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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class Changes that should also be in 2.7


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Please be aware that the following is a list of proposed balance changes mostly oriented to arena. I want this to be a community project so I welcome any feedback and proposals and would be happy if you share your opinion.





  • Tech Override/Power Surge now grants interrupt immunity for 6 seconds after all charges were used.


Combat Medic/Bodyguard

  • The cooldown of Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan is now 15 seconds (Down from 21).


Assault Specialist/Pyrotech


  • Rapid Recharge/Rapid Venting now increases ranged and tech crit chance by 2% (former 2% alacrity)
  • Hyper Barrels/Power Barrels now increases damage of the mentioned abilities by 10% (Up from 6%).
  • Reflexsive Battery/Jet Rebounder now additionally increases the slow applied by Concussion Charge/Jet Boost from 50% to 75%.




  • Force Mend/Unnatural Preservation now does not respect the gcd and neither causes one.



  • Noble Sacrifice/Consumption now restores double the force and doesn't consume health when activated with a stack of Resplendence/Force Surge.
  • Salvation/Revivification now gives all targets who are in the area upon activation a HoT for 10 seconds which heals 50% of the maximum heal. Targets who stay in the area for up to 10 seconds also get the other 50% of the heal.
  • After activating Healing Trance/Innervate your next Deliverance/Dark Infusion is immune to interrupts (15 sec cd)



  • Abilities using a Presence of Mind/Wrath proc now don't cost any force
  • Physic Absorption/Devour now also causes Force Armor/Static Barrier placed on yourself to not cost any force.
  • Telekinetic Focal Point/Focal Lightning has been redesigned, it now only stacks 3 times and gives 1% crit per point up to a maximum of 6% crit on 3 stacks. (Up from 4% alacrity)






  • Lambaste now lets Project/Shock automatically proc Force Breach/Discharge on the target while in Force Technique/Lightning Charge.
  • Physic Absorption/Devour now also causes Project/Shock to deal 25% more damage and cost 15 less force.
  • Mental Defense/Shapeless Spirit now also reduces the cooldown of Deflection by 45 seconds.






  • Heightened Power/Cascading Power now also makes Blade Storm/Force Scream in the next 5 seconds after using Force Sweep/Smash an automatically critical hit.



  • Removal of the bleeding effects on Blade Storm/Force Scream and Overhead Slash/Impale while boosting their upfront damage.





Crippling Throw / Deadly Throw now costs 1 focus/rage to activate (Down from 3).





  • Heightened Power/Cascading Power now also makes Blade Storm/Force Scream in the next 5 seconds after using Force Sweep/Smash an automatically critical hit.




  • Merciless Zeal/Hungering now causes your dots to heal you for 2% of your maximum health on a critical hit while in Juyo Form.
  • Weakening Wounds/Agonizing Sabers now cause your dots to be uncleansable.
  • Critical hits with Merciless slash/Annihilate now builds two stacks of Merciless/Annihilator instead of one.
    Merciless Slash/Annihilate now also gives your target a debuff for 5 seconds which increases your dot damage on that target by 10%
  • Zen/Berserk now builds up two stacks of Merciless/Annihilator while in Juyo Form.




  • Hand of Justice/Slaughter now won't proc if Precision Slash/Gore is not on cooldown.
  • Opportune Attack/Execute now lets Blade Rush/Massacre and Slash/Vicious Slash build a stack, on two stacks your next Blade Storm/Force Scream will be a critical hit.
  • Combat Trance/Blood Frenzy now causes Blade Storm/Force Scream to recover 2 focus/rage instead of one.





Tactics/Advanced Prototype


  • Battlefield Training/Pneumatic Boots now additionally increases High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot damage by 10%.
  • Combat Tactics/Charged Gauntlets now additionally let High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot build a stack of Pulse Generator/Prototype Flame Thrower.


