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Dread Fortress NiM damagetype numbers


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This time my spreadsheet is just using data from tanks from Drop it Like it's Hoth. This spreadsheet covers multiple logs from 4 different tanks for each boss (the spreadsheet is more or less including every single boss kill DiLiH made on the live server) and includes all different tanking classes (Assassin Juggernaut and Powertech) in the game.


This time I am also using the individual gear set from each tanking log plus an individual surviveability chart for each tanking class and damage type, according to the current gear the tank wears.


The surviveability chart is (generally speaking) based on dipstiks calculations for tank mitigation.


A big thank goes to Fuyri, Lacedaemon and Maoulkrieger for providing their combatlogs and itemizations.


I am posting:

- the average ratio in a boss-per-boss way


- Total Damage (DTPS * time on average) and the according ratio




So, here are the numbers (if there's anything missing just write in this thread or pm me):


The average (without taking DTPS into account):


m/r f/t i/e

Nefra: 0,962291883 0 0,037708117

Draxus: 0,771131449 0,109340183 0,119528368

Grob'thok 0,897197421 0,09469417 0,009806446

Corruptor 0,346916737 0,58854524 0,064538023

Brontes 0,362103122 0,433745322 0,204151557

Overall 0,667928122 0,245264983 0,087146502


So in words,

66,8% of the damage is melee/ranged energy/kinetic

24,5% of the damage is force/tech energy/kinetic

8,7% of the damage is force/tech internal/elemental


Incoming DTPS (pre and post mitigation):


pre post

Nefra: 7831,138162 1888,289689

Draxus: 3590,644971 1056,374953

Grob'thok 5506,259562 1334,668536

Corruptor 4005,152616 1354,34223

Brontes 3552,951446 1443,691374

Overall 4897,229352 1415,473356


Average fight time:

Nefra: 167,5068

Draxus: 419,1683333

Grob'thok 384,9291667

Corruptor 391,0040143

Brontes 449,8218

Overall 362,4860229


Total Damage: m/r f/t i/e

Nefra: 1311768,894 1262304,559 0 49464,33454

Draxus: 1505084,668 1160618,122 164566,2331 179900,3133

Grob'thok 2119519,905 1901627,792 200706,1789 20784,95799

Corruptor 1566030,751 543282,2777 921679,9441 101068,5288

Brontes 1598195,015 578711,404 693209,611 326273,9999

Overall 8100599,232 5446544,155 1980161,967 677492,1346


m/r: 0,672363118

f/t: 0,244446356

i/e: 0,083634817







I am not sure on how to account the hybrid. On these values I calculated the DTPS and the ratios from the additional 30% area reduction back.


Here are the values were i didn't calculate anything back:



m/r f/t i/e

Nefra: 0,962291883 0 0,037708117

Draxus: 0,771131449 0,109340183 0,119528368

Grob'thok 0,897197421 0,09469417 0,009806446

Corruptor 0,346916737 0,58854524 0,064538023

Brontes 0,367700074 0,422527321 0,209772605

Overall 0,669047513 0,243021383 0,088270712


So in words,

66,9% of the damage is melee/ranged energy/kinetic

24,3% of the damage is force/tech energy/kinetic

8,8% of the damage is force/tech internal/elemental



pre post

Nefra: 7831,138162 1888,289689

Draxus: 3590,644971 1056,374953

Grob'thok 5506,259562 1334,668536

Corruptor 4005,152616 1354,34223

Brontes 3116,016322 1279,170633

Overall 4809,842327 1382,569208


Total Damage:

Total Damage: m/r f/t i/e

Nefra: 1311768,894 1262304,559 0 49464,33454

Draxus: 1505084,668 1160618,122 164566,2331 179900,3133

Grob'thok 2119519,905 1901627,792 200706,1789 20784,95799

Corruptor 1566030,751 543282,2777 921679,9441 101068,5288

Brontes 1401652,071 515387,5703 592236,2942 294028,2064

Overall 7904056,288 5383220,321 1879188,65 645246,341


with Ratios:

m/r: 0,681070595

f/t: 0,237749907

i/e: 0,081634836

Edited by THoK-Zeus
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I am still editing the post :D


Chop chop! :-) Again, thanks for putting this up!


As a side note on Nefra, based on combat logs from several tanks in my guild (across 6 or 7 groups that have cleared Nefra now), I think the post-mit number looks a little low. Did you draw on any kills with double operative healers? I know most people aren't doing that anymore, but I think it might be interesting. I've observed that when our sage healer isn't cross healing me very much and my primary source of healing is our scoundrel, my DtPS is appreciably over 2k on that fight.


Another notable thing: with the exception of Nefra, every boss is still below the magic threshold where the Dread Forged Reactive Warding relic is better (by a wide margin) than either of the other relics. I would imagine the Dread Master version will push even further in that direction.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Chop chop! :-) Again, thanks for putting this up!


As a side note on Nefra, based on combat logs from several tanks in my guild (across 6 or 7 groups that have cleared Nefra now), I think the post-mit number looks a little low. Did you draw on any kills with double operative healers? I know most people aren't doing that anymore, but I think it might be interesting. I've observed that when our sage healer isn't cross healing me very much and my primary source of healing is our scoundrel, my DtPS is appreciably over 2k on that fight.


Another notable thing: with the exception of Nefra, every boss is still below the magic threshold where the Dread Forged Reactive Warding relic is better (by a wide margin) than either of the other relics. I would imagine the Dread Master version will push even further in that direction.


