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Give DOT Cleanse Protection to Anni Marauders


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They are nerfing smash to hell and not everyone wants to be pigeon-holed into play the RNG Carnage spec (I do fine as this spec but don't like RNG specs).


So give DOT protection to Anni Marauders/Watchman Sents to make them viable for PvP - specifically Arenas.


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I would think Anni needs some buff beyond just that...


Hard to tell what though as I havent played (or even looked at) the spec in over a year and almost never see anni/watchmen players around and especially not in arenas.


Make the bleeds do more damage, or increase the self-heals to the point before they got nerfed?

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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They are nerfing smash to hell and not everyone wants to be pigeon-holed into play the RNG Carnage spec (I do fine as this spec but don't like RNG specs).


So give DOT protection to Anni Marauders/Watchman Sents to make them viable for PvP - specifically Arenas.


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I'd rather have damage increase in a mechanic that allows us to build stacks faster (like berserk giving instant stacks or something) and heals return to 2% over dot protection for a spec that can reapply dots fairly quickly. Besides, cleansing a dot requires using a GCD. That's one GCD not healing/dpsing and what not.


Dot protection is just whatever to me. Doesn't really make that big of a difference imo

Edited by Raansu
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I think making dots completely uncleansable is too simplistic, and wouldn't resolve *all* of the issues with the spec in pvp anyway.


But I think changing them to Force damage, instead of Physical, would be a pretty reasonable change. That way only one of the 3 healer ACs (both in healer and dps specs) could cleanse them, rather than all 3 healer specs along with Scoundrel and Commando dps specs.


Some *limited* resistance to cleanses might be acceptable as well, such as making the dots uncleansable while Zen is active.

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I love the PT DPS FOTM rerollers posting how since Smash is getting nerfed ppl are gonna go Combat. LOL that's so not true, Combat does take some sort of skill and even more LOL to those who say Combat > PT DPS. Almost no FOTM reroller would play a spec based on RNG, anyone who thinks that is just foolish.


PT DPS will be the new Smash come 2.7 and Combat will prob see a surge of usage in PvP but nothing really substantial unlike PTs. :rolleyes:


Why do you keep repeating this? There is nothing inherently op about PT's and as good as AP is, their AOE is not even close in comparison to the instant AOE burst of rage so its hardly a substitute.

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Continue down the silly path of uncleansable DoTs? No thank you. I really hope Bioware reverts the decision to give Balance uncleansable DoTs, and instead gives us DoT protection. Not invulnerability against cleanses. Just the ability to resist it. Dirty Fighting already has DoTs that automatically reapply, Balance has 3 DoTs, one of which is spammable which let it keep at least 1 DoT on any enemy who has only one cleanse (before they got uncleansable DoTs). Watchman should get a similar system.


The real problems with the DoT specs lie elsewhere. Scouperatives have terrible survivability, Balance has terrible force management issues and bad survivability, Watchman has okay survivability but a really insane ramp-up time for its damage. Fixing those is the actual solution for the specs. Uncleansable DoTs is the lazy solution.

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I think making dots completely uncleansable is too simplistic, and wouldn't resolve *all* of the issues with the spec in pvp anyway.


But I think changing them to Force damage, instead of Physical, would be a pretty reasonable change. That way only one of the 3 healer ACs (both in healer and dps specs) could cleanse them, rather than all 3 healer specs along with Scoundrel and Commando dps specs.


Some *limited* resistance to cleanses might be acceptable as well, such as making the dots uncleansable while Zen is active.


I completely agree with this.

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They should make the dots force.

And tbh the balance uncleansable dots was a stupid decision all it nerfed was other sages.. and honestly main reason anni is kinda weak jus now is that its so easily kited down by classes previously that could not kite us ever since 2.0, moar aoe slows added to the game.. and There is also have no way to rid of slows/roots like carnage/rage has and considering anni needs to stay on target longer to do dmg..

Edited by AngusFTW
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They are nerfing smash to hell and not everyone wants to be pigeon-holed into play the RNG Carnage spec (I do fine as this spec but don't like RNG specs).


So give DOT protection to Anni Marauders/Watchman Sents to make them viable for PvP - specifically Arenas.


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Annihilation needs a *lot* more than DoT protection. In fact, DoT protection isn't even what it needs the most.


