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The SWTOR appearance customization system is horrid and costing Bioware revenue


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This right here is why you aren't getting it. Some people would like to change their looks more frequently as new, possibly better-looking armor, appears on the CM. Or sometimes just to better suit the environment. But the cost of augmenting and moving all of the mods into a different set of armor is high enough that it isn't going to happen on a whim.


This isn't about changing out mods so we can PvP or tank instead of DPS. Most people keep multiple sets of gear around for that like you do.


You found gear you like and are sticking with it. Why? Is it because your characters look as good as they possibly can? Or is it because they look "good enough", and it isn't worth the time and/or credits to tweak their looks any further?

I have the looks I want, and therefore, have no need to change them. The Eradicator set fits perfectly with the themes on my Darkside Sith characters. I like the look, and I like the hoods that go with that look, so why would I change it? "But Rob, when you're Alderaan, you should try to blend in". Why? I'm Sith, and I'm there for whatever story reasons, that doesn't mean I'm trying to join their nobility and should dress to "please" them. I don't need parkas for Hoth, even though I understand that the environmental effects were removed because people couldn't handle them. I don't need to wear a tux on fleet to impress my friends, and I'm not a Barbie dress up doll, so that's out of the equation as well.


I have the looks I want. That means that I have the looks I want, not that I'm settling for xxxx. the only time I might need different gear, as I mentioned, was for PvP, but really, that's one more set that I have to fix up. I don't have to pull mods, I just put the mods in and leave them. Once I have the look I want there, I can start augmenting. Again, I don't have to pull mods out and replace them because I have a set set up that I like, there's no reason to change them. You see, the current system is perfect for people that just spend and spend because they get a new piece they want to use, instead of selling or handing it off to an alt or a companion. For me, it's pointless. I'll pull mods, as I did last night, when I get better mods to put in a piece of gear, and then, I'll just overwrite the ones I'm not going to be using any more, instead of spending credits to jam stuff into my cargo holds.

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I have the looks I want.


That's great for you, congratulations. But you still are not getting it. Other people want to change their looks, and are willing to spend CC or credits on the GTN for more CM looks, but are not doing that as much as they would like because of the cost. Your earlier advice basically boils down to "well don't want to change clothes, find one single look at stick with it forever".

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I have the looks I want, ...

Hey that's great.


I did too, but after a year... well it was time to make a change and that change cost me a hefty chunk of change. Sure I can afford it, but it was enough of a ding that I would not want to do it with any sort of frequency. And that's the point. It's a huge disincentive to acquiring new outfits.


There's a reason many other MMO's support appearance tabs. Because the tax for changing outfits is so high, EA is leaving money on the table.

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That's great for you, congratulations. But you still are not getting it. Other people want to change their looks, and are willing to spend CC or credits on the GTN for more CM looks, but are not doing that as much as they would like because of the cost. Your earlier advice basically boils down to "well don't want to change clothes, find one single look at stick with it forever".


Actually, my initial post asked for an appearance tab, or cosmetic slots on the character sheet. Of course, that part got overlooked, but hey, that's game forums; let's cherrypick that guy's post to make it look like he's saying something different from what he said. Even just adding a cosmetic armor slot on the char sheet would alleviate all of the complaints in this thread, since people could just swap it out, any time they wanted to, possibly with no cost at all except what they spent buying the cosmetic armor. To take it one step farther, they could make any armor able to go into the cosmetic slot and it would be ideal. Not everyone would be happy, some would insist on more and more and more, again, welcome to game forums, but it's not inconceivable to make it so that there was a cosmetic slot for every slot we have equipment wise, I've seen it done.


However, feel free to latch onto one part of my initial post, it's the behavior I expect on gaming forums, and this one surely isn't disappointing me in that regard.

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Actually, my initial post asked for an appearance tab, or cosmetic slots on the character sheet.


I was referring to this post. If you posted earlier in this thread and suggested an appearance tab, I don't see it. But either way, I didn't mean to attack you, so I apologize that it came across that way.


Even just adding a cosmetic armor slot on the char sheet would alleviate all of the complaints in this thread, since people could just swap it out, any time they wanted to, possibly with no cost at all except what they spent buying the cosmetic armor.


On this we fully agree.

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I was referring to this post. If you posted earlier in this thread and suggested an appearance tab, I don't see it. But either way, I didn't mean to attack you, so I apologize that it came across that way.


Actually, it's in that very post:


So why not spend that money and set up each of your characters with their own gear, and only have to spend it once? It's not like you're changing looks, since you're just passing the same gear around.


