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Producer Letter – Galactic Strongholds


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Haven't you heard?: their game engine is like, literally the worst. Knowing this, and that EA will not allocate them the resources to upgrade the engine to acceptable standards, small scale open world skirmishes across multiple points should be encouraged over large scale battles. Besides: I love open world pvp, but not zerg fests.


Bioware AUstin have hired numerous engine programmers with proper experience in the last months. At least around 10 of them.


I think they are doing some kind of overhaul on engine at 3.0


And this theory can be somewhat supported by the fact that the game is earning REALLY well, according to EA earning calls, and it's plausible to think those hires are done with new funds allocated.

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Yes, I understand that he was claiming that Ilum had a kill-trading problem, what I was asking is if there's ever been any official statements, or any other sort of actual evidence, that it was a significant or widespread problem.


I'm not saying it never happened, but BW rolling back some people's valor levels doesn't mean that "many PVPers" were kill-trading, or that PVPers in general "have to be treated like children". That would be the same as claiming that just because BW rolled back some PVPers' Ranked scores, "many" players were win-trading, or that Ranked players "have to be treated like children".


He was making some sweeping generalizations about PVPers, I am just asking if there was any evidence to match the scope of his claims. Especially because he's using those generalizations as a reason for why he thinks the devs should have a specific "treat them like children" design approach to future PVP content.


If all he's basing those generalizations on is anecdotal evidence... well then the restrictive, hand-holding design approach he's suggesting seems more like a case of 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater', rather than a proportional response to a problem. The extent of the problem is very relevant to determining the appropriateness of the response.


How about the fact that they changed the way pvp worked on Ilum 3 times before they just removed it all together. The first time was the win trading on objectives, then they changed it to kills.


When they did that people just stormed the taxi area and annhilate everyone that come near.


Then they changed it again where it was objective and kills total. People started trading kills and win trading.


They even stated at the guild summit that the win trading on Ilum was a big issue. Videos were all over the internet and showing the problem with it.


No one is saying Bioware is free of guilt from this, they built the system so they play a role in it. But to say pvpers didn't put this on themselves is doing a disservice to what happen. PvPers and players in General have to take a hard look in the mirror and realize We Messed Up, and we are responsible for loosing Open World PvP.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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I really like how this expansion takes shape but have a few small question that really bugs me right now...


1. How fixed is that the subscriber reward stronghold is on Nar Shadaa? There is a good chance that it will be my main home, but I really hate that place :\ I can understand not having them on the capital planets becouse of the faction problems, but at least a choice between Tatooine and Nar Shadaa would be nice. (Until we can have a nice penthouse on Alderaan with the view to the mountains :D )


2. Will there be any kind of upkeep/rent fee for the strongholds/guild ships, or I just have to buy them once and that's all. I think it's obvious what I'd like (buy once then nothing :D ) but I've seen both systems in other games so I really would like to know.


3. This maybe way too early to ask, but: will there be a way to sell the strongholds? Not necessarely to other players, but if I want to move on another planet or just get rid of a stronghold I'm bored of...

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I'm kind of confused on the extra rooms bit.


The video is unclear on if additional rooms come with default architecture/trappings denoting the purpose of the room IE do I by a room based purely off size parameters or do I buy Bedroom 3, Trophy room 6, Refresher 2, each with default wall colours and trappings for labelled purpose?


Also is the final layout of the room modular, such as if the main room has 3 doors, can I dictate the attached rooms, or are they set in locked code. Do some rooms require prerequisite rooms such as a Hallway before they can be added, and when adding rooms can you change the layout? Could you be locked with Main room leading the Bedroom leading to Trophy room, because you poorly planned ahead?

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I was looking forward to it coming out soon but if it means only half well done and buggy and not interestng,

im glad then that there taking the time to work on it to make it worth while.

Im all for having player cities, player politics that inflence the game, planetary faction planet points,

player organized events, less theme park and more player involvement , all for it.

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I really like how this expansion takes shape but have a few small question that really bugs me right now...


1. How fixed is that the subscriber reward stronghold is on Nar Shadaa? There is a good chance that it will be my main home, but I really hate that place :\ I can understand not having them on the capital planets becouse of the faction problems, but at least a choice between Tatooine and Nar Shadaa would be nice. (Until we can have a nice penthouse on Alderaan with the view to the mountains :D )


2. Will there be any kind of upkeep/rent fee for the strongholds/guild ships, or I just have to buy them once and that's all. I think it's obvious what I'd like (buy once then nothing :D ) but I've seen both systems in other games so I really would like to know.


1. I believe it's fixed setting. The subscriber benifit only works for Nar Shadaa and you have to purchase the Tatooine one with your own credtis.


2. I believe they already stated that you pay for it once and its yours, no rent fee.

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I'm kind of confused on the extra rooms bit.


