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I just upgraded from a Conqueror's Stalker Waistwrap to the Obroan Stalker's Waistwrap.


For a mere 1450 Ranked Warzone Commendations, I gained a whopping 2 bonus damage and 75 points of health.




P.S.: This is not a snarky, griping QQ post. This is full-on, curled-up-in-the-corner-in-the-fetal-position-sobbing kind of QQ.

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Did the conq have an augment that the obroan does not have? I think you can trade it back within a 2 hour window (I know you can for conq, but I don't recall if the same is offered for obroan). Edited by teclado
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Did the conq have an augment that the obroan does not have? I think you can trade it back within a 2 hour window (I know you can for conq, but I don't recall if the same is offered for obroan).

I'm using orange cosmetic gear, so everything is fully augmented.


Now multiply that times 12 plus a little bit more since bracers don't have enhancements.

I'm not sure I follow...

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Obroans is an absolute joke, it's just another way to keep people busy by having them grind ranked comms. The benefits are so minimal compared to the amount of comms you need for each piece, it is not worth the grind.


At least the tier 2 pieces in WoW gave you something worth your efforts.

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Obroan is definitely not worth getting. And min-maxing it costs another massive amount of ranked comms. But still, I have min-maxed obroan, if you do mostly PvP, you just get enough comms to gear upgrade in no time.




Plus Obroan gear looks awful, thank god for custom gear (though the cost of changing your look once in a while is ridiculous). ^.^

Edited by Obok
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