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Galactic Starfighter Records (2.7+)


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Xi'ao - Mangler - Starhawk Congolomerate - The Shadowlands - 36 kills+assists

Xi'ao - Mangler - Starhawk Congolomerate - The Shadowlands - 173.32 dps


TDM overall:

Xi'ao - Mangler - Starhawk Congolomerate - The Shadowlands - 122481 damage


I think this got missed for domination as well:

Xi'ao - Mangler - Starhawk Congolomerate - The Shadowlands - 36 kills+assists

Edited by Fractalsponge
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I am still baffled at how you got this high of a damage score without having more numbers. You would think you killed the entire fleet with that damage!! Very impressive


My guess is the other side whored mines. Pretty sure it's the only way to have huge damage and (relatively) low K+A in TDM.

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My guess is the other side whored mines. Pretty sure it's the only way to have huge damage and (relatively) low K+A in TDM.


Either that or cap ship turrets (it was a domination). Not sure if ion AOEs to other ship turrets though. Weird, but still totally epic numbers

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Either that or cap ship turrets (it was a domination). Not sure if ion AOEs to other ship turrets though. Weird, but still totally epic numbers


Oh domination - yeah cap ship turrets would work for that. I think it'd have to be slug though, since they're armored like the sat turrets (I think).

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What about just limiting the leaderboard to one of each class? Here's what I mean...


Let's say we're looking at the Domination DPS Leaderboard, which has five spots.


Let's say leaderboard is initially:


1. Joe - Gunship - 195 DPS

2. Bob - Scout - 188 DPS

3. John - Strike - 178 DPS

4. Stan - Bomber - 145 DPS

5. Mike - Infiltrator - 130 DPS


Then Alex comes in with a new DPS score of 192 with a Bomber. This is enough to put him at #2 in overall. It also means he will knock the existing Bomber off the list. So the new leaderboard becomes:


1. Joe - Gunship - 195 DPS

2. Alex - Bomber - 192 DPS

2. Bob - Scout - 188 DPS

3. John - Strike - 178 DPS

5. Mike - Infiltrator - 130 DPS


Even though Stan was formerly at #4 (not #5), he is pushed off the leaderboard because there's a better Bomber record.


Plus we know that come June, there will be exactly 5 ship classes, so it works out well that every Leaderboard will always have one of each class.


This keeps the leaderboards from being dominated by Gunships and Battle Scouts, and it lets all classes be represented on the board (while still showing who is best overall). Also it takes up a lot less room than each ship having its own board.


One of the stated goals of the thread was to give the newer aces a chance to get their names out there. If we limited to one per ship type it would basically enshrine the top result and excludes everyone else that plays the class. That gives a pretty strong incentive to manipulate matches, I think. Remember the old "record" of 71 K+A?


I'd much prefer splitting records by ship type, and allowing ties. But I do understand that is more work to maintain.

Edited by Fractalsponge
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It would be a significant undertaking initially, but coding the backend for a GSF aces website for swtor wouldn't be too difficult. Mostly PHP and SQL work, with standard HTML/CSS interface. Definitely would be willing to collaborate with other tech geeks out there (I'm a former programmer / current computer tech).


Sorting the scores would be pretty simple -


if ($curr_new_val > $cur_lead_val) {

$second_lead_val = $cur_lead_val;

$cur_lead_val == $curr_new_val;


echo $cur_lead_val . '\n' . $second_lead_val . '\n';



You could have a top 5, top 10, top 100, top infinity. The code would be designed so that it recursively checks the latest values input against the older values, and determines rank accordingly. One time set up is all it would take. The sql aspect would just be for maintaing records / ease of searching / allows for datamining. It's something that would definitely be neat, especially coordinated among the community

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What about just limiting the leaderboard to one of each class? Here's what I mean...


Let's say we're looking at the Domination DPS Leaderboard, which has five spots.


Let's say leaderboard is initially:


1. Joe - Gunship - 195 DPS

2. Bob - Scout - 188 DPS

3. John - Strike - 178 DPS

4. Stan - Bomber - 145 DPS

5. Mike - Infiltrator - 130 DPS


Then Alex comes in with a new DPS score of 192 with a Bomber. This is enough to put him at #2 in overall. It also means he will knock the existing Bomber off the list. So the new leaderboard becomes:


1. Joe - Gunship - 195 DPS

2. Alex - Bomber - 192 DPS

2. Bob - Scout - 188 DPS

3. John - Strike - 178 DPS

5. Mike - Infiltrator - 130 DPS


Even though Stan was formerly at #4 (not #5), he is pushed off the leaderboard because there's a better Bomber record.


