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Swtor has nothing to fear from Wildstar!


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SWTOR does a small player base as compared to WOW, FFXIV ARR, ESO (although look at that again in 6 months), and maybe RIFT. However, I think you are neglecting the advantages of having the best IP in the MMO industry. This does not mean SWTOR is better than Wildstar. It just means that this game retains a certain population because of its IP.


I think that Wildstar is a good game. It is challenging and has a really fun combat system. Its housing, vehicles, and crafting are superior to SWTOR. However, I do not get a lightsaber and I cannot use the force. I am not a Jedi nor am I a Sith. I think that a lot of people will leave SWTOR until 3.0. However, a large majority of them will come back during the expansion.


As a disclaimer, I am extremely frustrated with the game right now. I think a lot of the content is "easy-mode" and a sub is not worth the 5 months of no or rehashed content. So do not think I am some BW/ SWTOR defender.

our goal at this point should be to see tor start doing what we tell them to or for a relaunch of swg. they wont do that first one however thus wildstar will take whats left of the tor community.

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SWTOR has nothing to fear from Wildstar, because my PC is apparently too bad to run it well *grml* With every graphics option turned to the absolute minimum I still only got 30-50 FPS (which is entirely fine, I run SWTOR at 40-50 most of the time) - but the game looked like a game from the N64 era. Not sure what they did wrong there, the graphics aren't nowhere near good enough to justify that bad a performance oô Hell, SWTOR runs great on almost maximum details, with just shadows and a few graphics options disabled.

So why does Wildstar still run like poop, even though I turned everything down far enough to turn it into a pixely mess? D:

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our goal at this point should be to see tor start doing what we tell them to or for a relaunch of swg. they wont do that first one however thus wildstar will take whats left of the tor community.


SWTOR is not a bad game. Do I think BW takes too long between content updates (with the understanding that the content can generally be "conquered" in a week)? Yes. Would I like to see more challenging content that BUILDS on the content already available? Yes. I would also love to see BW have the resources that FFXIV ARR has. I would love to see a relaunch of this game.


Even if the game remains the status quo, this game is going to be around for at least the next 3-5 years. One SWTOR is F2P. Two it is a STAR WARS MMO.


I never played SWG. From what I have heard, it was riddled with bad game mechanics and functionality. I think that SWTOR had a good idea just bad execution.

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SWTOR has nothing to fear from Wildstar, because my PC is apparently too bad to run it well *grml* With every graphics option turned to the absolute minimum I still only got 30-50 FPS (which is entirely fine, I run SWTOR at 40-50 most of the time) - but the game looked like a game from the N64 era. Not sure what they did wrong there, the graphics aren't nowhere near good enough to justify that bad a performance oô Hell, SWTOR runs great on almost maximum details, with just shadows and a few graphics options disabled.

So why does Wildstar still run like poop, even though I turned everything down far enough to turn it into a pixely mess? D:



Developer approved.

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You know why SWTOR is better then all the other MMO's..

It has STAR WARS content in it...

And because of that, there are quite a lot of star wars fans, that will never stop playing this game..

And because most of them aren't small kids that eager for crazy graphics.. there is not much to

complain about.. well maybe about some more story content...

But yet again, as long as it has the words Star Wars in it, this game is safe.

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You know why SWTOR is better then all the other MMO's..

It has STAR WARS content in it...

And because of that, there are quite a lot of star wars fans, that will never stop playing this game..

And because most of them aren't small kids that eager for crazy graphics.. there is not much to

complain about.. well maybe about some more story content...

But yet again, as long as it has the words Star Wars in it, this game is safe.


no amount of fandom can over come bad management. Look at SWG.

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wildstar is going to be the biggest disappointing MMO of 2014 and will be the last western AAA traditional themepark MMO produced. never have seen a game with so much hype that turns off so many people after playing closed or open beta of the game. none of my RL friends are going to buy the game after playing beta. same goes for the people in my guild in TOR. pretty much everyone of them says the same thing, its just not worth $60 + $15 per month.


the future of AAA MMO's will be determined by how well or how poorly EQ Next does later this year.

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wildstar is going to be the biggest disappointing MMO of 2014 and will be the last western AAA traditional themepark MMO produced. never have seen a game with so much hype that turns off so many people after playing closed or open beta of the game. none of my RL friends are going to buy the game after playing beta. same goes for the people in my guild in TOR. pretty much everyone of them says the same thing, its just not worth $60 + $15 per month.


the future of AAA MMO's will be determined by how well or how poorly EQ Next does later this year.


so far ESO was a massive disappointment.


People are already grumbling about how bad the VR levels are to grind and how it kills any enjoyment rolling alts.