The video is unclear on if additional rooms come with default architecture/trappings denoting the purpose of the room IE do I by a room based purely off size parameters or do I buy Bedroom 3, Trophy room 6, Refresher 2, each with default wall colours and trappings for labelled purpose?


Also is the final layout of the room modular, such as if the main room has 3 doors, can I dictate the attached rooms, or are they set in locked code. Do some rooms require prerequisite rooms such as a Hallway before they can be added, and when adding rooms can you change the layout? Could you be locked with Main room leading the Bedroom leading to Trophy room, because you poorly planned ahead?


You buy a Standard one room for 250K then you have the option to buy addional rooms after that (rate goes up significantly each time you purchase an additional room). Those who subscribe by May 11th will automatically get 5 Rooms for their stronghold on Nar Shadaa.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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How about the fact that they changed the way pvp worked on Ilum 3 times before they just removed it all together. The first time was the win trading on objectives, then they changed it to kills.


When they did that people just stormed the taxi area and annhilate everyone that come near.


Then they changed it again where it was objective and kills total. People started trading kills and win trading.


They even stated at the guild summit that the win trading on Ilum was a big issue. Videos were all over the internet and showing the problem with it.


No one is saying Bioware is free of guilt from this, they built the system so they play a role in it. But to say pvpers didn't put this on themselves is doing a disservice to what happen. PvPers and players in General have to take a hard look in the mirror and realize We Messed Up, and we are responsible for loosing Open World PvP.


I'm not sure if I entirely agree or disagree tbh.


On one hand I agree that the poor implementation of early Ilum led to the ultimate dismantling of it, and thus ending WPvP (outside of pvp servers at least). Those who exploited the system indeed played a hand in this, though not alone.


On the other hand, to go so long without any real WPvP content feels like a slap in the face. My guild and many on our server (and other servers as I've seen) love WPvP and the ever changing scenarios, tactics, and settings it encompasses as opposed to stale warzones. I realize we are a small niche of players, especially on game largely dominated by a PvE crowd.


I just want a proper WPvP system in place that mitigates as much exploitation as possible. People will always find a way to cut corners and cheat the system. But if you implement it properly and make it harder to do so, I think their numbers will drastically decline and we will see an enjoyable addition to the game we all enjoy. That's why we're all here right? To enjoy a game! :)

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Im hoping you are correct, but most of the time i dont see the devs answering questions about guilds and guild features we want. But with this update i fear this is "THE" guild update and if we dont get all the features the guild leaders are looking for it may be a LONG time before we see any love for guilds and guild leaders.


So i have narrowed my long list of guild features i would like to see down to only 3.


1. Guild mail. GL and officers able to send to ALL or certain levels of mail as decided by the guild leader.


2. Can we pretty please get a GUILD RECRUITER on the fleet and starter planets? the guild recruiter would have a searchable list of all guilds with a guild leader written description of the guild with a minimum of 1 page "available" to them. Once a player applies to a guild a mail would be sent to the guild leader and officers, it would allow you to accept or reject the player EVEN IF THE PLAYER IS OFFLINE.


3. Guild calendar on the left side of the character selection screen, ( also in game if possible ). Allows GL and officers to add / edit events and user to sign up and set availability with choice of characters. this would allow guilds to better co-ordinate guild PVP and PVE activities




Well, it's plain that the developers 'want' us in Guilds. The incentives are there for a reason.
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All that I can do is to reiterate what Jack Wood (Producer on Stronghold's Team) said at our Boston event "We want Flagships to be something that Guilds strive to acquire" :rak_03:




Then I hope you guys have the foresight to include more than one way to obtain them as most guilds are not HUGE guilds, most are relatively small. My guild for example has been around since before launch, and were still subscribed but we are only half a dozen people. We are FAR from rolling in gajillions of creds despite the ridiculous number of 55's between us all.


If you put silly price tags or methods of acquirement on them then guild flagships will just end up the territory of big guids, which will just be a slap in the face to everyone else (i.e the upteen millions of small guilds like my own).


Something to consider.

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OK it sucks its pushed back but we will get more perks, which make it, worth the wait then.

But i just don't want pets and companions standing around in one place like the companions do on our ships now.

I want them mingling and interacting with each other. The companions don't actually have to say any thing to each other just perpetrate like they are, as well the pets mingle and play and jump around together or off asleep in a corner of a room or something. Make it life like not a warehouse for storing MANNEQUINS. Same thing on ships they should move about as well.

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Then I hope you guys have the foresight to include more than one way to obtain them as most guilds are not HUGE guilds, most are relatively small. My guild for example has been around since before launch, and were still subscribed but we are only half a dozen people. We are FAR from rolling in gajillions of creds despite the ridiculous number of 55's between us all.


If you put silly price tags or methods of acquirement on them then guild flagships will just end up the territory of big guids, which will just be a slap in the face to everyone else (i.e the upteen millions of small guilds like my own).


