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Swtor has nothing to fear from Wildstar!


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He is a troll AshlaBoga. He is up to the same shenanigans elsewhere and... I'm starting to suspect we may have seen him before in other guises. But... I digress.


No, actually AshenK has been around for a long time. In fact.. AshenK has been "leaving this game for <insert some other game here>" for the better part of two years now. He does change the <insert other game here> from time to time though.... depending on what shiny has his attention. Which is witness to his character as forum contributor IMO. :)

Edited by Andryah
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well said man its a shame the fanbois are too blind to all of that. oh well they will be joining us in six months after this finally sinks.


You have been declaring this game dead within months.. for the better part of 2 years now.


At some point.. even in gaming forums... false prophets get stoned to death by the populace. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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BW made some mistakes, no doubt. but TOR had two things to fall back on that kept the game alive long enough for BW to turn things around and end up with a successful and profitable game. 1: the base game is great. 2: Star Wars IP.


even ESO, with all the problems it has, still has its IP and pretty big Elder Scrolls fanbase to fall back on that will give them some time to fix the problems and roll out a FTP model.


STO, again, had its IP to fall back on which gave them time to better their game and roll out a FTP model which saved the game. same deal for DC Universe online...


what does wildstar have to fall back on? nothing. no IP, no built in fanbase. and if we take carbine at their word, they have no F2P plan B ready or even thought of.


even in those other MMO's, the pre-launch hype usually lasted until the game launched. wildstars hype is already fading based on what so many are saying after playing closed and now open beta. so unlike some previous big name MMO's, wildstar has the most potential to be a total flop.


You can't compare Wildstar or even ESO yet until 8 months in after launch. Then you can probably eat your words. SWTOR already has a bad pre and post launch track record, its in the Jedi archives, so just suck it up. You are just basing everything in your tiny mind

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You have been declaring this game dead within months.. for the better part of 2 years now.


At some point.. even in gaming forums... false prophets get stoned to death by the populace. ;)


Depends on how you look at it. Game died, F2P saved it. And no matter what the fan boys say, that is the games current history and not even Disney can change that by removing it from the history books

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Depends on how you look at it. Game died, F2P saved it. And no matter what the fan boys say, that is the games current history and not even Disney can change that by removing it from the history books

f2p just prolonged its or our suffering.


year later and look at it the servers are dropping and dying off, gsf failed to bring in new players, strongholds is already a failure as it's going to be anti-consumer.

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f2p just prolonged its or our suffering.


year later and look at it the servers are dropping and dying off, gsf failed to bring in new players, strongholds is already a failure as it's going to be anti-consumer.


Did SWTOR touch you in your no no places?

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f2p just prolonged its or our suffering.


year later and look at it the servers are dropping and dying off, gsf failed to bring in new players, strongholds is already a failure as it's going to be anti-consumer.


Everything Bioware now add to the game must have a Cartel value. F2P has probably changed how we get new content and how they deliver it.


Population drops are happening for reasons I explained earlier - F2P restrictions on Flashpoints/Warzones/Operations - and until it gets lifted or they increase the limits, things won't improve. Hardly any subscription based MMO has seen an increase of subs post launch.

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I'm partway through the enormous grind through the 10 veteral levels in ESO once you hit the level cap.

I was very happy with the game at first while still discovering all the skills but now that its just a grind i'm struggling to keep at it. I even downloaded wildstar beta last night in a fit of boredom. ESO need to bring out the first raid zone they've been advertising pronto or lose people to boredom.

Releasing 2 months after ESO may have been the smartest move ever for wildstar.

I was very addicted to SWTOR

ESO has loosened SWTOR's grip on me

Now I'm ready for something new and GOOD :)

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WS beta has been fun and different. Looking forward to 5/31. Swtor is a major frustration right now and I am hanging around just to see what they do with housing. I am weary of being 4/5 in HM DF/DP and never finishing and no, I do not want to run with a "Butt Buddy" elite group just to get a complete as those groups are full of the worst personalities MMOs have to offer. I am weary of trying every week for months and months the same content and never getting that 1 piece I need for my char due to chance rolls and people rolling need when they don't need. This could be rectified with a token loot system rather than the specific piece dropped. You kill a boss, you get X-amount of tokens to eventually be used as you wish. With a token system at least there would be a light at the end of the tunnel.


