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Is SWTOR still canon?


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Can't tell if trolling or just has terrible taste.


Probably because it's neither. OFC, I was *maybe* 12 when I first read Foster's books and in my 20s when I read Zahn's, so maybe I would have appreciated Zahn more if they had been available when I was younger.

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I'm not talking personal. A loss of a single dollar is unjustified if another course of action that requires no greater effort saves it.


Pissing off a fraction of the fans,( no matter how small you claim that fraction is) does not make sense when you could've done otherwise at no cost to you and still met your goals.

Seems like you are taking it very personal. No one should be worried about Disney losing any money. I am sure they are not worried about it in the slightest. A couple of bucks here and there certainly won't bankrupt them any time soon. And there are always justified losses in business. I can't count the number of times that businesses I owned or worked for refused business from certain customers simply because the cost of dealing with those customers more than outweighed the loss of revenue we would have taken in from them.



You keep saying that but you bring no points to support it. And please, six levels of canon on paper (and I'm still waiting on proof for one of them) do not six actually used levels make. When was the last time anything from S-canon or whatever it's called made a difference to anything? What current EU work (or movie or the Clone Wars) made reference to something from, SW Galaxies for example? I can agree this entire level of canon is useless and if they had just gotten rid of that, I probably wouldn't even have noticed. But that's not what happened. And whatever "clutter" you think you see, chances are it was being ignored by everybody anyway. So your entire argument rests on something that's irrelevant to begin with.

I don't need points to support it. A system that needs multiple levels of "administration" when one would be sufficient is cumbersome by definition. It is also personal opinion based on that. I always believed that something should either be canon or not. Needing to explain the events in a specific piece of work by looking at six different levels of canonocity is nonsense in my mind.


It doesn't matter what you think of the official levels of canon. They are the official levels of canon made and used by the official "canon police" for the Star Wars universe. Like it or not, they are the ruling body on canon and they deemed that it was necessary to use 6 levels of canon to categorize everything. Now, thanks to Disney, we only need two - Official and Legends. As it should be.


I AM on Wookiepedia and there is no mention of "detour" canon.

An exact copy and paste from the wookieepedia page for D canon:

D is Detours Canon, used for material hailing from Star Wars Detours.[8]


Here is the c and p from wikipedia's entry on SW canon:

Classified separately from the other levels is D-canon or Detours canon, the canon of the animated comedy series Star Wars Detours.[9]



A hierarchy is not binary. The fact that EU could be superseded by Lucas did not diminish it's official standing one iota. Again, it was managed and administrated by the company, it had the official seal, it was official. Permanence of status is also not a requirement, as I'm sure all the changes to the movies themselves will tell you.

Indeed it is not, and canon does not (nor should canon be) a hierarchy. Something should either be official canon or non-canon. That is what we now finally have with the SW canon. It has been said time and again that G canon was the only "official" canon before this point. Everything else, while approved by the licensing division of LA and the "canon police", was never considered official canon - as the many, many quotes by Almighty George himself can attest.




And as I said, six different tiers were NOT actively used, and I still only count four (five with Clone Wars), one of which can be collapsed without throwing the entirety of the content in the crapper.

They were used, hence why they existed in the first place. Deny all you want, the facts are as plain as day and the evidence as long as the decades for which they have been in existence.


And yes, some people will be pissed, depending on what gets overwritten. I never denied that. But it's still better than ALL people being pissed (even if that fraction of a fanbase is as miniscule as you say, which I still don't buy).

Again, who is this "all" you are referring to. By all accounts, those as outraged as you are a very, very small minority of people who can be included in the terms "Star Wars fan" and "Star Wars lorehound." Again, most people don't give one whit of care about Star Wars canon, and for those that do, very few see the changes to the canon as any problem whatsoever.

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Who cares about fame, I care about quality. Not that Foster's books were high literature or anything, but at least I didn't nearly gag on my own vomit while reading them, which is something I can't say about the one of Zahn's that I did read.

Your tastes are of course your own, but this is irrelevant to this particular discussion. Whether you liked it or not, Heir to the Empire was the book that revitalized the Star Wars brand in the 90s and kicked off the EU as we know it. I'm not aware of Zahn saying he drew any influences from Foster's work but even if he did, the facts remain Zahn was a forefather of the EU and most of Foster's work was rolled over by the movies. Sadly, a year from now people will be saying Zahn's books were rolled over by the new movies. But their historical importance will remain at least.


