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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP Hacks


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Thanks for the advice. So what you are saying is that I there is not much I can do about the fact that there are some classes that do insane burst damage and block "be immune" to my damage? Man that is crazy ti think about, but I understand. One question.Is the immune skill timed or is it damage based? Meaning, that no matter how much damage they take, the immune will hold up? I will watch for the "yellow" text and if I see that, I will stop hitting that person and move to next target.


Thanks for the log file information. I will look at that as well and review what skills are hitting me for so much damage and try and read more about those skills.



It depends on what class you were up against, but if it was a Sin/Shadow, they have a cooldown that makes them immune to all force and tech attacks for 3-4 secs( Sins correct me about the timer thing). Only white damage attacks can get through during this time. If you see it, change your rotation to white attacks. It also could have been a shield generator. Even DPS classes can wear shield generators to absorb damage.


PTs are not really a comparable class to top tier DPS specs. Thurr strength average-good damage, with a bit if tankieness and control. Review your talents and skill tree, then you apply those to other classes' talents and skill trees, then decide whether you have the tools on your class to fit your playstyle..

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I don't know about combat hacks, but speed hacks do certainly exist.


Yeah once or twice I've seen people get to objectives in a WZ unnaturally fast when they had no speed buffs on their buff bar, but it's only happened like two or three times in all my time playing, so it's not a big issue.

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Thanks for the advice. So what you are saying is that I there is not much I can do about the fact that there are some classes that do insane burst damage and block "be immune" to my damage? Man that is crazy ti think about, but I understand. One question.Is the immune skill timed or is it damage based? Meaning, that no matter how much damage they take, the immune will hold up? I will watch for the "yellow" text and if I see that, I will stop hitting that person and move to next target.


The glow on your target is the indicator he has activated the immunity. And it is immunity to your attacks that do damage with yellow numbers (the ones with Tech in their description). You can still damage him with attacks that do white damage (Ranged or Melee attacks - and you are a Powertech, so you only do Ranged or Tech damage. Force users do Force or Melee damage, non-Force do Tech and Ranged).


The immunity is 4 seconds on a cooldown (can talent for more), during which yellow damage can't hurt them. So you need to either use white damage attacks (e.g. Rail Shot) that ignore the immunity. Or maybe get away from them until it wears off and you can hurt them with your Tech abilities again.


Note that it is only Shadows (and the Imperial mirror class Assassins) who get this particular ability. Other classes have their own cool defensive CDs though, like Sentinel / Marauder with Guarded By The Force / Undying Rage, which gives a 99% damage reduction for 4 seconds. Make sure to turn on class markers above players in Preferences, to give you a better idea of what class your opponents are, so you know what tricks they may use.





Edited by Wainamoinen
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I mean when was the last time you saw something as blatant as what gingers was doing?


Maybe once by a trollrolling+hackor in a game of huttball of all things(after the Gingers lolhax) in like 1000s of PVP matches.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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Your comments are laughable...I bet you are one of the people running these hacks then. I do by the way understand my class and other classes. But when I firing on a lower level person and they absorb all my attacks and then turn around and hit me for 7K twice and I am dead...then something is going on. So trust me when I say, this has nothing to do with intelligence.


Level differences don't work like that in warzones. If you knew anything about PvP, you would know that. You understand nothing. In fact, you don't even understand how little you understand. If a Rage/Focus Juggernaut/Marauder/Guardian/Sentinel uses Saber Ward, it would absorb a lot of your attacks. Followed by an Obliterate/Zealous Leap, which has the potential to crit for 7k easily, and a Smash/Sweep which can crit for upwards of 10k.


This is an ignorance problem. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Your comments are laughable...I bet you are one of the people running these hacks then. I do by the way understand my class and other classes.


so anyone who thinks the whole "hacks" problem is not as big as people say it is "has" to be hacking, interesting :rolleyes:

Edited by Sangrar
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Level differences don't work like that in warzones. If you knew anything about PvP, you would know that. You understand nothing. In fact, you don't even understand how little you understand. If a Rage/Focus Juggernaut/Marauder/Guardian/Sentinel uses Saber Ward, it would absorb a lot of your attacks. Followed by an Obliterate/Zealous Leap, which has the potential to crit for 7k easily, and a Smash/Sweep which can crit for upwards of 10k.


This is an ignorance problem. Nothing more, nothing less.


