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Whats the point of doing pve after fully geared?


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I'm curious, after you have like full gear, what do you do in pve? I heard guilds do HM and NiM just for practice/fun etc, but really, what do you generally do? Can you earn money from ops? Is there gear that only drops from NiM that is very high end, above 78s? I'd like advice from a hardcore pve player please. :) Edited by Glowingammo
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You'll get an answer from a long time player, but not a raider(I am quite a HC player, but not on the Raiding scene. RP and general PvE is more of my thing):


The point is in the fact that the new OPs are designed in such a way that if you are even slightly below the par, you'll have a very hard time. Therefore the need for grind. This is from the design pov.


There is absolutely no point in doing it. It's like reaching the final year in High school and then repeating the last few months over and over and over again. If you love the game or the game has got quite a good replay value(which TOR has in spades), you simply create an alt. Otherwise move on and replay the game on a sunny(or rainy :p ) day in the future. This is imho. Also something objective: every time there is a big update, the previous tier's blue weapons(sometimes even purple lol!) become the next tier's green weapons. Therefore invalidating the whole gring you did.

Edited by Cuiwe
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I move on and either use the extra comms I have to equip other characters, which is I've been doing lately or just keep clearing content until I hit comms cap. Then, I may sacrifice some comms to successfully try and reverse engineer some armorings, mods or enhancements.
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I'm not "hardcore", but my main is almost all 78/Dread-Forged. I've got alts to gear as well - other healers, but mostly I do it cause I find it fun. Sounds weird, but I like practising the tactics, keeping up my own level of skill (I'm probably low-to-average in skill compared to your "hardcore" healers, but I'm not exactly going to stop) and hanging out with guildies. I'd like to roleplay more, but because I've not really ever done it, I'm not going to be allowed into RP hangouts and most guilds that RP on my server are also, for some reason, PvP focused.


I mean, yeah, there are achievements and quests and titles and mounts and stuff, but this isn't WoW, there aren't any rare schematics to get (there's no guarantee that RE'ing something will get you a schematic, so half the time you might as well just bring the alt), materials drop by the truckload (and yet still seem to be prohibitively expensive for crafting sometimes), no tied in reputation... it's just learning to be better at the fights and how to work with your group.

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I have gone bowling before so why should I ever go again?


It is a social activity. You can have friendly competition with guildmates or just have fun conversations. Also, perfecting technique, saving comms, using legacy gear to gear alts, helping gear others who geared you.


There are many reasons to continue. For me it is about practicing my technique.

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Whats the point of doing pve after fully geared?

Ask yourself - what is the point of playing games? Am I earing something from it? Money in real life ?

No! Its for fun ;)

Well , when you get all the gear you should prepare to the next content. There is incoming NiM or new "expansion" or something.

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People can say what they will, but this is exactly what I am talking about with regards to there being a hole in the game for people who don't want the daily/fp/op grind but want to continue story or have some sort of story-based content.


Personally, I believe dailies COULD be that, but the problem is they are usually not very well written (if written much at all - looking at you czerka moon) and the only repeatable part is the grind.


If the dailies were better written, and the stories were more repeatable and various (tactical dailies maybe?), I could absolutely see that as a viable path.


But right now they are just too damn grindy.

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This is why I stopped doing end game gear grinds.... years ago. It "ends" the game for you, whether you like it or not.


I just play multiple characters (have 18 on one server), and never worry about "getting better gear".


Because "gearing up" is just a means to an end. And it basically....


.... pointess.


Just my opinion though.

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Well, doing for fun and swapping toons I guess. If gears the only reason you raid, I'd feel bad.


We carry on to get the guild more gear too.


I just swapped roles with my Raid leader, I went from sage heals to slinger, and he went commando dps to scoundrel heal, so we can both have 2 NIM ready toons...

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See there is a reason why they drop new content (new ops, new Nim, new gear) and are also looking at new level caps. Its called progression, you clear older content on farm so that you are ready for new content and it repeats. Yes its easy to say well I can get highest gear just by getting comms. The thing is, its not the BEST gear, those only drop from hard and nightmare ops, and not every person has highest end gear.


Many do run alts, many do hit that wall and take a leave for a few weeks until the next batch of content. Some will stick around and do other things and remain social.

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The answer to "what do you do in PvE after you have full gear" will depend on what your personal motivations are in the game. Since you asked for advice from the perspective of "a hardcore PvE player," I'll interpret that as being a player in a dedicated progression guild, which I am. My opinions below do not universally apply to all progression players, but I believe they apply to the majority of them.


Clearing the hardest content in the game is our guild's primary motivation. That means the nightmare version of everything. The fact that you get the best gear available in the game by clearing the hardest content is only a byproduct of what we're really working to do, which is to clear the content.


After working to clear the content once, there are additional motivating factors that come into play. One is that everyone on the team wants to have a full set of best-in-slot gear so that we are prepared to immediately move into the next tier of content when it is released. This means getting the hardest content on farm, which at times can be far from an easy task.


Secondly, re-running the hardest content allows everyone on the team to practice both their individual skills as well as strengthen the overall dynamic of the team. The nightmare version of Dread Fortress will be able to be cleared more easily if team members are able to work as a cohesive unit, which requires an investment of time.


