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Watch New Galactic Strongholds Announcement Trailer


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This looks fantastic! The only thing I'm wondering is if ALL your characters have access to same Home?


Don't think so. Think of how funny would it be to see Warriors and Imp agents just waltz into a Coruscant apartment without anyone giving a care in the world, and vice versa. :p

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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What worries me is that it will completely instanced. This is the whole problem with our current ships, it just doesnt feel like your ship when everyone has access to the exact same ship and enter through the exact same hangar. I expect that the apartment buildings won't even have hallways, we will basically just hit the front door of the building and be taken to our apartment.


Now, with the current engine I'm not going to be gullible enough to assume that we would be able to enter apartments through a hallway with no loading times but there still has to be some sense of "this being my apartment" Will the apartments have different locations in the buildings and with different views? Stuff like that could make this an awesome project. So penthouses would be more expensive and at ground level you wouldnt have much of a view at all. There'd be vacancies and we could sell or trade with eachother. Doorbells?


And legacy storage is long overdue so that's a REALLY nice addition. Just keep the bank prices reasonable, please.

Edited by MidichIorian
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It might allready have been asked but what kind of gear / items can we place inside the vaults?

Is it more like the current mailsystem where we can only use it for BoE or BoL or can we also put BoP in it like we can with the normal vaults we have?


Anyway, its a huge QoL improvement :)

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As long as this expansion comes with a variety of interesting quests, I will applaud it. If it only involves adding a bunch of new stuff to spend your money and Cartel Coins on, then this expansion is worth much less to me than if it had questing content to go with all the actual "purchase and decorate your Stronghold" concept.


SWTOR is not the first game to do this sort of thing, nor, I guess, will it be the last. Once again, this expansion's involving content beyond the territory of your Stronghold will be crucial to me, but this is my opinion solely.


Notwithstanding the above, it's really great that the developers are actively working on adding new stuff to the game. New content is vital to an MMORPG if it intends to stand the test of time and a steady flow of new content accomplishes at least three things at once: 1) it makes players with top-level characters stay in the game; 2) it may lure back players who already quit the game for lack of things to do; 3) it may lure new players.

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Pretty excited for this actually includes stuff people have been asking for for ages, but I would like some clarification on the Legacy stronghold: -


1) If we put crafting materials in it will all characters be able to craft directly from storage or do you need to "withdraw" the materials to each relevant character?


2) Will it allow you to "deposit" bound items and mods which other characters could "withdraw" for themselves, which will currently save the need to rip mods out of items, transfer them to a set of legacy armour, email them, rip them out again and install them in different armour?


3) I assume it will be separate strongholds for the 2 factions, like you cant add freinds who are a different faction to your freinds list?

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I have seen a few slightly negative posts crop up on these forums in relation to Galactic strongholds. They all seem to center around the idea that this expansion will be poor if it does not include any new questing content. Now I understand the glass half empty viewpoint some have but in relation to this announcement those people are clearly wrong.


As some one who has been a subscriber since the start I have been there for every patch, every release of new content and this is the 1st truly social release I can think of. Explaining why this is important will be a waste of energy for some, they don't and won't understand. But most seem to get it.


To me this patch/expansion seems to fix some of the problems we have had in the game. It will give players the opportunity to personalise there characters environment beyond the armour they are wearing and speeder they have chosen. Gives a place to show off what you have been able gain in game. Gives Guilds a home, a social place outside of everyone parking at the space stations. Gives crafting a reason to exist again, something that was badly broken when the Cartel market launched and when items could be bought with various tokens far easier than crafted. It appears to be a great patch for expanding the game.


So to those who complain this patch/expansion won't be good unless we have a new flashpoint, new operation bosses or other new quests. Let the social side of things have this release. After all every other release gives you those things and if your short of things to do then this release or any other won't help you..

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Well shoot. I was going to unsub next month but with Legacy Storage I am a happy little camper. The housing is nice but wasn't a big deal with me. Guild Ships..meh. After class storys crafting is what I get the most kick out of. Then PVP.

I don't do much of it anymore. Crafting I do and makes it a lot more simple. So thank you. I craft mainy for my own chrs with 6 crafters. It will be nice to quit logging in and out.

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Ok this looks awesome! I was excited when you announced Housing system, but now seeing it with a bit more detail and the awesome added bonus of Guild Ships and legacy bank, it just makes it perfect.


But there are still sooooo many questions!!! ANd i cant wait for the "coming months" :p


Just 1 question that is bugging me ever since it was first announced:


You say we can get stronghold items from crew skills, but what does that mean? Is it gonna be random rewards from missions you send your companions (like slicing, diplomacy, treasure hunting,etc) or is it actually going to be a new Crew Skill that crafts this items?