(And as another minor point there is also "Infinities" which, although not necessarily its own "level" of canon, isn't really part of Legends or Canon)

Infinities are typically the "what if" stories, and I'm pretty sure the term has been used outside of Star Wars as well. But yeah, those have always been pretty clear on the non-canon side.

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No. I spent my money for official continuation of Star Wars Saga. SWTOR was official backstory for Star Wars Saga and used a lot from the EU. Now, since they stated everything that was published before "A New Dawn" is non-canon, why should I bother? I want official statement about SWTOR because I don't want to play a game that is irrelevant.


Possibly one of the most moronic things I've ever read.

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Seems like you are taking it very personal. No one should be worried about Disney losing any money. I am sure they are not worried about it in the slightest. A couple of bucks here and there certainly won't bankrupt them any time soon. And there are always justified losses in business. I can't count the number of times that businesses I owned or worked for refused business from certain customers simply because the cost of dealing with those customers more than outweighed the loss of revenue we would have taken in from them.

Of which this is not one of them as it could've been avoided. Surely this isn't hard to understand. The cost of keeping the non-conflicting parts of the EU is zero.


I don't need points to support it. A system that needs multiple levels of "administration" when one would be sufficient is cumbersome by definition. It is also personal opinion based on that. I always believed that something should either be canon or not. Needing to explain the events in a specific piece of work by looking at six different levels of canonocity is nonsense in my mind.

Well if it's just personal opinion, then we'll simply have to disagree. I'm fine with leaving that here unless you try to claim it as objective fact.


It doesn't matter what you think of the official levels of canon. They are the official levels of canon made and used by the official "canon police" for the Star Wars universe. Like it or not, they are the ruling body on canon and they deemed that it was necessary to use 6 levels of canon to categorize everything. Now, thanks to Disney, we only need two - Official and Legends. As it should be.

The design of any logical system must be such that it accounts for all elements it is designed to store as well as plan for overflow. If I design six tiers of any kind of information, I'm under no obligation to use all six equally or consistently. And if one or two tiers is barely populated and barely accessed the practical effect of having them is negligible.


An exact copy and paste from the wookieepedia page for D canon:

D is Detours Canon, used for material hailing from Star Wars Detours.[8]


Here is the c and p from wikipedia's entry on SW canon:

Classified separately from the other levels is D-canon or Detours canon, the canon of the animated comedy series Star Wars Detours.[9]

Nice try. Detours was never released and was postponed again in 2013, effectively making D Canon=0. That and the fact that it's ranked below N makes me think you're really reaching.


From what I'm seeing, Detours was supposed to be a Star Wars cartoon and it looks like Lucas' attempt to cash in on satirizing Star Wars after Family and Robot Chicken made their mark. You're really going to enter a canon discussion with that?


Look, clearly the old policy was slap a level on everything and if it doesn't fit make one. I can admit that that level of inclusivity is perhaps a tad extreme. That does nothing, however to justify destroying ALL of it. What it needed was pruning. What we got was scorched earth. That level of overreaction can only be seen as malevolent, all our dollar and cents talk aside.



It has been said time and again that G canon was the only "official" canon before this point. Everything else, while approved by the licensing division of LA and the "canon police", was never considered official canon - as the many, many quotes by Almighty George himself can attest.

You can keep saying that but it's not going to make it true. The fact is Lucas seemed to contradict himself on these views every other interview- and even then he was coming from a storyteller perspective re: his specific story and not some sweeping declaration from the heavens.


They were used, hence why they existed in the first place. Deny all you want, the facts are as plain as day and the evidence as long as the decades for which they have been in existence.

Classifying something as S or D, if you prefer, does not constitute actively "using" that tier to define the continuity. I keep asking, find me one piece of S-canon content that's been used or even referenced in the modern EU, to the detriment of the referencing work.


Again, who is this "all" you are referring to. By all accounts, those as outraged as you are a very, very small minority of people who can be included in the terms "Star Wars fan" and "Star Wars lorehound." Again, most people don't give one whit of care about Star Wars canon, and for those that do, very few see the changes to the canon as any problem whatsoever.

