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don't include arena styles into the battle ground queue


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I don't enjoy waiting in the queue to get into a fight that lasts significant less time than the other forms of battles : hutt ball, void star. Once I get into the game I then get to wait for the load screen, adn then wait out the tiemr for the match to begin. I find these are far less enjoyable than the games of hutt ball and voidstar.


I would also prefer to be able to black list them so as I do not have to worry about entering one of them.




Edit: or make it go to best 3 / 5 so the duration of the match is better.

but then I'd still get far fewer kills when searching for stealthers trying to prolong the inevitable than in a regular battle ground.

Edited by battleaxeman
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You're banging your head against a brick wall because Bioware 'think' this is what we want. Much like the so called 'combat feedback thread' on 2.6, they just ignore it.


Wasted 2 hours yesterday leaving Arenas and Bioware call this fun?! Sure, the fanboys will jump up and down with 'Learn to play' bulls*** but I can't see how hard it is for a muppet developer like Bioware to remove them from the main, remove ranked altogether as it is a failure, and just have Arenas on their own.

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I've always disliked the gametype bu gave it a fair shot, just to come to the conclusion that the possibility of getting a balanced game in "normals" is zero. Now I'm quitting as soon as it has loaded and from the look of all the backfills I'd say that a lot of people do the same. The only ones who seem to be ok with them are premades, because it's pretty much a given win when you get to pick classes, and those who just want quick dailies. Not sure if those are the groups we should cater to.
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I've always disliked the gametype bu gave it a fair shot, just to come to the conclusion that the possibility of getting a balanced game in "normals" is zero. Now I'm quitting as soon as it has loaded and from the look of all the backfills I'd say that a lot of people do the same. The only ones who seem to be ok with them are premades, because it's pretty much a given win when you get to pick classes, and those who just want quick dailies. Not sure if those are the groups we should cater to.


Not true. I play every arena that pops because it's my fav warzone game type by far and I que solo all the time.


It's just too fast paced for some people and they can't keep up, that's ok though cuz that's what civil war is for.

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What part isnt true? So you are the chosen one, the one who gets balanced 2dps/h/t every game? That's weird because my games usually look like 3h/dps vs 4t or some crap like that.


Just ignore the troll. He is a fanboy so no point even debating with him. He is too stupid to see the benefits of having Arenas in their own Q.

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You're banging your head against a brick wall because Bioware 'think' this is what we want. Much like the so called 'combat feedback thread' on 2.6, they just ignore it.


Wasted 2 hours yesterday leaving Arenas and Bioware call this fun?! Sure, the fanboys will jump up and down with 'Learn to play' bulls*** but I can't see how hard it is for a muppet developer like Bioware to remove them from the main, remove ranked altogether as it is a failure, and just have Arenas on their own.


You're still beating that "Quit the Arenas" drum?


Seriously dude, they take like 6 minutes, tops. Maybe if you played them, you'd have a fun one once in a while. They're not all crap. Some are, but if you just complete it, you get comms, and it takes almost the same length of time as waiting through your loading screens again and again.


I get sooo happy when an arena pops in regular queue. It means I get a faster match completion for my weekly, and I actually enjoy them in regs. Hell I've gone 1v4 because my team had one muppet stand there and get nuked and go 0/0/0 on the scoreboard, and the other two ran around basic attacking while I slowly whittled away the enemy. I eventually lost, but where you gonna get that kind of random entertainment? Eh? I mean really...


The game is what you make of it. You're currently making it out to be a carp sandwich. No wonder you don't like it.

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You're still beating that "Quit the Arenas" drum?


Seriously dude, they take like 6 minutes, tops. Maybe if you played them, you'd have a fun one once in a while. They're not all crap. Some are, but if you just complete it, you get comms, and it takes almost the same length of time as waiting through your loading screens again and again.


I get sooo happy when an arena pops in regular queue. It means I get a faster match completion for my weekly, and I actually enjoy them in regs. Hell I've gone 1v4 because my team had one muppet stand there and get nuked and go 0/0/0 on the scoreboard, and the other two ran around basic attacking while I slowly whittled away the enemy. I eventually lost, but where you gonna get that kind of random entertainment? Eh? I mean really...


The game is what you make of it. You're currently making it out to be a carp sandwich. No wonder you don't like it.


I'm not alone btw. There's a reason why pvp isnt growing and Arenas is probably one of the reasons. If you like them, fine - I don't for a variety of reasons with the main one being that Arenas are an outdated WoW game mechanic and with this being Star Wars, the focus should be on larger scale battles not stupid arenas.


It's about choice and I refuse to play a format that is forced upon us. Look what happened when Huttball first arrived. It was FORCED and popped up time and time again, now lots of people hate it and quit when it pops. Well, I feel the same way about Arenas. Simple as that.