Thirdly, perfecting the ability to clear the hardest content can bring additional rewards. Titles from specific clears (e.g. Eternal Warrior) or timed runs of nightmare content are one type of reward. Unique mounts, pets and distinctive armour shells are another type.


To answer the specific questions in your post:


Can you earn money from ops? Yes, if you are able to clear the content smoothly. A no-wipe run of TFB, S&V, DF or DP can be quite profitable. It depends on the total amount of trash in the operation and whether you clear the extra "money bosses." I'm not sure of the exact numbers, as I have never kept track, but killing just the basic trash in TFB and S&V (i.e. not even going out of your way to kill extra trash) will bring in well over 100K credits. Killing a single money boss will drop approximately 25K to 35K per player and there are multiple money bosses in TFB and S&V.


Is there gear that drops that is above 78s? No, 78s from DF/DP hard mode token drops is currently the best available in the game. The next tier of gear to be released will be 81s from DF/DP nightmare mode token drops. Having your entire team in full best-in-slot 78s will be important to be able to tackle nightmare Dread Fortress upon its release.

Edited by Levram
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I would say the point of doing PVE after being fully geared is for fun, learning fights to improve clearing times, social gatherings with friends, entertainment.


I am sure other people have different reasons for playing of coarse.

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For me it's really no different than any other recurring social interactions I partake in. Have played Monopoly and Scrabble and Poker and whatnot gazillion times, but still play them, because of the people I game with. I have fun running with guildies and even pugs and meeting new people.
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I consider myself "casual-core" dedicated to progression but not enough to be the first (Been there, done that, I'm over it); I am OK with taking more time to clear content because I do not risk burning out.


It's all been said:

- for fun

- helping guildies and friends

- friendly competition


Is there gear that drops that is above 78s? No, 78s from DF/DP hard mode token drops is currently the best available in the game. The next tier of gear to be released will be 81s from DF/DP nightmare mode token drops. Having your entire team in full best-in-slot 78s will be important to be able to tackle nightmare Dread Fortress upon it's release.


This brings up a point: there is a distinction between full 78 and full BiS 78, and there is a sizable separation. Just because someone has gotten enough comms and/or tokens to complete a full oriconian/dread forged set of gear does not mean that the character's stats are optimized.


The item modifications in many pieces of gear - comms and tokens alike - are not always ideal for all the skill tree sets AKA specs for the advanced class that is/are supposed to use that gear. In order to optimize one usually has to look for specific mods and enhancements. This takes more comms and tokens, which means more runs.

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I'm curious, after you have like full gear, what do you do in pve? I heard guilds do HM and NiM just for practice/fun etc, but really, what do you generally do? Can you earn money from ops? Is there gear that only drops from that is very high end, above 78s? I'd like advice from a hardcore pve player please. :)


Some of my guildies are thrilled with the money from TFB. Me, not so much.


Doing operations is fun, if you like doing operations. I can't remember the last time I rolled on gear from an op.


The 78 tier gear is an incremental upgrade over the 72's. Taking myself (tank) and my favorite healer out geared in mostly 72's, I don't have much of a problem soloing any H-2 content in the game.

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Once you capped out on the current gear tier you either


A) Grind valor and get the best PvP gear there and then grind ranked warzones to get the end of season warzones.

B) You level alts and gear them too.

C) You play a MOBA like DOTA2 or "LOL" to pass your otherwise gaming time

D) You Go do stuff in real life and wait for new OP modes or completely new ones.

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Once you capped out on the current gear tier you either


A) Grind valor and get the best PvP gear there and then grind ranked warzones to get the end of season warzones.

B) You level alts and gear them too.

C) You play a MOBA like DOTA2 or "LOL" to pass your otherwise gaming time

D) You Go do stuff in real life and wait for new OP modes or completely new ones.


Or you could learn to be driven by the fun of playing the game rather than the trinkets and trash it hands out.


If the reward is all you're looking for, how is that different from a rat pressing lever A to get a food pellet or lever B to get a mild shock?

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Nightmare content, specifically survival and timed runs, are the ultimate goal behind endgame gearing and progression. In the time before current nightmare content releases (such as now, in 2.6), most guilds will strive to get all their characters min maxed with the hard mode gear, which is Dread Forged at the moment. This is all in preparation for NiM. Once it drops, these hardcore groups will beat their heads mindlessly against NiM content hoping to complete it within its timed run (one hour for DF and DP), and trying to gear everyone with its exclusive NiM gear (Dread Master).


Most groups will continue doing this until the next set of ops even comes out, as VERY few guilds in this game manage to get timed runs completed before the next operation and set of gear comes out. Point being, it may seem like people hit that cap quickly and then have nothing to do, but reality is there are only a handful of players/groups in the game that remain current in progression and NiM content, while most players/groups are behind and struggle the entire time with progression and gearing while Bioware releases new content.

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Or you could learn to be driven by the fun of playing the game rather than the trinkets and trash it hands out.


If the reward is all you're looking for, how is that different from a rat pressing lever A to get a food pellet or lever B to get a mild shock?


If you are maxed out in the current gear, I believe the content has losts its fun factor. Not because I cant get that super 1337 weapon, but because I have ran it 20+ times and its gotten trivial.


The fun and gear factor is something a lot of people frown upon, but fact is, thats if your are fully decked in the current tier gear, you are most likely not having fun running the same raid any more.

Edited by winzhi
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