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Idea: Shutdown Sequence

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Had a random idea the other day that I wanted to pass along to the community to gauge their reaction:


New Universal Ability: Shutdown Sequence (available to all ships IE X for full stop or C for Target Camera)


Allows player to shut down their ship completely, reducing its energy signature. Shut down ships are not detectable by targeting computers or radar, only by visual means. Players can initiate the startup sequence which turns the power systems back on after a delay.




On use: Immediately zeroes out thrust and turns off all systems. Your power systems and shields 0 out leaving you defenseless, regen and hull repair are disabled while shut down is in effect as are any current buffs - debuffs however remain. While shutdown is active you cannot be detected by enemy targeting computers or radar. While shut down is active you have no HUD or targeting computer, and cannot move / fire or commit other actions.


Players can initiate a startup sequence to turn the ship back on (after a short lockout - debatable). On use: 6 second startup sequence, player becomes visible afterward. Generates a dim aura as ship systems turn back on. After startup ship systems will start with a 70% power drain (based on levels at shutdown), any hull damage remains.




Throughout the movies there are several instances of ships powering down to lay in wait for a trap, or to avoid detection. There is an implied rule in the star wars galaxy that ships with systems at minimal or no power seem to avoid detection by all but visual means. I would enjoy using a feature that would allow me to at great risk to myself "hide" among debris and asteroids in order to either defend a node or to get the drop on the enemy in a deathmatch.


IMO this could be a fun feature, thoughts // concerns?

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Really cool in theory, but gives a huge advantage to hiding Flashfires/stings with burst lasers (and even GS) to open up on an unsuspecting victim. I think to add onto it, all of the ship's systems could activate like you mentioned it, but immediately pop onto the radar, and deactivate their weapons systems for 3-5 seconds after activation (giving the bait some time to react to the new radar signature). Burst lasers do two shot (some cases once shot) most people, so this would be an overpowered buff for this class. Edited by Camelpockets
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Yup the idea needs some grease, and it could be in the startup, also toyed with a lockout for how long you "have" to be shut down. As to using it to ambush you would have to be very careful since all power levels will be low, you would get some shots off but not many if you were point blank when you powered on.
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Sounds real fun :)


I'd make a few changes though:

When activated, engines stop, but momentum stays, same as manually stopped engines. All regen stops on activation, but ship is detected by radars and tergetting computers until it comes to a full stop.

Once stationary, reactor shuts down, ship can only be detected by visuals, and slow hull regen starts. No HUD though, and no popping numbers, so no ship info for pilot.

Startup sequence would instantly make ship detectable to enemy radars and fully operational, but with no power at all, in any system. For the first 5 or 10 seconds after startup there would be a forced (de)buff, or forced special power balance mode, reducing weapon recharge to 25% of normal, and increasing shield recharge to 150% of normal and booster recharge to 125% of normal.


But overally, the idea would add some interesting possibilites in game. Sadly though the visuals in GSF don't really work well, and any ship behind 1000m becomes basically invisible, so there would be no real need to "hide in debris" and hiding in open space would pretty much work, too. Also I imagine it could make those one-sided TDM matches a real pain. Nowadays when one side loses hard it is frustrating for them and boring for the other side, but if the losing side could just hide, these matches would probably take whole 10 minutes each, which is not optimal, imho.


Maybe if they gave some ships the ability like "scan for lifeforms" - maybe another perk to Targetting Telemetry, or Sensor Beacon, or unique Sensors component for coming command type ships, which would show shutdown ships on radars in comms range, maybe not exact position, but like 2k or 3k sphere with shutdown enemy somewhere (not in the middle) in it.

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In space, okay, but how a ship would stand still all engines and systems off, while in Kuat atmosphere ?


Just a thought...


With No Problems.....after a long drop.... But that in itself brings up a whole new chapter on tactics, ballistic flight, and or it's tactical applications. The EU is littered with pilots using unpowered, ballistic flight to disguise their ships as asteroids, space debris, etc. It would add a real run element of game play for those willing and patient enough to launch sneak attacks in this method.

Edited by NotThatOne
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With No Problems.....after a long drop.... But that in itself brings up a whole new chapter on tactics, ballistic flight, and or it's tactical applications. The EU is littered with pilots using unpowered, ballistic flight to disguise their ships as asteroids, space debris, etc. It would add a real run element of game play for those willing and patient enough to launch sneak attacks in this method.


There's a difference between a ballistic flight, and standing still without any engine or technological means that allows the ship to hover...


That's interesting, but sadly I can't shutdown my logic at the same time as my ship's system.

Edited by Altheran
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There's a difference between a ballistic flight, and standing still without any engine or technological means that allows the ship to hover...


That's interesting, but sadly I can't shutdown my logic at the same time as my ship's system.


Very true, of course in applying real world physic's none of these ships could fly, without being thrown very hard.

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I do think this is a very interesting concept but we should probably wait to see what stealth ships are going to bring to the table before adding other stealth elements. To be honest i just wish dampening worked completely without the current minimum 15k range. Anyways, interesting idea that i wouldn't hold my breath for.
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I really like this idea, but I'd prefer it to be, not undetectability, but a great amount of "dampening". This means that dampening (or at least this one) would have to work at all ranges, but it also means that if you fly near one of these ships they'll pop for you.



As you power back up you'd be vulnerable, starting with no shields etc, so that would be cool.

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I thought of this like any of the other universal type abilities like X to dead stop or C for target camera. Not sure which key would be best I would imagine somewhere near your throttle / roll keys, maybe "Z"?


