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Opt-out of DOUBLE XP


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It's akin to claiming that everyone who plays MMO's lives with their mommy, in the latter's basement and goes a whole year without taking a bath.


I think most of us will accede to the fact not all MMO'ers are breast-feeding bottom dwellers, just the ones who britch and cromplain about every little thing. :D

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You'll find a fringe element exists in everything.

There's about a dozen or so people who feel that their sacred gaming experience is totally and utterly destroyed if the little number beside their character portrait increases faster than normal.

Fortunately, they're like one of those little yappy dogs... They make a lot of noise, but nobody takes them seriously.

Does anyone take anyone else on these forums seriously? Because, they really shouldn't. We're all ... every one of us ... little yappy dogs.


I get the reasons why someone might dislike DXP. I just disagree with those reasons and, at the end of the day, don't give a Bantha's poo if DXP "ruins" the game for some players. I don't really care if anything "ruins" the games for other players. Until I stumble across some issue that ruins the game for me, all the hand-wringing and rending of garments is just so much little-yappy-dog-noise.


That said, I will support the inclusion of an item or ability that toggles off DXP if ... and only if ... EA includes it in the same Update that gives me Appearance Tabs.

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I think most of us will accede to the fact not all MMO'ers are breast-feeding bottom dwellers, just the ones who britch and cromplain about every little thing. :D

You need a new keyboard I think....

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Shh with the Logic.


Logic is a lie, there are only typos; Through typos, I'm misunderstood; Through misunderstanding, I loose connections; Through the loss of connections, I Ioose relevance; Through loss of relevance, I am released from my contract.


The force shall set me free. I become a hobo? :confused:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Logic is a lie, there are only typos; Through typos, I'm misunderstood; Through misunderstanding, I loose connections; Through the loss of connections, I Ioose relevance; Through loss of relevance, I am released from my contract.


The force shall set me free. I become a hobo? :confused:


I'm sorry I thought everyone affected by today's tsunami of sillyness was a Hobo now.

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I think most of us will accede to the fact not all MMO'ers are breast-feeding bottom dwellers, just the ones who britch and cromplain about every little thing. :D



Hood toggle

Chat Bubbles

Sandbox features


Swoop Racing


Joystick Controls

CE Vendor Update

Legacy Datacrons

F2P Restrictions


just to name a few. Seems to be plenty of complaining all about nothing really important in particular at all over the last two years.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Does anyone take anyone else on these forums seriously? Because, they really shouldn't. We're all ... every one of us ... little yappy dogs.


I speak chiefly of myself, but I sometimes I think the problem lies not with taking others seriously, but with taking ourselves too seriously. Been trying to break that habit for 50 years; regrettably, I'm still struggling with it. ;)

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I am usually good at devil's advocate positions but even I can't argue for a 2xp toggle while keeping a straight face. I wouldn't post even this much except for the people popping into multiple threads on multiple boards to interject their "add this or I quit" ultimatums - they need to be counterbalanced.
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There is one thing only that I want changed/added to swtor and that is the ability to not participate in double xp when I log in. Double xp is not a minor 6% xp boost. It actually turns swtor into the cliffs notes version. swtor is about the story which is then lost when you find yourself at max level in a day or 2 as opposed to a month.


Why not give everyone a fully geared 55 character and let them have fun? So many people will fight against the very idea of letting anyone opt out as if that were some horrible thing. I am not opposed to double xp events. I actually think it is a wonderful thing for the players and swtor. I just don't want to be made to take part in it if I want to play. In every other event in swtor I can opt out if I want. I don't have to do the bounty week or visit the gree enclave, but with double xp there is no escape.


If someone wants to opt out of double xp while everyone else is enjoying it there is no need to ridicule that person and petition to have him banned from swtor and claim he is ruining it for everyone else.

Edited by James_four
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If you're just interested in story then keep playing all the story. Just keep doing what you normally do. Right? Don't buy upgrades don't buy upgraded skills. There are ways to "gimp" yourself if that's the problem. I don't know. It would be nice if they implemented something so we can get rid of these "Wah I'm too good for double xp" threads.
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If you don't like Double Experience, try something different. Roll a character class whose story you haven't seen yet, on a faction whose planets you have seen. Then just do the class stories and supplement with very little flash points or GSF or PvP or whatever else just to keep on par with your class story level. You might find the process enjoyable.


That is exactly how I level without double XP. By running class quests, one FP a day (sometimes none), no planet quests (after capital world), no side quests, no GSF, no space PVE, no PVP and no XP boosts whatsoever. I hover around the mission level +/-1. Class quests are more fun and even slightly challenging when you are the right level for them. Double XP breaks that. There is no way to level during double XP without over levelling.


Some of us actually like the levelling process and don't want to faceroll the content. The only option for those people during double XP is to play another game or a max level character until it ends. Adding an opt out would not disrupt your game play but double XP most definitely does disrupt my game play.

Edited by Irongut
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There is one thing only that I want changed/added to swtor and that is the ability to not be participate in double xp when I log in. Double xp is not a minor 6% xp boost. It actually turns swtor into the cliffs notes version. swtor is about the story which is then lost when you find yourself at max level in a day or 2 as opposed to a month.


