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This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.


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It is with a heavy heart. and great sadness that I announce my retirement from SWTOR.


These last few years have been an adventure...I've taken a few breaks...Been in a few guilds...done a couple warzones with a few of you...and every step of the way has been a wonderful magical experience.


I'm not quitting because of any poor development choices by Bioware...or any intragame feud, or even because I'm bored....I'm quitting because If I don't do it now, I never will.

This game....more so than any, keeps drawing me back. Despite its shortfalls the PvP is just so addicting....maybe not the gameplay itself, but the sense of community....everyone knows everyone, and it makes for a wonderfully exciting time....albeit with the unwanted side effect of ego inflation.....I've lost my passion, I've stopped caring, and I've become a sloppy washed up version of myself because of it.


I've seen the rise and fall of great empires, and great people...I was here for the churbs, and the fatedds, and the gardensoflight. I was there for every up and down The Shadowlands ever faced.....I've had deep meaningful conversations with every manner of lover, and hater, right here on these very forums....and I will cherish those memories forever.


I'd like to take some time to recognize a few standouts that have helped shape me as a player......recognition isn't something I usually give, unless it's towards TheSauce....but only because that's justly deserved.


To all the people in Spacebar Heroes and TGO (only original gangster TGO members know why they get mentioned in my eulogy), especially Azmodyus and Sylphine. (honorable mention to Kletian, for being bad)


To any and all surviving Sith Meditation Sphere players, I appreciate the pain you went through on a daily basis, If I was a better man I would chalk up the money to pay for extensive counseling for all of you.....sadly, you will have to make due with a heartfelt apology for any abuse I may have put you through, sexual or otherwise.


To Physics...for being a team, at least for a little bit....and for teaching me the most valuable lesson of all.

Something I think would help a few people here immensely, as it’s helped me, is realizing that you are NOT the best....realize that you can always get better...strive for perfection and don’t accept anything but. The moment you become complacent...the moment winning becomes a fact, and not the goal, is the moment you hit your ceiling....I'm personally not a big fan of ceilings.


To Skillmatic...for teaching me how not to lead a guild.


To reginlief, and sometimes viper, for the late night talks...you were part of the few that were looking forward...you recognized progress had to be made, and you made it happen, I respect you more than most of the people in this game reginlief...you're the best....My only regret was not being there for you....we were best bros, and I abandoned you..... and in your quest for power you lost a part of yourself...your humility...the soft spoken big hearted country boy I had fallen in love with, came back a fast talkin, fire spittin, city slicker....and it broke my heart....in the homoest of ways.


to Heliopolis the torch is passed....may it guide the shadowlands safely through the howling dark....that they may one day see the light. This gift was always meant to be bestowed unto you...the most deserving. May your enemies fall upon your divine blades for many years to come....I know you're pretty much retired, but perhaps this torch might be used to rekindle your passion for bloodshed.


To Infinite Darkness....for breaking up the monotony that was ranked pvp, we fell apart at the end there, but some of the best games of my life were had against you ***********.....dat 2 point novare coast....somnax choking at huttball...a single tear rolls down my cheek as I type this....beautiful...


to kft, nisses randy guild, and I guess inferno....for existing?


and to all the baddies....so many of you...terrible terrible people


....and most importantly...To the past and present crew of Death Smile....the people with whom I take my little adventure to an end...I was a bit hesitant at first, seeing a rag tag band of what was effectively WOOK players that I used to beat up on, plus a malrak. It was definitely not an attractive proposition at first. I joined with the notion that it would be a stepping stone...a layover, a rest stop, something along those lines. I stayed when I realized these people had everything Physics didn't....they were never on top, so they hadn't grown complacent, they had the drive and motivation to push themselves in the face of adversity, rather than crumble before it. They were elitist, because they had to be. It started off a sloppy, disorganized mess, but after some house keeping (we used american cleaning ladies) the core group eventually evolved into, in my opinion (for whatever that's worth) the best ranked team this server has ever seen.....they carried my noob *** to the lofty perch of 3100 pre season rating, which I only mention because my subconscious urges me to self servingly endorse my own elitism (it was also the highest on the server, I win, you all lose) Sadly I must admit, I fear a good portion of what made them great has been lost.....that the higher altitudes of that lofty perch may have deprived a few players of oxygen...and of passion. Competitive PvP in its current form, is but a shadow of its former self, and I fear it might only get worse as time passes.


and finally to Spurs...for being a great leader, an exceptional player, and an amazing friend. Your constant drive to push everyone past their limits is what made everything we did possible. You pulled me back into a game I had forsaken....helped me learn to enjoy it again.