I finally quit the game after my bank inventory and all upgrades had been wiped twice due to the same bug that plagued thousands of players.

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wildstar is going to be the biggest disappointing MMO of 2014 and will be the last western AAA traditional themepark MMO produced. never have seen a game with so much hype that turns off so many people after playing closed or open beta of the game. none of my RL friends are going to buy the game after playing beta. same goes for the people in my guild in TOR. pretty much everyone of them says the same thing, its just not worth $60 + $15 per month.


the future of AAA MMO's will be determined by how well or how poorly EQ Next does later this year.


So, essentially it will be like any other MMO released in the last... 8 years? Every MMO that came after WoW was hyped as 'the WoW killer', that would 'redefine the MMO sector'... and once it came out it was 'the biggest disappointment' and 'the last of its kind'.


Been there, done that.

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i wont be here much longer nor will whats left of the small player base. wildstar is going to just take over the market and i'm going to get in early on it.

I predict that.... in one year you will be posting this same thing in the WildStar forums, preparing to leave for whatever the next big MMO on the horizon is. If I'm right, do a get a cookie? :p


WildStar is a good game, and I wish it well, but it's going to have the same problem every major MMO release has had. Expectations are too high, and no game can adequately deliver on it. The payment model will make that even worse.


I actually played WildStar in the closed beta, and went back briefly recently to try again. Although I was very excited for the game at first, it just failed to pull me in at the later levels. It may work for some people. It may even work for a lot of people, but this is no more a WoW killer than TOR was. (Or any of the other WoW killer MMOs that have come out before or since.)

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I'm trying Wildstar in Open Beta, and...


...it's interesting. I'll be playing it. But at the moment, the studios are shooting themselves in the foot with their "Lock down your player name and guild name" event. Their forums are welling over with frustration, and some of what I'm seeing hearkens back to server consolidation here in SWTOR - names lost, guild names wrecked (by not being able to get it), rude comments, exasperated players...all of it.


I'm keeping my (primary) SWTOR account (I may have to cancel the second), as well as my Sony (EQ) account. Wildstar looks fun, but out of the three, if I have to let one of them go, it's the new kid. Wildstar will not be a WoW-killer, period.

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So... Wildstar has something to offer. I am enjoying the beta because the combat is smooth and generally speaking the game play is intuitive. (I'm not having the perfomance issues others are having.) But, there isn't enough there to make me change or swap out SWTOR. I may play both for a while after Wildstar launches but the so called Wildstar revolution will be dead after a few weeks when the nuance wears off. It will not be the death of any other MMO and especially not SWTOR.


Why? The total package isn't better. I think quite simply the stories and voice over work in SWTOR has spoiled many of us. As a result, Wildstar doesn't feel like you are a part of another world. It simply feels like you are playing WoW in space. As such, it is not better. I think raids may be better in general. It certainly bodes well that the the grouping aspects of Wildstart are for the most part very fluid and fun. And the trinity is alive and well. But it certainly doesn't make it significantly a cut above.


So... it will fare better than TESO which was a bust in just a couple of weeks. But... like GW2, it will be entertaining for a while and then... it will be back to SWTOR.

Edited by Rafaman
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I would tend to agree, at least in it's current ridiculously buggy state. The game is a hot mess.


There are some ways it is superior, others inferior. I think that Bioware should take a LONG HARD LOOK at Wildstar's character creation system. They have the right mix of standard and optional appearance adjustments available. Not too much (SWG, STO, CoH), not too little (WoW, errr....this game).

Edited by LordArtemis
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The handling of the name registration is pretty awful. Name reservations being worldwide, and their server not being able to handle the load are red flags. I can only imagine what we'll see on launch day, as anyone new to the game will have a hard time finding any name in those first two weeks.


Of course, that's assuming anyone will even be able to log in on those first days. Knowing NCSoft, no one will be able to.

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As a fan boy, this is going to hurt you - SWTOR holds the current record for the fastest subscription decline in MMO history. Sales 2 million at launch, subs around 1.7 million - after 8 months, fell below 1 million (around 750k).


SWTOR has better PvE and story, WIldstar slaps SWTOR in the face for PvP, humour, Cross server, raids, fluid combat.


If Wildstar after 8 months loses those kind of numbers, then you can jump up and down.


And just compare WIldstars community activities to what goes on around here. A HUGE difference.


BW made some mistakes, no doubt. but TOR had two things to fall back on that kept the game alive long enough for BW to turn things around and end up with a successful and profitable game. 1: the base game is great. 2: Star Wars IP.


even ESO, with all the problems it has, still has its IP and pretty big Elder Scrolls fanbase to fall back on that will give them some time to fix the problems and roll out a FTP model.