Plus we know that come June, there will be exactly 5 ship classes, so it works out well that every Leaderboard will always have one of each class.


This keeps the leaderboards from being dominated by Gunships and Battle Scouts, and it lets all classes be represented on the board (while still showing who is best overall). Also it takes up a lot less room than each ship having its own board.


Like said, this wouldn't really get then new players any recognition, and there would be so few people on these boards now it would seem a little silly. If you guys don't mind the mistakes here and there, and actively call out mistakes and offer suggestions, comments, etc., then I'd be glad to put in the extra effort. This would be a great way to encourage players to fly their other ships, and not just shoot for #1 with the scouts and gunships.

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I am still baffled at how you got this high of a damage score without having more numbers. You would think you killed the entire fleet with that damage!! Very impressive


Cheers ;) It was Deathmatch, with both teams nearly all two shippers. I got in a perfect sniping spot for about the last 3 minutes, and both teams were huddled together. Don't remember any bombers, opposition just very grouped for an ion party. Boom Boom

Edited by lwiggles
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Xi'ao - Mangler - Starhawk Conglomerate - The Shadowlands - 206.28 dps


Not challenging the validity of the record, but that is some serious spawn camping against a team of scrubs :) Amazing to get that much DPS with that comparatively small number of damage and kills (compared with my 180 DPS with 100k damage and 31 kills in a somewhat competitive match). Looks like that match was what... 5 minutes long?

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Not challenging the validity of the record, but that is some serious spawn camping against a team of scrubs :) Amazing to get that much DPS with that comparatively small number of damage and kills (compared with my 180 DPS with 100k damage and 31 kills in a somewhat competitive match). Looks like that match was what... 5 minutes long?


Yes, it was a brutal spawn camp. Some matches have you over their ship before you realize it, in the frenzy to tab to the next red dot. I didn't time it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the match was under 5min.


I got in on 30 of the 50 kills when you count assists, vs 35 in your record, but the ratio is way different. Scout records are going to trend towards higher kills, I think, since the playstyle tends to end with really rapid finishing kills, especially if DO is in the mix. Gunships by their nature are going to get more assists than kills, given their support role and the fact that they just aren't mobile enough in 2.7 to grab the DOs and get back into position (I tell myself this, because I SUCK at finding DO and getting back into position). Also, if I have good dogfighters on my team, I'm going to ion much more than slug, since then my can finish them quickly while I soften up the next bunch of targets.


Also, I predict most of the records in the thread is going to be against bad opposition, because most of the really extreme numbers won't happen when you get focused.

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Gunships by their nature are going to get more assists than kills, given their support role and the fact that they just aren't mobile enough in 2.7 to grab the DOs and get back into position (I tell myself this, because I SUCK at finding DO and getting back into position). Also, if I have good dogfighters on my team, I'm going to ion much more than slug, since then my can finish them quickly while I soften up the next bunch of targets.



I had forgotten totally about Ion Railgun AOE. When used in a spawn-camping situation as pictured, it'd be an extremely efficient way to track up high damage numbers and DPS.


And you are right about Scouts having an easier time getting DO.


I think the above are both two strong reasons why separating records by major ship class is going to be necessary. Otherwise each record is just going to be dominated by one class. Damage and DPS is going to be dominated by Gunships. Though I think they will dominate Kills as well. An unharassed Gunship can very quickly rack up kills without having to chase or maneuver, whereas every other ship has to manage both target pursuit and aim.


Anything with assists will likely be dominated by Bombers, who get a touch on just about every kill.


Scouts' only advantage is their ability to get DO more reliably, but even doing that burns significant time.


And Strikes honestly won't show up on any records. :(


So yes, I think having individual ship records will broaden the lasting appeal of the thread--and once the initial set up is done, it really shouldn't take much if any additional work to maintain, should it?

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I had forgotten totally about Ion Railgun AOE. When used in a spawn-camping situation as pictured, it'd be an extremely efficient way to track up high damage numbers and DPS.


And you are right about Scouts having an easier time getting DO.


I think the above are both two strong reasons why separating records by major ship class is going to be necessary. Otherwise each record is just going to be dominated by one class. Damage and DPS is going to be dominated by Gunships. Though I think they will dominate Kills as well. An unharassed Gunship can very quickly rack up kills without having to chase or maneuver, whereas every other ship has to manage both target pursuit and aim.


Anything with assists will likely be dominated by Bombers, who get a touch on just about every kill.


Scouts' only advantage is their ability to get DO more reliably, but even doing that burns significant time.


And Strikes honestly won't show up on any records. :(


So yes, I think having individual ship records will broaden the lasting appeal of the thread--and once the initial set up is done, it really shouldn't take much if any additional work to maintain, should it?