A good portion of DS seemed to go the way of the Dinosaur when they took away 8v8's....and for that I would like to observe a moment of silence for our fallen comrades.


For all the rest, I could go on and on about how much I love or hate you....and I probably should, because it would make the ensuing chaos that much more enjoyable, but I won't.....because I lack the will to carry on....I just don't care anymore...my only regret is that unsubbing will deny me the ability to school you all in forum pvp. I expect you all to properly mourn the loss of one of the greats, pop bottles, bang models, all that good stuff.

I also expect the ensuing power vacuum on the forums in the coming weeks from me vacating my giant dick to entertain for months to come. You're welcome


and with that, shadowlands, I bit you adieu


How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

- Thomas Meehan


Stay classy,


Edited by Frequencyz
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Sucks to see the best go. =(

Its too bad we only teamed up once, in a civil war, where we 2 man face rolled snow. I will always remember that 1 time; so thank you and take care in your endeavors outside swtor.



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It is with a heavy heart. and great sadness that I announce my retirement from SWTOR.


These last few years have been an adventure...I've taken a few breaks...Been in a few guilds...done a couple warzones with a few of you...and every step of the way has been a wonderful magical experience.


I'm not quitting because of any poor development choices by Bioware...or any intragame feud, or even because I'm bored....I'm quitting because If I don't do it now, I never will.

This game....more so than any, keeps drawing me back. Despite its shortfalls the PvP is just so addicting....maybe not the gameplay itself, but the sense of community....everyone knows everyone, and it makes for a wonderfully exciting time....albeit with the unwanted side effect of ego inflation.....I've lost my passion, I've stopped caring, and I've become a sloppy washed up version of myself because of it.


I've seen the rise and fall of great empires, and great people...I was here for the churbs, and the fatedds, and the gardensoflight. I was there for every up and down The Shadowlands ever faced.....I've had deep meaningful conversations with every manner of lover, and hater, right here on these very forums....and I will cherish those memories forever.


I'd like to take some time to recognize a few standouts that have helped shape me as a player......recognition isn't something I usually give, unless it's towards TheSauce....but only because that's justly deserved.


To all the people in Spacebar Heroes and TGO (only original gangster TGO members know why they get mentioned in my eulogy), especially Azmodyus and Sylphine. (honorable mention to Kletian, for being bad)


To any and all surviving Sith Meditation Sphere players, I appreciate the pain you went through on a daily basis, If I was a better man I would chalk up the money to pay for extensive counseling for all of you.....sadly, you will have to make due with a heartfelt apology for any abuse I may have put you through, sexual or otherwise.


To Physics...for being a team, at least for a little bit....and for teaching me the most valuable lesson of all.

Something I think would help a few people here immensely, as it’s helped me, is realizing that you are NOT the best....realize that you can always get better...strive for perfection and don’t accept anything but. The moment you become complacent...the moment winning becomes a fact, and not the goal, is the moment you hit your ceiling....I'm personally not a big fan of ceilings.


To Skillmatic...for teaching me how not to lead a guild.


To reginlief, and sometimes viper, for the late night talks...you were part of the few that were looking forward...you recognized progress had to be made, and you made it happen....My only regret was not being there for you reg....we were best bros, and I abandoned you..... and in your quest for power you lost a part of yourself...your humility...the soft spoken big hearted country boy I had fallen in love with, came back a fast talkin, fire spittin, city slicker....and it broke my heart....in the homoest of ways.


to Heliopolis the torch is passed....may it guide the shadowlands safely through the howling dark....that they may one day see the light. This gift was always meant to be bestowed unto you...the most deserving. May your enemies fall upon your divine blades for many years to come....I know you're pretty much retired, but perhaps this torch might be used to rekindle your passion for bloodshed.