Assault Specialist/Pyrotech


  • Rapid Recharge/Rapid Venting now increases ranged and tech crit chance by 2% (former 2% alacrity)
  • Riot Augs/Power Bracer now increases damage of the mentioned abilities by 10% (Up from 6%).



Shield Specialist/Shield Tech


  • Pulse Engine/Flame Engine now also causes Pulse Cannon/Flamethrower to immobilize all affected targets for the duration.
  • Soldier's Grit/Coolant now gives you 10% damage reduction instead of 5% alacrity when Battle Focus/Explosive Fuel is active.
  • Deflective Guards/Deflective Plating now additionally let your Stock Strike/Rocket Punch immobilize the target for 2 seconds (Direct damage break the effectt).
  • Riot Gas/Oil Slick now reduces the damage of all enemies standing inside the area by 15%. (Former 30% accuracy debuff)






  • Hot Shot/Electrified Blast has been redesigned. Using Charged Burst/Snipe on a target affected with Blazing Speed/Electrified Railgun will give you a stack, on two stacks the cooldown of Sabotage Charge/Explosive Probe will be reset.


Dirty Fighting/Lethality


  • Shrap Bomb/Corrosive Grenade now only affects one target.
  • Concussion/Toxic Regulators will now give Shrap Bomb/Corrosive Grenade the aoe effect back.
    (Does not change anything if you take both skills, but now you can purposely make the aoe dot a single target dot)





  • Sharp Aim/Precision Ambush now ignores 40% of the enemy armor. (Up from 20)
  • Cover Screen now gives you 100% ranged and melee defense for 2 seconds but with a 10 second internal cooldown. (Up from 6 second 30% ranged defense with no cooldown)
  • Charged Aim/Zeroing Shots buff now lasts for 15 seconds. (Up from 10 seconds)

Edited by Venjirai
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Those changes look outstanding compared to Bioware's official patch 2.7, although annihilation spec does need about a 10% increase to dot damage (hemorrhage used to be +15%, and is now +6%).


The buffs to sorc healer would make the spec viable for ranked.


I assume that you are recommending the change to hydraulic overrides instead of the reactive shield buff?

Edited by TheCourier-
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Not feeling your vengeance changes. Our dots help a lot against stealth classes.


This changes are more arena oriented where stealth is not a problem and those dots sometimes do harm by breaking cc and not really adding any significant damage.

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Like the sorcerer's changes very much.

Madness changes don't make them stronger, it just gives energy regen.

Healer changes make them a bit stronger but probably still not as strong as operative, but closer. Very nice OP. Nice way of solving the sorc aoe heal in pvp

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I like most of these, however giving smash another auto crit that's usable directly after an auto crit is a bit much, especially at the frequency this can be pulled off.


Since Smash is getting its aoe damage greatly reduced, it has to shine as a single target burst spec, as its sustained damage is really poor.

Blade Storm won't deal that much damage, even as critical hit, and to use it you have to firstly use smash, which requires better position now, as you don't want to hit the tank in cc who then instantly guards the target to mitigate your burst.

The irony is, that the new counter to smash in arenas is to stack so hardswitching with cc is really hard.

Edited by Venjirai
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Wow, love the Sorc and Sentinel changes.

Although, I would like to see noble sacrifice/consumption be able to be used off GCD.

Also, Watchman and Marauders"s weakening wounds and agonizing sabers needs to ether also make targets receive 10% more dot damage, or just straight out buff 10% dot damage in a talent. Another thing to note is that the heals from burns won't trigger as often anymore since crit has became a lot less valuable, the heal percentage should probably be higher than 2. The alternative of buffing DOT crit chance to previous levels may be too OP.


Activating Zen/berserk should instantly give 2 stacks of MS/annihilate as well. Or perhaps tie it with BS/FS and reduce the cost, so it gives incentive to actually use that skill. (eg. activating the ability instantly build one stack, cost reduced to 2.)


