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Everything posted by Nick_S

  1. your off hand should be 191 expertise. It's missing a warhero crystal.
  2. You mentioned crystal in your main hand. Did you put one in the off hand? 1977 is exactly 41 expertise (or 1 crystal) below the max.
  3. This happens a lot on the shadowlands to be honest. Take it as a compliment and move on. Don't let it get to you, there are people and guilds who purposely single known players out in an effort to upset and/or get them to stop PvPing.
  4. They haven't given us an end date, but they did say they will give us a couple weeks notice of when it will end
  5. Telling someone how to gear for bolster (which needs to happen a lot) and to just stop playing are two different things. Telling someone not to PvP isn't constructive or helpful in any way. So I would call it harassment in that regards. Also PvP is life and telling someone not to live is just not cool yoes.
  6. "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if 8.3 Billion credits suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
  7. We have members in England to Japan, so we have players on just about any time. The majority of our players play during east coast prime times though. The second highest would be during the west coast prime times.
  8. He used to atleast. Several times we were in a WZ together he would be guard switching and putting up 500k+ points in protection.
  9. Shadow/Assasin Tank: Effort most of the lists on here think there are no shadow/assassin tanks worth mentioning, but i think that's becasue they're confusing us with DPS. Effort does good DPS while also doing great Protection, peeling, and objective play. Next time you're in a WZ keep an eye on him and you'll see what i mean.
  10. I'm heading to the LA Cantina on 6/12. Wondering if any of ya'll might be there too. If you are, say hi, I'll be the guy with Krent on his shirt
  11. You should. Maybe it's just my perspective, but the queue pops seem to be faster when it's pub v imp.
  12. We've had several WOOKs in solo ranked the last few nights and plan to be on this weekend. We typically start around midnight eastern though and go for an hour or two.
  13. It's been great playing with you...and mostly against you The Best part about playing against you was that i know the match was going to be interesting, and that I had something to learn. Oh and can I haz your stuff and by stuff i mean TheSauce of course Good travels Man.
  14. I don't have anything against you, hell i even consider frequencyz a friend. I think we both lost a bit in translation. Didn't realize you were trying to compliment WOOK, thanks As for fatedd I don't give a **** about him. He says a lot of bs and frequencyz called him out on it. I just found the post about WOOK strange after fatedd's attack on ya'll
  15. Wow it only took you guys 5 hours and 5 posts after ending fatedd's derogatory bs campaign to start your own. Glad to see such good class acts on this server, you must make jackrip proud.
  16. The reason Spurs is laughing AT you so hard because they sure as hell DO have a leap to location. it's called phase walk. oh and by the way shadows have it too, but don't tell the assassins they need to feel special about something.
  17. I agree with you, why remove content. If they want more ranked play then incentivize it like they do high end raiding. Or make a ranked daily and weekly. What happens if areanas suck? Something about 1 in the hand is better than 4v4 in the bush.
  18. It was lots of fun. We'll be trying to que most nights, I'll try and let you guys know when we do.
  19. If the bad premade is winning. Hate to see what happens when the good one is on.
  20. 10 days is hardly a necro-post, but why Reg why? Its had its day, let it go peacefully, gracefully.
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