For myself, I went the self sufficient route, and craft my own kits and augments. I read earlier here where someone suggested that finding a look I liked and staying with it wasn't fun. By definition, if I like it, I must be having fun with it. An appearance tab, or even a couple of cosmetic slots added to the char page would be fine. To the rest of this, if I'm going to swap out gear for a purely cosmetic look while loitering somewhere, why would I spend a million credits to mod it up? If it's for appearance only, I can run around on fleet with nothing in it. I don't have to keep my gear in my inventory, if I decide I'm going to hit some HMs, or an Op, I can get dressed for work. No big deal.


On this we fully agree.

See highlighted segment above.

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I have my first Willpower character reaching 55 and have no desire to purchase this next pack even though some of the outfits look nice.


Augmenting an outfit just for a look then turning around and spending another 1.3 million augmenting another outfit for looks is just silly.


I'll pass on this next Cartel pack as well.


I'll stick to Legendary sets which I get for free.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I doubt the engine has the capabilities to create an appearance system.


Knowing this it would be nice to have an additional CC unlock that allows for all Cartel Market outfits to become Legacy Bound.

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I doubt the engine has the capabilities to create an appearance system.


Knowing this it would be nice to have an additional CC unlock that allows for all Cartel Market outfits to become Legacy Bound.


Yeah, the engine is so bad they can't even increase the number of quests a player can have...


Legacy bound would be nice too, but an a-tab is what is truly needed. Cartel outfits right now are worthless to me as they're far too expensive to mod out.

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I doubt the engine has the capabilities to create an appearance system.


Knowing this it would be nice to have an additional CC unlock that allows for all Cartel Market outfits to become Legacy Bound.


They log ago expanded the engine beyond its original capabilities. They've been doing it all along. The question isn't really whether or not the engine has the ability to do a thing, but how much effort is required and how much risk is included in modifying the engine to do it.

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Yeah, the engine is so bad they can't even increase the number of quests a player can have...


Legacy bound would be nice too, but an a-tab is what is truly needed. Cartel outfits right now are worthless to me as they're far too expensive to mod out.


Legacy Bound is the easy way out and it does not improve the appearance system. Just gives more options for those that swap gear between characters.


An appearance tab system would not only increase the value of outfits, it would improve their revenue and give players more of a reason to buy the odder outfits they would never make their primary look.


I am in the same situation as you. I have millions, enough to fully mod out 4 characters, but I'm not going to waste that money on single characters only when I can use those mods on Legacy Bound gear and share it between 2-3 characters.

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They log ago expanded the engine beyond its original capabilities. They've been doing it all along. The question isn't really whether or not the engine has the ability to do a thing, but how much effort is required and how much risk is included in modifying the engine to do it.

Yeah, like when they modified and expanded the engine so drastically that we could actually move around our 2 (ONLY 2) windows for our UI...they've truly proven their ability to master tough tasks with this engine huh? Pfft.


Your suggestion that there is risk is silly. There was risk with GSF. There's risk with the new "tactical" FPs, there's risk with the new WZ...there's risk with EVERYTHING they do Darth...This is one of the LEAST risky things they could attempt that is almost guaranteed to increase CM revenue.


They committed to making the CM cosmetic only, yet their own restrictions on mods, enhancements, armoring and augments severely hampers how much a player could actually buy because of the credit costs involved in even a SINGLE outfit change.


An appearance tab would be a solid investment of time and money with a guaranteed increase to CM outfit sales.

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Common complaint, OP. So common I may have already replied to this thread and simply forgotten.


At any rate, I totally agree with you. A business model that relies on people buying lots of armours should not add barriers to prevent people from buying lots of armours.

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Common complaint, OP. So common I may have already replied to this thread and simply forgotten.


At any rate, I totally agree with you. A business model that relies on people buying lots of armours should not add barriers to prevent people from buying lots of armours.

Oh wow...very well said! I'm totally stealing that line so I can use it from now on. ;) (I KID!!! I'll give you credit!)

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Yeah, like when they modified and expanded the engine so drastically that we could actually move around our 2 (ONLY 2) windows for our UI...they've truly proven their ability to master tough tasks with this engine huh? Pfft.


Your suggestion that there is risk is silly. There was risk with GSF. There's risk with the new "tactical" FPs, there's risk with the new WZ...there's risk with EVERYTHING they do Darth...This is one of the LEAST risky things they could attempt that is almost guaranteed to increase CM revenue.


They committed to making the CM cosmetic only, yet their own restrictions on mods, enhancements, armoring and augments severely hampers how much a player could actually buy because of the credit costs involved in even a SINGLE outfit change.


An appearance tab would be a solid investment of time and money with a guaranteed increase to CM outfit sales.


Oh, I'm not suggesting that an appearance tab would be risky. Just talking about things that development shops need to consider when changing code. It seems from a pure outsider's perspective that an appearance tab is a lot less risky than all the other stuff you mentioned.