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I'm not alone btw. There's a reason why pvp isnt growing and Arenas is probably one of the reasons.
When come back, bring more than "opinion"

If you like them, fine - I don't for a variety of reasons with the main one being that Arenas are an outdated WoW game mechanic and with this being Star Wars, the focus should be on larger scale battles not stupid arenas.
Again, reminder to all, this is the opinion of one individual. Do not mistake it for fact or rule.

It's about choice and I refuse to play a format that is forced upon us. Look what happened when Huttball first arrived. It was FORCED and popped up time and time again, now lots of people hate it and quit when it pops. Well, I feel the same way about Arenas. Simple as that.

If you don't like the game because of a certain portion of it, maybe you should consider playing a different game?


Bottom line - I agree that having a "choice" in the queue would make for things more pleasing to you, and those like you. However, you MUST consider the wide scale effects of such a thing. With decreased server populations...you'll never get to do anything...because each person will be in their own little queue with not enough people to fill anything. Or...there will be 10 people in a civil war queue, and the other two will be left out, and for how long? Until RNG puts them in? Or long enough for them to say "Screw it" and not bother? This is what would kill PvP in this game...and you, by quitting matches early, are already making the papercuts that will eventually bleed PvP in this game dry.


And don't even mention cross-server queues. Until it actually happens...it's not worth bringing into the discussion.

Edited by Uber_the_Goober
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You're still beating that "Quit the Arenas" drum?


Seriously dude, they take like 6 minutes, tops. Maybe if you played them, you'd have a fun one once in a while. They're not all crap. Some are, but if you just complete it, you get comms, and it takes almost the same length of time as waiting through your loading screens again and again.


I get sooo happy when an arena pops in regular queue. It means I get a faster match completion for my weekly, and I actually enjoy them in regs. Hell I've gone 1v4 because my team had one muppet stand there and get nuked and go 0/0/0 on the scoreboard, and the other two ran around basic attacking while I slowly whittled away the enemy. I eventually lost, but where you gonna get that kind of random entertainment? Eh? I mean really...


The game is what you make of it. You're currently making it out to be a carp sandwich. No wonder you don't like it.

Wow, you really shouldnt be in this forum with a mentality like that. Let's look at some of the highlights.

Seriously dude, they take like 6 minutes, tops. Maybe if you played them, you'd have a fun one once in a while. They're not all crap. Some are, but if you just complete it, you get comms, and it takes almost the same length of time as waiting through your loading screens again and again.

Not all crap. You get comms. Yeah that's the spirit.

It means I get a faster match completion for my weekly,
So what you're saying is that it's more important to "get it out of the way" than the experience? You're also insinuating that the short lenght of the games is crucial to you completing the weekly. So you're not spending more than an hour or so per week on warzones? I mean, that must be it because every other PvP'er out there gets it done by simple playing, without being concerned about it.


And what's stopping you from playing ranked? It's the same thing but with much superior matchmaking, although it's lacking too. How is that not better for you? The thing that you completely ignore , and at this point I'm just going to assume that I'm talking to a PvE'er who doesnt care about PvP, is that a lot of the people who stilll are around wouldnt be here today if Arena had been in the normal queue from start. I would have been fed up on it after a week and quit the game. So that's the complaint here, we had something we liked and now we're all of a sudden forced to either sit through horrible games or loading times after insta-quitting. And again, it's a gametype that already has it's own playlists. It could actually benefit the ranked queues if people were forced to queue there for arena.

Edited by MidichIorian
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And what's stopping you from playing ranked? It's the same thing but with much superior matchmaking, although it's lacking too. How is that not better for you?

Ranked is dead. Pops are slow, matchmaking doesn't exist. It also does'nt count towards the weekly. It's a e-peen contest with no rewards.


The thing that you completely ignore , and at this point I'm just going to assume that I'm talking to a PvE'er who doesnt care about PvP, is that a lot of the people who stilll are around wouldnt be here today if Arena had been in the normal queue from start. I would have been fed up on it after a week and quit the game.

I'm a PvP'er. Do you have signatures disabled or something? I am simply pointing out that it's not all terrible, and people who run from arenas like they're the plague are part of the problem, not the solution.


So that's the complaint here, we had something we liked and now we're all of a sudden forced to either sit through horrible games or loading times after insta-quitting. And again, it's a gametype that already has it's own playlists. It could actually benefit the ranked queues if people were forced to queue there for arena.

"Had something you liked"? And what is that? A stale, never changing, always the same battle-for-mid style of warzone? DarthmaulUK is even crying about Huttball...the most innovative thing to hit PvP since...sheet I dunno...Huttball???


Get over it. Change happens. Good or bad, it's fun to take the ride. Don't like it, don't play. But don't suggest that by entering the game and then quitting you're somehow "circumventing" the system. You're just mucking it up for the rest of us.

