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Producer Letter – Galactic Strongholds


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Why else? Come here and watch people get excited over something that isn't going to be big at all lol. This game will go on because it has lightsabers. People would play it if they sold raid gear in the cartel market.


And to see just how bad things have been done compared to Wildstar which is in beta.


Ah, the standard "This game is a cashgrab, but I'm willing to spend 15 bucks a month to complain about it instead of moving on to the other game I can't seem to shut up about"

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Ah, the standard "This game is a cashgrab, but I'm willing to spend 15 bucks a month to complain about it instead of moving on to the other game I can't seem to shut up about"


Already have moved onto it. Sub is cancelled. 15 days left and then open beta for Wildstar, goodbye Swtor and goodbye F2P cartel market.

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Sad part is. Nothing they do with Strongholds can hold a candle to Wildstar housing.


You haven't even seen how Housing in this game is going to work and you're comparing it to a game in Beta.


Your opinion falls flat on it's back and is one not to be taken seriously.

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So on May 11th Subs Still Get a Stronghold Correct?


No. We never were going to get them on May 11th. That was the date you needed to subscribe by to qualify for early access in June. Now it seems the June early access has been pushed back to August. Official launch is now October.

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Conquering a planet is done through completion of Conquest Events, which are PvE Missions.


Also, I know this is big news so I am going to be sticking around in the thread answering questions as I can. We probably aren't going to talk too much about the details of each feature yet but I will answer what I can :)




Are these Conquest Events going to be in the form of 8 or 16 man ops group raids? Or is it something 4 people can do? It can be hard to get 8-16 people in my guild online at the same time, so it would be great if they had some conquest events for smaller groups.

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LOL, reading comprehension sure ain't a strong suit amongst the SWTOR crowd, is it?


I can read and comprehend just fine. Asking for clarification on a point as opposed to merely assuming is generally seen as a smart move in most circles.

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Already have moved onto it. Sub is cancelled. 15 days left and then open beta for Wildstar, goodbye Swtor and goodbye F2P cartel market.


I beta tested WildStar through several rounds, and it's a fun game, but in the end I decided not to buy it or subscribe. For some reason it just didn't pull me in. Also, I honestly think they've doomed themselves with their payment model. Like many MMO they think they are the exception that can make the monthly sub model work, and I just can't see it working in today's world. (And "Play to Pay" only works for super hardcore players, who are too few to an MMO to make it a success.)


All that said, I wish WildStar and you all the success in the world. The Devs over there are great, and deserve all the props in the world for the way they've engaged the community. I hope it works.


Also, if you've truly decided to stop playing here and play over there, do WildStar, SWTOR and yourself a big favor and just leave without this kind of public ranting. Your posts here will never convince anyone to try the game, and it won't convince anyone here to quit. All it's doing is contributing to the downward spiral of forum trash talk, which isn't good for anyone.

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Not necessarily. If they tailor the BASICS around the idea of tiny guilds(small prices), with increasingly expensive upgrades, then each guild has something to strive for.


In other words, make the basic Guild Ship stupidly cheap. Like 5 million. With all the basic amenities and perks.


But, the UPGRADES will cost an arm and a leg because they're luxuries and not part of the basic plan. This gives large/rich guilds something to put their money into, but doesn't short-change the smaller guilds.

I hope you are right.

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I beta tested WildStar through several rounds, and it's a fun game, but in the end I decided not to buy it or subscribe. For some reason it just didn't pull me in. Also, I honestly think they've doomed themselves with their payment model. Like many MMO they think they are the exception that can make the monthly sub model work, and I just can't see it working in today's world. (And "Play to Pay" only works for super hardcore players, who are too few to an MMO to make it a success.)


All that said, I wish WildStar and you all the success in the world. The Devs over there are great, and deserve all the props in the world for the way they've engaged the community. I hope it works.


Also, if you've truly decided to stop playing here and play over there, do WildStar, SWTOR and yourself a big favor and just leave without this kind of public ranting. Your posts here will never convince anyone to try the game, and it won't convince anyone here to quit. All it's doing is contributing to the downward spiral of forum trash talk, which isn't good for anyone.


I want to say Thank you for this post. This was very respectful and very rare in the forums lately. Thank you and have a good day.

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Will conquering a planet be faction specific (1 guild of each faction) or will only 1 guild from both factions be able to conquer the planet?


If its the second we might see some world pvp to prevent enemy faction from completing quests :rak_03: (unless the quests are instantiated :p)

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You haven't even seen how Housing in this game is going to work and you're comparing it to a game in Beta.


Your opinion falls flat on it's back and is one not to be taken seriously.


Alright so when Wildstar launches and swtor finally has housing. You can compare the features from each one. I can tell just by the way they are talking freeform movement of everything at your housing plot won't be in. Unless you can have a ferris wheel at your stronghold in swtor they are lacking already lol

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Are these Conquest Events going to be in the form of 8 or 16 man ops group raids? Or is it something 4 people can do? It can be hard to get 8-16 people in my guild online at the same time, so it would be great if they had some conquest events for smaller groups.


I have to assume that most of them will be 4-man things, since the process 'has' to acknowledge that most guilds are small things.

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