Everyone who's invested in the EU has preferences. If one work is rendered non-canon, some may care some may not, depending on whether they were particularly attached to that work. By deleting the entire EU, you ensure everyone will be pissed out of the subset of people who would be upset by such a move. No matter how small you think that subset is, pissing them off is still unnecessary and needlessly dickish, given the an alternative was avaialble to avoid it at no extra cost.

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Correct in substance, but just to clarify a minor point: the novel A New Dawn and the comic miniseries Darth Maul, Son of Dathomir are Canon, too.


(And as another minor point there is also "Infinities" which, although not necessarily its own "level" of canon, isn't really part of Legends or Canon)


Ah, I had not heard that. If that is the case then I stand corrected.

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Your tastes are of course your own, but this is irrelevant to this particular discussion. Whether you liked it or not, Heir to the Empire was the book that revitalized the Star Wars brand in the 90s and kicked off the EU as we know it. I'm not aware of Zahn saying he drew any influences from Foster's work but even if he did, the facts remain Zahn was a forefather of the EU and most of Foster's work was rolled over by the movies. Sadly, a year from now people will be saying Zahn's books were rolled over by the new movies. But their historical importance will remain at least.


And your tastes and opinions are of course your own. I'm not sure what you mean by saying the Heir "revitalized" the Star Wars brand in the '90s; I'm pretty sure that The Phantom Menace was what did that. I didn't hear about Heir until well after I heard about TPM.


And I wasn't saying that TZ took anything from ADF, just that ADF was the first author in the SW franchise (and that ADF was closer to "canon" than TZ ever was). What's sad is that people actually care about "canon" when it's been clear from the start (with the ADF novels) that Lucas would let almost anybody use the SW name for a buck and a cup of coffee (cup of coffee optional) and then proceed to do whatever he wanted with the next movie.


The whole SW universe (Lucas + licensed contributors) is a hack. It was fun to watch as a kid, there are truly beautiful moments that could (but never really did) inspire great storytelling. The only thing good about the "extended universe" is the games, and that's because games inherently impose order (rules), and the SW universe is otherwise a literary garbage dump of The Force Ex Machina plots with holes larger than the galaxies in which the stories take place.

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And your tastes and opinions are of course your own. I'm not sure what you mean by saying the Heir "revitalized" the Star Wars brand in the '90s; I'm pretty sure that The Phantom Menace was what did that. I didn't hear about Heir until well after I heard about TPM.

Phantom Menace came out in 99, Heir to the Empire came out in 91. At the start of the 90s the Star Wars brand was fading from relevance. Heir to the Empire is what kept it floating until Phantom Menace.


And I wasn't saying that TZ took anything from ADF, just that ADF was the first author in the SW franchise (and that ADF was closer to "canon" than TZ ever was). What's sad is that people actually care about "canon" when it's been clear from the start (with the ADF novels) that Lucas would let almost anybody use the SW name for a buck and a cup of coffee (cup of coffee optional) and then proceed to do whatever he wanted with the next movie.


The whole SW universe (Lucas + licensed contributors) is a hack. It was fun to watch as a kid, there are truly beautiful moments that could (but never really did) inspire great storytelling. The only thing good about the "extended universe" is the games, and that's because games inherently impose order (rules), and the SW universe is otherwise a literary garbage dump of The Force Ex Machina plots with holes larger than the galaxies in which the stories take place.

A novelization is closer to canon than an original story? I'm shocked.


I'd argue against the rest but I get the feeling this is again pure opinion stated as fact, and were I to try and dissuade you, we'd end up with page-long posts of meticulous quotes and replies, like me and TravelersWay are already doing. So to each his own. You don't care about canon good for you. For me, the EU meant more than half the movies Lucas put out and now it's gone (or I'm forced to consider new material a reboot or whatever).

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Phantom Menace came out in 99, Heir to the Empire came out in 91. At the start of the 90s the Star Wars brand was fading from relevance. Heir to the Empire is what kept it floating until Phantom Menace.


