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A day in the life of a GSF pilot


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16:30 Lost Blow out

16:50 Lost Blow out

17:00 Lost Blow out Joined in progress

17:20 Lost Blow out

17:32 Lost

18:00 Won

18:20 Lost Blow out

16:31 Lost Score: 1000:2 Joined in progress

18:42 Lost Blow out 1000:165

18:54 Lost 1000:95 Top pilot 1 kill

19:05 Lost 50:05

19:17 Lost

19:30 Lost Blow out

19:38 Lost Blow out Triple cap at end


Times are EDT. The server is Prophecy of the Five.


Blow out indicates that the match was better than a 3 to 1 score victory. I only noted scores that were more than 10 to 1


Interesting observations about this, all the matches were completely predictable beforehand, as the matchmaker consistently decided that it was a good idea to pair players who obviously hadn't so much as completed the tutorial against veteran pre mades.


Another observation. That the matches happened very frequently implying that actual matchmaking would not have been a hardship

Edited by General_Brass
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That's hardly a solution tho, is it?


Then... git gud?


Pot5 imp is horrendous since Death Squadron disbanded. It's a sad fact. Another one is that the matchmaking system favors roleplaying faction warfare over actual competitive matchups -- as evidenced by both the above and the complete lack of any sort of ranking system.


Also, the Flashfire build works better pubside, and the Blackbolt build works better impside. The Blackbolt build is pretty high skill floor, though, so I don't recommend it to most people. Every other build is completely viable on either faction.


There's really no downside in switching to pubs. Got friends? Tell them to GSF pubside too! Since pubside has so much more population, you're looking at a much bigger pool of potential opponents (because wargames).

Edited by Armonddd
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Stop playing imp?


I considered that, also tried other servers, the get gud is also something i try for.


The problem with not playing imp is I have built up an array of ships that I like to play (ALL OF THEM) and rolling a pub would mean a long slog of rebuilding. If EA/Bioware feels that is the correct solution well that's enough to point me at the door and buy access to star citizen. Willing to take my chances it's always bad news when a game company starts throwing out obviously broken product and pulling the silent treatment.


While i am by no means the greatest pilot in the game, in all the matches listed I was in the top 2 or 3 for my side, on an alt that had no mastered ships, so I maybe as good as I am going to get.

Edited by General_Brass
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Then... git gud?


Pot5 imp is horrendous since Death Squadron disbanded. It's a sad fact. Another one is that the matchmaking system favors roleplaying faction warfare over actual competitive matchups -- as evidenced by both the above and the complete lack of any sort of ranking system.


Also, the Flashfire build works better pubside, and the Blackbolt build works better impside. The Blackbolt build is pretty high skill floor, though, so I don't recommend it to most people. Every other build is completely viable on either faction.


There's really no downside in switching to pubs. Got friends? Tell them to GSF pubside too! Since pubside has so much more population, you're looking at a much bigger pool of potential opponents (because wargames).


did death squadron just stop playing or just move to another server i took a small break from GSF and noticed they weren't around anymore

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I think it would be good, if SOMEONE tryed to do a matchmaking system for GSF which bases on how much Fleet requisition points one have... and devide them equally betvin teams. It's not that hard, is it? Mathematicaly it is not!
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Please request the deletion of bombers, gunships, or battle scouts to complete the standard list of things to complain about.


I think most of the complaints in this game stem from people being put into bad matches. The complaints about scouts/gunships/bombers come from both not understanding and or not having the counters for the particular ability. If you are in an unupgraded scout, a mastered gunship is very OP, the reverse is also true. Just about everything in the game can be dealt with if you have access to the built in tools. The problems come out when you have a few vets teamed with a group that hasn't even done the tutorial. It gets even worse when the other side is a premade and rolling out teams built to have synergy.


If I would want anything deleted, it's the ability to queue without actually doing the tutorial.

Edited by General_Brass
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OP: If it makes you feel any better, being on the winning side of a blowout is not any fun either for most players.


Unless you want to go write on the Starfighter Records post about how you got 35+ Kills/Assists from beating up on some newb team (still don't know why people brag about this).


The game imo is only fun when there are competitive matches. Sometimes this is most often accomplished via Pugging, sometimes via joining a small group. I recommend trying to find a good time to play when one faction isn't steamrolling with a premade, and try and have fun with it.


