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End game, I am disintersted in outfits due to Legacy Bound armor.


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Fix is easy. Either add a new "vanity" tab where you put gear you own - the stats will go according to what is equipped but your character will appear as though he uses something else. SW:G, Lotro, AoC and a multitude of MMOs do this; it's like market standard.


If not that, make an option to turn any armor piece into legacy bound.


Heck, sell/unlock either in Cartel Market since it's just vanity stuff anyways. People would pay. I am not sure how hard it would be to implement but I'm fairly certain you'd make a nice bag of cash from it.

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So... the complain is about mod swapping. I'll complain about augmenting then as I have no problem with mod swapping costs.


Once I arrive at a particular look, I stay with it for a while. But... when I want to make a change it is the augmenting that makes me cringe and I have plenty of creds. So... first, you need aug kits then add the cost of the swap and then add the cost at the augment station. Now that to me seems beyond the pale. You know what I mean? Over 100k for the aug swap and that doesn't include the cost of the augment.


So... BW, if you are reading this, why the cred sink with the augs? Remove that little hurdle please and I think it will go a long way. At least... remove the cost at the augment station. 30k for an MK-9 aug is insane after you have spent 70k on a kit, just so you can look like Jolee Bindo. Lol.

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So... the complain is about mod swapping. I'll complain about augmenting then as I have no problem with mod swapping costs.


Once I arrive at a particular look, I stay with it for a while. But... when I want to make a change it is the augmenting that makes me cringe and I have plenty of creds. So... first, you need aug kits then add the cost of the swap and then add the cost at the augment station. Now that to me seems beyond the pale. You know what I mean? Over 100k for the aug swap and that doesn't include the cost of the augment.


So... BW, if you are reading this, why the cred sink with the augs? Remove that little hurdle please and I think it will go a long way. At least... remove the cost at the augment station. 30k for an MK-9 aug is insane after you have spent 70k on a kit, just so you can look like Jolee Bindo. Lol.


Mod swapping for me includes all mods, armourings, enhancements, and augments. Even with millions in the bank I would quickly go broke if I swapped all my mods for 1 weeks worth of ops runs just to maintain an appearance for each my 4-5 characters.

Edited by DarkMontie
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I don't quite understand how someone can actually share whole armor sets across characters, unless they play the exact same class. I mean, a Vanguard and a Commando share Aim as their main stat but a Healer will have to use different mods (e.g. Alacrity) than the DPS (e.g. Accuracy) or Tank. So unless you have multiple Commando healers (as an example), what's the point? With the exception of having the Imp mirror class and role of a Rep character I really don't see how this is such a huge issue.


Another point: every game needs credit sinks. And I think it's better to have a credit sink for luxury stuff (swapping mods between armor sets) instead of convenience stuff (e.g. taxi, imagine paying 50K to travel between taxi points or using quick travel) or even necessary stuff (e.g. repair costs, which may then result in "one wipe, everyone quits the ops group").

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It would be nice if they let us convert some of our collection items into legacy items (make it cost cc or whatever).

i have a few legacy sets that i use for companions and characters at max level and the cartel stuff is used during leveling for the most part or for show.

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All I know is that I'd buy some type of perk from the CM that would allow me to share mods with alts/companions without having to use legacy gear or spend millions of creds each week to maintain a CM armor look. I used to love to buy CM items to make unique armor sets but now the CM doesn't interest me.
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While it does cost credits to pop mods our of gear, even at end game fees it is by no means "prohibitive" in a game where credit wealth is easily within reach to any enterprising player such that said credit costs are minor.


There just is not a genuine systemic problem here. It's a problem of personal choice and bias. I get that some people do not want to pay credits for mod extracts... but that is personal opinion and choice NOT true prohibitive mechanics.


If a player does not value character looks, then they would indeed do what the OP is doing. If however a player does value character looks, they will exert effort and resources according to their depth of taste and desire. There is no right or wrong answer as it goes to personal tastes. And I'm sorry, but even if you change gear weekly and pop mods to do it.. it's not prohibitive in this game in any way UNLESS you make it that way.. and that again is personal choice.