I know the timeline. I became a teenager around the time Jedi came out, and given how "for children" it was (compared to what I had expected), and the fact that most merchandise (action figures, etc.) was aimed towards children, I quickly lost interest in it. There were some good video games years later (X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing v. TIE Fighter), but they didn't have any story continuity, so I played them because of the theme (and b/c they were good), but they didn't get me "back into the story". I was aware of the PNP RPG line, but it never really caught my interest. So while I was aware of the fact that SW merchandising was alive and kicking, I wasn't exactly following it. I only started to pay attention once I heard that new movies were being made (which was years before the film was actually released -- IIRC, it was about '96-'97 when I heard about them, and when I read one of Zahn's books).


A novelization is closer to canon than an original story? I'm shocked.


I'd argue against the rest but I get the feeling this is again pure opinion stated as fact, and were I to try and dissuade you, we'd end up with page-long posts of meticulous quotes and replies, like me and TravelersWay are already doing. So to each his own. You don't care about canon good for you. For me, the EU meant more than half the movies Lucas put out and now it's gone (or I'm forced to consider new material a reboot or whatever).


It's my opinion stated as...my opinion. At least I think it was obviously an opinion, so I didn't feel the need to say IMO all over the place. And you misread -- I wasn't holding up ADF as being closer to canon, I was pointing out that Lucas didn't even write the original book, and he ignored Splinter (and the licensed Marvel comics) when he made Empire (and later, Jedi), so I'm not sure why anybody ever thought that Lucas would ever feel bound by stuff other people wrote, much less whether or not a third party purchasing Lucas's rights would feel it necessary to show [the books] any more respect than Lucas did. I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, just that any expectation than future movies would preserve the specific book lore that any individual thought "necessary" was unrealistic from the start. If you liked a given book, you should still like it, and not care whether or not future movies or games adhere to it.


IMO! The last four movies were crap, as was pretty much everything I've read or experienced in the EU (including KOTOR and SWTOR). That said, I like(d) BW's other CRPGs, and I thought KOTOR and SWTOR were/are good, I just don't look too closely at the flavor text. And (in case it wasn't clear), the main reason I don't like the SW universe stuff is because I think it is too loose -- too many Deus Ex Machina moments and too many "it's magic" force powers, which are things that I dislike about many fantasy/sci-fi series.


The reasons why the games actually work for me is because they are games -- there has to be balance between [player] classes, opponents need to be challenging, and there must be some sort of underlying logical structue; and that means there are rules and limitations. If I could criticize one thing about SWTOR's storylines, it would be that there are too many parts where characters have abilities in the Class Story that aren't present in the game itself.

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It's my opinion stated as...my opinion. At least I think it was obviously an opinion, so I didn't feel the need to say IMO all over the place. And you misread -- I wasn't holding up ADF as being closer to canon, I was pointing out that Lucas didn't even write the original book, and he ignored Splinter (and the licensed Marvel comics) when he made Empire (and later, Jedi), so I'm not sure why anybody ever thought that Lucas would ever feel bound by stuff other people wrote, much less whether or not a third party purchasing Lucas's rights would feel it necessary to show [the books] any more respect than Lucas did. I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, just that any expectation than future movies would preserve the specific book lore that any individual thought "necessary" was unrealistic from the start. If you liked a given book, you should still like it, and not care whether or not future movies or games adhere to it.

Nobody thought Lucas was bound by the EU. But then he never went out of his way to destroy it either. He just did his own thing. And if Disney had followed suit, I'd probably have no beef except for mourning the parts they did roll over.

But Disney did not show the EU the respect Lucas did. They **** on them all whether they were in the way or not. Lucas only **** on something if it had the misfortune of being under him when it was time to do the business. And what adds insult to injury is that Disney's policy in vacuum does respect non-movie works more by equalizing the canon. Just not our canon, the one we know and love.


And again, it's not the worth of the individual stories that's diminished, it's that of the universe as a whole. Whether you disliked the way they did things or not, the old SW universe was rich with history, a unified (mostly consistent) continuity. Picking up a book, playing a game or re-watching the movies, it was all enhanced by the feeling that they were more than just a simple story, they were windows into a larger, grander (inb4 Pagy) fictional universe.


And now it's all over.


