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Is SWTOR Part of New "Legends"? Or New Canon?


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I know there are a bunch of threads already about the Legends and Lucasfilm Story Group announcement. But I really came to this forum to find information about whether or not SWTOR is being considered Legends.


I commented a bit about this in some of the other threads, but I wanted to create one specific thread here in the hope that maybe Bioware comments on it in a few days/weeks (or, more importantly, at least just see's that people care).


Again, please don't utilize this thread as a "What is canon, what is not canon" argument. There are MANY other threads where that is being discussed.


What I'm here to discuss is any concrete evidence or research that people see that answers that question: "Is SWTOR Legends now? Or is it canon?"


As I stated in other threads, I want to just mention these facts:


1) The first credit of the Lucasfilm Story Group was actually ON SWTOR. For Galactic Starfighter. If you run the credits for GSF you can actually see it there. This is the first credited note of the group of people who are involved in ALL canon. It cannot be canon if it didn't involve the story group (or if its not TCW, the 6 movies, Rebels, or the new Darth Maul comic).

2) On Friday, Jen who is a senior person dealing with Lucasfilm licensing fielded tweets about whether or not THIS or THAT is canon or legends. Everything was regarded as legends (everything, seriously) except for two things. The new Darth Maul comic which is taken from a TCW script. And when asked point blank about SWTOR the reply was "It is fuzzy. I cannot say." So take that for what its worth. The fact is SWTOR is NOT confirmed as Legends as of this time. It may be tomorrow. It could be that she just didn't know. But out of like tons and tons of tweets (at least like 50, ranging from Revan, KOTOR, Dath Bane, Darth Plaguies, etc) SWTOR was one of only two things that were not confirmed as Legends.

3) Just because KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2 are Legends, it does NOT mean that SWTOR is legends. Truth is that Darth Bane the character is canon, since he's in canon stuff. But the Darth Bane trilogy is not. It could be that SWTOR is doing something similar, where it is going to be regarded as canon, but reference things from earlier games that are not canon. That's not weird. The films and TV shows do this all the time.

4) From what I can tell from the Cantina tours (and those preview flash drives they give out) we have lots of new story content coming. We just started a big story arc with 2.7. So technically the announcement they made on Friday: "All new Star Wars media will be handled by the story group and be considered canon," this TECHNICALLY means SWTOR has a good chance of being considered canon. Either SWTOR is exempt from that ruling, or maybe if it IS Legends maybe they only put out stuff like Galactic Strongholds which does not have story content. OR, (I hope) we get story content that is ACTUALLY approved by the Lucasfilm story group as canon. Holy crap, I hope.


Guys, this is kind of a big deal if you're a SWTOR fan. Because that means that the game you love may be one of the very few things that is still canon. I'm not assuming that. We do not know for sure yet. But so far, SWTOR has NOT been confirmed as Legends. And pretty much 99% of everything else has been. So that is interesting to me.


Even cooler, if it DOES turn out that SWTOR is canon, it means that you're playing the EARLIEST piece of canon in the NEW Star Wars era. But even more than that, it also means that we'd be playing upcoming content that is given approval or disapproval by the SAME PEOPLE who have a hand in the guiding of the newest movies, TV episodes, books, etc of Star Wars. It means the guys who know what happens in Episode 7 are involved in the new story content.


Again, this is only if we find out that YES, it is canon. I hope it is. Because I love the game.


I won't stop playing if its Legends. But right now, as it stands, there is NO official statement about whether SWTOR is Legends or not. In fact, when asked point blank, we got one of the very few "No comments" given. Plus, the fact that it has a Story Group credit already is very interesting. It could be just meaning something else. But its worth noting.


I would LOVE Bioware to address this eventually.

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Bane and Plaguies are canon because they were created by Lucas as background for the movies. SWTOR does not have any such distinction.


That distinction hasn't factored into anything else since Friday. The only things being confirmed as canon and not Legends are the 6 movies, TCW, a Darth Maul comic, and anything new that comes out in SW media. Things with the story group credited (of which SWTOR has that distinction these days, strangely enough).