STO, again, had its IP to fall back on which gave them time to better their game and roll out a FTP model which saved the game. same deal for DC Universe online...


what does wildstar have to fall back on? nothing. no IP, no built in fanbase. and if we take carbine at their word, they have no F2P plan B ready or even thought of.


even in those other MMO's, the pre-launch hype usually lasted until the game launched. wildstars hype is already fading based on what so many are saying after playing closed and now open beta. so unlike some previous big name MMO's, wildstar has the most potential to be a total flop.

Edited by MiaRB
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what does wildstar have to fall back on? nothing.


The lack of an IP is an advantage when creating a game. The developers are free to do what ever they want.


So far they have done a lot of things better than SWTOR when it first released. One of my biggest gripes about SWTOR when it was being developed was the devs hardcore idea that they know better than the players what the players should look like. After a while even the hardcore fans of Star Wars were getting sick of looking like clowns. The Cartel Market only proves how arrogant that line of thought was.


Sadly the SWTOR developers are now stuck with a make shift appearance system which doesn't even come close to what Wildstar offers.


If you think completely failing as an MMO but at least having an IP save your *** is a good thing...

Edited by illgot
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SWTOR has better PvE and story, WIldstar slaps SWTOR in the face for PvP, humour, Cross server, raids, fluid combat.


humor!? I saw the adds for Wildstar, that is not humor that is attempting to appeal to 10 year olds. I was actually briefly considering trying out Wildstar before I saw commercials such as

I can handle light jokes like what you see ingame sometimes but I like some kind of maturity in games I play, and what I have seen in this from first impressions if I did not know better makes it look like the main demographic being appealed to are preteens.
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I would tend to agree, at least in it's current ridiculously buggy state. The game is a hot mess.


There are some ways it is superior, others inferior. I think that Bioware should take a LONG HARD LOOK at Wildstar's character creation system. They have the right mix of standard and optional appearance adjustments available. Not too much (SWG, STO, CoH), not too little (WoW, errr....this game).


this game!? I know we do not have as many options as some other games but still its not like we are working off of nothing either...

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Just a clarification....as to records for subscription losses.


Based on time against a percentage of players, the winners are:






Based on a pure percentage of the playerbase:




Warhammer Online


Based on total loss of players:






So SWTOR is in the top three of those lists, but not the top record holder in all of them. In fact the largest loss of pure players has been had by WoW for a traditional MMO, at 4.4 million players, down from it's peak of 12 million players in Oct of 2010.

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im guessing most of you noobs werent here for the swtor launch, top 3 worst mmo launches in history...

Wildstar will survive and thrive, and wont delve into cash shops that destroy a game as the cartel market has..


yes its kept the game afloat and breathing, but thats all it has done, noobs with armor / mount fashion shows, who have no damn clue how to play there classes..



༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ WRONG TURN SPACE COWBOY ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽


if any of you were part of the hot naming mess earlier you will chuckle at that...

Edited by Scyphon_
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Just a clarification....as to records for subscription losses.


Based on time against a percentage of players, the winners are:





Based on a pure percentage of the playerbase:



Warhammer Online


Based on total loss of players:






So SWTOR is in the top three of those lists, but not the top record holder in all of them. In fact the largest loss of pure players has been had by WoW for a traditional MMO, at 4.4 million players, down from it's peak of 12 million players in Oct of 2010.


Sad when an MMO can lose 4.4 million subs and still destroy other MMOs when it comes to revenue.

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Just a clarification....as to records for subscription losses.


Based on time against a percentage of players, the winners are:





Based on a pure percentage of the playerbase:



Warhammer Online


Based on total loss of players:






So SWTOR is in the top three of those lists, but not the top record holder in all of them. In fact the largest loss of pure players has been had by WoW for a traditional MMO, at 4.4 million players, down from it's peak of 12 million players in Oct of 2010.


Quite a drop. Then again, if TOR manages to survive as long as WoW has, I'll be happy. :D




And when you think of it, WoW didn't exactly "survived" in its heyday, it thrived.

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Before I say this, I hope folks do not view me as a fanboi....I try to remain as unbiased as I can. I have been a VERY vocal critic of this game in the past, and rightly so IMO.


That said, I'm not sure I would classify this game as "only surviving" at this point, if that is said. I would say it is in a reasonably healthy state, though I would add the disclaimer that considering GSF probably did not pull in the kind of numbers they were expecting (due to poor design decisions IMO) this next feature addition....strongholds....could boost or reverse fortunes.


It's pretty easy to be considered healthy when you come back from almost certain death.

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