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Bioware forgot to include the first M in MMO...Massive


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ah, but you pay here regardless if you get patches monthly or not (which most MMO dont do monthly patches for new content). I could pay 7 for a DLC 1 time. Oh, and almost all MMO do make you pay for their expansions + the sub fee. SO uh..yeah, your still paying for expansions and your content cost you more.


The point remains that the subs for an MMO go towards continually developing and expanding the content for it whether that be through an expansion or DLC content. The same thing does not apply to an SP game.

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Please stop posting. I don't think you know how. I want bioware to be able to host hundreds of players at the same time without sharding or phasing. Is that clear enough of you? Do you lack reading comprehension to understand this? I hope I've explained myself clearly and slowly this time.


I will not stop posting, for the very same reason you clearly won't.


You want something that if based by these forums -- Majority players don't.


You want a feature on a game that isn't there.


Last but not least, you don't even have your facts straight.


How can you continue on your blind expedition without even knowing where you are going?

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obviously, there were over 1 million pre-orders. You can't play the game without a sub, so anyone that pre-ordered is considered a subscriber, whether they continue to play or not. Companies ploys are easy to create aren't they.


Not true. I am sure there were plenty of preorders which were not picked up. I know I preordered two CEs but only ended up getting the one because of money reasons. There were 1 million people who went paid for their preorder then entered subscriber information. That is pretty impressive. Even more impressive they only lost the registration server 2 or 3 times.

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I will not stop posting, for the very same reason you clearly won't.


You want something that if based by these forums -- Majority players don't.


You want a feature on a game that isn't there.


Last but not least, you don't even have your facts straight.


How can you continue on your blind expedition without even knowing where you are going?


You dont understand he says he wants it and he will rant until he gets it or gets banned for baiting. Either way you are beating your head against a rock.

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The point remains that the subs for an MMO go towards continually developing and expanding the content for it whether that be through an expansion or DLC content. The same thing does not apply to an SP game.


completely, which is why I would expect monthly content. Before the large MMO craze, we had expansions for games like GW, Diablo, Star Craft, the Sims, and more. None which required a sub and all which made money with these expansion. If I am going to pay for an expansion it shouldn't come from the costs of my monthly sub. If I am going to pay 200 a year to play a game, it better be able to contain more content then a 20-30 dollar expansion.

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You dont understand he says he wants it and he will rant until he gets it or gets banned for baiting. Either way you are beating your head against a rock.


Lol i see.


Well i only have 2 hours left of work.


Then someone else can take over beating their head.

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Lol i see.


Well i only have 2 hours left of work.


Then someone else can take over beating their head.


Personally I like they are being conservative at launch. I have never been involved with a launch that I am able to play with no lag and not have to fight 5 million people for that one item or monster kill.

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Hmm well 1 million plus people have signed up for recurring subscriptions. Think you may be a little out of touch and off base here.


I am among that one million, but I, and my friends, have no desire to continue playing as is. The only reason so many signed up for a sub is because it's mandatory. Many people, myself included, fully intend to cancel our subs near the end of the month simply because we feel we'll have experienced all there is to experience by then. There's no endgame content to look forward to, there's not much to look forward to at all. TOR is very much the journey, not the destination, which is fine for a typical game, not an MMO. So basing your argument on how many people have subbed now really is quite premature, since Bioware's forced those people to sub if they wanna play the game they bought.

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This is a game not a car. Sorry but again your comparison has nothing to do with anything remotely close to a video game. We arent talking windshield wipers we are talking code which can and will be optimized as we go along. You comparing it to a car is simply foolish.


Your going to keep avoiding the issue aren't you. I was comparing to like items, something you did not in your post to me "something like MMO to peaches or something." This game just came out and is should have everything or close to everything old MMO's have incorporated. I can see your just going to keep defending this issue regardless of logical thought. Please don't respond to me unless you have an actual responds to why every other MMO can host hundreds of player per server without shards or phasing and this cannot.

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Please stop posting. I don't think you know how. I want bioware to be able to host hundreds of players at the same time without sharding or phasing. Is that clear enough of you? Do you lack reading comprehension to understand this? I hope I've explained myself clearly and slowly this time.


Well if that's whats you want your not getting it /end thread.