If only things that had George's touch on it were canon, then none of these new books coming out would be canon. Its not the magical George Lucas touch that is segregating things. Its whether the piece of media (not the characters or events therein) were worked on by the story group, or the movies, or TCW. That is where the line is being drawn. And what's weird, is that SWTOR meets those requirements, per those 4 points I made above. You mentioned Bane. Great example. Even though it has a George Lucas creation in it, and the events have been referenced in TCW, the book was not created by the story group nor by George, so it is Legends. This is confirmed. Do a twitter search for Jennifer Heddle and you'll find a comprehensive dialogue on the subject from a senior LFL employee.


I have yet to see any real firm arguments that show that SWTOR is Legends and not part of the new canon. If you look at my original post, do you find evidence anywhere that counters those 4 points I made?

Edited by ericpeterson
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OP, go here and read this guy's post then scroll to the end to read mine and then make up your own damn mind on what is canon and what isn't.




Thanks. And I think your notes on that final post in that thread are really well thought out. Its a bit off topic from the real question at hand here. I am not really interested in debating the impact of the announcement, or the merits of canonicity, but I think you outlined things well. I just have one thing I disagree with and that is in regards to what you describe as a lack of any real change.


Right now, if I'm a teenager and want to get sucked into the Halo franchise, in 2014, I can pick up books and video games. All those books and video games have a small page leading me to read stuff in a timeline fashion, and all of those books and video games were created by a central "story group." The books sometimes contradict the games in terms of small details (which they've actually edited out mostly and rereleased-- which LFL never did during the G/T/F canon era, pre-Friday, just as a side note ). But overall, the books really help create a dynamic experience with the games. They are clearly part of a team of people taking responsibility for the comprehensive fiction that is getting out there. It works completely different than Lucasfilm media from the last 20 years or so. Night and day. Its completely collaborative and strategic. Blizzard handles their transmedia stuff the same way.


Star Wars multimedia was really started in a void where it was questionable we'd have any more movies. So in 2014, I completely understand their desire to start fresh and start following the organizational trends set by these other large franchises. Plus, it just kind of shows a total hands on approach to handling the franchise they license out. I think its more responsible. Frankly, Bungie and Blizzard and these other smaller entities actually handle their transmedia efforts with way more organization than Lucasfilm has in the past.


So to me, yes, things are changing. Not for those who are worried their Legends books are somehow going extinct or something. Stuff is the same for them, which is great. And that I think you word very well, and I agree with. But for those of us who want to leap into Star Wars fiction in 2014 and have a comprehensive experience that works in tandem with new TV shows, video games, and multimedia without seeming like its created by like 800 creators-- then yes, stuff is changing. For the better. I've wanted that for eons, rather than worrying about G-Canon, T-Canon, blah blah blah. Not everyone worries about that crap, I know. You outlined that well. But I don't want to have to worry about it either. At the same time, I also would LOVE to jump into a timeline of fictional multi-media that is done with full attention to detail for once, at Lucasfilm. And thats what I'm getting.


This is what brought me to wondering SPECIFICALLY about SWTOR in the first place. To have this game actually be touched and overseen by the LFL Story Group would be a great thing.


The fact that the Story Group started getting credited in 2014 as being on SWTOR makes me think that may be the case now. Why would that Story Group be credited on something that isn't part of their new initiative? It makes me think that SWTOR may indeed be part of that non-Legends initiative.


But again, its all assumptions and investigative research at this point. Until we get an actual statement.


No joke though, when asked point blank about whether SWTOR is canon now that KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2 is Legends, the reply was "Can't comment on that right now." That Jennifer Heddle twitter account has loads of information from Friday, straight from the horses mouth. For people who want real facts about the direction of all of those, rather than the speculation I see in a lot of threads, I think that is a great resource.

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Well we've been told that all new EU material will now be canon, and future updates (which as you pointed out the Story Group has been involved in) to this game will add story which technically counts as new material.