To Infinite Darkness....for breaking up the monotony that was ranked pvp, we fell apart at the end there, but some of the best games of my life were had against you ***********.....dat 2 point novare coast....somnax choking at huttball...a single tear rolls down my cheek as I type this....beautiful...


to kft, nisses randy guild, and I guess inferno....for existing?


and to all the baddies....so many of you...terrible terrible people


....and most importantly...To the past and present crew of Death Smile....the people with whom I take my little adventure to an end...I was a bit hesitant at first, seeing a rag tag band of what was effectively WOOK players that I used to beat up on, plus a malrak. It was definitely not an attractive proposition at first. I joined with the notion that it would be a stepping stone...a layover, a rest stop, something along those lines. I stayed when I realized these people had everything Physics didn't....they were never on top, so they hadn't grown complacent, they had the drive and motivation to push themselves in the face of adversity, rather than crumble before it. They were elitist, because they had to be. It started off a sloppy, disorganized mess, but after some house keeping (we used american cleaning ladies) the core group eventually evolved into, in my opinion (for whatever that's worth) the best ranked team this server has ever seen.....they carried my noob *** to the lofty perch of 3100 pre season rating, which I only mention because my subconscious urges me to self servingly endorse my own elitism (it was also the highest on the server, I win, you all lose) Sadly I must admit, I fear a good portion of what made them great has been lost.....that the higher altitudes of that lofty perch may have deprived a few players of oxygen...and of passion. Competitive PvP in its current form, is but a shadow of its former self, and I fear it might only get worse as time passes.


and finally to Spurs...for being a great leader, an exceptional player, and an amazing friend. Your constant drive to push everyone past their limits is what made everything we did possible. You pulled me back into a game I had forsaken....helped me learn to enjoy it again.



A good portion of DS seemed to go the way of the Dinosaur when they took away 8v8's....and for that I would like to observe a moment of silence for our fallen comrades.


For all the rest, I could go on and on about how much I love or hate you....and I probably should, because it would make the ensuing chaos that much more enjoyable, but I won't.....because I lack the will to carry on....I just don't care anymore...my only regret is that unsubbing will deny me the ability to school you all in forum pvp. I expect you all to properly mourn the loss of one of the greats, pop bottles, bang models, all that good stuff.

I also expect the ensuing power vacuum on the forums in the coming weeks from me vacating my giant dick to entertain for months to come. You're welcome


and with that, shadowlands, I bit you adieu


How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

- Thomas Meehan


Stay classy,



You will always be in my heart xoxo

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I wish you well Frequency,. You've always been someone I enjoy bumping into and were one of the first people to help inform me about the changes to pvp when I logged in after taking a year off. Thank you for that and thank you for always treating me kindly.


May the force (and sparkle powder) be with you.



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It's been great playing with you...and mostly against you :)


The Best part about playing against you was that i know the match was going to be interesting, and that I had something to learn.


Oh and can I haz your stuff and by stuff i mean TheSauce of course :p


Good travels Man.

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And people should care about you quitting because?


You needed to write a dissertation on you quitting because? :confused:


Because Freq unlike you is a great man who conquered foes far and wide and wasnt a whiny ***** on the forums who was too scared to post his toons name.....




also freq is a excellent player, has our respect, and will be missed.

Edited by smuldro
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I like everything about this post except the quitting part.


Who will patrol our forums now, keeping them safe from bads and brits?:(


BW Community Support obviously. Keep up the great work, we haven't had a thread deleted in a long time! Too long, IMO...

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Didn't play with or against you enough Freq, but my backside remembers every encounter we've had :o You will be missed.


BW Community Support obviously. Keep up the great work, we haven't had a thread deleted in a long time! Too long, IMO...


Challenge accepted...?

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