It's very, very clunky at the moment. Perfectly fine in PvE, but its ramp-up time is unforgivable in PvP - at least without significant quality of life improvements, like Berserk giving you a full Annihilator stack, Brooding made baseline, Deadly Saber made free (ok, a guy can dream, right?).


But I wouldn't mind an Unstable Affliction-esque mechanic (ergo, when you purge a full stack of Deadly Saber, it blows up in your face for full damage instantly, plus a a little on top).

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this is a huge problem for assult commando/vg healers can dispel all your dots inn 1 click.


gotta watch out for those vg healers. please, let's not give the devs any ideas about more dots. respawning in combat, half health, and/or with a dot ticking on you is already a huge pain the butt that, quite frankly, NOBODY should have to deal with. how you release a game with something so freaking obviously not working...grr.

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They are nerfing smash to hell and not everyone wants to be pigeon-holed into play the RNG Carnage spec (I do fine as this spec but don't like RNG specs).


So give DOT protection to Anni Marauders/Watchman Sents to make them viable for PvP - specifically Arenas.


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Give those DoT's a passive cleanse protection, have them heal the Mara 2% of MAX hp per tick and insta BLOW UP any one who try to attack the Mara with DoT's on them!


I got a better idea...give one of the DoT's -say Rupture- a passive 50% snare that procs each time the DoT ticks and give the Mara x2 abilities that can finish the CD on Rupture as to GUARANTEE pretty much 100% up time of a free and passive 50% snare..




Sorry OP the problem is between the keyboard and your chair...

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Give those DoT's a passive cleanse protection, have them heal the Mara 2% of MAX hp per tick and insta BLOW UP any one who try to attack the Mara with DoT's on them!


I got a better idea...give one of the DoT's -say Rupture- a passive 50% snare that procs each time the DoT ticks and give the Mara x2 abilities that can finish the CD on Rupture as to GUARANTEE pretty much 100% up time of a free and passive 50% snare..




Sorry OP the problem is between the keyboard and your chair...

The ignorance. It burns.

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And cleansing roots. And slows. And other debuffs. And CC.




I know, but the primary utility of having a cleanse is for dots. I feel that just throwing immunities at stuff is just a lazy bandaid fix that also detracts from the value of smart cleansing.


There are many ways they could give Dots specs protection without giving straight up immunity. Lethality being a prime example. I could come up with many ways to give each dot spec its own unique protection without rendering cleanses useless against the spec.

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I know, but the primary utility of having a cleanse is for dots. I feel that just throwing immunities at stuff is just a lazy bandaid fix that also detracts from the value of smart cleansing.


There are many ways they could give Dots specs protection without giving straight up immunity. Lethality being a prime example. I could come up with many ways to give each dot spec its own unique protection without rendering cleanses useless against the spec.

On my Commando, I find root/slow/CC cleanses to be as much, if not more valuable than DoT cleanses.


And yes, I do agree that DoT protection =|= immunity to cleanses. Cleansing a Lethality DoT basically allows it to retain its utility (like enabling Culls) but reduces its damage.


I'd also like to see an Unstable Affliction-esque mechanic, like remaining DoT damage applied fully when it's cleansed.

Edited by Helig
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I think making dots completely uncleansable is too simplistic, and wouldn't resolve *all* of the issues with the spec in pvp anyway.


But I think changing them to Force damage, instead of Physical, would be a pretty reasonable change. That way only one of the 3 healer ACs (both in healer and dps specs) could cleanse them, rather than all 3 healer specs along with Scoundrel and Commando dps specs.


Some *limited* resistance to cleanses might be acceptable as well, such as making the dots uncleansable while Zen is active.


Thank you for actually have thoughtful suggestions instead of going for the lazy route, I actually agree with most of what you suggested (I would make it so that if your dots are cleansed while zen is up you get a static % heal and and both rupture/saber immediately come off cool down).

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They are nerfing smash to hell and not everyone wants to be pigeon-holed into play the RNG Carnage spec (I do fine as this spec but don't like RNG specs).


So give DOT protection to Anni Marauders/Watchman Sents to make them viable for PvP - specifically Arenas.


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Whats wrong with the smash in 2.7? The 1vs1 damage will be the same. nothing will change for smashers..

Edited by Missandei
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