The economics discussion side of this is an end game context. Lower level mods are "write-over" mods, not extracted but modded over. The end game mods are more generally "keepers" because they are hard to acquire or expensive to acquire. And frankly.. any cap level player that is not able to fund periodic replacement of mods in gear is doing something wrong. Yes, there are a lot of credit sinks in the game, particularly at cap level.. and that is both normal and by design in MMOs. But then again.. so is the access to level appropriate income generation too.

Edited by Andryah
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There just is not a genuine systemic problem here. It's a problem of personal choice and bias. I get that some people do not want to pay credits for mod extracts... but that is personal opinion and choice NOT true prohibitive mechanics.


Omg...the cost IS a prohibitive factor. Augment kits are a prohibitive factor. Suggesting that there are really no prohibitive mechanics is just pure ignorance. Not everyone is self sufficient. Not everyone has the time some people do to grind out credits and toons.


People would like the appearance tab, not your pretend reasoning for why it's not needed.

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Omg...the cost IS a prohibitive factor. Augment kits are a prohibitive factor. Suggesting that there are really no prohibitive mechanics is just pure ignorance. Not everyone is self sufficient. Not everyone has the time some people do to grind out credits and toons.


People would like the appearance tab, not your pretend reasoning for why it's not needed.


Yea the augments really changed the game on it. Even without it costs what, 100k or so to strip all the mods from your armor? Guess that varies depending on the quality of the mods.


An appearance tab would be nice, the system they have now is a pretty big credit dump for the person that likes changing their looks while being effective.

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Yea the augments really changed the game on it. Even without it costs what, 100k or so to strip all the mods from your armor? Guess that varies depending on the quality of the mods.


An appearance tab would be nice, the system they have now is a pretty big credit dump for the person that likes changing their looks while being effective.


If 100K is considered cost prohibitive by a cap level player that is actually interested in changing the looks of their character at end game... they ARE doing something wrong. Or, they are being dishonest about their priorities. 1M+ credits a week is easily within reach to any player with a level 55 character, and through a wide variety or methods. Heck 1M credits a week is within reach to any sub-level character in their mid-20s in this game if they want to go after it.


An appearance tab would in fact be popular. It would however destroy the premise of modable armor to a large degree. Modding armor, like it or not, is an active facet of SWTOR. If you want complete disconnect of stats from appearance.. this is not the MMO for you. TSW would be a better choice.. or LoTRO, but then again.. they do not offer a Star Wars experienced do they?


No MMO is all things to all people. We all make personal choices and compromises to our desires when playing an MMO. We each decide where and how to expend our energy in game to meet our needs. Changing game mechanics to effectively eliminate moding costs of gear in this game is like handing out welfare epics to players in other MMOs. It goes to player laziness more then anything else IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Then don't wear them.


Outfit tab, suggested innumerable times, almost certainly never going to happen.


See, your suggestion encourages price conscious players to avoid the CM. The addition of an outfit tab encourages players to USE the CM. I firmly believe that an outfit tab would increase CM armor sales and value.

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See, your suggestion encourages price conscious players to avoid the CM. The addition of an outfit tab encourages players to USE the CM. I firmly believe that an outfit tab would increase CM armor sales and value.


exactly. Right now I have zero reason to support this game via the Cartel Market. I pay a subscription and that is it. It costs nearly 500k each time to pop out my 72 mods and augments out of my gear just to change my appearance and that does not even count the cost of MK-9s to gear out my characters look. There is zero chance I will spend that much money every time I transfer my mods around.


It is easier to keep everything in Legacy Bound gear and share one set betweeen 2-4 characters. As much as I love changing my characters appearance and spending 60-80 dollars a month on Cartel Coins for new outfits and Hypercrates, it is no longer worth it.

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I made this exact point to Eric Musco at the cantina event in Phoenix today., though from a different angle. With 17 toons on my server, which encompasses every single advanced class, I'm just not going to wear anything but Legacy gear on any of my LVL 55's (currently 11 and counting).


For me, it's not the cost to change my outfit....I would gladly pay that now and again. I've seen cool stuff in CM packs that I would certainly wear for a while, get bored of, and then change to something else. I would be willing to accept the cost of re-augmenting and ripping mods out, gladly, on a periodic basis. That's a reasonable credit sink, in my opinion.