I'd like to see them do one. It's not high on my list of must-have's, like more guild features and more content, but it would still be nice.

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Well, to be honest they lose revenue from everything that someone doesn't like.

But no, they are not losing a massive amount of revenue on it. It's not like they'd double their income if they had done it differently.

But technically the OP is right... they are losing revenue.

Just like they are losing revenue for not making the game a fantasy game, for not making it include pazaak, for not making it an FPS shooter and so on.

Since there are some people that won't play the game because it doesn't have those exact features they want.


But no game has everything, so all games "lose revenue" from whatever people want that isn't in the game.



I have to argue this point to some degree! I actually think this would damn near triple there revenue for outfits/packs alone! If I had 7 appearance tabs like LOTRO has, I can guarantee my cartel coin buying would easily be getting me in trouble by now! Granted this is me, but I know I'm not the only appearance junky out there!


The amount of hassle with remodding new gear and the cost of reaugging new gear to get a look I would like to have has diverted my habbit like no other! And I will guarantee I'm not the only one like that! I do love the way the modding of gear works don't get me wrong, but the cost and hassle of it is so very counter productive of what there trying to achieve with the CM is mind boggling that someone making way more money than I do a year hasn't figured this out yet!

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I have to argue this point to some degree! I actually think this would damn near triple there revenue for outfits/packs alone! If I had 7 appearance tabs like LOTRO has, I can guarantee my cartel coin buying would easily be getting me in trouble by now! Granted this is me, but I know I'm not the only appearance junky out there!


The amount of hassle with remodding new gear and the cost of reaugging new gear to get a look I would like to have has diverted my habbit like no other! And I will guarantee I'm not the only one like that! I do love the way the modding of gear works don't get me wrong, but the cost and hassle of it is so very counter productive of what there trying to achieve with the CM is mind boggling that someone making way more money than I do a year hasn't figured this out yet!

Another phenomenal post! You are NOT alone.


Also consider that even if someone didn't buy new packs directly, the sales of new CM outfits on the GTN would skyrocket and people interested in vendoring attire they receive in CM packs would have extra motivation to list it on the GTN and make even more in-game credits for the price of an extra pack.

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Another phenomenal post! You are NOT alone.


Also consider that even if someone didn't buy new packs directly, the sales of new CM outfits on the GTN would skyrocket and people interested in vendoring attire they receive in CM packs would have extra motivation to list it on the GTN and make even more in-game credits for the price of an extra pack.


If we had an appearance tab I would have purchased the Thermal Retention Armor Set for Hoth and Ilum and the Vintage Republic Military Armor Set just because the helm is so funky looking.


also the Eradicator Warsuit and Mask.


But since I have to stick to one outfit per character (really just one legacy bound set of armor) I never bothered.


The above listed outfits are things I would like to wear strictly for RP purposes, for fun, but I'm not willing to carry them around in my pack all the time, augment all those sets and swap out modifications every time I want to switch my outfit.

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I like the idea of an appearance tab. I've stated (like several others) that I would absolutely spend money on more outfits and whatnot if it wasn't so gosh darn expensive to pull mods and augment and all that. As it is, when I get tired of looking at my character, I use a new dye pack. Whoopie. I'd totally be on board with a system that made it as easy to change appearance as it is to change titles.
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Not only do I want different armors for my toons, I want them for my companions. They must not have any idea how much more armor and crates I would buy if I could freely change my outfits. I would be happy with them setting up appearance slots, similar to how they do cargo bays. I would be more then happy to pay, per slot of armor, per toon or account wide... they can make money on the feature alone if they wanted.


Fact is... This is a very desirable feature, and they really should make it top on the list of things to add.


Even if it is too hard for them to give us an appearance tab, things would be better if they could drastically reduce the cost of mod pulls.... Why bother to have credit sinks when people can simply spend real money to get in game credits? Why does it cost more to change my pants, than to travel across a galaxy. :(


Stolen from another poster "Excise": A business model that relies on people buying lots of armors should not add barriers to prevent people from buying lots of armors. Brilliant line!!!

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Fact is... This is a very desirable feature, and they really should make it top on the list of things to add.




Because it's CM related, I can't see why they'd hesitate on it. Give this project to the guy coming up with new GSF color schemes in each new pack as an assignment...he's probably sick of coming up with 2 hideous colors that clash every few weeks ;)


It would be a huge win for players and a huge boon to CM armor sales...which increases CM packs appeal!

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Because it's CM related, I can't see why they'd hesitate on it. Give this project to the guy coming up with new GSF color schemes in each new pack as an assignment...he's probably sick of coming up with 2 hideous colors that clash every few weeks ;)


It would be a huge win for players and a huge boon to CM armor sales...which increases CM packs appeal!


Look TUXs, one of the rare moments where we agree on something.

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