IMO! The last four movies were crap, as was pretty much everything I've read or experienced in the EU (including KOTOR and SWTOR). That said, I like(d) BW's other CRPGs, and I thought KOTOR and SWTOR were/are good, I just don't look too closely at the flavor text. And (in case it wasn't clear), the main reason I don't like the SW universe stuff is because I think it is too loose -- too many Deus Ex Machina moments and too many "it's magic" force powers, which are things that I dislike about many fantasy/sci-fi series.

If that's the case, what made you like the originals?

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Nobody thought Lucas was bound by the EU. But then he never went out of his way to destroy it either. He just did his own thing. And if Disney had followed suit, I'd probably have no beef except for mourning the parts they did roll over.

But Disney did not show the EU the respect Lucas did. They **** on them all whether they were in the way or not. Lucas only **** on something if it had the misfortune of being under him when it was time to do the business. And what adds insult to injury is that Disney's policy in vacuum does respect non-movie works more by equalizing the canon. Just not our canon, the one we know and love.


And again, it's not the worth of the individual stories that's diminished, it's that of the universe as a whole. Whether you disliked the way they did things or not, the old SW universe was rich with history, a unified (mostly consistent) continuity. Picking up a book, playing a game or re-watching the movies, it was all enhanced by the feeling that they were more than just a simple story, they were windows into a larger, grander (inb4 Pagy) fictional universe.


And now it's all over.


Wow...and you accused *me* of stating opinion as fact? I can absolutely guarantee you that Disney rejecting the EU as canon did not affect the canon that *we* know and love. The phrase "Good riddance to bad rubbish" comes to mind. After Jedi, I absolutely never thought that there was a "grander fictional universe" (and I had already started losing faith with Empire), and the thought of the EU as "windows" into that universe makes me think of coming come early and finding that my roommate was taking a dump with the bathroom door open.


Obviously it meant more than that to *you*, but you need to tone down the collective butthurt level if you want to represent everybody.



If that's the case, what made you like the originals?


1) I was 9.

2) They [star Wars and Empire] were pretty. They were some of my firsts. I'll always have a place in my heart for them. But at the end of the day, I know why I'm not going home to/with them.

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You're right my bad. So, what exactly would it prove? It has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, doing so in this current setting would be pretty meaningless for exactly the reason you put in quotes.



But hey that's not what you asked, right? Well how about this - Zahn's books actually weren't the start of the EU. Something else was, and in fact the things in the books were based on material that was provided to Zahn via this other product. Can you tell me what it is?



YOU keep bringing it up making it the main part of your argument so im guessing it must prove a lot and it must have a lot to do with the topic at han!!


you are correct you have splinter of the minds eye and the han solo books and the lando books... which one o those are you talking bout?? or are you not talking about a book?? again stop trying to be so cryptic and just say what you are talking about, you keep saying there was all this licensing and marketing going on but you cant or just dont ever say what this big mystery item is and it must be relevant to this topic because you keep bringing it up s

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Wow...and you accused *me* of stating opinion as fact? I can absolutely guarantee you that Disney rejecting the EU as canon did not affect the canon that *we* know and love. The phrase "Good riddance to bad rubbish" comes to mind. After Jedi, I absolutely never thought that there was a "grander fictional universe" (and I had already started losing faith with Empire), and the thought of the EU as "windows" into that universe makes me think of coming come early and finding that my roommate was taking a dump with the bathroom door open.


Obviously it meant more than that to *you*, but you need to tone down the collective butthurt level if you want to represent everybody.


1) I was 9.

2) They [star Wars and Empire] were pretty. They were some of my firsts. I'll always have a place in my heart for them. But at the end of the day, I know why I'm not going home to/with them.

I apologize if the thought of my "we" statement including you caused offense. If you hate Star Wars apart from the nostalgia factor and some games, then clearly you and I are on different pages.


For people that do love the canon though, this is a huge blow. That's how I see it. If they see it differently, more power to them.

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I apologize if the thought of my "we" statement including you caused offense. If you hate Star Wars apart from the nostalgia factor and some games, then clearly you and I are on different pages.


For people that do love the canon though, this is a huge blow. That's how I see it. If they see it differently, more power to them.


I don't hate Star Wars, I just accept it for what it is (and isn't). I don't see why this would be a huge blow for people who love the EU, though. Nobody is taking your books and lore away, just nobody is planning on filming it, but (to my knowledge) nobody was ever planning on filming it, so you haven't really lost anything.

