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How many of you change classes in PvP frequently?


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Yes, this also implies the question how many of you switch to the current FOTM class ...


I just think this is not so common as it is made out to be, but then if it were not the case at all one would not see certain classes more or less in warzones, depending on the current meta.

I'm just curious about it, and will give you my take. I play three classes in PvP (Scoundrel, Vanguard and Guardian) and did choose them for other reasons then their PvP viability. Now I have these three and will use them depending on my mood, but I would never switch to a class because it has been buffed and is the current FOTM. What does it help anyway? Switching to a class I have no experience with in PvP will very likely not be a success story anyway, so I stick to the ones I have a clue about - and have a lot of fun playing, even if they are currently not at the top.


Disclaimer: at least Scoundrel heals and Vanguard are regarded as one of the better classes, so by incident I may be playing FOTM and not feeling the pain of others. I don't know. Still I do not intend to leave my scoundrel healer even if I'm less than excited with the 2.7 changes :)


So, do you change classes often? And how important is that class' pvp-viability when choosing said class?

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I often just cycle PvP dailies on all 8 classes, with every toon alternating between finishing the big and the small dailies. All my toons are good at least 2 specs. I get too bored if I stay with the same class and spec for more than a couple games. Only thing I really haven't played much of is pyro pt and mando heals.
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I have a 55 of every class except ops, thus I switch between them frequently, depends on what I feel playing today. I typically focus on 2-3 toons for like week or two, then switch them around. My main is PT, which I play most frequently, but I also switch between dps specs depending on what I feel playing. I just can't play sniper. Bores me to death.
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The answers so far pretty much confirm my thoughts: People switch characters, but playing FOTM is not the main reason to switch. It's more a question of variety, getting the daily done on different alts and so on.


(well we just have a handful of answers, so jumping to a conclusion is not scientifically sound, but why not anyway, this is a forum board after all :D)


So, based on this would you say that FOTM classes are generally not that much stronger than other classes that this would be a deciding factor to switch? I'm just reading so many topics saying that "xx will be unstoppable" and "yy will be a free kill" but yet I still see a wide variety of classes in (regular) PvP and based from what I hear from others the perceived strength or weakness of a class is not the deciding factor to plaza said class. Or is it?

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In regards to the OP, I level too slowly to take advantage of FOTM, but even if I did not, I would probably stick with my main since I began playing SWTOR, a PT. I also have a Sorc and an Operative, but I play those less frequently because I feel they are both kind week as dps. I still like my chars very much, though, so I make an effort to do the best I absolutely can with them


So, based on this would you say that FOTM classes are generally not that much stronger than other classes that this would be a deciding factor to switch? I'm just reading so many topics saying that "xx will be unstoppable" and "yy will be a free kill" but yet I still see a wide variety of classes in (regular) PvP and based from what I hear from others the perceived strength or weakness of a class is not the deciding factor to plaza said class. Or is it?


I kind of have to agree that FOTM is not always overpowered and sometimes its a perception probelem :rak_01:. For example, AP powertechs pre-2.4 were considered the "worst" class for pvp and no one wanted us around, but post 2.4, they were considered awesome despite only a buff to the flamethrower slow and to immolate. It was literally overnight that posts went from "AP/Tactics suxx because you can just stun them through flamethrower/pulse cannon" to "I'm getting roflstomped by PT's with their lolcannon."

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I usually focus on one class for PVP, but I changed my main two times since release. Started off with a darkness sin which I absolutely loved for the longest time, but the constant node-guarding and the recent change to the spec kinda ruined it for me eventually. Switched to my merc healer and liked it a lot, but it's not always easy when you're mostly playing solo. Got fed up with my original server too. So I went to TOFN, where my only class is my scoundrel healer. Liked the spec a lot pre 2.0, not so much thanks to the derpiness now, but oh well.
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I have all the ACs 4 on each side plus a couple other toons on JC. then a few scattered across other servers. I rotate through them all nearly every day. Know thyself know thy enemy.


Other than operative which I have abandoned. Its there but I wont play it until its back to something like 1.4. Or never.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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I usually pvp with 2 classes a day, I do that to swap factions if I'm getting same faction WZ's over and over again. If it seems there are more Imps, I'll switch to Reps to hopefully get faster pops. I'll also do that if I get the daily/weekly done in short order (pugs rolling the other faction hard) to look for a challenge.


I mostly tank (Jugg/Guardian or Sin/Shadow). If I heal it's only with a Sorc/Sage. I also swap classes/roles depending on what I see lacking in pugs (too many healers, no tanks; I'll switch to a tank. ETC) I shelve classes when they become FOTM. I don't like being 1 out of the 5 carnage or concealment players on the team, haven't touched any of those classes since the last patch. I'll most likely switch to rage/focus as soon that gets nerfed and no one's playing it.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I have a FOTM issue, but it is individual FOTM, evolving out of how maschochistic i am at the moment (concealment).

No, switched quite a few times, find the play styles i like, and also trying out different roles.

Most of the time now, I play my combat sent (and with a few exception, when i got really pissed and respecced focus, it was always combat) and my scoundrel (sometimes healing, atm more scrapper since i want to enjoy the last weeks where it remotely makes sense to play the spec). After scrapper probably becomes unplayable my shadow and assassin will get more attention (tanking and deception), despite the sent.

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I pvp on all my 6 different chars, at least done every pvp weekly for each. For ranked I have more success with my sentinel, gunslinger and vanguard and less with guardian, scoundrel and shadow.


Still stuck with 29 lvl/29 valor my sage and commando tho - have not so much time for them :rolleyes:


Indeed I dont care about class balance, I more care about faction pvp balance. Seems reps have not brains, but imps fotm faction rerollers have not balls :D

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