So I think its a strong possibility, but it hasn't been confirmed so we can only wait and see.

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This is econd.hand but...:




The Lucasfilm rep told GameSpot, "[A]s far as The Old Republic MMO is concerned, nothing is going to change. [TOR] has always been a part of the Expanded Universe, and that's not going to change."


Depending on what that means, and what they mean when they say "Expanded Universe" this can be interpreted in different ways, but it seems to me that means SWTOR is now non-canon.

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This is econd.hand but...:






Depending on what that means, and what they mean when they say "Expanded Universe" this can be interpreted in different ways, but it seems to me that means SWTOR is now non-canon.


To the OP, I think you set this question up in the right way. I also think that you covered the ambiguity quite well. The only fact you neglected was what Arilou has brought up here. If SWTOR is Expanded Universe, and Expanded Uinverse is now Legends, and Legends is non-canon, then it seems we have an answer. However, as you point out, there is a lot more to this special case, so we will have to wait and see. I hope they answer sooner rather than later, because whether I continue to play will depend on the answer.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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some of you are getting way to hung up on what label is used... legends is the same thing as c-canon.


the story group is now in the role that lucas used to be in, they are they creative boss of the SW universe. since all new material will originate from the story group, it will all be "canon", just as how all stories that originated from lucas were true canon. but, the story group isn't bound to any past EU material any more than lucas was. so it really makes to difference at all if SWTOR is called legends or c-canon because the results are the same. lucas wasn't bound to it and now the story group isn't bound to it.


the really best part of this is from here on out there will be just "the star wars universe", instead of having one universe that is real( what lucas created ) and another universe that isn't real( the EU ).

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some of you are getting way to hung up on what label is used... legends is the same thing as c-canon.


the story group is now in the role that lucas used to be in, they are they creative boss of the SW universe. since all new material will originate from the story group, it will all be "canon", just as how all stories that originated from lucas were true canon. but, the story group isn't bound to any past EU material any more than lucas was. so it really makes to difference at all if SWTOR is called legends or c-canon because the results are the same. lucas wasn't bound to it and now the story group isn't bound to it.


the really best part of this is from here on out there will be just "the star wars universe", instead of having one universe that is real( what lucas created ) and another universe that isn't real( the EU ).


Legends is not the same as whatever "c-canon" was. Why? Because c-canon was a made-up designation, whereas Legends is official. Furthermore, the major difference prior to this is that Lucas was not creating any new material, but now there will be. Previously, all Star Wars material was consistent with each other, now any new material will be canon and the old, EU stuff will not be. It is a significant difference. If you want to understand it better, please read the multiple threads discussing it.

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Legends is not the same as whatever "c-canon" was. Why? Because c-canon was a made-up designation, whereas Legends is official. Furthermore, the major difference prior to this is that Lucas was not creating any new material, but now there will be. Previously, all Star Wars material was consistent with each other, now any new material will be canon and the old, EU stuff will not be. It is a significant difference. If you want to understand it better, please read the multiple threads discussing it.


I do understand it. you don't seem to understand that all new material that comes from the story group is being treated as if it had come from lucas. the story group is what is replacing lucas. the fact that they will be creating ALOT of new 'official' material should be a good thing.


before: lucas was not bound by any EU material. only other EU writers were sort of bound by other EU material.

now: the story group is not bound by any EU material. there will be no EU writers/material. it will all just be Star Wars all in one universe.

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some of you are getting way to hung up on what label is used... legends is the same thing as c-canon.


the story group is now in the role that lucas used to be in, they are they creative boss of the SW universe. since all new material will originate from the story group, it will all be "canon", just as how all stories that originated from lucas were true canon. but, the story group isn't bound to any past EU material any more than lucas was. so it really makes to difference at all if SWTOR is called legends or c-canon because the results are the same. lucas wasn't bound to it and now the story group isn't bound to it.


the really best part of this is from here on out there will be just "the star wars universe", instead of having one universe that is real( what lucas created ) and another universe that isn't real( the EU ).


