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Everything posted by Btrippe

  1. So, I was watching the swtor stream, and I'm a bit confused. They said that commendations will be basic/elite/ultimate so does that mean all of my ultimate comms I get now will be able to buy me crazy good level 60 gear? If so that seems a bit wierd.
  2. So, I have been constantly checking Dufly for any new information on Shadow of Revan, and I saw that story wise, there will be two faction "arcs" and a solo class missions for each class. So that means two arcs and 8 single class quests, do y'all think with this structure there is any chance they might add class quests in patches, instead of only on expansions? Just a thought. I loved the class quests and would like more than one quest every year lol.
  3. Ok, so I am going to start off this post by saying that this is just a crazy conspiracy theory and probably doesn't hold any water. With that said, I will state my theory. (Potential Spoilers) In SWTOR, Revan "died". In SWTOR the emperor "died". The Revan I met through the Republic side flashpoints did not seem to have the malice this current Revan has. This is my theory. -With both Revan and the Emperor's physical forms killed, being mentally linked for centuries, and both being crazy powerful in the force, they some how came back (that part could be a hundred different ways) as a merging of the two personalities. -The Emperor's will to destroy the Republic, Revan's will to destroy the Empire, the opportunity afforded to them through the Followers of Revan, form what I believe to be this new "Revan". -This is more speculation, but I think the Emperor is the dominant one of the two right now, and our goal will be to defeat Revan and separate the two powerful personalities, pretty crazy awesome theory, I think. -Also, I could be totally wrong, but I don't think Bioware is going to end their character's personality on a bad note, but that is just a personal comment. (Yes, I know its probably wrong)
  4. Yes I know, SWTOR was swept under the rug of the extended universe of non canon material by Disney. But in that statement, Disney said, that any star wars content released from now on will be canon. Does that mean that this new expansion is considered canon? Just curious.
  5. Hello, I want to sell my czerka crate o matic, anyone interested? I am also willing to trade for the original walker mount. Let me know!
  6. Hello Eric, thanks for answering so many questions. So, if strongholds are legacy wide, is there any chance of seeing my offline characters walking around, chilling out? Doubt it but would be awesome.
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