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Tbh, the "game just launched, give it time" defense really irritates me. The things we are discussing here and now are things that are done BEFORE a game is launched, not after. You don't wait until after you launch a game to go in and make it's engine stable enough to handle thousands of people, you do that sort of thing before you launch. So no, giving them time is not acceptable. For some things, like chat bubbles and a better galactic market, yeah, sure, those sort of things can be patched in over time. But for major things such as the way they handle servers, nope, that sort of thing does not change drastically after launch and it is something they should have addressed in the past six years, not a few months after launch.
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I will not stop posting, for the very same reason you clearly won't.


You want something that if based by these forums -- Majority players don't.


You want a feature on a game that isn't there.


Last but not least, you don't even have your facts straight.


How can you continue on your blind expedition without even knowing where you are going?


If the don't majority want it, then why are there multiple thread on this issue? What are the forums for? I thought to express views and thought, but apparently the only forums that are accepted by you are ones where everyone is sucking biowares ****. Please, inform me, since you say I have my facts wrong, why cannot TOR host hundreds of people on a single server without sharding or phasing? Someone still has yet to answer that question.

Edited by McAvinue
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If the majority want it, then way are there multiple thread on this issue? What are the forums for? I thought to express views and thought, but apparently the only forums that are accepted by you are ones where everyone is sucking biowares ****. Please, inform me, since you say I have my facts wrong, cannot TOR host hundreds of people on a single server without sharding or phasing? Someone still has yet to answer that question.


They 'Can' but the formula deliberately chosen by bioware is to not do this.


Sharding isn't done because someone can't do what you ask but because they feel for the way they want to exacute the game this is how they want to do it.


So Yes the CAN but they WON'T.


Are you satisfied now?

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If the majority want it, then why are there multiple thread on this issue? What are the forums for? I thought to express views and thought, but apparently the only forums that are accepted by you are ones where everyone is sucking biowares ****. Please, inform me, since you say I have my facts wrong, cannot TOR host hundreds of people on a single server without sharding or phasing? Someone still has yet to answer that question.


This is something none of us CAN answer. Server-wise, most certainly, gameplay wise, of course. The real question is can the game engine handle that many people on at the same time? And that is simply something nobody here can answer, save Bioware themselves.

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They 'Can' but the formula deliberately chosen by bioware is to not do this.


Sharding isn't done because someone can't do what you ask but because they feel for the way they want to exacute the game this is how they want to do it.


So Yes the CAN but they WON'T.


Are you satisfied now?


I will when I see the yellow text of a mod explaining this to me, instead of someone uninformed on inside information. Someone asked me earlier when I will be satisfied. When a mod answers. I don't expect it, but that is what I want.

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If the don't majority want it, then why are there multiple thread on this issue? What are the forums for? I thought to express views and thought, but apparently the only forums that are accepted by you are ones where everyone is sucking biowares ****. Please, inform me, since you say I have my facts wrong, why cannot TOR host hundreds of people on a single server without sharding or phasing? Someone still has yet to answer that question.


And downhill he slides. Just point out before you started acting like a child just because there a vocal minority here on the forums doesnt represent the entire game base. TOR maybe can but clearly isnt. I get it you think they should go a different route. You dont run the game tho. The fact is the game doesnt have 100s of people in the same place at the same time. Thats just how it is. I dont see it changing.

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Which is pretty much what BioWare said they were making right from the start. This isn't a traditional bog standard open world MMO but it never pretended to be one either.


I don't recall them stating this, as it pretty much puts them out of the category of games that can justify a monthly subscription on a long term level. But if is the case and the way they intend their product to be I will gladly pay that monthly subscription for the few months it will take me to go through the content I want. At that point I will cancel my subscription and move on to another game that holds me over.


If they want to be an MMORPG as they have marketed the game, I will gladly stick around to see how that goes. Either way I will enjoy the game, it is just entirely up to them as to how long I do that for and how much money they get out of me.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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If the don't majority want it, then why are there multiple thread on this issue? What are the forums for? I thought to express views and thought, but apparently the only forums that are accepted by you are ones where everyone is sucking biowares ****. Please, inform me, since you say I have my facts wrong, why cannot TOR host hundreds of people on a single server without sharding or phasing? Someone still has yet to answer that question.


You think even if there was 2000 people complaining that would mean something?


Your little complaint is a small drop in the bucket of an identified 1 million subs.


So yeah 2000 complaints are nothing compared to 1,000,000.


As to answer your question "why cannot tor host hundreds of people without phasing" they chose NOT to.


and guess what, majority players agree.