No, legends is the same level as N-canon. (IE: While tangentially "Star Wars" it is no longer related to the "Star Wars Universe Ongoing Saga " so to speak.


And it does matter significantly, because while it did not bind Lucas (who honestly, is only responsible for a small part of the ongoing Star Wars stuff being produced) it *did* bind the other producers.

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No, legends is the same level as N-canon. (IE: While tangentially "Star Wars" it is no longer related to the "Star Wars Universe Ongoing Saga " so to speak.


And it does matter significantly, because while it did not bind Lucas (who honestly, is only responsible for a small part of the ongoing Star Wars stuff being produced) it *did* bind the other producers.


legends is all non G + T Canon. from here on out there wont be different types of canon, it will all just be star wars( with a possible exception for games ). unless they change their minds and allow more legends stories to continue.


and it only bound other EU content producers and even then only sort of. so the reality is and always has been, lucas was never bound by the EU. so, why would anyone expect the story group to be bound by EU material? and since all new material will originate from the story group, there will be no EU content producers anyway.


everything that is now legend isn't any less important that it was a month ago. why? because it was never important to begin with as far as limiting any story lucas wanted to tell. and AGAIN, the story group is what is replacing lucas... so even if they left things as they were, all non-G canon would still be in the same position as legends is now, which is, its not anything new material from the story group has to stick to.

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This sort of discussion belongs in the "What is Canon" thread, or one of the many other threads discussing the merits of the EU.


I'm really trying to just focus on factual evidence, statements, and hypothesis about SWTOR, because right now it literally is probably the ONLY piece of EU (pre-4/25/14) that has been factually declared "no comment" in regards to that question. That Gamespot quote someone linked to is what I'm after in the coming days/weeks here. Because it starts to piece together what may be happening on this sole topic. That is the crux of this.


The merits of canon, and the entire classification system set up by Lucasfilm prior to 4/25/14 is being discussed at length in other threads. Frankly, if you go to the forum on this topic at starwars.wikia.com, you'll find a lot of great discussion from the very people who have created the #1 reference for EU material on the web. And its very mature, not emotional, and a pragmatic discussion about all of these other topics.

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legends is all non G + T Canon. from here on out there wont be different types of canon, it will all just be star wars( with a possible exception for games ). unless they change their minds and allow more legends stories to continue.


and it only bound other EU content producers and even then only sort of. so the reality is and always has been, lucas was never bound by the EU. so, why would anyone expect the story group to be bound by EU material? and since all new material will originate from the story group, there will be no EU content producers anyway.


everything that is now legend isn't any less important that it was a month ago. why? because it was never important to begin with as far as limiting any story lucas wanted to tell. and AGAIN, the story group is what is replacing lucas... so even if they left things as they were, all non-G canon would still be in the same position as legends is now, which is, its not anything new material from the story group has to stick to.


You're not getitng it. You're correct in that the status of the old EU could have changed at any moment. It (by and large) didn't, however. Now it has.


It's like saying that "The sky could fall at any moment." and comparing that with the fact that the sky just fell down and crushed everyone. (not that this is a disaster or anything like it, but you're getting my point on potential vs. actual, right?)

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You know something just occurred to me. If Disney declares this game "Legends" then there is nothing stopping bioware from writing that the empire actually won the war in this universe. Imperial victory suddenly becomes a very possible outcome of the war instead of something we know won't happen.


I really hate the dumping of the EU, like really really really hate it. But these are the thing we now must consider.

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You know something just occurred to me. If Disney declares this game "Legends" then there is nothing stopping bioware from writing that the empire actually won the war in this universe. Imperial victory suddenly becomes a very possible outcome of the war instead of something we know won't happen.


No, as it will still need to adhere to the movies. Lucasfilm is doing this to make the universe coherent. Doing what you suggested does the complete opposite of what there goal is.

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No, as it will still need to adhere to the movies. Lucasfilm is doing this to make the universe coherent. Doing what you suggested does the complete opposite of what there goal is.