Please say its a new crew skill. Something like that would probably make use of all kinds of materials available in the game, like metals for metal stuff, components for tech, crystals for shining stuff, etc etc. It would add an extra ingame economical dynamic, since you could actually make use of stuff that you use only to level up that one crew skill and then you never use those mats again. A crew skill for strongholds would really bring a new life to the gtn economy and make some "old" "unused" materials in demand again. Making up for more people actually using their time to gather, craft, etc, and its not like the other crew skills, cause lets say for example: The first item you could make with the new crew skill would be a table or a chair. Its the lowest item, and yet, even when you are 450 level on that skill, there is still a reason for you to make that level 1 chair or table, cause someone will want it anyway regardless of their toons levels. And since the game is so alt friendly, chances are you already have at least 1 of each gathering skill within ur legacy, and then you put all those mats in your legacy bank, and the alt that crafts the stronghold items will be immensely happy with all the resources your other toons have amassed :D


Please please make it so!! :)

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It looks good and all and i can see some uses for the legacy storage, but i havent seen anything about level cap increases or new ops. why buy a new expansion for these additions when it could just be done in a patch or something. Is there even a storyline to follow from this or is it a cosmetic only expansion?
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I'm not sure how you'd pvp a house.


and this obviously isn't everything involved in 2.8. Or before that for that matter.




I know right, i mean not every expansion has to be about pve or pvp. To be honest every major patch or Exspansion that came out was either about pvp and or pve. The social section was totally cut out and if people will say like that doesn't matter, it does if RP isnt asked for why are there RP servers? having random strangers running through your rp scene seems like a turn off so to having Guild flag ships and Housing come out it gives those RP a great way to deal with certain things, now as the above quote said, these will not be the only thing coming out in that Expansion and PVP and PVE are already getting a bunch of stuff coming out in April.


I just hope they add more story content in the Stronghold Expansion, because having been claimed new story waves coming through is not exactly what April brings, if having 2 FP, and 5 min Cut scene story is being called story wave then im a bit disappointed, if it would come every week or 2 week with more content then yeah. but anyhow im just glad we are getting both of each side, PvP, PvE, and RP. and people should be glad its coming, this will give player who wanted to do older raids a chance to do so again as seen in the video, things you have completed will reward you a sort of Trophy or a show case to show what you have accomplished so far, so seeing allot of people that will want those things, it gives the OPS a major comeback to get certain gear style and achievements. so Hoah, and Ps


Luxuries stronghold is perfect for my Smuggler and BH

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I was initially joking that CE owners should get a home like the Flying Casino at Nar Shaddaa.


Now that everyone is getting it I am afraid I have to demand a Villa at Alderaan, preferably with a scanner to detect small moons :csw_deathstar::D


HAHAHA, lol thank you for a laugh sir

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A fancy Display case for my lightsabers or an altar where I can sit my LS and the light saber floats above altar and an operational meditation room that gives a buff beneficial or not!


This would fit the bio of my main character perfectly, as his bio said that he is a collector of sorts, specially lightsaber he has taken from fallen Jedi and sith by his hands. would do nicely

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I'll remain skeptical until I see it. I'm getting too much "SWTOR meets The Sims" vibes. I also cannot help it but to believe it'll be a massive milking project for the Cartel Market.


How many flash points, operations, and war zones does Sims Online have? How many does it add each year? How often do you play its space flight combat simulator?


CM grab? Did you miss the part about crafters making stuff for houses and adventurers killing stuff to get trophies for houses?

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I'll remain skeptical until I see it. I'm getting too much "SWTOR meets The Sims" vibes. I also cannot help it but to believe it'll be a massive milking project for the Cartel Market.





You will earn a set of starter decorations when you purchase your first Stronghold. Many decorations will be available on existing vendors throughout the game as new rewards for Reputations, PvP, Crew Skills, and more. While some of these decorations will be available for credits and other currencies, many will require components created by crafters. Decorations can also be obtained as loot drops from Flashpoints and Operations. Finally, a variety of unique decorations can be purchased with Cartel Coins on the Cartel Market.



No, this Digital Expansion does not include a PvP combat experience for Guild Flagships. More information about Guild Flagships will be revealed in the coming months.


So they have thought about Flagship pvp, and the way i read it right now it doesn't contain pvp but their will definitely be pvp for flagship near the future. Perhaps the most elite PVP flagship fighers will be able to buy a sort of pass to let other flagship make an alliance with each other thus becoming a Fleet with one Capital ship as leader. But who knows, im glad with what we get right now


on note, im still curious what Dromund Kaas Strongholds will look like and if we get different style and buildings, Some more fitting for siths and other less more fitting and do we get strongholds in capital but a few in different locations?

Edited by Rakugo
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We'll see in three-to-six months after it's release.


lol why wait? The details are already up on the website.


Or are you one of those sorts who think that the game developers are 'lying' or 'misleading' when they say small, hard-to-misunderstand words?


Most of the hundreds of decor customization items will come from killing stuff, and doing stuff in-game, not the CM.

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lol why wait? The details are already up on the website.


Or are you one of those sorts who think that the game developers are 'lying' or 'misleading' when they say small, hard-to-misunderstand words?


Most of the hundreds of decor customization items will come from killing stuff, and doing stuff in-game, not the CM.


I will remain skeptical as I said earlier. Bioware saying it will be all through killing stuff or anything similar in the game doesn't mean they can change course over time, or not even necessarily change, feature it alongside it.


But don't mind me, someone having it's own thoughts about the whole thing rubs some drones here the wrong way it seems.

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I will remain skeptical as I said earlier. Bioware saying it will be all through killing stuff or anything similar in the game doesn't mean they can change course over time, or not even necessarily change, feature it alongside it.


But don't mind me, someone having it's own thoughts about the whole thing rubs some drones here the wrong way it seems.


It's amazing how basic, observable reality has no impact on people when they've already made up their minds.

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