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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Help Stop Accidental Purchases!


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This is why I love this game already, in part. I never paid for a subscription game before this (aside from Runescape because of how cheap it was), so all I ever experienced were dev teams, especially in Perfect World, who did next to nothing for the players. Here, a suggestion was made and on the second page someone comes back saying they are going to look into it.


Anyways, I'd say give a buy back feature that does not have an expiration. You might not notice you bought something accidentally until after a grace period, so as long as the item has not been used, it should be able to be sold back at full price, assuming this can be coded into it. This hasn't happened to me (yet) but I know it will eventually.

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I made a 15K purchase of a companion customization I already had. I was trying to preview it and ended up buying it. Not to derail this thread too much, but things like customizations should be able to be bought if you have it already since it is bound and makes no sense to have two. Also they should just be an option in a drop down menu after purchase instead of a physical item taking up inventory space. Thx!
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dear god yes. I've tried to preview items and accidentally purchased them. Really annoying when I waste 15 commendations on something I or my companions cannot use. Place a confirmation on anything that uses tokens or anything over a certain % of your total credits.
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I just spent my 28 commendations from belsavis on a couple of new lightsabers. unfortunately I failed to notice that the one I bought was an offhand lightsaber, so I could only use one of them. I had to simply vend the other since none of my companions can use it either... nice waste of 14 commendations I spent the entire day gathering. thanks bioware!
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Hell yes,


because of accidental purchases I am now paranoid of using the item preview when at a vendor.




I too accidentally bought some stupid dancer pants that I was just trying to see what they looked like on my companion. I submitted a ticket but no response.


They should allow a complete refund if you sell the item back to the vendor within a certain amount of time.

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Also pushing the Middle mouse button wheel picks up inventory items and acts like a left mouse click, and there is no way to stop it.


Middle mouse is often used for push to talk.


Can we please remove the middle mouse acting as a left click, its dangerous while browsing and talking on vent.

Edited by PittyH
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Also pushing the Middle mouse button wheel picks up inventory items and acts like a left mouse click, and there is no way to stop it.


Middle mouse is often used for push to talk.


Can we please remove the middle mouse acting as a left click, its dangerous while browsing and talking on vent.

Why not just re-bind it?

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At the very, very, very least, it should be made so that any purchases made are not complete until the vendor window is closed. Thus if you mis-click and purchase, you can instantly sell it back with no credits lost. Having a grace period would also be really nice, but at the bare minimum, there needs to be 'sellback until vendor window is closed'.
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8400 is nothing. You'll have long forgotten about losing it by the time you hit level 30, and start getting like 5-10k per quest.


8400 is nothing.. unless you only have 10k. Don't look at the amount and say it will be nothing in 30 levels. It's something now, and when it's something that costs 1 mil, don't say not to worry about it, in 5 years it will be nothing.


The point is, it's a big problem if you can so easily buy something accidentally and be stuck with it. It needs to be fixed as it is a valid problem.

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I accidentally bought my 1st mount. I thought maybe ctrl-right click will show your character on it. I was wrong. :D


Geez I did the exact same thing. I couldn't believe I just purchased it when I had ctrl pressed. This NEEDS to be fixed!

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I definitely agree with this. Maybe it's just me, but I clicked the 'show only usable' at the commendation vendor last night and it didn't clear out the lightsabers my trooper can't use. Therefore I had to slowly scroll through everything to find the rifles she could use. I can see that problem making it very difficult to see what you're actually buying. Please give us a small time frame to sell them back or add a confirmation window for purchases over a certain amount and anything bought with 'special' currencies.
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seriously just make it like wow and problem solved...


no seriously i had no problems with shift/crit + left/right click in wow... each combination did exactly what i wanted... whether i wanted to buy stuff in stacks, see what an item looked like... links in chat all that stuff


it was easy and no1 complained about it...


and btw bioware... chat needs some fixing... whispering and clicking peoples names to invite them to groups sometimes dont work...


also theres no shift + left click to see some1s level/race/class


thought i should point that out

Edited by SuperomegaOP
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This is a constructive post i applaud you, (so many whiners out there, but this is contructive).


Ive too experienced buying the wrong gun and no being able to get a refund.

It would be really good if there was even 10 minute peroid where we could sell-back our item to get full refund, as i spent 14 commendments on a gun i cant use, but luckly my companion can, and even thought i get 14 more, its still an inconvienience that could of been avoided if all the possiblities had been thought of when designing vendors.


I hope something gets implemented eventually.


For now, take your time when buying stuff, and maybe sort out your mouse sensitivity, default is always crap.

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