If Disney stick a legends tag on it that means it is no longer part of the same universe and therefore all need for coherency is totally lost. This is the reason why they tossed the entire EU. So they didn't have to try to be coherent with the new movies.

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If Disney stick a legends tag on it that means it is no longer part of the same universe and therefore all need for coherency is totally lost. This is the reason why they tossed the entire EU. So they didn't have to try to be coherent with the new movies.


They tossed out the entire EU because they wanted a fresh start and maximized freedom for their future storylines. Bioware cannot do whatever they want regardless of whether its canon or legends, that isnt the way it works.


Bioware submits everything regarding story to Lucasfilm for approval. So it doesnt mean they can just do whatever they wanted.

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You know something just occurred to me. If Disney declares this game "Legends" then there is nothing stopping bioware from writing that the empire actually won the war in this universe. Imperial victory suddenly becomes a very possible outcome of the war instead of something we know won't happen.


I really hate the dumping of the EU, like really really really hate it. But these are the thing we now must consider.


Wasn't an imperial victory already a possibility? It just means that the republic has to pop up again and beat the Empire.

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If Disney stick a legends tag on it that means it is no longer part of the same universe and therefore all need for coherency is totally lost. This is the reason why they tossed the entire EU. So they didn't have to try to be coherent with the new movies.
Legends is still part of the same universe, it just doesn't share the same level of authenticity as the official canon.


The canon can override the old EU and prove it "untrue" Legends cannot go on its own way and override existing canon. Nothing has changed in terms of how canon operates as far as we are aware, all works are still bound by it.


As for the debate, the way I see it, Story Group involvement can only mean one of two thing:


SWTOR is going to be canon.


SWTOR is safe from retcons.

There is no fathomable reason I can think of for why the Story Group would bother endorsing the latest update of Galactic Starfighter if they planned to retcon it in the future.


And with them stressing that future canon is not beholden to the EU I see no reason why they would try and make SWTOR fit with future continuity if they did not have plans to canonise it in that continuity.

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I know there are a bunch of threads already about the Legends and Lucasfilm Story Group announcement. But I really came to this forum to find information about whether or not SWTOR is being considered Legends.


I commented a bit about this in some of the other threads, but I wanted to create one specific thread here in the hope that maybe Bioware comments on it in a few days/weeks (or, more importantly, at least just see's that people care).


Again, please don't utilize this thread as a "What is canon, what is not canon" argument. There are MANY other threads where that is being discussed.


What I'm here to discuss is any concrete evidence or research that people see that answers that question: "Is SWTOR Legends now? Or is it canon?"


As I stated in other threads, I want to just mention these facts:


1) The first credit of the Lucasfilm Story Group was actually ON SWTOR. For Galactic Starfighter. If you run the credits for GSF you can actually see it there. This is the first credited note of the group of people who are involved in ALL canon. It cannot be canon if it didn't involve the story group (or if its not TCW, the 6 movies, Rebels, or the new Darth Maul comic).

2) On Friday, Jen who is a senior person dealing with Lucasfilm licensing fielded tweets about whether or not THIS or THAT is canon or legends. Everything was regarded as legends (everything, seriously) except for two things. The new Darth Maul comic which is taken from a TCW script. And when asked point blank about SWTOR the reply was "It is fuzzy. I cannot say." So take that for what its worth. The fact is SWTOR is NOT confirmed as Legends as of this time. It may be tomorrow. It could be that she just didn't know. But out of like tons and tons of tweets (at least like 50, ranging from Revan, KOTOR, Dath Bane, Darth Plaguies, etc) SWTOR was one of only two things that were not confirmed as Legends.

3) Just because KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2 are Legends, it does NOT mean that SWTOR is legends. Truth is that Darth Bane the character is canon, since he's in canon stuff. But the Darth Bane trilogy is not. It could be that SWTOR is doing something similar, where it is going to be regarded as canon, but reference things from earlier games that are not canon. That's not weird. The films and TV shows do this all the time.