As for competitive uses, I would use it to drop off the scanners near a node I want to defend, or in between a ***** in the asteroids on a deathmatch map. IMO this is something you would use before or after a battle when out of combat, if anyone saw you do this you would be mince meat.


Earlier today I wondered if sensor probes and possibly a future ability could have a benefit of detecting shutdown ships at "X range" - This would give sensor probes a practical purpose as well as add an additional support option for future chassis.


The balance of a power like this could be tricky, originally I thought that you would power up with 0's across the board for weapons, engines, and shields. Though this for me is almost too exposing, they would have to get some power to start with or else you would get creamed instantly.


IMO if you shutdown with 100% power you should come back at 30% across the board, this could be a flat tax of 70% power level at shutdown (to keep people from using it to actually regen power of any kind) meaning you could have substantially less power if you were low when you shutdown.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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On use: Immediately zeroes out thrust and turns off all systems. Your power systems and shields 0 out leaving you defenseless, regen and hull repair are disabled while shut down is in effect as are any current buffs - debuffs however remain. While shutdown is active you cannot be detected by enemy targeting computers or radar. While shut down is active you have no HUD or targeting computer, and cannot move / fire or commit other actions.

IMO this could be a fun feature, thoughts // concerns?


I'd say no auto-detect for targeting systems. Doing a 'sensor focus' which in game might correspond to manual targeting with the E key, should still work especially at the short ranges seen in GSF. Particularly if the ship can be visually detected. Might have to impose some detection arc to prevent E spamming if that became a problem. I also don't think it should cause a ship that already has you targeted to loose tracking on you, just to prevent detection by auto/tab targeting.


The concern is that the way GSF targeting works, hitting things that aren't actively targeted is almost impossible, so for balance I think if you're visually detected manual targeting should be possible.


If this were X-wing and you had target reticle collinear with the ship's axis it wouldn't be an issue to manually aim, but this is GSF and suffers from barriers to manual aim for both blaster and missile type weapons.


Other than that I like the general concept quite a bit. It'd be very niche, and very risky, but a nice advanced piloting trick if you pulled it off. Would also have to be playtested for unforeseen balancing disasters.

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Had a random idea the other day that I wanted to pass along to the community to gauge their reaction:


New Universal Ability: Shutdown Sequence (available to all ships IE X for full stop or C for Target Camera)


Allows player to shut down their ship completely, reducing its energy signature. Shut down ships are not detectable by targeting computers or radar, only by visual means. Players can initiate the startup sequence which turns the power systems back on after a delay.




On use: Immediately zeroes out thrust and turns off all systems. Your power systems and shields 0 out leaving you defenseless, regen and hull repair are disabled while shut down is in effect as are any current buffs - debuffs however remain. While shutdown is active you cannot be detected by enemy targeting computers or radar. While shut down is active you have no HUD or targeting computer, and cannot move / fire or commit other actions.


Players can initiate a startup sequence to turn the ship back on (after a short lockout - debatable). On use: 6 second startup sequence, player becomes visible afterward. Generates a dim aura as ship systems turn back on. After startup ship systems will start with a 70% power drain (based on levels at shutdown), any hull damage remains.




Throughout the movies there are several instances of ships powering down to lay in wait for a trap, or to avoid detection. There is an implied rule in the star wars galaxy that ships with systems at minimal or no power seem to avoid detection by all but visual means. I would enjoy using a feature that would allow me to at great risk to myself "hide" among debris and asteroids in order to either defend a node or to get the drop on the enemy in a deathmatch.


IMO this could be a fun feature, thoughts // concerns?


This would be OUTSTANDING in an open-space PvP environment, as it has excellent RP potential for raiders and traders. I don't see how it would be of much practical use in GSF as it is currently presented, though, unless you're talking about someone being able to power down at a sat and keep it that way.


I would argue that a powered-down ship cannot maintain the connection necessary to defend the node, but that's the only mechanical issue I have with it. Otherwise, sounds like it'd be a neat challenge for elite pilots - Shoot The Lump! -bp

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This would be OUTSTANDING in an open-space PvP environment, as it has excellent RP potential for raiders and traders. I don't see how it would be of much practical use in GSF as it is currently presented, though, unless you're talking about someone being able to power down at a sat and keep it that way.


I would argue that a powered-down ship cannot maintain the connection necessary to defend the node, but that's the only mechanical issue I have with it. Otherwise, sounds like it'd be a neat challenge for elite pilots - Shoot The Lump! -bp


It wouldn't be able to "defend" a node from being captured (or generate capture points). For all intensive purposes its a non-interactive object that you can still shoot.


As for uses I imagined 2-3 teammates at a sat and all shut down in some nook or cranny then wait for the team to come knocking (since they think its empty) then powerup n spring the trap.


Or in deathmatch 3 members of a 4 man group could hide in nearby debris and then 1 could remain out in the open. Once the enemy team takes the bait the rest of the team powers up n lay the smack down.


You could probably come up with a bunch of different scenarios where this "could" be used, especially where it involves tricking a team into committing themselves to a certain area or node.


The biggest issue against the idea IMO is that to the devs this must smack of "stealth", and they already have plans for stealth ships. For me though this is not really stealth, like someone else said its more like extreme sensor dampening. Shutdown would be akin to either a advanced strategic maneuver (a trap) or as a last ditch effort to try to get somewhere you could hide to try to get the upper hand (think an extended chase when u get 10-15k away)


Edit: Also leaving the venue open for short range tab targeting (like right on top of them <1000 meters), Crew abilities / sensor abilities to aid in tab targeting range. system abilities like sensor probes etc. So people could spec into detection a little if they wanted.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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