But I won't pay that cost on a daily basis...which is what legacy gear allows me to do...avoid that cost daily. I can share gear between (for example) a Sniper and a Gunslinger and avoid the costs of ripping out mods to share my BiS gear across 2 or more toons. In this case, I'm not using the legacy system to spend comms on my main to gear an alt, I'm using the legacy system to gear a Juggernaut and a Guardian or a Sage and a Sorc, etc. That's a huge savings, that can be realized as often as daily, which makes Legacy gear compelling, once the number of LVL 55 alts you have gets up there.


Eric heard my feedback.


In my solution (different from the OP), I said the CM needs to sell legacy gear. I know my solution undermines the fee they get for collections unlocks, so it probably won't go my way either. But they need to do something, or the CM gear of today is simply of no use to me...which was my point to Eric, and why he paid attention to my comment. I made it clear, I'm not paying for gambling packs, because the gear I would get from it isn't Legacy,. If you want more $$$ out of me, something in this space has to change.

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I made this exact point to Eric Musco at the cantina event in Phoenix today., though from a different angle. With 17 toons on my server, which encompasses every single advanced class, I'm just not going to wear anything but Legacy gear on any of my LVL 55's (currently 11 and counting).


For me, it's not the cost to change my outfit....I would gladly pay that now and again. I've seen cool stuff in CM packs that I would certainly wear for a while, get bored of, and then change to something else. I would be willing to accept the cost of re-augmenting and ripping mods out, gladly, on a periodic basis. That's a reasonable credit sink, in my opinion.


But I won't pay that cost on a daily basis...which is what legacy gear allows me to do...avoid that cost daily. I can share gear between (for example) a Sniper and a Gunslinger and avoid the costs of ripping out mods to share my BiS gear across 2 or more toons. In this case, I'm not using the legacy system to spend comms on my main to gear an alt, I'm using the legacy system to gear a Juggernaut and a Guardian or a Sage and a Sorc, etc. That's a huge savings, that can be realized as often as daily, which makes Legacy gear compelling, once the number of LVL 55 alts you have gets up there.


Eric heard my feedback.


In my solution (different from the OP), I said the CM needs to sell legacy gear. I know my solution undermines the fee they get for collections unlocks, so it probably won't go my way either. But they need to do something, or the CM gear of today is simply of no use to me...which was my point to Eric, and why he paid attention to my comment. I made it clear, I'm not paying for gambling packs, because the gear I would get from it isn't Legacy,. If you want more $$$ out of me, something in this space has to change.

Considering that all of the new GSF gear that each toon gets is Legacy now, I'm sure there's some wiggle room here. They could even keep the Collections option and add a second unlock to turn a set into Legacy gear. This caters to both those who would send sets back and fourth between toons, and players like myself who 99% of the time only use Legacy items to transfer gear. I like to keep each of my characters geared according to what I feel suits his personality.


There is room for middle ground here, and most players who have asked for a Legacy unlock feature via CCs I would think could be accommodated and still provide plenty of viability for the Cartel Market to Operate. Even in unexpected situations where you're having to raid Pub side at the last minute would benefit greatly from being able to pay to unlock a set to Legacy for a quick transfer, rather than having to rip all the mods to throw into Legacy gear. I'm sure a balance can be found.

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I cant understand why anyone would change the look of their characters so frequently.


Before I spent the wad of cash on augments I checked out tor-fashion to see what I wanted. being a Sith Sorcerer on my main I went for a hooded approach but I didn't want to look like every other hooded character so I picked one that I hadn't seen around much. I looked in my bank for some nice legs/wrists/belt and settled on a nice even look.


Now why would I want to change that? It isn't like there is a breathtaking new set of armour every week. There just isnt plain and simple. I think this is just a quality of life issue that is more of a whine than anything. What is wrong with the collections system or buying armor on the character you want to use it on?


A wardrobe might be nice but it would take away revenue and I would prefer that not to happen lest we see the game not making enough money to sustain.


So stop trying to use the game like a wardrobe and start planning your gear. Otherwise pay the price. If I was in te business of taking mods out of armour for you I would also charge you a fortune for being so picky and keeping me stitching up mods every day for no reason other than vanity.

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I cant understand why anyone would change the look of their characters so frequently.