4) From what I can tell from the Cantina tours (and those preview flash drives they give out) we have lots of new story content coming. We just started a big story arc with 2.7. So technically the announcement they made on Friday: "All new Star Wars media will be handled by the story group and be considered canon," this TECHNICALLY means SWTOR has a good chance of being considered canon. Either SWTOR is exempt from that ruling, or maybe if it IS Legends maybe they only put out stuff like Galactic Strongholds which does not have story content. OR, (I hope) we get story content that is ACTUALLY approved by the Lucasfilm story group as canon. Holy crap, I hope.


Guys, this is kind of a big deal if you're a SWTOR fan. Because that means that the game you love may be one of the very few things that is still canon. I'm not assuming that. We do not know for sure yet. But so far, SWTOR has NOT been confirmed as Legends. And pretty much 99% of everything else has been. So that is interesting to me.


Even cooler, if it DOES turn out that SWTOR is canon, it means that you're playing the EARLIEST piece of canon in the NEW Star Wars era. But even more than that, it also means that we'd be playing upcoming content that is given approval or disapproval by the SAME PEOPLE who have a hand in the guiding of the newest movies, TV episodes, books, etc of Star Wars. It means the guys who know what happens in Episode 7 are involved in the new story content.


Again, this is only if we find out that YES, it is canon. I hope it is. Because I love the game.


I won't stop playing if its Legends. But right now, as it stands, there is NO official statement about whether SWTOR is Legends or not. In fact, when asked point blank, we got one of the very few "No comments" given. Plus, the fact that it has a Story Group credit already is very interesting. It could be just meaning something else. But its worth noting.


I would LOVE Bioware to address this eventually.


Bioware doesnt have to address anything, except laugh at the new owners and their executive board. The whole "Legends" thing is ridiculous. This is what is going on, the original script writer for the movie was booted, they had to write the script for the new movie from scratch. Which means Robert Iger isnt giving ANYONE any time to do their research. JJ went from Star Trek right into Star Wars, he didnt have much time either to do his research. Which means aint nobody got time to check for lore mistakes, and if they got someone paid to check, like George himself, aint no one going to listen to them, just tell them to say what ever justified the rushed movies. So they're doing this whole thing where they themselves have no idea what is canon or not. Because the SCRIPT for the new movie isnt even finished yet.


So let's all stop using the word "legends". Its just some corporate hype and a poor excuse to not research what is canon or not, because they have to rush the production of the movie. Disney can't make money from the Star Wars Universe. Robert Iger only sees money in the movie and merchandise for the movie. Everything else he sees as making money and marketing for others like Dark Horse. If Dark Horse makes a single penny from Star Wars over lore, that Disney can't make that penny from, Robert Iger sees it as a lost. Understand? This is how they think and manage their corporate conglomerates. ****, this is how the biggest vendors on the Galactic Trade Network see things too. This is how the big player capitalists see things.


"Legends" is like the corporate term "natural" in food products. It doesn't mean anything. There is no government law on how a corporation can use the word "natural" unlike the word "organic" which comes with a government seal. George Lucas sold Star Wars and Kathleen, JJ and Robert are just straight up rushing the project, with George's face saying what he is told to say. Legends is just a poor attempt to justify their lore mistakes. Corporates make this stuff up all the time. Like calling a beer "Ice" when in fact any beer can be served cold. Study corporate marketing, and this whole mess will become crystal clear like crystal clear "diet" soda.


There is no Legends. Don't matter who says it, license or not. They just don't have time to do their research. And George being a consultant doesn't really mean much. He's just a glorified employee of Robert Iger who has set the deadline and ain't trying to hear anything about Canon. Rob could give two about it. Everyone else involved includng George has to say things that coincide with Robert Iger's vision of his corporate marketing deadlines or get booted like the original script writer, who was writing the new movie even before Disney bought Star Wars. JJ didn't understand anything from the original script, because he just came out of the Star Trek universe, and never before picked up a novel, let alone a comic book of Star Wars. That's what the creative difference was about, between someone deep, deep in research (Michael Arndt) and someone who has not a clue or the time to get a clue (JJ). So now they're doing this mess.