Edit: Maybe not AGREE -- but they don't care either way enough to post about it.

Edited by djsmileey
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The reality is if they dont take out sharding and up the cap to a few thousand at least then this game will lose alot of subs at the end of the month.


Simple cut and dry truth.

... please post your evidence to support this. What game has suffered due to sharding?


Make that definitive evidence that the reason the game's sub numbers suffered was sharding please. Not vague "everyone knows" or "me and my friends" arguments, but clear documented proof that enough people care about this issue to make a significant dent in any game's subscription base.


Until you can do that, well ......


I'll post definitive proof that actually most people don't give a rat's patootie about instancing/sharding/etc etc


Guild Wars, the second most successful game in the genre. Granted it doesn't call itself a true mmorpg, but it has enough similarities that every single major to minor gaming site puts it in the same genre as mmorpgs. No subs, but game sales and users.


How about WoW? Where essentially all significant content in the game is instanced and/or sharded. Yes there's the potential to have hundreds in the same area in WoW, but the reality is when more than a couple of hundred are in any one area the game has significant lag. Most players of WoW, whether PvPers or PvEers, are in sharded and/or instanced areas 90% of their playtime.


So let's look at the numbers.


Guild Wars - In 2009 they reported 6+ million in games sold since it was released.


WoW - somewhere between 11 to 13 million subscribers.


I'll be generous to you and let's just say 16 million people that don't care enough about sharding and instancing to have it effect their desire to enjoy those games.


Your turn.

Edited by Umbral
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And downhill he slides. Just point out before you started acting like a child just because there a vocal minority here on the forums doesnt represent the entire game base. TOR maybe can but clearly isnt. I get it you think they should go a different route. You dont run the game tho. The fact is the game doesnt have 100s of people in the same place at the same time. Thats just how it is. I dont see it changing.


I'm flustered by yours and others consistent retorts of idiocy that bring me that that point. Several of my post asked a basic point, and all i got in responds was "LOLZ your stupid." No I don't run the game, but I can ask the question, and I don't need you to sound like a fanboy shutting me up because you think my opinion is dumb. Shards and instances are MMO killers. If you're fine paying $60 plus $15 a month to play a single player experience with attached co-op then go ahead. But that is not what I, nor people who make these threads want. Speaking of which how do you know WE are the minority? I surely don't know that, so you cannot either. Stop being an elitist ***. MMO's should have hundreds of people playing them at one time.

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I'm flustered by yours and others consistent retorts of idiocy that bring me that that point. Several of my post asked a basic point, and all i got in responds was "LOLZ your stupid." No I don't run the game, but I can ask the question, and I don't need you to sound like a fanboy shutting me up because you think my opinion is dumb. Shards and instances are MMO killers. If you're fine paying $60 plus $15 a month to play a single player experience with attached co-op then go ahead. But that is not what I, nor people who make these threads want. Speaking of which how do you know WE are the minority? I surely don't know that, so you cannot either. Stop being an elitist ***. MMO's should have hundreds of people playing them at one time.


I am fairly certain no-one has called you stupid, or resorted to name calling.


I frustrated you simply by asking you simple questions that contradict your efforts.


If that is to much stress, perhaps these forums aren't for you.


TOR Forums aren't for the feint of heart.


the game DOES have hundreds of people playing at one time. Servers have a rough cap of about 5000 right now.


I say you are the minority, because if you READ all those complaint threads it's the same thing every time:


Original Post: Complaint complaint complaint:

2 -- 500 pages of responses:


about 6 out of every 10 posts per page is usually AGAINST the OP.


With 3-4 posts per page also complaining.


so that would make you the ESTIMATED minority.


That and POLLS that were taken show heavy favor for the game.

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I don't get this. I see tons of people on Balmorra, in fact, enough to piss me off when they take my quest requirements. ::shrug::




Oh and this. Let's stand 300 deep around an NPC in Port Jeuno. {No, thanks.}


I don't get it either. I run into people all the time. Its only now since I've leveled faster than the majority do I get on planets with barely anyone, but as soon as I get back to the lower areas there are people talking and running all over the place.


And in saying that, the world is full of NPCs, even ones just sitting round and doing things, having no express purpose other than filling the world. In WoW you had what, dirt and plants whenever there weren't players in a zone. And heck, what use are seeing players everywhere all the time when most are busy leveling right now and don't talk.

Edited by Ray_sir
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