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46s in armor/mh/oh


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So its a bad thing to be playing the game for the content, instead of grinding that next set of gear?


Gear acquisition =/= content


Unfortunately that is something that is largely lost on far too many mmoers today. While WoW certainly didn't invent gear progression, it made it mainstream. In the modern mmo new content is synonymous with gear progression/grind.


This is especially true in theme park mmos. You're far more likely to see gear be less relevant in a sandbox mmo.

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The crystals don't make up for 50 bonus damage all by themselves though...


Power crystals end up giving you 18.86 more bonus damage than Expertise Crystals.


Again, i don't consider that bonus to be significant at all, and I just end up keeping my Obroan MH/OH, just because I don't wanna lose 300 Expertise in an OWPvP fight. But making PvE gear superior to PvP gear is wrong. Make it on par with PvP gear, or slightly worse, but never better than PvP gear. That's why i see little wrong with the whole blue 46 gear issue except the MH/OH.

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I think he means when you mouse over your "Maul" or "Shadow Strike" for example..(( IN A WARZONE )) It delvs a lower number in the description of the ability. When comparing Obrian MH/OH to 45 MH/OH. I could be wrong though.


Not likely given all stats point the other way..


But fair enough, i will check it out.

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and there is litte difference between 55 and 10 lev wz's .


Such as?



i would understand all the despair if there would be Tiers of PvP that you allowed to enter only if you have wasted 100 hrs of mindless grind... and the «exploit» would be a workaround for it.

But thats not the case.

you are even free to PvP naked in the same WZ where people are in full BiS 67lvl PvP gear..



PS.. And could anyone of the defenders of the Ultimate Grind system enlighten me what is happen when you finally made a full Oboran set? You then quit the game thinking that you have won it?

Edited by Missandei
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I don't know, but I just did the 46 mods with partisan/conquerer mh/oh last night.. now it feels like I'm not an easy target. Was tired of using mostly Partisan gear and having my expertise under 1900. Was on the long grind of regearing one of my toons.. now, I can be competitive and slowly obtain pvp gear.
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broken bolster + buffed backstabbers + unchecked cc + ridiculous healing + virtually no dev communication = easy choice for April's entertainment budget (sad but true).


Well, I agree with most of that assessment, but how is it bolster broke?


Philosophically? Nope.. bolster puts everyone on par from the stats perspective.

Systematically? Meh, a few tweaks, but nothing that is making the game unplayable.


What's broke is PvP gear/the Grind and the last part of your statement. It has led people astray and now its been exposed, but BW decides to remain silent about it.


We always talk about bads, but I think I will apply that term elsewhere now..

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broken bolster + buffed backstabbers + unchecked cc + ridiculous healing + virtually no dev communication = easy choice for April's entertainment budget (sad but true).



I've been a Star Wars fan since I saw the first movie on opening night in 1977. We had just come home from Erlangen, Germany when my Dad retired from the military. I was 3 years old. Man, when you're 3, that screen goes on for DAYS.


Every year since then for Christmas and my birthday, my Mom gets me something Star Wars-related. I got a 32"-tall Darth Vader figure for Christmas this year and my hubby's 1-year-old grandson LOVES it.


Needless to say, when SWTOR was announced, I was OVER THE MOON. I've been here since early access and have loved most of it.


But BW/EA has really screwed the pooch as far as I'm concerned. And it's not the big things. It's an aggregate of little things that are ignored, shoved under the rug, or initially addressed and then forgotten. Like Savej implied, it's all the little things that are making me want to go play something else. It's like the old adage "The Death of a Thousand Tiny Cuts".


I wouldn't ***** so much if I didn't care. But MMOs are kind of like relationships in that they require a significant investment of your time and attention. And most people are going to leave a disinterested partner for someone who pays attention and meets their needs. Sorry for the hyperbole, but in this case it helps make my point.


Say what you will about upcoming MMOs, but one in particular has impressed the HELL out of me.

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Well, I agree with most of that assessment, but how is it bolster broke?


Philosophically? Nope.. bolster puts everyone on par from the stats perspective.

Systematically? Meh, a few tweaks, but nothing that is making the game unplayable.


What's broke is PvP gear/the Grind and the last part of your statement. It has led people astray and now its been exposed, but BW decides to remain silent about it.


We always talk about bads, but I think I will apply that term elsewhere now..


bolster isn't "supposed to put everyone on equal footing" and it doesn't. Note how many people are in a given wz without even 28k health or full expertise or competitive damage numbers on their mainhands. Even in this thread there are ppl running around with partial or obsolete expertise items. Explaining it to a newbie or a returning veteran is difficult. It's become a parody of a gear system and really couldn't be much worse outside of the naked bolster fiasco (been there done that). The worst part is that it probably could be fixed relatively easily by shuffling some formulas and that hasn't happened. What are they waiting for? There's no indication it ever will get fixed at this point and no confidence that a fix won't leave something else broken.

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bolster isn't "supposed to put everyone on equal footing" and it doesn't. Note how many people are in a given wz without even 28k health or full expertise or competitive damage numbers on their mainhands. Even in this thread there are ppl running around with partial or obsolete expertise items. Explaining it to a newbie or a returning veteran is difficult. It's become a parody of a gear system and really couldn't be much worse outside of the naked bolster fiasco (been there done that). The worst part is that it probably could be fixed relatively easily by shuffling some formulas and that hasn't happened. What are they waiting for? There's no indication it ever will get fixed at this point and no confidence that a fix won't leave something else broken.

But is does as long as you follow the "rules". I know what your saying but on your previous post you spoke about communications. Those issues above are because we are lacking on communication from the Devs and each other.The problem is the "rules" have not been made public, and the players had to find all these issues. Before we can discuss what to do BW needs to decided whether PvP will be about gear, not be about gear, or rework the entire PVP gearing system.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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What's broke is PvP gear/the Grind and the last part of your statement. It has led people astray and now its been exposed, but BW decides to remain silent about it.


Maybe BW can write us another non-mathy Bolster expose telling us what we already discovered and know, except this time they can tow the company line and say that balancing bolster is just too technically challenging and they don't have the resources.



no no , i want to take 46 Mh and OH and do Hm ops , like a person in 78 gear , that would be fair


Why do PvPers want to PvE so bad? I'm already able to do all the PvE I can handle (storymode Ops and FPs) in my PvP and crafted gear. You can even do HM FPs in the same gear if you are that bored and like that sort of thing. What more PvE do you really want to do?

Edited by DarthOvertone
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