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Opt-out of DOUBLE XP


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I agree. This whole conversation about an "opt out" is ridiculous. Its is exactly the same thing as people who say they want class stories when really its not about that at all. They just want a decent story they can interact with personally. But since they had a "class" story from 1-50 they are convinced that is what they need. No one can see the bigger picture.


The same applies here. People mask their argument under the guise that they "want more challenge". That whole premise is ridiculous when the challenge is, mostly, controlled by the player. Ignore your skill upgrades. Ignore the newest armor upgrade.


The only reason they want out of double xp is because they THINK its making the game easier. Its a perception issue. Its like when people ranted and cried about double XP not happening in KDY when in reality...IT WAS HAPPENING THE WHOLE TIME. Duing normal XP I can totally trivialize the game in any number of ways.


You can control your own challenge. Its not Bioware's responsibility to slow you down. Bioware obviously WANTS people using double XP. If they didn't, they would offer a toggle or an opt out. But they don't want you opting out. They want us using it.


And allowing people who you don't know to opt out affects you how?

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LOL I love how people don't understand that signature. It's sort of fun.


Hint: Nothing I do on this forum ever victimizes anyone. Or anything.


Anyway, the people who complain that 2xp happens continue to have the solution within their easy reach, and that solution is not to avoid playing. Yep, I have little sympathy for people who complain of tragedy yet can solve it themselves with no effort. That behavior is a plague on humanity.


Funny, since the same logic could apply to you. Don't want to do planetary quests? Then just skip everything but the class stories. Thus, the people who insists that everyone has to go though 2xp can also solve their problems with no effort. Or does that logic only apply to people who agree with you?

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It's likely they have some pseudo code such as


if (doubleXP == true){

xPGained = XP * 2;



This would be a server wide change that affects every character. Changing the code so that this check would be applied to every character would a) take a significant amount of code (and more time) and b) given the other issues that need addressing, as a waste of resources and time for something (and don't hurt me for this) so trivial.

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It's likely they have some pseudo code such as ...

Obviously it's a bit more complicated than what you posted (there's a rested xp exclusion), but it's not rocket science.


Extending your example...

if (system.doubleXP == true && character.enableBonusXP == true){
     xPGained = XP * 2;

Code complexity aside, options need to be added to the preferences and the new flag or flags have to be added to the character record. Sure, it's something that should get a rigorous regression testing or at least a good soaking on the PTS.


With my engineer hat on I'd argue for distinct flags for DoubleXP, Guild XP and rested XP. As a designer I'd agonize over throwing too many options at the player. Both sides would agree that it would be silly to add an exclusion for consumable boosts since those are a definite opt-in.

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Obviously it's a bit more complicated than what you posted (there's a rested xp exclusion), but it's not rocket science.


Extending your example...

if (system.doubleXP == true && character.enableBonusXP == true){
     xPGained = XP * 2;

Code complexity aside, options need to be added to the preferences and the new flag or flags have to be added to the character record. Sure, it's something that should get a rigorous regression testing or at least a good soaking on the PTS.


With my engineer hat on I'd argue for distinct flags for DoubleXP, Guild XP and rested XP. As a designer I'd agonize over throwing too many options at the player. Both sides would agree that it would be silly to add an exclusion for consumable boosts since those are a definite opt-in.


Obviously I didn't want to complicate things too much to get my point accross, but I agree your line of thinking is probably correct. From a programming practice point of view it's not great foresight, but I imagine when they coded the original XP gain system they weren't even considering 2x XP being a possibility. While it is possible they could go back retrospectively and make it an on character basis, it'd be a resource hog and knowing this engine would create a small performance hit for the extra calculations.

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I would be happy with a way to lock your level. It is in some other games I have played, and I LOVED IT!!! Who does it hurt? No one. Who does it make happy? A lot of us :p


It would hurt PvP'ers

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Funny, since the same logic could apply to you. Don't want to do planetary quests? Then just skip everything but the class stories. Thus, the people who insists that everyone has to go though 2xp can also solve their problems with no effort. Or does that logic only apply to people who agree with you?


What problem are you suggesting that I have?


BioWare put a feature into the game. People complained about that feature and asked for silly stuff... when they could solve the problem easily and for themselves.


Perhaps the problem that I have is my complete lack of empathy for people who want others to solve their problems instead of taking the simplest action to solve them for themselves?

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Perhaps the problem that I have is my complete lack of empathy for people who want others to solve their problems instead of taking the simplest action to solve them for themselves?




It's a common theme, and not just in this gaming forum.. but all gaming forums.


The amount of silly threads that boil down to lazy people who want someone else (usually the devs) to design and maintain the game to their personal needs is mind boggling sometimes.


Personally, I accept that every MMO has it's own set of constraint variables in game play, and that as a player.... constraint mechanics are there to stimulate the player out of mindlessness. In almost all cases, they are easily managed by the player if the player is capable of putting two brain cells together to form a coherent assessment of how to get their needs met (other then pooping their pants and crying up the forum about needing their pants changed for them :p ).


Opting out of double XP is not a game breaking challenge here. And it's actually only a challenge for a non-capped character. Here.. let me demonstrate:


1) double XP goes live for the weekend

2) I have a particular character that, for personal choices, I wish to avoid double XP earns. So much so that I also never park the character anywhere to earn rested XP after log out.

3) I don't want the double XP on that character.... so...... wait for it... wait for it.... I play a different character(s) during double XP...... like any of my capped characters, or characters I actually want to level as fast as possible.


Rocket Science this is not. Any player with any common sense can work out how to mitigate the double XP for a weekend every once in a while... so yeah.. no empathy from me either.