Right Back at you;);) 7K OBLITERATES happen only on undergeared or PvE geared opponents (Highest tiers) in 55 PvP, and even then it's not always. In lowbies, which is the tier OP is playing, hitting for a 7k obliterate doesn't happen, It.Just.Won't.Happen unless you're fighting against somebody who has expertise in their gear and thus doesn't get bolstered to 2018 and you already have the crapload of surge monkeys can get (was 91.7% surge in unauged Conq before I respecced my jug to vengeance 7 months ago)

Even in 55 PvP against Sorcs/Sages, you won't be hitting 7k Obliterates, 7k Vicious Throw crits, yes, but not Obliterates.


Smash crits for upwards of 10k are quite rare in lowbies (again, on people getting bolstered properly), it's the freaking retarded RNG relics bioware introduced that allow this crap combined to the set bonus for 10% dmg increase after Charge/Leap. I mean, this is an ignorance problem. Nothing more, nothing less.

Edited by Tevzz
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Being optimized is different then just having 46 gear some stats are better for your class then others. My main is a sin i have a level 25 shadow that with bolster can hit for 10k and over just like my 55 main sin. This is do to the fact i know which stats are better for me IE power, Crit and surge with my main stat of willpower. Just throwing 46 armoring, mod and enhancements in your gear with augments is by no means optimized this is what optimization of stats do http://i.imgur.com/p9bwY2S.jpg notice even though this is a 55 the character stats http://imgur.com/rsojijC i can do the same thing with bolster in the lowbie bracket it not hard


What is the best way to "optimize" myself if not with mobs and other gear items?

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What is the best way to "optimize" myself if not with mobs and other gear items?


I think you missed the point...


1. Are you wearing modifiable pieces?

2. Are you stacking useful stats like power and surge, instead if accuracy, presence?


If the answer is yes to both questions then you are optimizing for each level your toon reaches...

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well everyone, the pvp section is getting hijacked by these morons everyone get out, seriously recommend reporting these guys for hijacking threads like this


That's OK he is headed for a ban hammer real soon since Eric said they would not tolerate this behavior and any one doing so would receive punishment and a ban for doing so.

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That's OK he is headed for a ban hammer real soon since Eric said they would not tolerate this behavior and any one doing so would receive punishment and a ban for doing so.


he is spamming this crap along with all his little friends EVERYWHERE, even the French forums

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Yes to both those questions. So now what?


Now, all that's left is for you to learn the ins and outs of your own class and those of other classes. To be honest Powertechs are quite good in PvP when u play them right. Pyro PT's are quite decent especially since you can reset Rail Shot a LOT, so their single target dps is quite fine in my opinion, sure it's not the burst assassins have but hey, DPS specced assassins are 2 times squishier than you, not to mention how u can get out of their melee attack range while pretty much maintaining all your DPS. Advanced prototypes wreck too...at 55 4.6k+ Prototype Flamethrower crit ticks aren't rare, couple that with the amazing slow you have in addition to that substantial increase in crit chance for rocket punch you get from the lv 55 set bonus and from your skill tree and the spec is quite amazing, not to mention how you have 30% dmg reduction from AoE's and 30% dmg reduction while stunned. PT is quite a strong class in PvP if you know what you're doing, so I believe that all that's left for you is to actually learn to exploit its potential.

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I am level 46 with all level 45 gear slotted appropriately for my class, so in my eyes I am optimized accordingly. I will admit that I am a new player to this game and have much to learn. So since it seems you have much knowledge relative to this game, please share. I guess what I would like to know is what armor plates, mobs, and enhancements I I should be running in order to do this 10K damage as a powertech. I have a few other chars in my account but a powertech is the char I play most often. I would even be willing to meet in game so you can show me your skills on how a level 30 can hit a level 46 so hard in PVP. I mean I would love to hit for 10K every swing of a saber or blast of a pistol. Please share!


PS. Does anyone know how I can see the amount of damage being done in the chat window?


Because of how bolster works, in warzones it is very possible for a level 30 to hit harder than even a level 54. In raw damage, this game is fairly balanced across levels in a warzone. A video of what happened or a screen shot of the combat log would be very helpful in determining if what happened was normal or fishy.