For AP and tactics, hydralic overide should also make them immune from knock downs. To prevent people getting out of their cleave with a seismic grenade. (Must use hard stun or mezz to escape)

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Since Smash is getting its aoe damage greatly reduced, it has to shine as a single target burst spec, as its sustained damage is really poor.

Blade Storm won't deal that much damage, even as critical hit, and to use it you have to firstly use smash, which requires better position now, as you don't want to hit the tank in cc who then instantly guards the target to mitigate your burst.

The irony is, that the new counter to smash in arenas is to stack so hardswitching with cc is really hard.


I understand why you suggested those changes, but auto crit changes everything. With the insane amount of surge smashers already stack, bladestorm/scream crits still hit for 7+ k. Being able to deal out 15-17k of unshieldable damage in 2 globals every 12 seconds to a single target is too much burst.


Not to mention the ease of one auto crit proccing another just brings smash back to how brainlessly easy it was to melt people before the upcoming changes.

Edited by LaVall
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I understand why you suggested those changes, but auto crit changes everything. With the insane amount of surge smashers already stack, bladestorm/scream crits still hit for 7+ k. Being able to deal out 15-17k of unshieldable damage in 2 globals every 12 seconds to a single target is too much burst.


Not to mention the ease of one auto crit proccing another just brings smash back to how brainlessly easy it was to melt people before the upcoming changes.


If Scream gets an auto-crit on Scream then that sort of kills part of what makes Carnage a better single target spec...I'd rather replace that with a % crit chance increase on Vicious Slash instead, since VS crits are like 4k+ and they benefit from a 7.5% crit chance already, that would give them some nice additional potential burst.

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If Scream gets an auto-crit on Scream then that sort of kills part of what makes Carnage a better single target spec...I'd rather replace that with a % crit chance increase on Vicious Slash instead, since VS crits are like 4k+ and they benefit from a 7.5% crit chance already, that would give them some nice additional potential burst.


Agree here.


I also like the Vig/ Veng changes and the Sentinel changes.


This would bring things pretty close to balanced. Madness really needs the DPS increase and also a way to manage force better, those talents pretty much take care of that.

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Since Smash is getting its aoe damage greatly reduced, it has to shine as a single target burst spec, as its sustained damage is really poor.

Blade Storm won't deal that much damage, even as critical hit, and to use it you have to firstly use smash, which requires better position now, as you don't want to hit the tank in cc who then instantly guards the target to mitigate your burst.

The irony is, that the new counter to smash in arenas is to stack so hardswitching with cc is really hard.


Rage has a ridiculous amount of +surge talents. When my scream crits in rage it crits for a good 6-7k which is higher than the auto crit in vengeace.

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Rage has a ridiculous amount of +surge talents. When my scream crits in rage it crits for a good 6-7k which is higher than the auto crit in vengeace.


Ridiculous amount?

It has one, which is only +15%.


It's good that you guys give feedback.

If you don't like the autocrit, still Rage/Focus needs something, most of the other classes have more burst than smash, and it is supposed to be a burst spec. One skill that crits for 4-9k depending on relic procs and aoe reduction skills is very lackluster.

Edited by Venjirai
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Ridiculous amount?

It has one, which is only +15%.


It's good that you guys give feedback.

If you don't like the autocrit, still Rage/Focus needs something, most of the other classes have more burst than smash, and it is supposed to be a burst spec. One skill that crits for 4-9k depending on relic procs and aoe reduction skills is very lackluster.


If it is so lacklustre then why do most warriors play smash spec in the first place.

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Ridiculous amount?

It has one, which is only +15%.


It's good that you guys give feedback.

If you don't like the autocrit, still Rage/Focus needs something, most of the other classes have more burst than smash, and it is supposed to be a burst spec. One skill that crits for 4-9k depending on relic procs and aoe reduction skills is very lackluster.


All they have to do is just make singularity apply to one target and rage would be perfectly fine.

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