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Now that smash is getting nerfed


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If annihilation spec does not get buffed, then marauder will have only 1 viable spec post patch 2.7. A Bioware post on this thread would be very nice.


I always said it was a crime Anni didn't have supremely better talents tied to Cloak of Pain, when the lore of Juyo is predicated on using enemies attacks to power your own..


That would solve some of the damage problems in my eyes...

Edited by L-RANDLE
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Anni needs the crap buffed out of it, seeing it as the most survivable Mara spec would be awesome, if a bit odd for Juyo form...


But hey, Shien form in this game is a whole lot of jumping around and is squishy as hell(Plasma brand, really?), and Shii Cho is one of the most consistent specs in the game, so F**K the lore, right?

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Anni needs the crap buffed out of it, seeing it as the most survivable Mara spec would be awesome, if a bit odd for Juyo form...


But hey, Shien form in this game is a whole lot of jumping around and is squishy as hell(Plasma brand, really?), and Shii Cho is one of the most consistent specs in the game, so F**K the lore, right?


Irony=designing a game to reflect lore, but giving them nothing that actually reflects the lore.

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I always said it was a crime Anni didn't have supremely better talents tied to Cloak of Pain, when the lore of Juyo is predicated on using enemies attacks to power your own..


That would solve some of the damage problems in my eyes...


While cloak of pain is active attacks from enemy players increases your melee attacks by "X"%, this effect can stack up to "Y" times, this effect can only happen once every "W" second.


While cloak of pain is active attacks from enemy players place a stacking debuff that increases damage received from your attacks by X%, this effect can only happen once every "Y" seconds.



These two plays also around the idea that Anni gets better as you stay longer in combat.

Edited by znihilist
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As it should be seeing how, Anni is sustained and SHOULD stay in combat longer.


I believe the spec was created with the idea that they become very dangerous the longer they stay in the fight (Stacks of Juyo and Annihilator). But the difference is that they don't become very dangerous even when they are fully buffed.



One of the two examples I cited above + anti-kiting utility would take us far.

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I believe the spec was created with the idea that they become very dangerous the longer they stay in the fight (Stacks of Juyo and Annihilator). But the difference is that they don't become very dangerous even when they are fully buffed.



One of the two examples I cited above + anti-kiting utility would take us far.


I really like the Cloack of Pain ideas, and yes the spec needs way to stay longer in fights.

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What about a talent that gives stacks of merciless and Juyo every time you are attacked with cloak of pain active?


That would pretty much automatically build the stacks up...unless there's some small ICD like 3 seconds between acquiring each stack.

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show me the jugg smashers tearing up the leaderboards? What makes you say the spec was "too good"? As far as I can tell the only reason it is getting nerfed is because of uninformed whiners (of which there are many).




Alrighty then *shrugs*

Edited by Raynezazki
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show me the jugg smashers tearing up the leaderboards? What makes you say the spec was "too good"? As far as I can tell the only reason it is getting nerfed is because of uninformed whiners (of which there are many).


Lol okay. Doing 35k damage in a single global is not OP at all and should stay as it is.


Holy crap are you high?

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That would pretty much automatically build the stacks up...unless there's some small ICD like 3 seconds between acquiring each stack.


That's what I was thinking, and ICD of 3 seconds or so. Would allow you to quickly build stacks but would not make maintaining them automatic. Should at least be an interesting solution to try.

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Annihilation spec needs to be buffed. It's needed to be buffed ever since patch 2.0. Annihilation spec needs more damage since the double relic glitch was repaired (which was causing its damage to look higher than it actually was), and it needs its self-healing back.


No, gimped by the force needs to be returned to its prior effects. It's pure ******** that we got GbtF nerfed and now Focus/Rage is being nerfed huge. GbtF nerf needs to be UNDONE!

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No, gimped by the force needs to be returned to its prior effects. It's pure ******** that we got GbtF nerfed and now Focus/Rage is being nerfed huge. GbtF nerf needs to be UNDONE!


Especially with snipers getting practically the same thing but better with dodge. Not that I mind it as I think they needed something extra for arenas, but I just find that buff kind of two faced after they nerfed an ability they felt was two strong because it gave a "second life" which is basically what dodge is going to do and it doesn't even take 50% hp to do so and as far as we know its still gonna be on the same CD lol.


Oh well, that's BW for you.

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They would have to nerf the healing or the ICD on it though (or both), as it is it would be 20% selfheal every 1 minute.


I'd rather they just create a way for us to avoid the ramp up time using zen or something and return heals to 2%.

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Sure anni can use a buff, but it's not as horrible as you make it out to be. You can beat plenty of teams running anni. Maras have been one of the few classes which have had two top tier specs in pvp, so it's hard to complain too much.
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Sure anni can use a buff, but it's not as horrible as you make it out to be. You can beat plenty of teams running anni.


1.) Annihilation is pretty bad in pvp and has been for a very long time.


2.) No you can't, especially in arenas.

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Put it too you all this way, smash is really the only spec that hs kept healing at bay. Multiple hits forced healers to go to oh crap mode, forced others to peel (if they knew what doing) and brought "balance". Well, it would seem that going away! Sad, actually! With the shield buff for sorcs/sages, already OP ops/scoundrel heals, and the resurgence of merc/commando heals, YES, it only seems right to nerf a viable dps spec! What a joke!


The concept of a single target smash is ridiculous! I am confused though as to why??? I understand there has been a lot of QQ Ing about a spec that, to be honest, not many play! But, is it to fix rated's or regs? In the rated scene, without a healer they toast! Soooooo, I guess it is an attempt at regs? What is the devs actual intention? To be quite honest, I don't think they know!


A wz or rated full of casters! Yessssss! That sounds fun! Are they supposed to heal each other to death? Pepples, lighting, and blaster fire MUST be the solution! Adios to melee, it makes sense!


I have a good concept for a new wz! All ranged healers/dps stand in a line across from one another and see who is left standing! Epic!

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