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Player Housing will be underwhelming


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A house is not a base of operation it a place to put stuff you collect meaning a place for extra storage for armor and collectables that take up room in your cargo bay.


LOLOLOLOL if you think you're going to get an extra storage space, you will be very disappointed.


it will serve the EXACT same purpose and function as your ships and I'd put money on it.

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LOLOLOLOL if you think you're going to get an extra storage space, you will be very disappointed.


it will serve the EXACT same purpose and function as your ships and I'd put money on it.


How much internet money are you willing to wager? I have 5 brazillion internet dollars.

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Why was UO housing and SWG housing useful?


In UO you could place a house next to mines for resources or a spawn location to fight mobs or hunt players. Players installed crafting stations and various skill based target dummies, raised and farmed animals, stored resources, and set up a venders to sell items since there was no auction house.


In SWG same deal. The houses were a much needed item for crafters out in the wild farming for resources and create crafting stations. They were a place for players to sell items off their venders.


In SWTOR... the most useful thing I can think of putting in a house in a PvP terminal and Augment Station. Functionally housing in SWTOR will only appeal to the crowd that wants fluff. Everything players need can be easily obtained on Fleet.


If the devs place an extended inventory system in housing only and allow companions to craft faster in housing, then expand it so you can reach all planets from housing, yes, it would be extremely useful.


I hope housing in SWTOR expands to be appealing for everyone, but on the initial release do not expect the world.

Edited by illgot
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Wait you guy don't seem to under stand is the current dev team when they took over they sat down and ask each other what was the community wanting? That with there current budget they could bring to this game. You don't go out a design every thing every buddy wants with out plan of budget in mind. That what they been doing giving us what we the community want that fits in there budget.


I find it nice to know that they been listening we asked for this feature along with a free roam space they did both. It make me wonder what other files they have name SS for us to see in the future think about it for a sec. Mean there hope for new thing down the road as they open up there road map and continue to make things for us to play with


Reading this post made me miss the old Dev team. Especially Erickson when he would chime in on these forums. :(

Edited by Slicka
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We know the devs are paying attention to when something is requested, such as housing so maybe instead of arguing about all this back and forth over something pointless it would be a good idea to


(1) Go to the suggestion box

(2) Create a post for suggestions

(3) Post what you would like to see in the game

(4) Do not bicker back and forth about different ideas

(5) Let your guild or friends know about the post

(6) Get people to post that would like to see in the game

(7) Again do not rise to the bait of people arguing against it. Ignore them.

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I hear that! :D


And heck, let the new stories kick off in the player housing - it would actually give me a reason to use it at that point.


A house is not a base of operation it a place to put stuff you collect meaning a place for extra storage for armor and collectables that take up room in your cargo bay.


Since when would we need housing for them to increase our storage space? They could give us boatloads of storage and we would never need housing in order to implement it or use it.


(theoretically speaking. Obviously, on an engine that can't handle more than a 25 limit quest log, the term "boatloads" is hyperbole).


How much internet money are you willing to wager? I have 5 brazillion internet dollars.

What? You mean you mine Bitcoins? Jeez, I thought better of you.

Edited by TravelersWay
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You are being unreasonable.


I'd rather have an apartment that doesn't break anything, than a ship that cause gamebreaking crashes.


You didn't understand what I posted.



I don't think it's speculation, devs said as much when pressed for ship customization in the past. Very hard cos of the quests, something along those lines was said.


I'd rather see them do the housing right too. But if they spent a great deal of effort to make ships customizable that effort could arguably have been better spent on making a separate housing system to rival what new MMOs are doing. People would never appreciate the effort it would take to make customizable/upgradable ships work cos a lot of it would have gone under the hood so to speak. It'd just be "That's it? I can change the furniture of my ship?". I have to hope the system they're making has more to it than that heh.


I have to admit, I don't have any idea how the cut scenes work in tandem with the ship. I always assumed that the scenes weren't entirely prerendered because of the player characters armor. I do hope whatever they created is up to our collective expectations, I'm just skeptical that it will be enticing enough to lure us back after we've finished decorating.

