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Swtor has nothing to fear from Wildstar!


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Nobody plays MMOs for singleplayer/voice over driven content...


I've been playing the WS Beta, and that's the biggest turnoff for me. I've gotten used to the fully voiced stories of ToR. And while I've realized that fully voiced MMO's w/ content that can be solo'd is not the norm, it's been the deciding factor that's kept me subbed for so long. Needless to say I won't be picking up WS. It's just not my kinda game. I'll prob try that game based on the "Legacy of Kain" series if I ever get a beta invite, but chances are ToR will be the only MMO I play. All other gaming for me will be on PS3/ PS4 & Xbox 360.

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Wildstar looks pretty gay on streams, cartoony n ****. But hey, whatever floats your boat.


Oh look, you use 'gay' as an equivalent for 'bad'. Aren't you a charmer.

Edited by Wylf
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I'll prob try that game based on the "Legacy of Kain" series if I ever get a beta invite, but chances are ToR will be the only MMO I play.

Nosgoth is a... very different animal from the rest of the LoK series. But as long as you can get past that, it looks to be a good "jump in and have some mindless fun" game (plus it's F2P, so why not?).


Amy Hennig, the lead writer for the single-player LoK games was just hired by EA to work on another one of their upcoming Star Wars projects - so that's actually pretty exciting for fans of both franchises.

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*sigh* The one thing that peeves me off is people slagging off other games on this form weather is be SWTOR or another MMO - If you don't like certain MMO such as WOW or Wildstar then why go on this forum and slate it and same with folks that do not like SWTOR - If you do not like a game then don't play it and play something else why spend time mocking and slating it on a game form. I just do not understand it :confused:
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I think the bigger issue is that we are about to see another 7 month drought without any major content additions. It doesn't have to be one particular game. A slow bleed for that long could just as easily crash and burn this thing.
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Newcomer to wildstar, only found out about the game these past few months. Played the final beta weekend and open beta only, that is, played the game for the first time this month. Just have some thoughts about it.


The major question for me when I first started to play the game was the combat system and, in particular, the telegraph combat mechanic. After playing just a few days I found the telegraph mechanic had not only an easy learning curve (the early pve leveling parts "ease" you into it), but it actually worked well and ultimately I found it to be fun and challenging. It was not a turnoff like I had expected coming in.


But I did have a distaste for another part of the combat system: I found there was lack of depth when it came to available abilities and ability usage during combat. Unlike world of warcraft and swtor and lord of the rings, games that allow you to bombard your hotbar and user interface with all sort of cc, cc breaks, healing, dps, shield, tank, mitigation, defense abilities and items on your screen (because these items and abilities are readily available to the player), wildstar on the other hand extremely limits the number of abilities you can "equip" and therefore activate. Think of the secret world and guildwars 2 hotbars, then subtract the ability to duel wield. Bleh. You're left with a minuscule amount of available abilities at any given time. This part feels and plays way too much like an arcade game. This is an MMO. Players, whether pve or pvp oriented, imo want and require depth in this area. I know I do.


Addionally, other things I enjoyed were: the planets, lore, quests, music, sounds and graphics.

But dissapointed with: the crafting system, minimap, quest log, default quest tracker, system performance, minimum/recommend computer requirements and the default user interface.


And I have the following major concerns because they raise red flags for me:


- We know how the MMO population rushes to try essentially every new MMO (we're still waiting for that WoW killer!) that hits the market, especially when they're free! Yet...Look here. wildstar only had 6 or 7 north american servers for open beta and the majority of them were not reaching even "medium" capacity (i.e. they were "low" most of the time). This has to be scary for carbine and ncsoft. Here you have an MMO that is fresh and spanking brand new and essentially finished (because it's only weeks from released) and it's being given away for free for ten days with no credit card required and available digitally, yet you have low populated servers. There's reddit thread about it, and a carbine response.

(Huh? You purposefully label your servers as low population servers because you want more people to log in to said server? Since when do people in MMOs flock to low pop servers?)


- Their community manager and lead combat designer have already left the game. They both left in April of this year. Hmm. Fleeing a sinking ship? Or they pwned their jobs so much that they need a new challenge and need to move on to conquer new things?


- The amount of threads, posts and user participation in their forums is underwhelming for a new game. Likewise the amount of articles written about the game on the internet and the amount of "views" on youtube videos, twitch, etc.


I went from looking to pre-order to definitely not preordering. Also went from sub to non-sub for swtor. But looking forward to swtor 2.8 tho when it hits, and looking for carbine to add more polish to wildstar.

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Because, when the game came out, it was pretty universally hailed as outstanding and the best aspect of the game.


Then 1.2 came along.


You are joking right? PVP at launch was the absolute worst disaster of a PVP implementation I have ever seen in a MMO release. It was full of exploits (being able to jump in the area before match starts on Void Star, etc...). Class balance was a joke. Ilum was so badly designed everyone resorted to base trading within about 2 days of release. Massive queues, lack of proper level segmentation... sheshhh, I could go on and on. I made it to valor level 19 in the first few days of release and just gave up because the entire think was so broken.


And did you SEE the PVP reward armor back then? My Jedi Knight looked like a telephone repair man.


Go back and look at the reviews of the PVP system at launch if you don't believe me.

