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Distortion Field Fix Coming Soon?


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Don't know if there's going to be a 2.6.2 or if we're going straight into 2.7, but either way, can we expect a fix to the fact that Distortion Field's final tier bonus of interrupting missile lock-ons to work when it comes out?
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Disto field works to break a missile lock. There have been two global missile lock bugs- one is still in effect (the second concussion will always hit regardless of your first missile lock break), and the other one is maybe fixed (missile sentry drone).
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Disto field works to break a missile lock. There have been two global missile lock bugs- one is still in effect (the second concussion will always hit regardless of your first missile lock break), and the other one is maybe fixed (missile sentry drone).


It works for "some" people, but not for everybody. I don't know if it's scouts (my ship of choice) that don't break the lock and others do? But I'm telling you I hear that missile locking on, I hit distortion field, it doesn't interrupt the person trying to lock me up. Next thing you know, they're sending a missle up my you-know-where. :p

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It works for "some" people, but not for everybody. I don't know if it's scouts (my ship of choice) that don't break the lock and others do? But I'm telling you I hear that missile locking on, I hit distortion field, it doesn't interrupt the person trying to lock me up. Next thing you know, they're sending a missle up my you-know-where. :p


90% of the time this is because the game decided you didn't actually select the lock break upgrade (often when switching shield components around, because it defaults to left side). The rest is lag.

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The rest is lag.


I think this happens more often than people know. I've seen missiles I fire completely miss from people barely moving out of the stated range of the missile when they look in range on my screen or they lag jump. I've also seen my missiles appear to travel longer than their stated range to hit. All I can think is it's my lag factor and the video is not keeping up with the commands.

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It works for "some" people, but not for everybody. I don't know if it's scouts (my ship of choice) that don't break the lock and others do? But I'm telling you I hear that missile locking on, I hit distortion field, it doesn't interrupt the person trying to lock me up. Next thing you know, they're sending a missle up my you-know-where. :p


You may be trying to break lock while they're still acquiring a lock on you, in which case after 3 seconds of delay all they have to do to restart the process is right click their mouse again. Basically in most cases in that situation the problem is that you wasted your defensive cooldown when it wasn't really needed. The one exception is if you are sure that interrupting the missile lock countdown before the launch will give you enough time to either get out of range or break line of sight.


You may be getting hit by fast missiles at short range if network latency is causing the data packet that tells the server that you hit a defensive move to get to the server after it decided that the missile has had enough time to reach you. Better internet connection is the only way to solve this, and if the problem isn't the connection hardware in your house or at your ISP, there's basically no solution other than telecom/network companies in the U.S. upgrading their hardware to first world standards. Translation: too bad for you, it's not going to be fixed.


You may be getting hit by a buggy missile from an upgraded cluster missile's second missile, or from a missile drone's missile (depending on how well the missile drone fix actually works).


At any rate, the problem is not in distortion field, it's one of the above.


Given how poorly most people understand how the missile lock process works, I suspect it's most likely the first one. As a general rule, don't hit the defensive cooldown until you hear the tone that indicates that the missile has actually been launched at you (not the first warning tone, the second one). There are two warnings, one to say a missile is being aimed at you, and a second to say a missile has been fired at you. The second one is the important one.


** The exception to the rule is at very close ranges, where network latency means that hitting the defensive cooldown has a good chance of not getting to the server before the missile registers as having hit your ship. However, if you break lock in the acquisition phase, you need to get out of range or break LOS until your CD is back up, because otherwise they will just lock onto you again.


For any missile other than cluster missiles most of the ability to actually hit with missiles is a combination of tricking people into using their defenses prematurely and knowing how much within max range you have to be so that latency doesn't cause you to loose your missile lock.

Edited by Ramalina
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Better internet connection is the only way to solve this, and if the problem isn't the connection hardware in your house or at your ISP, there's basically no solution other than telecom/network companies in the U.S. upgrading their hardware to first world standards. Translation: too bad for you, it's not going to be fixed.


Not to turn this into another Comcast vs Google discussion, but how much of that problem is actually caused by bad infrastructure and how much of it is due to the nature of TCP/IP? You're flat out guaranteed something between 12-24 hops to get to the server, and if one of the hops goes down, your next packet gets diverted and risks arriving out of sequence. There's not (always) much the ISP can do about that.

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As a experienced missile boat user with (6750 protorp's) and (275 various others) fired.