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When come back, bring more than "opinion"

Again, reminder to all, this is the opinion of one individual. Do not mistake it for fact or rule.

If you don't like the game because of a certain portion of it, maybe you should consider playing a different game?


Bottom line - I agree that having a "choice" in the queue would make for things more pleasing to you, and those like you. However, you MUST consider the wide scale effects of such a thing. With decreased server populations...you'll never get to do anything...because each person will be in their own little queue with not enough people to fill anything. Or...there will be 10 people in a civil war queue, and the other two will be left out, and for how long? Until RNG puts them in? Or long enough for them to say "Screw it" and not bother? This is what would kill PvP in this game...and you, by quitting matches early, are already making the papercuts that will eventually bleed PvP in this game dry.


And don't even mention cross-server queues. Until it actually happens...it's not worth bringing into the discussion.


Ah another Bioware fanboy who simply doesn't 'get it'. No point even discussing this with one

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Ranked is dead. Pops are slow, matchmaking doesn't exist. It also does'nt count towards the weekly. It's a e-peen contest with no rewards.



Can I just say FANBOY, that you have the cheek to pick out parts of my thread and this game came up. Which essentially sums up everything in my original post, which you failed to point out, because again, either you're a tool, or just a fanboy.


And did I ***** about Huttball? If you bothered to search the forums about Arenas and Huttball, maybe you can educate yourself.....go on, give it a try, learn something today.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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You're banging your head against a brick wall because Bioware 'think' this is what we want. Much like the so called 'combat feedback thread' on 2.6, they just ignore it.


Wasted 2 hours yesterday leaving Arenas and Bioware call this fun?! Sure, the fanboys will jump up and down with 'Learn to play' bulls*** but I can't see how hard it is for a muppet developer like Bioware to remove them from the main, remove ranked altogether as it is a failure, and just have Arenas on their own.


Duran'del here:


Somewhere, a person is celebrating because he gets to finish his daily extremely quickly because he got backfilled into an arena.




Not sure if I'm the only one who does that, though.

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I'm not alone btw. There's a reason why pvp isnt growing and Arenas is probably one of the reasons. If you like them, fine - I don't for a variety of reasons with the main one being that Arenas are an outdated WoW game mechanic and with this being Star Wars, the focus should be on larger scale battles not stupid arenas.


It's about choice and I refuse to play a format that is forced upon us. Look what happened when Huttball first arrived. It was FORCED and popped up time and time again, now lots of people hate it and quit when it pops. Well, I feel the same way about Arenas. Simple as that.


One arena I was in took around 30 seconds for each round. Won both rounds. That was ~60s, and +4 to my daily and weekly. All in one match.

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One arena I was in took around 30 seconds for each round. Won both rounds. That was ~60s, and +4 to my daily and weekly. All in one match.


When you're maxed out, it makes no difference. What does make a difference is lowbie, where they are even more unbalanced and low xp rewards. Pointless.

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Ah another Bioware fanboy who simply doesn't 'get it'. No point even discussing this with one

Oh please. Fanboy? Now that's just another sad attempt at a low blow because you've got nothing substantive to bring to the table, beyond your complaints and whines about how the system is currently set up.

Can I just say FANBOY, that you have the cheek to pick out parts of my thread and this game came up. Which essentially sums up everything in my original post, which you failed to point out, because again, either you're a tool, or just a fanboy.


And did I ***** about Huttball? If you bothered to search the forums about Arenas and Huttball, maybe you can educate yourself.....go on, give it a try, learn something today.

Are you trying to insult me with the FANBOY thing? Really? You're looking through angry goggles here, picking and choosing what you interpret so you can justify your anger, and direct it at me. Get over your little feels man...this is a game. It's fun. Just the way it is. Bioware ain't gonna change it according to your whims, no matter how loud you scream. Like any good authority figure put over a group of children, they'll just close the bedroom door during your tantrum and let you scream it out until your next snacktime comes. The rest of us out here will continue to play nicely with one another.


Don't like it? Go play something else.

I do, when the mood strikes me. Mostly...when tardhats like yourself take over a warzone. One of you, I can ignore. A match full of yous, now that's just irritating.


Like I said, you're part of the problem, not the solution.


I imagine you and your ilk like this. "Wah, wah, they forced me to play ARENAS...oh the HUMANITY!!! It's so awful!!! I had to play, and with other people!!! And they beat me!!! And nobody will listen when I say it's only because the system is racked against me! Woe is me and my predicament!"

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You're just mucking it up for the rest of us.
Ask yourself why ranked is dead instead of using it as an excuse. That's right, because it's a garbage gametype that only a very small minority genuinely like. If I had wanted to play HB and it had it's own playlist I wouldnt have queued for the mix list where I had to sit through 5 other warzone maps. One would think all these Arena enthusiasts you speak would do the same with ranked. Edited by MidichIorian
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