On a side note -- you can make impossibly one-sided matches more fun by making small goals for yourself. For example, try and hold one satellite in domination...try and see how long you can avoid dying in a deathmatch...etc



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did death squadron just stop playing or just move to another server i took a small break from GSF and noticed they weren't around anymore


Pretty sure they burned themselves out by alienating most of their opponents and upping queue times. I can't be sure, though, since they kicked me before then and none of the other co-founders want to talk to me anymore.

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If I have reason to believe that I'm going to be chain-queing at the same time as a whole bunch of hopeless pilots I will usually play a match or two and then take a break or head to do some ground pvp.


This often leads to greener pastures in reasonable amount of time.

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Tutorial should be mandatory. That introduction to GSF mission should FORCE YOU INTO THE TUTORIAL. I really don't think it's too much to ask if, on a new toon, you spend the 5-10 minutes in the tutorial to get a feel for how to fly FIRST. So many players don't even know about the tut (at least the newbies I try n coach). If you're first que auto puts you into the tutorial, at least you'll be in a safe environment and won't affect the rest of your teammates. They just need a better way to educate the new players easier so that they know what they should be doing (like how the advanced class choice outlines everything so you know exactly how to play your class... well, not exactly as it doesn't say to stack defense vs shield, etc. but still!). Blow outs aren't fun for anyone, especially when you're running with your own premade trying to take down the premade on the other side and because of several issues, you face a group of beginners instead of the OP team you need to fight.


Simple fix!!! It'll help! Also, make the GSF channel automatic like General / PVP / Trade

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PoT5 is rough if you're imp. No matter what time of the day... Black Squadron runs during the early part of the day (they're EST) and the burger crew (Whataburger, Burgerking, Sudhir - changed his name to something "burger" tho - and Burgerprincess) all run in the evening. The only true way you can avoid this is by going Pub or going to another server.


That being said... a LOT of Black Squadron peeps are shifting to more play on Harbinger because the competition is low on PoT5 (when playing imps) and Q times are a fraction of time on Harbinger than they are on PoT5. (special note - Harbinger is really rough on imps too)


Bottom line... don't get down about it. Simply wait a couple of minutes after a match before Q'ing again such that you avoid the premade group that just decimated you.

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PoT5 is rough if you're imp. No matter what time of the day... Black Squadron runs during the early part of the day (they're EST) and the burger crew (Whataburger, Burgerking, Sudhir - changed his name to something "burger" tho - and Burgerprincess) all run in the evening. The only true way you can avoid this is by going Pub or going to another server.


That being said... a LOT of Black Squadron peeps are shifting to more play on Harbinger because the competition is low on PoT5 (when playing imps) and Q times are a fraction of time on Harbinger than they are on PoT5. (special note - Harbinger is really rough on imps too)


Bottom line... don't get down about it. Simply wait a couple of minutes after a match before Q'ing again such that you avoid the premade group that just decimated you.


hmmm maybe i should try gsf on that server just for the que times then tho i hate to refarm all my ships again lol i actually don't mind getting face rolled i usually put up a good fight even if my team sucks


Pretty sure they burned themselves out by alienating most of their opponents and upping queue times. I can't be sure, though, since they kicked me before then and none of the other co-founders want to talk to me anymore.


o okay thanks i rember silentfury used to always invite me for gsf when i was on my alt b4 i decided to refarm what i did onto my main i was orginally gonna work on 2 toons at once so i can get 2 ships mastered about the same rate but got so hooked i forgot about my maina nd just mastered 1 ship on my alt lol

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PoT5 is rough if you're imp. No matter what time of the day... Black Squadron runs during the early part of the day (they're EST) and the burger crew (Whataburger, Burgerking, Sudhir - changed his name to something "burger" tho - and Burgerprincess) all run in the evening. The only true way you can avoid this is by going Pub or going to another server.


That being said... a LOT of Black Squadron peeps are shifting to more play on Harbinger because the competition is low on PoT5 (when playing imps) and Q times are a fraction of time on Harbinger than they are on PoT5. (special note - Harbinger is really rough on imps too)


Bottom line... don't get down about it. Simply wait a couple of minutes after a match before Q'ing again such that you avoid the premade group that just decimated you.