I don't even care about these records at all. Any idiot can run into a pile of newbies with a mastered ship and put up inflated numbers. Whoooooooo.


What impresses me these days? Gaudy numbers in stock craft. I know what a mastered Quarrel or Flashfire or Pike or Razorwire can do. And I don't care. Put up even half those numbers in a stock craft?


I start caring. ;)

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Mikalb - Dustmaker - Contraband LLC - Jedi Covenant - 91.59 DPS in Deathmatch http://i61.tinypic.com/2cgeyiw.jpg


This ship is my almost completely unupgraded gunship, I'll have to play my good ships to try to break some of these records. I didn't check what my kill streak was for that game...damn...


I actually just had a 465 objective points game on my Warcarrier, but I had no idea it was a record so I didn't SS it. Oh well.

Edited by Icebergy
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I had forgotten totally about Ion Railgun AOE. When used in a spawn-camping situation as pictured, it'd be an extremely efficient way to track up high damage numbers and DPS.


And you are right about Scouts having an easier time getting DO.


Ion railgun AOE is ALWAYS useful. You're just being selfish if you don't spread it around as liberally as possible :)


I think the above are both two strong reasons why separating records by major ship class is going to be necessary. Otherwise each record is just going to be dominated by one class. Damage and DPS is going to be dominated by Gunships. Though I think they will dominate Kills as well. An unharassed Gunship can very quickly rack up kills without having to chase or maneuver, whereas every other ship has to manage both target pursuit and aim.


Anything with assists will likely be dominated by Bombers, who get a touch on just about every kill.


Scouts' only advantage is their ability to get DO more reliably, but even doing that burns significant time.


And Strikes honestly won't show up on any records. :(


So yes, I think having individual ship records will broaden the lasting appeal of the thread--and once the initial set up is done, it really shouldn't take much if any additional work to maintain, should it?


Up to the OP of the thread if he wants to maintain top five for Type I strike vs Type 3 scout etc. I know I'd be very curious, but it is a lot of work.


I don't even care about these records at all. Any idiot can run into a pile of newbies with a mastered ship and put up inflated numbers. Whoooooooo.


What impresses me these days? Gaudy numbers in stock craft. I know what a mastered Quarrel or Flashfire or Pike or Razorwire can do. And I don't care. Put up even half those numbers in a stock craft?


I start caring. ;)


Impossible to verify "stock", but I agree I'd be more impressed. Still, the records in that instance will be against newbies, because an ace in a mastered ship will eat a stock whatever for breakfast.


The outliers are still interesting to me, because I like to know the limits of the possible - it's something to strive for.

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There needs to be less stupid categories in this thread, not more. Kill streak? Total kills or K/D is arguably better. DPS? lol. No K/D? Most of these are fairly easy to attain by farming newbies (as has already been mentioned).


It'd be cool to see an honor system used where pilots were posting real games instead of 50-1, 1000-100, etc. Honor in an online game though, lol.

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There needs to be less stupid categories in this thread, not more. Kill streak? Total kills or K/D is arguably better. DPS? lol. No K/D? Most of these are fairly easy to attain by farming newbies (as has already been mentioned).


It'd be cool to see an honor system used where pilots were posting real games instead of 50-1, 1000-100, etc. Honor in an online game though, lol.


DPS is more important than just plain damage (you can get some seriously inflated damage numbers in a 980-1000 game), and I don't think there are any scoreboard numbers that wouldn't be inflated just by farming newbies. I think everyone who reads these records and/or clicks the screenshot links realizes that, though.


If you want honorable reports from real games, you basically need a matchmaking system.

Edited by Armonddd
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There needs to be less stupid categories in this thread, not more. Kill streak? Total kills or K/D is arguably better. DPS? lol. No K/D? Most of these are fairly easy to attain by farming newbies (as has already been mentioned).


It'd be cool to see an honor system used where pilots were posting real games instead of 50-1, 1000-100, etc. Honor in an online game though, lol.


K/D would be amusing - but it would have to be kills+assists - deaths or something like that. Otherwise only perfect games would be on the list.


As for honor system - yeah, that's funny. This is a place to post amusing outliers. Outliers will tend to appear most in the gross mismatches that the lack of matchmaking imposes on all of us. Until there is real ranked queuing, which basically requires cross server, that's all a records thread will ever be.

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I apologise for the quality of the screenshots as i'm playing on an 11.6 inch "laptop" :p (Alienware M11X)





Xil - FT-8 Starguard - Orbital Strike- The Progenitor- 19 Assists




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