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Right Back at you;);) 7K OBLITERATES happen only on undergeared or PvE geared opponents (Highest tiers) in 55 PvP, and even then it's not always. In lowbies, which is the tier OP is playing, hitting for a 7k obliterate doesn't happen, It.Just.Won't.Happen unless you're fighting against somebody who has expertise in their gear and thus doesn't get bolstered to 2018 and you already have the crapload of surge monkeys can get (was 91.7% surge in unauged Conq before I respecced my jug to vengeance 7 months ago)

Even in 55 PvP against Sorcs/Sages, you won't be hitting 7k Obliterates, 7k Vicious Throw crits, yes, but not Obliterates.


Smash crits for upwards of 10k are quite rare in lowbies (again, on people getting bolstered properly), it's the freaking retarded RNG relics bioware introduced that allow this crap combined to the set bonus for 10% dmg increase after Charge/Leap. I mean, this is an ignorance problem. Nothing more, nothing less.


This is what I'm getting in 55 PvP on my Sentinel who, aside from relics, is full PvE gear. Not even 1000 expertise. Try again, champ.

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This is what I'm getting in 55 PvP on my Sentinel who, aside from relics, is full PvE gear. Not even 1000 expertise. Try again, champ.


LOL then you're fighting people with even less expertise, or you have the relic procs when your stuff crits coz W/o that it's impossible to hit a fully PvP equipped player for a 7k+ Obliterate. Heck, my Jugg had better gear for PvP than your Sentinel when he was in a Rage build and I didn't hit 7k Obliterate crits. They reached 5k's yes, but not 7k's and the 10k smashes were pretty rare too on well geared people. Plus the fact that you're wearing full PvE gear with 1k expertise makes me wonder *** u doing in PvP and lowers your credibility quite a lot...

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Plus the fact that you're wearing full PvE gear with 1k expertise makes me wonder *** u doing in PvP and lowers your credibility quite a lot...


You must be one of those exemplars of ignorance, who thinks that people who PvP with PvE gear are not good. As if the mere fact that one would PvP with PvE gear makes them a bad player, no matter what the results actually are. It only shows how ignorant you are.


See, I topped the damage leaderboard about 75% of the games I played, and that's being generous. In such a case, the only two options are that A: I am a much better player than you thought, because my gear sucks, or B: I suck as a player but my gear is much better than you think it is. In both cases, you're wrong. Please, go on, pick your poison.


If you knew anything about PvP, you would know that <1000 expertise is not normal, and it certainly doesn't equate "bad gear". In fact, the worse one's gear is, the *more* expertise they are given to compensate. (unless of course, you're dumb enough to bring recruit gear into bolstered PvP of any level. At that point, you're just asking for it). The gear I used, as far as the legacy shells go, was PvE Best in Slot. Was it PvP gear? No, it was not. Did it do the trick? Yes, it did.


Finally, as far as PvP itself goes, let me just say this. I have PvPed since early game access. I had full champion gear on my Assassin before 1.2. And then I realized something. It was dumb. Boring. So I quit it. I leveled my Marauder instead (who, by the way, was created on the *first* day of early game access, in case you're trying to make the point that I chose 'FOTM').


This game *should* be for entertainment, and nothing more. I'm sorry, I don't find entertainment in playing the same five warzones and the occasional arena over and over to grind for gear which, to be honest... isn't even that good. The main problem is that the majority of PvPers know this subconsciously, and are offended when someone comes along and shows them how little gear really matters. Does it matter? Yes, it does, but not nearly as much as pre-2.0.


Since the expansion, I have stopped PvP progression. There is simply no need. Sure, I PvPed some on my Assassin and got the full Partisan for open-world purposes, but again I found myself bored. I no longer grind PvP because I find no enjoyment in it. Sure, I play the occasional match, especially on my Republic lowbies. Do I top the damage leaderboard? The majority of the time. Most of the time? All the time? Hard to say, but generally I have top damage (and that's with literally everything aside from the most faceroll specs (sentinel and guardian focus), 35ish gunslinger, 19ish shadow, 13 vanguard, etc)


In conclusion, yes. I am a good PvPer. The best? No, not by a long shot. But I am good, good enough for me. The mere fact that I don't bang my head against the PvP grind wall every day is hardly grounds to insult me. You are looking at the procedure and telling me it's wrong. I look at the results and chuckle to myself. You can yell at me all you want, but know that I put out exceptional damage without wasting my life farming the same PvP games every day. If that bothers you, tough. I simply do not care.

