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Your "Other" Gunship


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As an imp player, I'm somewhat decent with my Mangler. It appears as though it's role has been flushed out thoroughly - max dps, don't get hit. Then I look in my hanger at my other two gunships. Proton torpedos? No evasion? One railgun that has no ions? What is the purpose of this GS, because I thought originally it was for taking and controlling sats.... Then B-day came out when the bombers were let loose. Anyone know what role these ships fill?
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Interesting you meantion B-Day as bombers are hopeless against proton torpedoes.


I like the T2 GS it's tougher(shields) and scrappier it gets in a little closer to the fight. Having just Mastered my Mangler I will be spending more time on my Dustmaker. I shall report back. Don't knock it till you've seen what you can do with armor bypass HLC and Double speed range extended Protorps.


My Dustmaker:



Proton Torpedoes(mastered)

Slug Rail Gun

Rotation thrusters

Directional shields(for now)

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If you like heavy lasers and protorps, the Pike has those!



In seriousness, the "sh***y gunship" is rather fun to fly, and never needs to worry about his energy bar or a tracking opponent because of his ability to switch to torps. On the other hand, this niche is less powerful than the ion support niche, and the direction shields are definitely inferior to the distortion field. With access to thermites as well as protons plus the engine maneuver nerf, this ship will be relatively a little bit stronger than on live next week, but I doubt it will really be a huge deal.



It's a cool ship.

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With access to thermites as well as protons plus the engine maneuver nerf, this ship will be relatively a little bit stronger than on live next week, but I doubt it will really be a huge deal.


Thermite/Proton/Heavy Lasers build would be very fun for taking out bombers.

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I like flying mine in those games where opposition is not tough as nails. Those people are used to gunships being 10k away nebulas spiking battlefield with railgun shots, and suddenly there is this jacko jousting them with ~9k range HLC's while locking protorp!

I mean, yeah, it is fun. Not helluva effective way to play, but fun. And what are we in for, if not fun?

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It is bad and I'm flying it just to master it, get achi and forget about it. Totally useless ship, unless you are left alone all the time.


I've found it better as a defensive gunship (More midrange threat than the Type one.)


Try a fire and maneuver strategy, if you're sitting still in the Cbreaker, you're gonna die.


I use the Plasma Rail, HLC, Protorps, Feedback shield and Barrel Roll, and I do just fine in mine. Light'em up, close to torp range, and let them fly face first into your HLC, or hit them with Blue death, while they're burning.

Edited by NotThatOne
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If you like heavy lasers and protorps, the Pike has those!



In seriousness, the "sh***y gunship" is rather fun to fly, and never needs to worry about his energy bar or a tracking opponent because of his ability to switch to torps. On the other hand, this niche is less powerful than the ion support niche, and the direction shields are definitely inferior to the distortion field. With access to thermites as well as protons plus the engine maneuver nerf, this ship will be relatively a little bit stronger than on live next week, but I doubt it will really be a huge deal.



It's a cool ship.


No, it's garbage that is an insult to real gunships. I refuse to unlock it.

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Maybe the "real gunships" are just to good, rather than the other gunships being bad.


The answer lies somewhere in between. The lack of synergy of the type 2 gunship leaves it unable to score a kill as easily, and this would be true even in a world where ion was a bit weaker than live. Meanwhile, the full-buy-in to rail sniping that the type 1 gunship has, combined with top tier melee weapons, leaves it with obvious strategies when targeted, options the type 2 doesn't have.

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The biggest issue I see with the "other" gunship is that it's twice as expensive to get then the vastly superior T1 gunship and has a hybrid role as the bastard child of a T1 strike Fighter and T1 gunship.


And as such he actually perform worse then those 2 at their respective roles, now as dedicated bombing pit cleaner he could excel with slug for mines/drones/turrets and Protons for the bomber, but still it seem lacking compared to either the T1 strike fighter and the T1 gunship.

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It depends on your mind set with this ship. If you fly it like a Gunship with missiles you will most likely not do well. If you fly it like a strike fighter with a railgun you should do okay.


That's my experience as well. I use mine mostly in TDM and treat 'em like a heavy strike fighter: get close, blast away and when my target decides to run from HLC fire without using LoS - BAM! Slug in the rear and another point for the good guys.

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