I think swtor has made a huge mistake by not rotating event content like Gree and Ratghoul on a regular basis like the BH. People I talk to are just bored and feel like a drone in a hive. A casino event will not provide what is needed for me and I am sure it will somehow be centered around the Cartel-hell Market in an attempt to glean even more real dollars from players.


Wildstar may or may not be exactly what I am looking for in an MMO and only time will tell for sure but it is nice to not have quest bosses ninga'd from you and lose completion and be able to share and get credit from assisting others while questing. Also, when a quest reward pops you actually get a choice of 3 items and 1 of them WILL be for your character rather than some vendor fodder.


Anyway, this game once provided me with a lot of pleasure and now, I log in only to do the few weekly Ops I need as more of an obligation to my guild/friends rather than really looking forward to playing..

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i preordered ws and gonna play till level cap to decide if its a game for me. I'm trying to be objective. I liked the game and there are lots of things i like about that game like: Personal elo ratings , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server , cross server ,
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Depends on how you look at it. Game died, F2P saved it. And no matter what the fan boys say, that is the games current history and not even Disney can change that by removing it from the history books


You also have been making the same death proclamations as AshenK.. and for just about as long. So it's absolutely no surprise here to see you each patting each other on the back. You have even been threatening to quit for more then a year now too.. but here you are. :D


It must be awful for you both to see that after two years of declaring it's death.... 1) it's still alive, and doing well 2) you are still paying to play your "dead" game.


It's OK if you don't like an MMO. It's OK to go play one you do actually like (though I'm not at all sure either of you actually like any MMO really). It's not necessary for you to try to scorch the forums on the way to your next adventure.


It will however be fun to watch you both attacking Wildstar in their forums after it goes live. :)

Edited by Andryah
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I think swtor has made a huge mistake by not rotating event content like Gree and Ratghoul on a regular basis like the BH. People I talk to are just bored and feel like a drone in a hive. A casino event will not provide what is needed for me and I am sure it will somehow be centered around the Cartel-hell Market in an attempt to glean even more real dollars from players.

Rotating events each 2 weeks by keeping them 1 week up would indeed be great.


Once in a while you could also add new rewards in them or even tweak the quest a bit to add some content,


It would not cost that much and would certainly keep entertaining players.

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I played both some of the closed Beta and over the past few days some of the open beta of Wildstar and honestly for myself and my preferences it was very bland. The story was dull and basically non-existent, the graphics while decent don't really appeal to me, and the most irritating thing for me personally was hearing "Double Kill" or "Triple Kill" any time I killed a group of mobs. Aside from that Carbine has probably the most horrid communication I have ever seen in an MMO. Ninety percent of the time they post on reddit or twitter rather than their own website, and really that was what drove me away from it. My wife and had both pre-ordered digital deluxe editions of Wildstar but after seeing the way they run things we cancelled our orders and they just confirmed we would be getting our refunds. We are now happily resubbed to SWTOR and will be staying here for the very foreseeable future.


Obviously this is just my opinion and will no doubt be debated but I felt like I should throw my two cents in. As far as I can see, Wildstar brings nothing particularly new or interesting to the genre and even seems to take a few steps backwards in some areas.

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You also have been making the same death proclamations as AshenK.. and for just about as long. So it's absolutely no surprise here to see you each patting each other on the back. You have even been threatening to quit for more then a year now too.. but here you are. :D


It must be awful for you both to see that after two years of declaring it's death.... 1) it's still alive, and doing well 2) you are still paying to play your "dead" game.


It's OK if you don't like an MMO. It's OK to go play one you do actually like (though I'm not at all sure either of you actually like any MMO really). It's not necessary for you to try to scorch the forums on the way to your next adventure.


It will however be fun to watch you both attacking Wildstar in their forums after it goes live. :)


Actually FAN BOY, you're putting words in my mouth because I haven't. If you bothered to read what I said, the game DID die - the facts are out there and unlike you, I posted a link to sources. Where's yours to prove the game is increasing in subs or getting busier?


People like you are just so blinkered and sad because you only see one side of the debate and not everything. Thank god you won't be in WIldstar

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Actually FAN BOY, you're putting words in my mouth because I haven't. If you bothered to read what I said, the game DID die - the facts are out there and unlike you, I posted a link to sources. Where's yours to prove the game is increasing in subs or getting busier?