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My opinion, Wildstar just was't for me been in closed and open beta. Just lacked immersion didn't feel like MY character. I like having companions something bioware has always been good at. And than i learned it only had 20-40 man raids. I don't even like 16 man raids here. So ill be sticking with Swtor. My opinion if anyone cares. I wish Wildstar well just not for me
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I hate cartoonish games such as wildstar and WoW but I have to say Wildstar looks like its going to be a million times better than this in terms of raiding an pvp content. What little hardcore progression guilds this game has left will stop playing this game consistently and just come back the 7 days of the year NiM progression is available. The barbie lovers will continue to blow their money on cartel crap while EA laughs their way to the bank and eventually once EA drains the players as much as they can the game will die, whether that be 6 months or 3 years from now it will happen. The focus has shifted to things such as housing where the opportunity to sell things off the CM is available and things such as Ops and Warzones have been put at the bottom of the list. If you disagree then you need to open your eyes because it is clearly what has happened.
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Spot on! Beautiful analysis on the state of SWTOR, these forums and EAware. Unfortunately the cheerleaders of the General Discussion have their face firmly planted on Biobuttock while we live in a place called reality.


and you obviously have no trouble breathing while having your mouth sewn to the behinds of carbine? people like different things.. it's as simple as that.


your points are no more valid than anyone elses it's just a matter of difference of opinion.

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Wild Star is very entertaining, I love Star Wars but I am seriously considering leaving for Wild Star. It is just so refreshing and the combat is very addictive and fun. I am not knocking TOR at all. I just really see a bright future for WS.
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Exhibit B, cheerleaders.




enough with this crap already stop bringing up "cheerleaders" or "apologists" or "defenders" or "biodrone" or whatever else you can think of!! those words and calling people that is poisoning the forums, before yesterday (for those of you who can put it together) this was a lot less of an issue, seriously stop being so hostile, you know what you are doing, we know what you are doing, don't call me a blind defender for not wanting to see this namecalling from you or anyone!!! I have had it! I will respect someones opinion regarding this game and other games but at the same time whenever we bring up some counterpoint or whatever instead of respectfully counterarguing I get this garbage!



tl;dr, stop namecalling and actually learn to discuss something in a civil manner :mad:

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enough with this crap already stop bringing up "cheerleaders" or "apologists" or "defenders" or "biodrone" or whatever else you can think of!! those words and calling people that is poisoning the forums, before yesterday (for those of you who can put it together) this was a lot less of an issue, seriously stop being so hostile, you know what you are doing, we know what you are doing, don't call me a blind defender for not wanting to see this namecalling from you or anyone!!! I have had it! I will respect someones opinion regarding this game and other games but at the same time whenever we bring up some counterpoint or whatever instead of respectfully counterarguing I get this garbage!



tl;dr, stop namecalling and actually learn to discuss something in a civil manner :mad:


He uses namecallling because he has no argument to make. It's unfortunately a very common tactic that trolls love to use.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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I am not being hostile at all. I am only treating the antagonists the same way they're treating everyone else who's critical or negative or questions SWTOR, which happens to be the messiah of all MMOs. :rolleyes:


I will respect someone's opinion, analyses, calculations but I refuse to when it comes to completely attempting to silence criticism of the game while trying to back up your arguments with rhetoric and hyperbole with sometimes injecting ad hominem into it.


The Paranoia is strong with this one..

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I am not being hostile at all. I am only treating the antagonists the same way they're treating everyone else who's critical or negative or questions SWTOR, which happens to be the messiah of all MMOs. :rolleyes:


I will respect someone's opinion, analyses, calculations but I refuse to when it comes to completely attempting to silence criticism of the game while trying to back up your arguments with rhetoric and hyperbole with sometimes injecting ad hominem into it.


Pot meet kettle. ;)

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I am not being hostile at all. I am only treating the antagonists the same way they're treating everyone else who's critical or negative or questions SWTOR, which happens to be the messiah of MMOs. :rolleyes:


I will respect someone's opinion, analyses, calculations but I refuse to when it comes to completely attempting to silence criticism of the game while trying to back up your arguments with rhetoric and hyperbole.


you mean how you try to silence us by calling us "antagonists" ( forgot that name by the way) and all that other stuff?


If you want to be treated with respect treat others with respect.



STOP, seriously, and stop treating this like we are all enemies, this is a gaming forum you are being too melodramatic, I mean, "the antagonists"!? if I actually saw actual analyses and calculations that did not involve attacking someones character then fine, but many posts I have seen you do have called people Biodrones/apologists/defender/cheerleader/antagonist seriously there is not way that is not hostile just throwing that around.



again, if you want to be treated with respect, then TREAT OTHERS WITH THE SAME RESPECT.

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I played the extended beta and also played the last closed beta for wildstar and i did really enjoy it. I liked the combat system and it definitely is one of the strong points of the game. The questing is pretty brutal though as there is no immersion like there is in this game.


In the end though i dont think its not really a threat to this game. This game is based around story and wildstar is based more around the gameplay and mechanics. In that regard eso would of been more of a threat but the game is so rough im not sure it will recover. Im sure some people will leave but it will probably will be people who would of left anyways. This is coming from someone who actually likes both games for the different things that it brings to the table

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Please refer to my signature, and I suggest the overly upbeat posters take your advice, Sangrar. :)


what defines silencing? because from an objective standpoint I am seeing mainly anyone who disagrees or brings up another viewpoint. How would anyone silence anyway, the only way to get rid of a post is for a moderator to remove it or yourself to delete the text, without that its left to be seen to the open world so its not likely that you can be silenced anyway.

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