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You must be one of those exemplars of ignorance, who thinks that people who PvP with PvE gear are not good. As if the mere fact that one would PvP with PvE gear makes them a bad player, no matter what the results actually are. It only shows how ignorant you are.


See, I topped the damage leaderboard about 75% of the games I played, and that's being generous. In such a case, the only two options are that A: I am a much better player than you thought, because my gear sucks, or B: I suck as a player but my gear is much better than you think it is. In both cases, you're wrong. Please, go on, pick your poison.


If you knew anything about PvP, you would know that <1000 expertise is not normal, and it certainly doesn't equate "bad gear". In fact, the worse one's gear is, the *more* expertise they are given to compensate. (unless of course, you're dumb enough to bring recruit gear into bolstered PvP of any level. At that point, you're just asking for it). The gear I used, as far as the legacy shells go, was PvE Best in Slot. Was it PvP gear? No, it was not. Did it do the trick? Yes, it did.


Finally, as far as PvP itself goes, let me just say this. I have PvPed since early game access. I had full champion gear on my Assassin before 1.2. And then I realized something. It was dumb. Boring. So I quit it. I leveled my Marauder instead (who, by the way, was created on the *first* day of early game access, in case you're trying to make the point that I chose 'FOTM').


This game *should* be for entertainment, and nothing more. I'm sorry, I don't find entertainment in playing the same five warzones and the occasional arena over and over to grind for gear which, to be honest... isn't even that good. The main problem is that the majority of PvPers know this subconsciously, and are offended when someone comes along and shows them how little gear really matters. Does it matter? Yes, it does, but not nearly as much as pre-2.0.


Since the expansion, I have stopped PvP progression. There is simply no need. Sure, I PvPed some on my Assassin and got the full Partisan for open-world purposes, but again I found myself bored. I no longer grind PvP because I find no enjoyment in it. Sure, I play the occasional match, especially on my Republic lowbies. Do I top the damage leaderboard? The majority of the time. Most of the time? All the time? Hard to say, but generally I have top damage (and that's with literally everything aside from the most faceroll specs (sentinel and guardian focus), 35ish gunslinger, 19ish shadow, 13 vanguard, etc)


In conclusion, yes. I am a good PvPer. The best? No, not by a long shot. But I am good, good enough for me. The mere fact that I don't bang my head against the PvP grind wall every day is hardly grounds to insult me. You are looking at the procedure and telling me it's wrong. I look at the results and chuckle to myself. You can yell at me all you want, but know that I put out exceptional damage without wasting my life farming the same PvP games every day. If that bothers you, tough. I simply do not care.


First things first, I never called you a bad player, but

7K OBLITERATES happen only on undergeared or PvE geared opponents (Highest tiers) in 55 PvP
, is what I wrote. So if you're fighting against somebody who's BiS PvE gear, they might take that kind of damage since they won't even be bolstered to 1000 expertise.


You have your reasons to not enjoy PvP, I have mine to not enjoy PvE, seeing how I find it too mechanical and after a certain point too repetitive. Let's be honest, end-game PvE raid bosses have patterns to them, and once the boss loses a certain % of HP you enter a phase in which you HAVE to change your play style if you wish to survive and actually succeed, it that sense it's always the same fights. I can't handle that, but that's just me, and you liking what I don't like is nowhere near wrong, nor can I argue with you to prove that what I like is better. And don't assume I've farmed my butt off for PvP gear please, I actually took some time to get a full set. :D


My main point, was that those numbers you just stated happen very rarely, as opposed to what you were suggesting. In a WZ or Ranked Arena where everybody has their gear properly min/maxed, you won't be hitting 7k obliterate crits often, most likely at all, in fact. Any dedicated Smasher knows this, unless they have several buffs on them (Inspiration/relic procs/ set bonus 10% dmg boost, heightened power from the Focus tree, etc.) they will not be hitting such high numbers. Rage jugs can often hit 10k smashes with the relic procs, that's true, I've been on of the people who does those kinds of hits when my relics proc as I leap at somebody. Yet, it's not your everyday type of smash hit, 8-9k's are common ( smash crits with singularity/shockwave stacks are pretty much never below 7k unless you're fighting someone with an AoE mitigation passive), but 10k+ hits happen, but not very frequently.


Off topic, I can't really call u a FotM'er since my first character was a Carnage Marauder lol.

Edited by Tevzz
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