Edited by Andryah
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It's a common theme, and not just in this gaming forum.. but all gaming forums.


The amount of silly threads that boil down to lazy people who want someone else (usually the devs) to design and maintain the game to their personal needs is mind boggling sometimes.


Personally, I accept that every MMO has it's own set of constraint variables in game play, and that as a player.... constraint mechanics are there to stimulate the player out of mindlessness. In almost all cases, they are easily managed by the player if the player is capable of putting two brain cells together to form a coherent assessment of how to get their needs met (other then pooping their pants and crying up the forum about needing their pants changed for them :p ).


can we go with society in general? Forums just happen to be a sample of society and often a reflection of current culture.

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  • 1 month later...

I hope swtor won't even consider letting someone level at the 100% xp rate while the rest of us enjoy double xp. I think that if a few people want to opt out of double xp during double xp events it just ruins the game for everyone else and then where would we be? The idea that someone would not want to participate in double xp while the rest of us are enjoying it is just disturbing.


If someone wants to earn xp at a slower pace while we are earning xp at twice the normal pace (dare I hope for 3xp or even 4xp in the future?) he is hurting himself and everyone else and therefore should not be allowed to opt out.

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I wager that old age has hastened in me a thickening of the skull and that I'm often insensitive to nuance, but I think he was being cynical. :) However, as always, I could be wrong.


I agree with this assessment.


God, I really hope they were being cynical.

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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I hope swtor won't even consider letting someone level at the 100% xp rate while the rest of us enjoy double xp. I think that if a few people want to opt out of double xp during double xp events it just ruins the game for everyone else and then where would we be? The idea that someone would not want to participate in double xp while the rest of us are enjoying it is just disturbing.


If someone wants to earn xp at a slower pace while we are earning xp at twice the normal pace (dare I hope for 3xp or even 4xp in the future?) he is hurting himself and everyone else and therefore should not be allowed to opt out.


Yes, I was being cynical. I'm trying a new approach. Seriously, players with the ability to opt out of double xp are seen as the enemy of swtor and attacked vehemently.

Edited by James_four
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I'm all for this. Going to Taris at lvl 22 takes all the fun out of the game. Then I have to skip planetary quests and it's just like why bother?


You have to skip planetary quests. Forced to. The game gives you no other option.


Really? When did they put that feature into the game?


Or is it that you choose to skip planetary quests?


Since I already know the answer to that question, I'll ask the logical follow-up. Why do you choose to skip planetary quests?

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You have to skip planetary quests. Forced to. The game gives you no other option.


Really? When did they put that feature into the game?


Or is it that you choose to skip planetary quests?


Since I already know the answer to that question, I'll ask the logical follow-up. Why do you choose to skip planetary quests?


You know what I mean. When you do a planet quest almost 10 lvls higher than the trash, it makes the content really boring.


Also, even without double xp I can finish Alderaan at lvl 35, I don't know why ppl cry about this when lvling is already too easy.


It's all about "I need to get to lvl 50(55) ASAP." Afterwards you ask, "what'd you think of the story?" "What story?"

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You know what I mean. When you do a planet quest almost 10 lvls higher than the trash, it makes the content really boring.


Also, even without double xp I can finish Alderaan at lvl 35, I don't know why ppl cry about this when lvling is already too easy.


It's all about "I need to get to lvl 50(55) ASAP." Afterwards you ask, "what'd you think of the story?" "What story?"


Exactly as I thought. Your response is confused.


If the content is "too easy", then strip off some gear and/or dismiss your companion. Then you can see the story with at least a bit of challenge.


By the way, even when they're yellow, the quests do not approach "challenging" - they never even approach threatening my character with a defeat. So the "difficulty" point is sort of moot, isn't it?


If you're interested in seeing the story, the challenge of the content is irrelevant. I mean, how hard is it to watch a good movie or read a good book? It's not like there's an 8 year old constantly trying to nut-kick you while you do those things, but you still enjoy them for story, right?

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I'm all for this. Going to Taris at lvl 22 takes all the fun out of the game. Then I have to skip planetary quests and it's just like why bother?


I am seriously stunned and in utter disbelief. Did I just saw someone express regret at having to skip Republic Taris sidequests? Stars and comets, I would pay for being able to skip Pub Taris!


I normally do 2x XP on the starting characters to be able to skip boring quests (and the inane bonus missions of the Twelve Kills of SWTOR) that I have done multiple times, so I can see what appeals to me, and stuff :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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Opt not to log in for the week, problem solved!
There's always this option.


Though, for me, I may choose to not log in until Double-XP Week (I just told my secretary I'm taking that week off ... we already had Friday off anyway ... July 4 and all). I've been leveling up the last three classes I haven't played to 50 (to see their class stories), and I'm getting close to being done. Rather than slog my Marauder, Trooper, and Smuggler through Belsavis, Voss, and Corelia using feeble +25% XP buffs, I may just wait for DXP Week and wrap them all up then.

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I will never understand why people would not want double xp.
You'll find a fringe element exists in everything.

There's about a dozen or so people who feel that their sacred gaming experience is totally and utterly destroyed if the little number beside their character portrait increases faster than normal.

Fortunately, they're like one of those little yappy dogs... They make a lot of noise, but nobody takes them seriously.

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You'll find a fringe element exists in everything.

There's about a dozen or so people who feel that their sacred gaming experience is totally and utterly destroyed if the little number beside their character portrait increases faster than normal.

Fortunately, they're like one of those little yappy dogs... They make a lot of noise, but nobody takes them seriously.


Talk about overgeneralization. Plain said, both the idea and those who try to convey it.


It's akin to claiming that everyone who plays MMO's lives with their mommy, in the latter's basement and goes a whole year without taking a bath.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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