People like you are just so blinkered and sad because you only see one side of the debate and not everything. Thank god you won't be in WIldstar


^ Spot on.

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Actually FAN BOY, you're putting words in my mouth because I haven't. If you bothered to read what I said, the game DID die - the facts are out there and unlike you, I posted a link to sources. Where's yours to prove the game is increasing in subs or getting busier?


People like you are just so blinkered and sad because you only see one side of the debate and not everything. Thank god you won't be in WIldstar


Well... I don't know what you may or may not have said. I'm too lazy to look, but you are qualifying as a fact that this game died and it did not. Dying means maitnance mode (as in no new content) followed by shuttering the servers and turning out the lights. That did not happen. So... before you start talking about facts remove the hyperbole. The game lost subs... that is a fact.


As for the rest? Well, I've tried Wildstar, TESO, and went back to Tera, Rift and WoW to look around. And none of those games is any better. MMORPGs these days are different flavors of the same drink.


Why aren't you at Wildstar right now? Open Beta is on going.

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Well... I don't know what you may or may not have said. I'm too lazy to look, but you are qualifying as a fact that this game died and it did not. .


If you are too lazy to look, I am too lazy to explain it again. Get off your arse and check the history book - 8 months after launch when subs dropped by 1 million, Bioware left the game in despair with zero communication and players were crying for server mergers.


That qualifies as DEAD. You probably arrived after F2P.


If Wildstar manages to survive the 6 months without losing over 60% of its subs then it would be deemed more successful than SWTOR.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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Now to be more specific, in one game, from start you have things like:

  • Chat Bubbles
  • UI Mods
  • Housing
  • Gear tabs
  • Nice shadows
  • World PvP
  • Arenas
  • 3D exploration
  • Maps you can browse with scale consistency
  • Walking animations that sucks


The problem is that some of those things are being worked on now, which is why we have had a massive absence of content over the last 7 months. BW is having to play catch up on some QoL features rather than focusing on new endgame modes and new operations.


If they are able to still release the expansion this year with the delay of GSH, it will have been over a year since the last operation and will have been only one new warzone in two years. And that's assuming the new expansion even comes with a new operation and a new warzone. Fanboys will scream "flashpoints" and "gsf" and I'll whisper, "no...".

Edited by Dawginole
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If Wildstar manages to survive the 6 months without losing over 60% of its subs then it would be deemed more successful than SWTOR.


Considering what happened with ESO, is it any question whether it will happen or not? All MMOs see a large initial player base, before then experiencing a large exodus from said player base, MMO players of today are locusts, going from one MMO to the next

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If you are too lazy to look, I am too lazy to explain it again. Get off your arse and check the history book - 8 months after launch when subs dropped by 1 million, Bioware left the game in despair with zero communication and players were crying for server mergers.


That qualifies as DEAD. You probably arrived after F2P.


If Wildstar manages to survive the 6 months without losing over 60% of its subs then it would be deemed more successful than SWTOR.


Nope. Been here since launch. I defined dead for you since I knew that reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. Go back and read my reply slowly.


Your definition does not qualify as dead. Sorry. Using hyperbole doesn't really help your cause.

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I think if Wildstar can get past some of the bug problems they have now (IMO the game is nowhere near being ready to launch, same as this one was) they have a chance at a good healthy run. The engine seems decent and the feature list is full.


However, this game at this point is much more polished. Naturally this one has had two years to get there.


I think there is room in the market for both games.

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I think if Wildstar can get past some of the bug problems they have now (IMO the game is nowhere near being ready to launch, same as this one was) they have a chance at a good healthy run. The engine seems decent and the feature list is full.


However, this game at this point is much more polished. Naturally this one has had two years to get there.


I think there is room in the market for both games.


What, what is this? Where's the hate, the bile, the accusations, the fear mongering, or the doomsaying? We can't have this here. Remove it immediately.

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Woo. Since my PC died yesterday I'll have to buy a new one. Meaning that SWTOR DOES have wildstar to fear, at least in case of my single, insignificant sub. So... yay?


We'll see how well it runs on my new machine once I have it... but so far it seems to be terribly optimized. Even an hour of fiddling with settings didn't get the FPS above 20... then again, since my PC died a few hours later that may have had something to do with it ;X

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