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I don't hate Star Wars, I just accept it for what it is (and isn't). I don't see why this would be a huge blow for people who love the EU, though. Nobody is taking your books and lore away, just nobody is planning on filming it, but (to my knowledge) nobody was ever planning on filming it, so you haven't really lost anything.


IMHO, the main issue is that every single new novel is supposed to adhere to the new canon and be part of it.


Unless TOR is made part of the new cannon, I guess I can forget the idea of having more novels like Annihilation, Deceived or Revan, the kind of material that SHOULD fill the void between expansions.


Such an utter waste.

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I don't hate Star Wars, I just accept it for what it is (and isn't). I don't see why this would be a huge blow for people who love the EU, though. Nobody is taking your books and lore away, just nobody is planning on filming it, but (to my knowledge) nobody was ever planning on filming it, so you haven't really lost anything.


You hate (most of) the movies, like the rest only because of nostalgia, hate all EU except for games because they're games... that conclusion is not hard to come to. But you do your thing. Far be it from me to tell you your opinions lol.


Nobody is taking my books but they are taking the lore away. Prior to Disney's middle finger nuke, the game we're playing right now influenced the world we saw in the movies (in-universe). Now for all we know the universe is the way it is because of anthropomorphic fuzzy animals. The grand universe [i and like minded people] know and love is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late canon. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If it wasn't a non-tangible idea it'd be pushing up daisies. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-continuity.

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You hate (most of) the movies, like the rest only because of nostalgia, hate all EU except for games because they're games... that conclusion is not hard to come to. But you do your thing. Far be it from me to tell you your opinions lol.


Nobody is taking my books but they are taking the lore away. Prior to Disney's middle finger nuke, the game we're playing right now influenced the world we saw in the movies (in-universe). Now for all we know the universe is the way it is because of anthropomorphic fuzzy animals. The grand universe [i and like minded people] know and love is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late canon. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If it wasn't a non-tangible idea it'd be pushing up daisies. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-continuity.


Oh yeah, I vividly remember the movies mentionig that time my Consular saved the Order from a plague, or the tales of ancinet conspiracy to bring down both Jedi and Sith orders... oh wait, no I don't.

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Oh yeah, I vividly remember the movies mentionig that time my Consular saved the Order from a plague, or the tales of ancinet conspiracy to bring down both Jedi and Sith orders... oh wait, no I don't.

Do you also remember the President mentioning Thermopylae during the whole Iraq fiasco? Or even the Civil War or Vietnam?


You gonna tell me those don't matter to today's military mentality either?

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Do you also remember the President mentioning Thermopylae during the whole Iraq fiasco? Or even the Civil War or Vietnam?


You gonna tell me those don't matter to today's military mentality either?


I think few people mentioned Vietnam when talking about Iraq and Afghanistan.


However, you claimed that this game affected what happened in the movies, and that now does not apply. The same thing could be said about Thermopylae. Who knows if there were no fuzzy creatures involved, because it all happened long time ago.

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You hate (most of) the movies, like the rest only because of nostalgia, hate all EU except for games because they're games... that conclusion is not hard to come to. But you do your thing. Far be it from me to tell you your opinions lol.


You keep using this word hate...I don't think it means what you think it means. I've been quite clear about what I think about the SW universe -- if I had wanted to use the word 'hate', I would have.


Nobody is taking my books but they are taking the lore away. Prior to Disney's middle finger nuke, the game we're playing right now influenced the world we saw in the movies (in-universe). Now for all we know the universe is the way it is because of anthropomorphic fuzzy animals. The grand universe [i and like minded people] know and love is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late canon. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If it wasn't a non-tangible idea it'd be pushing up daisies. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-continuity.


Nobody is taking anything away or saying that anything that happened didn't happen. Nobody is pulling a Lucas and modifying the previous works to excise whatever you think they already incorporated. To my knowledge, all that Disney is doing is saying that nothing that wasn't already incorporated should be assumed to have happened, and that new content will only be required to adhere to a more limited set of works. The only way I see something that was already written "going away" is if a new work explicitly does something that would contradict the Legendary work. I'm sure it will happen, but it's hard to evaluate whether any specific "change" is good or bad until it does happen.

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