Something to consider.


And they've said, repeatedly, that they have FULL access to all knowledge regarding all guilds and how much money those guilds tend to run with and have on hand at any given moment.


And they're designing the costs with all that information on hand.


But, just to put it into perspective, my own guild is a solid 8man group with a few hanger-ons and hardcore soloists. In all, about 12 people are active on a regular basis.


When Guild Ships were announced, I think we had about a mil in the Gbank because it simply didn't matter. What was the point to having Guild funds? We all had enough credits to pay our own bills.


Since Guild Ships were announced, we turned things around and we're at about 22mil in the Gbank and I imagine we'll have 50mil or so by the time Guild Ships get here in August. That's the goal, at least. Enough money to get the basic ship and the first round of the cheapest upgrades.


After that, we'll actually have something to work toward earning for the Guild. We fully expect the 'expensive' upgrades to be 15mil each and we're okay with that because long-term goals are a good thing for a guild to have.

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Thanks for the update and the transparency!


I'm great with waiting for polished flush content. I also think its great you are adding what other games are adding as well. I.e WOW's new xpac has a stronghold function and Wildstars player housing being so comprehensive.


If you are going to put this in the game take the time to make it AS LEAST AS GOOD AS wildstars player housing. Dont be sub-par it does not keep the player attention for long. How many ppl still grind out the original space missions?


Keep up the great work I feel the game is going in a good direction!

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And they've said, repeatedly, that they have FULL access to all knowledge regarding all guilds and how much money those guilds tend to run with and have on hand at any given moment.


And they're designing the costs with all that information on hand.


But, just to put it into perspective, my own guild is a solid 8man group with a few hanger-ons and hardcore soloists. In all, about 12 people are active on a regular basis.


When Guild Ships were announced, I think we had about a mil in the Gbank because it simply didn't matter. What was the point to having Guild funds? We all had enough credits to pay our own bills.


Since Guild Ships were announced, we turned things around and we're at about 22mil in the Gbank and I imagine we'll have 50mil or so by the time Guild Ships get here in August. That's the goal, at least. Enough money to get the basic ship and the first round of the cheapest upgrades.


After that, we'll actually have something to work toward earning for the Guild. We fully expect the 'expensive' upgrades to be 15mil each and we're okay with that because long-term goals are a good thing for a guild to have.


I've been over this threads Dev posts a number of times since this thread was made and no they havent repeatedly stated such a thing indeed info on expected pricing has been largely nil beyond the guilds will have to work for it quote.


Im impressed your smallish guild has managed to gather such a sum but if you think having that amount of cash on hand for a guild of your size or smaller is normal I think your deluding yourself a little.


But that aside the point I'm making is that when guilds are not STANDARD in size or role, to include a feature for "guilds" (not groups) that has been requested by us since before launch and since that it absolutely HAS to take into consideration the fact that this feature is something we are ALL paying for to be developed via our subs so should be reasonably accessible to ALL guilds, irrespective of size or activity.


Guilds simply should not be treated differently or beneficially simply because they are large. Guilds serve a sole purpose i.e to bring players together for common cause. There is no greater meaning to that purpose for a guild with 500 than there is a guild with 4 or 5. A guild is a guild is a guild. It would be bad to set a precedent where guild features are exclusive or exponentially easier for larger guilds because that implies they see smaller guilds as being less valuable or worthwhile and yet I assure you the worth and value of our subscribers £/$ are no different.


I should further clarify that statement as to say that does not mean it should be free or necessarily easy or quick to get, but it DOES need to be attainable by ANY guild of ANY size and of ANY type of activity within a reasonably sensible time period and for a reasonably sensible amount of time and effort.


Frankly I'd prefer it not be attained or upgraded by credits at all as that makes no sense as far as the IP goes, better instead to have attainable via a rep or commendation system that implies it is a reward for efforts to your respective faction instead that you have earned by doing things for your respective faction. And that would also be more in line with how most faction related rewards work in the game atm anyway.

Edited by NeoWolf
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Hey Kesphin,


If you had bought subscription time to make insure that you were a sub for the May 11th Early Access promotion, that remains unchanged. In fact, you actually are getting more now than you would have before! (2 additional rooms, mini-pet, and title).


Your subscription actually bought more, not less :rak_03:




Exept he dont get that early acces right ? He clearly states that was the main reason he subbed. Now i'm not arguing that you should start the early acces if your not ready for it, but saying he gets more now than before is quite a stretch. Ofc if depends on how long he subbed for, if he just subbed 1 month your right, but then Again, he said early acces was the main reason he subbed so my guess is he subbed for a period stretching into the early acces.


Again, i'm not arguing for a release of something that's not ready. At most give something to people who were eligable for early acces at the previous date. I dont see them getting early acces though.

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