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How incredible it is that something has not yet been introduced and there already complaints, I do not get it.
It's not a complaint. Can't complain about something that doesn't exist. It is simply a preemptive hate slam. There are about dozen or that make a living stalking these forums (likely posting under multiple avatars) who do this. Fortunately they are harmless. Best thing we as a community can do is report infractions and leave them to their own little world. Maybe once they "get it" they'll migrate somewhere else. Alas, that won't ever happen and they know it. :( Edited by GalacticKegger
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It's not a complaint. Can't complain about something that doesn't exist. It is simply a preemptive hate slam. There are about dozen or that make a living stalking these forums (likely posting under multiple avatars) who do this. Fortunately they are harmless. Best thing we as a community can do is report infractions and leave them to their own little world. Maybe once they "get it" they'll migrate somewhere else. Alas, that won't ever happen and they know it. :(


or maybe there are just more people who disagree with you, I know that's a shocking revelation but there are some people who don't like everything that get's announced. shame on them for giving a **** amiright?

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or maybe there are just more people who disagree with you, I know that's a shocking revelation but there are some people who don't like everything that get's announced. shame on them for giving a **** amiright?


Indeed. I have been called a Biodrone on several occasions in the past. However, this is one decision I happen to disagree with strongly and will continue to do so until BW restores a little bit of faith in me by working on extensions to the class storylines.

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or maybe there are just more people who disagree with you, I know that's a shocking revelation but there are some people who don't like everything that get's announced. shame on them for giving a **** amiright?
That would be incorrect good sir. People are free to give a **** all they want. I did not challenge anyone's dislike for player housing being announced. I challenged a thread's topic announcing that player housing will be underwhelming. The opinion, while citing possible examples of future implementations that were qualified as personal expectations, never cites a foundation. But, this is a game forum. So I guess "it will suck because I say so" remains a revered disposition. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Indeed. I have been called a Biodrone on several occasions in the past. However, this is one decision I happen to disagree with strongly and will continue to do so until BW restores a little bit of faith in me by working on extensions to the class storylines.


You are going to be disappointed for a very long time then.

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My thoughts are at least it might actually spread people out across the universe ie get people off fleet and moving around the planets etc.

This could be the beginning of more interaction with our environment and not so much of the tunnel like path we seem to follow on planets. I'm looking forward to it, only issue is they seem to take a long time to implement these kinds of things but better late than never I guess.

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what is player housing?


i've been told is about decorating your own house? really? Personally i'm here for the operations i mean i enjoyed leveling my first toon from level 1 to 55, also enjoyed the expansion but paying for decorating my house? that is not the kind of game im gonna keep paying definitely.


what about cross server queues instead? :rolleyes:

Edited by psikofunkster
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That would be incorrect good sir. People are free to give a **** all they want. I did not challenge anyone's dislike for player housing being announced. I challenged a thread's topic announcing that player housing will be underwhelming. The opinion, while citing possible examples of future implementations that were qualified as personal expectations, never cites a foundation. But, this is a game forum. So I guess "it will suck because I say so" remains a revered disposition.


^This so much^. There's nothing wrong with having low expectations of something. But all these few posters ever say is "it will suck because I say so". They constantly post their own personal opinions as universal facts, and when people disagree with them, they resort to insults like Biodrone etc. because that's all they can do. They haven't got actual facts and info to back up anything they say. After a while people get sick of it and call them out on it.

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There is one thing about disagreeing with someone and another thing about stating whether it will be underwhelming or not until it actually gets in the game and there again it would depend on the person's view. Not everyone is expecting it to be perfect. I know I am happy about the housing but I am not expecting it to be perfect because let's face it no person is perfect so anything a person does will have some faults in it. I am not perfect and make mistakes.


But there have been things in the past I didn't like but yet I didn't go to the forums saying it would be underwhelming or that it was a waste of time as I knew there are people that like different things so I could be happy for them that like it whether or not I agreed with it or not.

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or maybe there are just more people who disagree with you, I know that's a shocking revelation but there are some people who don't like everything that get's announced. shame on them for giving a **** amiright?


or maybe its someone deciding they hate something and that it will be awful when all we have is a vague teaser trailer :p

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