The big thing is lag, where it shows him in range for example is not always the case. Took me awile to understand to.

So times your comp due to latancy dose not show you hit til afte you've allrdy been hit by the missile in which case you've wasted the breaker. Sometime's your are allrdy out of range when he is trying to lock on wile you are showing in range as well. Missile locking is a lot better then it use to be but is still hard at time to do.


Say you are being tracked by a pike for example common practice is to lock you at max range 11.5km as you are approaching which makes it hard for you to get out of the arc with the comp bonus.

Then he fire's a conc missile aswell. You try to break missile lock. The missle lock break's the most recent lock (the Conc) and the protorp still hits.


The answer to the problem is running with a scout with emp field rank 4 for the 3 sec's of none lock abilty not only does it break a lock but also is only thing to make user and 2 other immune to missle lock for 3 secs so very usefull.

That isn't being utilized wel yet though because most people don't understand that with team work and a verity of builds you can over come most premades. Everyone wants to be the killer and sometime's you get the kill but more then not the kills are tallied by the guy who got the last shot anyways. It's not the guy with the most kills you got to worry about all the time some times you can be support and make the difference because hes the one who makes or break a hard battle.

Which none of us have seen in awile unless its aginst our ownself's or the astroid's.

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One thing I noticed is that if you change components on your ship it will reset your tier 4 and tier 5 choice on one you were using to left branch. This is one reason why I for some matches thought that distortion field is bugged..
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On the distortion field bugs, has anyone noticed that while you're obtaining lock on a target and you use your distortion field your attacker's, as well as the your own lock breaks?


This has caused me to *** many times. I'm glad it's not all in my head. I've learned to not even start a missile lock unless I'm clear of a TT or distortion field use and 250m less than max range. Lag kills more than lytewaith :D


Edit: hah! Above, the censor in the text is nothing more than W T F. That is nuts.

Edited by zaskar
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You may be trying to break lock while they're still acquiring a lock on you, in which case after 3 seconds of delay all they have to do to restart the process is right click their mouse again. Basically in most cases in that situation the problem is that you wasted your defensive cooldown when it wasn't really needed. The one exception is if you are sure that interrupting the missile lock countdown before the launch will give you enough time to either get out of range or break line of sight.


You may be getting hit by fast missiles at short range if network latency is causing the data packet that tells the server that you hit a defensive move to get to the server after it decided that the missile has had enough time to reach you. Better internet connection is the only way to solve this, and if the problem isn't the connection hardware in your house or at your ISP, there's basically no solution other than telecom/network companies in the U.S. upgrading their hardware to first world standards. Translation: too bad for you, it's not going to be fixed.


You may be getting hit by a buggy missile from an upgraded cluster missile's second missile, or from a missile drone's missile (depending on how well the missile drone fix actually works).


At any rate, the problem is not in distortion field, it's one of the above.


Given how poorly most people understand how the missile lock process works, I suspect it's most likely the first one. As a general rule, don't hit the defensive cooldown until you hear the tone that indicates that the missile has actually been launched at you (not the first warning tone, the second one). There are two warnings, one to say a missile is being aimed at you, and a second to say a missile has been fired at you. The second one is the important one.


** The exception to the rule is at very close ranges, where network latency means that hitting the defensive cooldown has a good chance of not getting to the server before the missile registers as having hit your ship. However, if you break lock in the acquisition phase, you need to get out of range or break LOS until your CD is back up, because otherwise they will just lock onto you again.


For any missile other than cluster missiles most of the ability to actually hit with missiles is a combination of tricking people into using their defenses prematurely and knowing how much within max range you have to be so that latency doesn't cause you to loose your missile lock.


It is none of the issues you indicated. I'm aware that after three seconds they can lock on again, and it's not lag. I'm telling you that it NEVER works. I hit the button, and the missile lock warning keeps right on chirping because it didn't break anything. It. Is. Bugged. It. Needs. Fixing.

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It is none of the issues you indicated. I'm aware that after three seconds they can lock on again, and it's not lag. I'm telling you that it NEVER works. I hit the button, and the missile lock warning keeps right on chirping because it didn't break anything. It. Is. Bugged. It. Needs. Fixing.


If it happens all the time, would you mind making a video of it? OBS is a free recording suite that doesn't eat up resources like FRAPS. You could take the video within five minutes, then throw it on youtube for the rest of us to see and say "yep, that's a bug, fix pls bioware".

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