Why not give everyone a fully geared 55 character and let them have fun? So many people will fight against the very idea of letting anyone opt out as if that were some horrible thing. I am not opposed to double xp events. I actually think it is a wonderful thing for the players and swtor. I just don't want to be made to take part in it if I want to play. In every other event in swtor I can opt out if I want. I don't have to do the bounty week or visit the gree enclave, but with double xp there is no escape.


If someone wants to opt out of double xp while everyone else is enjoying it there is no need to ridicule that person and petition to have him banned from swtor and claim he is ruining it for everyone else.


Being a couple levels ahead does not stop you from experiencing the story. It's not like the story turns off if you are level 40 on a level 37 planet.


The easiest way to make sure you don't just plow through enemies is to keep your gear appropriate to the planet. Yes, it will be easier but you can't just mash the keyboard.

Edited by Arkerus
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Just thought I would throw this out in case any trolls are hungry.........


For me Its always been a little too easy to level in this game. For me Keeping pace with what I am doing is more important, and for some of us, as soon as you have your first 50(55 now) getting to that "goal" don't really seem like such a big deal.


With reg xp, rested bonus,xp buffs and double xp weekends it starts to feel like leveling is pointless and everyone should just start at 55. Whats the point of leveling at all when there is less and less Challenge to it? It can be very frustrating to out-level what you are doing so fast, and it has to be annoying as heck for new people, out leveling the content, then much slower leveling come Monday.


Xp isn't the only reward in the game, it would be great if there was an option to not do double xp, or even to turn off your leveling all together, (Behsten/Slahtz anyone?).



"Yes, we all know what Alt/f4 is" ,

"Not playing (no xp) doesn't solve the problem of wanting less xp,"

"I like to play on the weekend"

"My 55's are boring"

"If you don't understand why some people don't want to level so fast, then re-read this post"

"Yes I use to be a nube, so I do get why leveling fast can be important"


I agree and think they should go with 50% xp weekends instead. Leveling is too easy and the result is a bunch of bads and care bears.

Edited by LeglessChair
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That is exactly how I level without double XP. By running class quests, one FP a day (sometimes none), no planet quests (after capital world), no side quests, no GSF, no space PVE, no PVP and no XP boosts whatsoever. I hover around the mission level +/-1. Class quests are more fun and even slightly challenging when you are the right level for them. Double XP breaks that. There is no way to level during double XP without over levelling.


Some of us actually like the levelling process and don't want to faceroll the content. The only option for those people during double XP is to play another game or a max level character until it ends. Adding an opt out would not disrupt your game play but double XP most definitely does disrupt my game play.


How does double xp disrupt your gameplay? What does it prevent you from doing?


Adding a toggle to turn it off definitely impacts everyone - that's developer effort that should go into features that a lot of players will find useful. Not so 7 players who can't figure out how to wear empty shell gear and dismiss their companions can feel better about themselves.

Edited by DarthTHC
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How does double xp disrupt your gameplay? What does it prevent you from doing?


Adding a toggle to turn it off definitely impacts everyone - that's developer effort that should go into features that a lot of players will find useful. Not so 7 players who can't figuret how to wear empty shell gear and dismiss their companions can feel better about themselves.


If you want more xp why don't you just do the side missions. OP is saying levelling is too easy and he wants no part of this BS. Over leveling from double xp is also an issue, people end up skipping class missions because they won't get xpif tthey're above the level requirement, meaning less people exploring the content and more kuat driveyard. It disrupts my gameplay because people who dont understand their class q up for wzs after leveling without learning their class because it was too easy.

Edited by LeglessChair
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If you want more xp why don't you just do the side missions. OP is saying levelling is too easy and he wants no part of this BS. Over leveling from double xp is also an issue, people end up skipping class missions because they won't get xpif tthey're above the level requirement, meaning less people exploring the content and more kuat driveyard. It disrupts my gameplay because people who dont understand their class q up for wzs after leveling without learning their class because it was too easy.


Leveling is easy as a subscriber. Period. You cannot help but out-level content.


If people are skipping missions because they don't give experience then they're only in it for the XP and double-experience is a boon to them.


If bads in PvP disrupt your gameplay, then playing PvP will always disrupt your gameplay. There will always be bads. And the bads aren't going to opt out of 2xp anyway.

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I like the direction they're going with a double xp week rather than just a weekend. For me, the thing is I like to level up all my characters (all the 8 classes) in sync, but a weekend isn't enough time to really play on all of them. So until there's an opt-out, I just don't play during double xp.


I think two weeks would be the minimum for me to feel like I'd get a chance to get to all my characters. So...we're not quite there yet, but a whole week is a step in the right direction. If they ever do double xp for two weeks or a month, then I'd actually play and not ask for an opt-out.

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Leveling is easy as a subscriber. Period. You cannot help but out-level content.


If people are skipping missions because they don't give experience then they're only in it for the XP and double-experience is a boon to them.


If bads in PvP disrupt your gameplay, then playing PvP will always disrupt your gameplay. There will always be bads. And the bads aren't going to opt out of 2xp anyway.


You right, its bads that want 2xp.

Edited by LeglessChair
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