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A sad day for PVP


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I'm disappointed in myself for getting sucked into this 'debate.' We all know what PVP means and what the OP meant as PVP, just like we all know what a lot of euphemisms mean, and we all know it wasn't referring to GSF. But carry on if you like -- I will not be.


This is what TUXs meant by the forum bullies. This is how trolls win. They maintain their ridiculousness while those with actual commentary stop posting. Don't give in. Ignore the trolls.

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This is what TUXs meant by the forum bullies. This is how trolls win. They maintain their ridiculousness while those with actual commentary stop posting. Don't give in. Ignore the trolls.


Thanks Kodrac. I hear that - and don't disagree generally. Now I will break course and 'parse' the word bullying (see what I did there? :)).


I will say that, at least for Infernixx, I don't consider what he did bullying (I missed early parts of the thread tho). He shadowboxed strawmen, but he didn't mock me, he didn't hurl insults - he stubbornly held his position. That's fair in my book. It was cordial and I have big boy pants on. I stopped because I realized it wasn't really a 'debate' at all.

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Until their patience runs out.


Then, they can unsubscribe and go play something else.


Complaining about it on the forums does little.


But why argue semantics rather than the topic at hand?

Edited by kodrac
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Hopefully you're right...but history is not on PvPers side.


Well, to be complete, there is the Gree event and the Rakghoul event, but ... yeah, maybe its part of that super huge rise of the hutt cartel like expansion that is too soon for them to say anything more.


You know, the rise of the hutt cartel, which brought such pvp content as ... Obroan gear. Oh, we did get arenas later on last year. And 8v8 ranked taken away. So, more of that stuff.

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Don't tell me. I simply explained what he said...I didn't state it.


And "WE" don't need to prove crap, we can't, so expecting that of someone is stupid. We can only speak of our experiences. Bioware knows the truth - they have the metrics.


my point is that they probably don't have metrics for how much ground PVP makes them from the CM, beyond the PVP XP boosts and the PVP stims they sell (which chances are no one buys)


they do however have solid metrics for GSF.

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Why is that a bad thing? I love Huttball!


What's all the QQ about. It's the best, most memorable PvP map this game offers. It's one of only two things that I reflected positively on since quitting over a year ago.


Now if only they'd give my jugg a spammable heal debuff...

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Whats the QQ about? I love a good game of huttball. I would only que for Huttball for warzones if i could. I like the fact this has increased the odds of me getting into a huttball game, since the game gives me everything else but huttball most of the time. Edited by Nickious
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EAware has abo****ely no interest in the MMO players. They don't care about the PvP'ers who want more WZ maps and bigger scaled PvP and they don't care about the PvE players who want to progress.


Implying this game engine can even handle more than 16 players at one time without performance issues :rolleyes:

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In beta we had 12v12 wz's and no performance problems that I ever experienced.


Since they've optimized it since then, it can probably handle more nowadays. However, the #1 reason I think that won't happen is that the population on an individual server wouldn't support a game mode of say, 16v16, or higher. Event type activities(1-2 mass matches a day) have been shown to work for mass pvp in other MMOs. Downside to that of course, is that players can't play them at their convenience.

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I dunno. On my server there's anywhere between 100-200 players doing wzs during prime time, while for the past 2 months, I have never seen more than 2 simultaneous GSF games going on.


GSF had over 300 players playing simultaneously on sub early access day. Right now, never more than 40. Never. I think it's quite evident which one is more popular.


The only difference is that GSF can be milked for Cartel Coins and ground PvP can't. So they'll keep on releasing content for a niche gamemode that roughly a fiftieth of my server plays.




This is exactly what I have seen on all 3 servers I play on.


Ground PvP has hundreds of players all grumbling that nothing new is ever released (seriously, even new versions of Alderaan would be welcomed at this point and that is a universally hated WZ).


GSF on the other hand...at off peak hours (heck try 3am when I see 100 PvPers queing yet maybe 5 GSF players queing) you can wait for an hour for a game to finally pop and STAY...I don't count the pop that happens every 15 min only for it to close before the game even starts to be a true pop.


GSF has proven to not be all that popular, yet it will be milked because unlike the ground PvP...it can be marketed and sold again and again.

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