, I am just not giving them money anymore, and more bombers and gunships are the last thing GSF needs!


The lack of good matchmaking, has soured me on spending any money here. Currently it's put my cartel spending on hold as well. I have no idea how long my current server will be viable for GSF, and given the pricing for moving characters I have no wish to make investments in more alts.

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