Generally we use all three healing classes, but we never use double healing classes for any run. The runs should be with all 3 possible combinations, but i don't recall how often which combination was used.


For nefra most of our tanks, swap their gear to a very heavy defense setup (i use 900 defense rating for nefra as an assassin for example, juggs and powertechs will generally be substantially higher then 1000 defense rating).

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For nefra most of our tanks, swap their gear to a very heavy defense setup (i use 900 defense rating for nefra as an assassin for example, juggs and powertechs will generally be substantially higher then 1000 defense rating).


1403 Def in my case :D

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I'm in the process of updating my "Ideal Tank Stats" post for the new data here (thanks, Thok!). I'll be doing something different this time, namely grouping bosses by M/R ratio: 0-60%, 60-80% and 80-100%. These groupings appear to work very well for Dread Fortress, and seem to do a decent job of minimizing damage over the course of the entire operation without requiring an arbitrarily vast number of alternative gearings (ideally, we would all re-mod mid fight…).


Here's a quick preview for shadows/assassins in full augmented Dread Forged gear:


  • Nefra and Grob'thok: {defense -> 941, shield -> 940, absorb -> 840}
  • Draxus: {defense -> 763, shield -> 940, absorb -> 1019}
  • Corruptor Zero and Brontes: {defense -> 217, shield -> 1110, absorb -> 1393}
  • Weighted Mean: {defense -> 577, shield -> 940, absorb -> 1204}


Note that these calculations include the full, non-regression Kinetic Bulwark/Dark Bulwark calculation, and so retain their accuracy well even for high defense values. For the time being, I'm still assuming a 75% low accuracy ratio on M/R attacks. This is deflates the value of defense slightly on Nefra and Grob'thok, while inflating it slightly on Draxus and Brontes.

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I'm in the process of updating my "Ideal Tank Stats" post for the new data here (thanks, Thok!). I'll be doing something different this time, namely grouping bosses by M/R ratio: 0-60%, 60-80% and 80-100%. These groupings appear to work very well for Dread Fortress, and seem to do a decent job of minimizing damage over the course of the entire operation without requiring an arbitrarily vast number of alternative gearings (ideally, we would all re-mod mid fight…).


Here's a quick preview for shadows/assassins in full augmented Dread Forged gear:


  • Nefra and Grob'thok: {defense -> 941, shield -> 940, absorb -> 840}
  • Draxus: {defense -> 763, shield -> 940, absorb -> 1019}
  • Corruptor Zero and Brontes: {defense -> 217, shield -> 1110, absorb -> 1393}
  • Weighted Mean: {defense -> 577, shield -> 940, absorb -> 1204}


Note that these calculations include the full, non-regression Kinetic Bulwark/Dark Bulwark calculation, and so retain their accuracy well even for high defense values. For the time being, I'm still assuming a 75% low accuracy ratio on M/R attacks. This is deflates the value of defense slightly on Nefra and Grob'thok, while inflating it slightly on Draxus and Brontes.




Good job KBN. Your weighted mean is pretty much what I tinker with now to see the dTPS deltas compared to gear tailored for each boss. I am also experimenting with a 'stealth + swap 3 items' in the final Brontes burn phase :D

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Good job KBN. Your weighted mean is pretty much what I tinker with now to see the dTPS deltas compared to gear tailored for each boss. I am also experimenting with a 'stealth + swap 3 items' in the final Brontes burn phase :D


Lol shadow tanks OP, nerf Plz


As an added bonus, why not do this?


Stealth -> Swap 3 items + equip Dread Forged Boundless ages relic over Focused Retribution -> activate boundless ages relic -> swap boundless ages relic to Shield Amplification Relic -> continue with fight

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Good job KBN. Your weighted mean is pretty much what I tinker with now to see the dTPS deltas compared to gear tailored for each boss. I am also experimenting with a 'stealth + swap 3 items' in the final Brontes burn phase :D


Could you elaborate why you want to swap the items?

EDIT: I meant where the incoming damage difference is. I thought that at least for NiM the tank damage would be like the other phases with slams. (Please note I never done brontes NiM yet)

Edited by fire-breath
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Lol shadow tanks OP, nerf Plz


As an added bonus, why not do this?


Stealth -> Swap 3 items + equip Dread Forged Boundless ages relic over Focused Retribution -> activate boundless ages relic -> swap boundless ages relic to Shield Amplification Relic -> continue with fight



Thanks for the tip, i already open with triple zen on combat with Boundless pre-activation :D. Let's be honest, after the 6 finger phase, you have 3-4 seconds out of combat, which is enough to swap some items :D.

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Lol shadow tanks OP, nerf Plz


As an added bonus, why not do this?


Stealth -> Swap 3 items + equip Dread Forged Boundless ages relic over Focused Retribution -> activate boundless ages relic -> swap boundless ages relic to Shield Amplification Relic -> continue with fight


I'm actually thinking about swapping in more than even that. I could equip an entire DPS set in the amount of downtime we have before the final phase, or even right after my hand goes down.

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Lol shadow tanks OP, nerf Plz


As an added bonus, why not do this?


Stealth -> Swap 3 items + equip Dread Forged Boundless ages relic over Focused Retribution -> activate boundless ages relic -> swap boundless ages relic to Shield Amplification Relic -> continue with fight


afaik all click relics without exception are on cd when you equip them so it's useless to equip them midfight.


edit: to contribute something other then offtopic (or rather leech some more numbers :p) has someone the numbers for the C-zero adds assuming you avoid/interrupt the AOE from the Melee and ignore (take) the AOE from the Ranged one?

Edited by DarthSpekulatius
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