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Lucas a mistake in selling out to disney?


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ok. so what happens when "they" throw out what's relevant to the old republic era? no Bane books and perhaps no Plagueis and Sidious as we currently know them. the old republic was mentioned once in a new hope


I really have to ask.... is this like your primary concern in life?

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I really have to ask.... is this like your primary concern in life?


no, but think about it. non-canon that should be canon is cut. then there's Disney being all "family friendly". what happens when jedi and sith are changed because the "force", and all three combined, goes against whatever socio-ethical ideals the suits hold dear? and when SWtOR is changed for fit those ideals?

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no, but think about it. non-canon that should be canon is cut. then there's Disney being all "family friendly". what happens when jedi and sith are changed because the "force", and all three combined, goes against whatever socio-ethical ideals the suits hold dear? and when SWtOR is changed for fit those ideals?
What happens when the sky falls on our heads? What happens when aliens invade your living room?


Stop with this rampant speculation and look at the facts, Disney/Lucasfilm are changing the way canon works and making in more coherent. The EU is now more valued than ever and is being brought up to level with the movies.


No official statements whatsoever have been made about anything being rendered non-canon. Of course space will have to be made for the movies, but this idea that the EU is being overhauled is completely unfounded.


At this point your just babbling, and its bad for your blood pressure. Socio-ethical ideals? What are you on about? Star Wars is PG rated and always has been, and Marvel is exactly the same as it always was.


EDIT: And yes, everything said in that article is mostly fabricated assumption, don't swallow it.

Edited by Beniboybling
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a lot of what we know from games to anything in print and video is on a chopping block. so yeah, Lucas did make a mistake. yeah, maybe some things may need excising, but there are some books that should be left alone


Ehh... as (primarily) a Trek fan, I pretty much accept this as a necessary practice when the EU gets too large.


- Arcada

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Especially with the new movies coming out, they'll have to clear some stuff, just so they won't be this incomprehensible mess.


It's JJ Abrams too, he won't give a **** about what was in the original movies, let alone the extended universe.


*brace for impact [of JJ Abrams* ;)


- Arcada

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no, but think about it. non-canon that should be canon is cut. then there's Disney being all "family friendly". what happens when jedi and sith are changed because the "force", and all three combined, goes against whatever socio-ethical ideals the suits hold dear? and when SWtOR is changed for fit those ideals?


There's nothing but rampant speculation going on on the internet and bloggers stating their presumptions as facts. I'll care when Disney releases as list of what is and isn't cut but until then /shrug

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i rember reading somewhere that Disney will not behold to the EU, so basically they are giving the EU the FU.


i will try to act surprised when Star Wars VII reveals the Earth Republic, and the evil Jewish Empire (DIsney having been to the best of my knowledge antisemitic).


also idk about everyone else here but i hated the Star Trek Remake, i couldn't bring myself to watch #2. I couldn't look at Spock's face without seeing him cut someones head open (thank you Heroes). the Kirk Actor couldn't hold a candle to WIlliam Shattner. Ohura was a *****, the love afair was gross and immersion breaking as in the originals Spock wouldn't have understood the concept of "Love" as it would appear "Illogical". and too much of the plot was just cheesy to me, not to mention Cliche with the blowing up the planet, then blowing up the "Death Star". so yes im disgusted at the thought of JJ Abrams Directing Star Wars.

Edited by GOLANX
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Holy BS Batman

Good lord , I mean Disney Bought StarWars and you'd think the world was going to end in 2012..........oh wait people really thought that ........


StarWars is going to be just fine , Leland Chee is cleaning house and preparing for the new films in a much chaotic EU .


What this all could mean is a lot of stories people even on these very forums hated will be fixed or redone for better of worse .

Mary Jade could be back and the whole story line that ended with her death retconned ...........I personally do not care either way but it sure did spark a long drawn out debate and millions of Hate Threads .


EU was built into a wall of uninteresting easy to know endings .

Last series I really liked was Dark Empire from the POST ROTJ EU .


It is highly unlikely that TOR will be redone or erased being the current stories are going and not looking to end anytime soon .

But with that said , maybe it could use some cleaning up ..............


In truth what we have now is a bunch of people running their mouths about things they do not know is going to happen !

Debby Downers and negative Nancys just throwing out into the ""MUCH TRUSTED"" Internet a bunch of rumors to get a impact out the weak minded .


Until the new stuff comes out , who cares really .

Hating on stuff without giving it a chance first is just bad to begin with .

Heck Mark Hamill has no idea whats in the script and I liked Into the Darkness ..................


To be honest you cannot please everyone and everyone has a Opinion , I am happy that things are moving and the dice is being rolled .


If you do not like it , do not go to watch the new Movies , will be a lesser line with you not there !

Edited by mefit
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i rember reading somewhere that Disney will not behold to the EU, so basically they are giving the EU the FU.


i will try to act surprised when Star Wars VII reveals the Earth Republic, and the evil Jewish Empire (DIsney having been to the best of my knowledge antisemitic).

Leland Chee is in control of Canon , he is making 1 Canon and doing away with the other tiers , so what .

Basically fixing all this " Well that's C and that's BS and that's T and Blah blah " and I for one can live with that.


And for your second line I quoted ..............................................Dude where you get that ? Walt was a Capitalist and Disney continuing that business model to this day .

There has never been a Racist thing to ever come from Disney . Disney the Corporation has supported just about every Movement for Equality that can be named .............................

Really you just pulled that out your you know what and put it on here to attempt to stir up some negativity , and that sir is shameful .

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Leland Chee is in control of Canon , he is making 1 Canon and doing away with the other tiers , so what .

Basically fixing all this " Well that's C and that's BS and that's T and Blah blah " and I for one can live with that.


And for your second line I quoted ..............................................Dude where you get that ? Walt was a Capitalist and Disney continuing that business model to this day .

There has never been a Racist thing to ever come from Disney . Disney the Corporation has supported just about every Movement for Equality that can be named .............................

Really you just pulled that out your you know what and put it on here to attempt to stir up some negativity , and that sir is shameful .


He actually didn't, it's just one of the many rumors surrounding Walt Disney that people label as something as true. When it's not.

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Holy BS Batman...



StarWars is going to be just fine , Leland Chee is cleaning house and preparing for the new films in a much chaotic EU .


What this all could mean is a lot of stories people even on these very forums hated will be fixed or redone for better of worse .



does that mean jar jar will no longer exist?

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