Had they maybe chosen the path to take their time with the movie and its script, then yeah this would have some weight. But as of now, its just corporate marketing fluff, deadlines, poor excuses, and more nonsense just for a rushed movie.


I really hope people read this and understand. There is no Legends. What there is, is just known lore and lore mistakes. And it sounds like they want to prepare their target market for a ton of lore mistakes, to avoid a backlash from the fans, in the first week of the movie release. They know we will complain for years to come, but they want that first week to be complaint free. They're gambling on the wrong thing.

Edited by HiddenPalm
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Bioware doesnt have to address anything, except laugh at the new owners and their executive board. The whole "Legends" thing is ridiculous. This is what is going on, the original script writer for the movie was booted, they had to write the script for the new movie from scratch. Which means Robert Iger isnt giving ANYONE any time to do their research. JJ went from Star Trek right into Star Wars, he didnt have much time either to do his research. Which means aint nobody got time to check for lore mistakes, and if they got someone paid to check, like George himself, aint no one going to listen to them, just tell them to say what ever justified the rushed movies. So they're doing this whole thing where they themselves have no idea what is canon or not. Because the SCRIPT for the new movie isnt even finished yet.


So let's all stop using the word "legends". Its just some corporate hype and a poor excuse to not research what is canon or not, because they have to rush the production of the movie. Disney can't make money from the Star Wars Universe. Robert Iger only sees money in the movie and merchandise for the movie. Everything else he sees as making money and marketing for others like Dark Horse. If Dark Horse makes a single penny from Star Wars over lore, that Disney can't make that penny from, Robert Iger sees it as a lost. Understand? This is how they think and manage their corporate conglomerates. ****, this is how the biggest vendors on the Galactic Trade Network see things too. This is how the big player capitalists see things.


"Legends" is like the corporate term "natural" in food products. It doesn't mean anything. There is no government law on how a corporation can use the word "natural" unlike the word "organic" which comes with a government seal. George Lucas sold Star Wars and Kathleen, JJ and Robert are just straight up rushing the project, with George's face saying what he is told to say. Legends is just a poor attempt to justify their lore mistakes. Corporates make this stuff up all the time. Like calling a beer "Ice" when in fact any beer can be served cold. Study corporate marketing, and this whole mess will become crystal clear like crystal clear "diet" soda.


There is no Legends. Don't matter who says it, license or not. They just don't have time to do their research. And George being a consultant doesn't really mean much. He's just a glorified employee of Robert Iger who has set the deadline and ain't trying to hear anything about Canon. Rob could give two about it. Everyone else involved includng George has to say things that coincide with Robert Iger's vision of his corporate marketing deadlines or get booted like the original script writer, who was writing the new movie even before Disney bought Star Wars. JJ didn't understand anything from the original script, because he just came out of the Star Trek universe, and never before picked up a novel, let alone a comic book of Star Wars. That's what the creative difference was about, between someone deep, deep in research (Michael Arndt) and someone who has not a clue or the time to get a clue (JJ). So now they're doing this mess.




Had they maybe chosen the path to take their time with the movie and its script, then yeah this would have some weight. But as of now, its just corporate marketing fluff, deadlines, poor excuses, and more nonsense just for a rushed movie.


I really hope people read this and understand. There is no Legends. What there is, is just known lore and lore mistakes. And it sounds like they want to prepare their target market for a ton of lore mistakes, to avoid a backlash from the fans, in the first week of the movie release. They know we will complain for years to come, but they want that first week to be complaint free. They're gambling on the wrong thing.


Wow.... Dude. It's all fiction. Calm the heck down. It's not like a Disney-LucasFilm "EU Removal Squad" will break down your door wearing Stormtrooper armor and Micky ears with flame throwers to destroy all your EU books, comics and games.

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