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Favorite Ship and Why


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So I'm wondering what people's favorite ships are and why? I'm ciurious to see if people's expectations might be challenged a little here. Reading the forums the uninitiated might be tempted to think there are nothing but Gunships and Bombers in most matches with the odd tier 2 scout here and there.


My current fave is the Starguard followed closely by my almost mastered Nova. I choose the Starguard for its versatility, ability to take a beating, and wow factor for when you smoke a scout who thought you'd be an easy skill (as evidenced by their willingness to try and take you head on).

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Since 2.6, my Blackbolt. It owns in Deathmatch, and it's probably the best looking Imperial ship.


That being said, I also like my Razorwire, simply because it's neat to fly a slow and lumbering flying tank. Of course, I personally think it's a little overpowered at the moment.


On the Republic side, I always enjoyed the appearance of the Pike. It felt like a good, strong, heavy fighter. The Quarrel also felt very ... sturdy.


Bonus answer: My most hated fighter is the Rycer. It looks like a tug.

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Because I have an extreme dislike for rail-guns and with the pike I can fire two missiles almost simultaneously and remove the problem.




I am really warming to this bomber as it can take some real punishment and I love getting air-to-air kills in it!

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Pike/Quell, but I play every single ship class and ship variation. Capable of holding their own at variable ranges. A great balance of maneuverability, durability and staying power. Launching missiles is fun. There's only one real downside:


"This is how Jedi fly!"

Edited by TrinityLyre
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The Quarrel, it's my go-to ship, can't beat it for versatility. It can get up close and punch with the Burst Cannon, Deal long-range single target massive hits (including one-shotting bombers with Damage Overcharge), Deal with fortfied nodes using AoE Ion cannons and it can move as fast as most other ships using barrel roll and good energy management (just ask the 2 scouts that were chasing me around a deathmatch map :p)


As for the other classes,

The Pike for its tanky-ness and hard hitters

The Flashfire for its crazy critting

The umm Minelayer Bomber thing for its offensive capabilities

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So I'm wondering what people's favorite ships are and why? I'm ciurious to see if people's expectations might be challenged a little here. Reading the forums the uninitiated might be tempted to think there are nothing but Gunships and Bombers in most matches with the odd tier 2 scout here and there.


My current fave is the Starguard followed closely by my almost mastered Nova. I choose the Starguard for its versatility, ability to take a beating, and wow factor for when you smoke a scout who thought you'd be an easy skill (as evidenced by their willingness to try and take you head on).


I'm a huge fan of the Blackbolt. While the Sting might have more offensive and defensive options, the Sting can't use Sensor Beacon, EMP Field, or any Sensors. It's really just a light Strike Fighter. Sensor Beacon might be situational, but EMP Field is fantastic for dealing with minefields out of the box, and with upgrades, you can make all your friends become immune to missile locks, you can disable enemy System Ability AND Engine/Shield ability, as well as reducing their accuracy by a whopping 20%, all for 18 seconds. The Blackbolt can also equip sensors to find those pesky dampened gunships, or even sensor dampeners to strike fast and slip away undetected. The Blackbolt is very versatile and deadly in the right hands, and it's so under-utilized that it saddens me.

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FAVORITE: Pike. It doesn't look like a Quell and, properly armored, allows me to survive even a brief run-in with capital turrets.


LEAST FAVORITE: Quell, because of its looks. Honestly, it looks like I'm flying a restaurant takeout box.


MOST INTRIGUING: The Legion bomber. This is how Imperial ships should look. Love the design.

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