Well the net result of their moving to Harbinger will likely to just further spoil the game there. With any luck it may improve things on Pot5 but that isn't something anyone should hold their breath for. If you take a look at this comment


Pretty sure they burned themselves out by alienating most of their opponents and upping queue times. I can't be sure, though, since they kicked me before then and none of the other co-founders want to talk to me anymore.


It's just a confirming data point that the game has to be more aggressive about balancing out the teams. If it can't balance preformed teams either using smaller matches or buffing the underdog team needs to happen. As things stand the side that has more people that would like to try GSF gets punished for the enthusiasm.

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the matchmaker consistently decided


Matchmaker? What matchmaker? From what I can tell GSF has a simple FIFO queue, there is no matchmaker.


The ideas for encouraging people to use the tutorial are good, I'd like to add one... Allow us to chose what ship we enter the tutorial with and to turn off the dialogs. When you buy a new ship it would be useful to be able to try it in the tutorial. This would enable us to check out what the abilities are, learn to switch weapons, test locking missiles, etc. It wouldn't help those people who think tutorials are for babies but it would certainly help the rest of us.

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Then... git gud?


I get the underlying point you are making here but i just feel that there should be an easier road for new players into GSF.


I play both factions on Harbinger and consider myself above average, always in the top 4 with kills, assists, objectives, and often top. I know that Imps have it harder here but I persevere because i want to master all ships and i like my Imp ships aesthetics.


You must realise how demoralizing it is for new players to come up against mastered premades and get annihilated time and time again. This is not in anyones interest, it will eventually lead to the death of queues in a worst case scenario.


'Git Gud' is fine for those who are vested in GSF and actively queue it repeatedly. I think though that, for the longevity of the game mode, there needs to be some adjustments for the casual pilot to not feel like they are utterly useless.


Whether that is more immersive, comprehensive and/or compulsory tutorials or a better match making system (based on any of a combination of component mastery/games played/win ration etc (NOT AMOUNT OF SHIPS)), I don't know.


The 'git gud' argument is superficial at best in reality, and while it applied to you, and me, and many other contributors to this forum, it doesn't apply to the masses of other gamers who we rely on to make up the cannon fodder...ahem..other pilots in our matches.


I would hazard a guess that a DM match of 90% plus 2-ship-f2pers would take that and enjoy it immensely more than having to front up to murder ball of mastered strikes and scouts. Should they have to graduate from that? Absolutely, comes back to the matchmaking based on component mastery/games played etc.


Again, i don't know what the answer is but what i suspect is that we are losing a *****ite load of potential players due to the steep learning/gear curve in GSF and that is a problem.

Edited by MystbladeWA
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'Git Gud' is fine for those who are vested in GSF and actively queue it repeatedly. I think though that, for the longevity of the game mode, there needs to be some adjustments for the casual pilot to not feel like they are utterly useless.


I agree with most of what you have to say except this part. It's not enough for a pilot to get good. They can be very good and still have their play experience destroyed, because the game is a team game. They not only have to get good, they have to have a good team with them.

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I considered that, also tried other servers, the get gud is also something i try for.


The problem with not playing imp is I have built up an array of ships that I like to play (ALL OF THEM) and rolling a pub would mean a long slog of rebuilding. If EA/Bioware feels that is the correct solution well that's enough to point me at the door and buy access to star citizen. Willing to take my chances it's always bad news when a game company starts throwing out obviously broken product and pulling the silent treatment.


While i am by no means the greatest pilot in the game, in all the matches listed I was in the top 2 or 3 for my side, on an alt that had no mastered ships, so I maybe as good as I am going to get.


suggest u get a mastered char on each faction, that's what I do.


when imps win none stop ill play rep, when rep win none stop ill play imps makes it interesting.

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Well the net result of their moving to Harbinger will likely to just further spoil the game there. With any luck it may improve things on Pot5 but that isn't something anyone should hold their breath for.

Right now it's about play time. The game being spoiled is a different topic. The shift wasn't to find a more balanced game really (although a huge plus!), but to find a server that has consistently quick queue times. Harbinger provides those fast queue times and we get our challenge when we play on the imp side of that server (generally against a LOT of mastered pub's).

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yeah, we (the "burger crew") are thinking of moving to the Harbinger as well, basically just for the faster Q's.


We do all have Imperial alts we play as well now when none of the Imperial regulars are around.

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