Before I spent the wad of cash on augments I checked out tor-fashion to see what I wanted. being a Sith Sorcerer on my main I went for a hooded approach but I didn't want to look like every other hooded character so I picked one that I hadn't seen around much. I looked in my bank for some nice legs/wrists/belt and settled on a nice even look.


Now why would I want to change that? It isn't like there is a breathtaking new set of armour every week. There just isnt plain and simple. I think this is just a quality of life issue that is more of a whine than anything. What is wrong with the collections system or buying armor on the character you want to use it on?


A wardrobe might be nice but it would take away revenue and I would prefer that not to happen lest we see the game not making enough money to sustain.


So stop trying to use the game like a wardrobe and start planning your gear. Otherwise pay the price. If I was in te business of taking mods out of armour for you I would also charge you a fortune for being so picky and keeping me stitching up mods every day for no reason other than vanity.


You have it wrong. They are raiding for top end gear, putting it into a legacy set, then sharing that legacy set between multiple characters.


I have five 55s, assume they all have the same primary stat, I could obtain five sets of raid gear, so they can all compete efficiently at endgame, or I can obtain one set of raid gear, drop the pieces into a Legacy armor set and share that set between my five characters.

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Have to agree, in 1 year+ now only 1 gear set sold turned my head enough for me to buy and use it on one of my toons. One other has vanilla pvp gear (clone troopers ftw =P) And the rest bar exception are sharing legacy sets.


Why on earth would you do anything else, you're not gearing 2 or more toons separately when you can pool the drops and you're not paying 200k to gut 7/8 pieces every time to move mods over, not to mention the one time cost of augmenting it all which is not exactly peanuts either. Not when you can find relatively neutral gear that looks decent for both factions and just mail it around.


This augmentation/re-modding cost prohibition/plain impracticality issue resurfaces every month and puzzlingly enough still no changes to it.


I guess the CM is doing so well it's not a priority and it will rise up the to-do list if CM revenue takes a hit. Speeders and fancy auto cannons move enough hyper-crates to make the devs not really loose much sleep over the fact that a large chunk of people at endgame simply don't bother with pure vanity gear.

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I never change gear because of the costs and the credit sink of augment it again.

A fashion tab, I think, actually is pretty necessary and can be implemented pretty well.


There are so many solution, like let the legacy gear to be the stat gear (and/or fashion gear) and the CM gear the fashion one.


This for me is one of the best solution, so actually you have a gear with amor, mod, en and augment inside and you can select to show this one ore the fashion one, without changing everything.

They don't need a credit sink right here because if you have more money you can easy spend it on the CM stuff on the GTN, more item sold at the GTN, more CM usage.


They can push out some heavy costs mounts or outfit, pet and so on, so people are encouraged to spend and use. Or they can add to collection the whole reputation items (like HK custom and so on) so you can easy spend CC and credits

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I have 7 level 55 characters. Of those there are two sets that are the same class but imp side and pub side (ie. a sage and a sorc). I had had no problem gearing each toon independently. In fact, legacy gear aided in that process. I was able to play a geared toon to earn comms or token drops, move mods to legacy gear as I either upgraded or didn't need the mod, then slot the mod in my favorite shell for the recipient.


Yes, this costs credits. Yes, it required a little extra time. However, the barrier is just high enough that we don't all look alike and low enough it doesn't break the bank.


I think this is one of the most poorly thought out, self-serving, whiney threads I've seen in a long time. The OP needs to stop working on getting alts to 55 and just go play / gear one or two of his existing 55's.

Edited by HeathT
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3) make all gear bound to legacy


That would probably be the easiest change but would not encourage me to spend more money in the CM except on the rare occasion something nicer than what I currently have shows up, which happens rarely and that would only affect my low level character. And if it is only one outfit then I would probably just buy that on the GTN and save my money.


By making all gear legacy bound (assuming it is only reputation gear and CM gear) then they are only expanding my choices for that 1 outfit I use end game. There is still no reason to gather multiple looks for my characters or adapt their appearance to the environment.


This game has the most cumbersome outfit customization system I have ever seen in an MMO. It is cost prohibitive to change your characters look on the fly, bloated, and time consuming. There is nothing fun or easy about changing a characters appearance.


Once players hit a certain point in the game where they have 2-3 toons that can share one set of raid gear, there is no reason to use anything but one set of Legacy Bound gear and let other roll need on the rest of the gear drops.

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