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I can see no possible reason to keep expertise. If it was removed pvp would be a more equal experience. A lot of people are angered by the fact they get beaten up continually because the person they are fighting has expertise and they do not. Just have one type of gear that can be used for pve and pvp then when you have new events like the rakgoul tunnels there wont be so much complaining. I like pvp but the experience is spoiled for me because of expertise.
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Then don't play on a pvp server. The system for expertise is fine the way it is and in warzones you have bolster so there is practically zero gear gap there. If you are on a pvp server and don't have pvp gear...well there is no sympathy for that kind of ignorance. Go roll on a pve server. Edited by Raansu
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IMO, expertise is there to separate PVP from PVE, specifically because they want PVE to be "fun" (you're the hero, you win a lot) and thus overpowered vs. NPCs, but they don't want the abilities to be overpowered in PVP.


From other MMO's that didn't have expertise, they had to put in dual-effect abilities: your strike does 50 damage vs. NPCs but only 20 vs. players) spelled out like that for each individual ability. Which made it confusing. Expertise is simpler.


They could weaken the NPCs across the board and get rid of expertise, but that's work for no visible difference to how the combat ends up working. So why put in the effort?

Edited by Merouk
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  • 1 year later...
I wish a level playing field to make the fight an even affair , so the victor wins because of skill . At the moment the player with pvp gear wins easy when attacking a player with pve gear on. Guess it suits people with a bully mentality at the moment.
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I wish a level playing field to make the fight an even affair , so the victor wins because of skill . At the moment the player with pvp gear wins easy when attacking a player with pve gear on. Guess it suits people with a bully mentality at the moment.


if you are not wearing pvp gear on a pvp planet or while flagged for pvp nobody to blame but yourself. /necor

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I wish a level playing field to make the fight an even affair , so the victor wins because of skill . At the moment the player with pvp gear wins easy when attacking a player with pve gear on. Guess it suits people with a bully mentality at the moment.


Removing expertise will do nothing to solve the problem. It isn't bullying, it is preparation. Remove expertise, and you will still get facerolled by people with better gear and higher levels. It doesn't matter how much skill you have if you refuse to gear properly for your class and the content you want to run.

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Well Neco'd, Batman! / still relevant tho'


....... the victor wins because of skill . At the moment the player with pvp gear wins easy when attacking a player with pve gear on. .


Part of the skill is knowing what gear to wear. - It's part of the rules. If you don't read the rules and turn up in beach volleyball gear for climbing everest, you're gonna suffer. :)


Correct gear: PvE gear until ~lev. 55 then max :162 except for MH and OH - at max: 148.

Earn comms for spending on PVP gear at 60, exhumed followed by dark reaver. - Simples!

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Correct gear: PvE gear until ~lev. 55 then max :162 except for MH and OH - at max: 148.

Earn comms for spending on PVP gear at 60, exhumed followed by dark reaver. - Simples!

Just to be uber clear, you can have 162 as the main piece in the OH and MH, but the mod and enhancement need to be 148 to ensure full Bolster.

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I completely agree that they should remove expertise. Expertise really is a waste of space. I played at launch for quite a while and grinded up full battlemaster and half rakkata/half columni gear. As a class that can have dual roles(and the off-tank during Ops), that's 3-4 sets of gear needed to grind for. That is such a headache. Then each new character you make, that's at least another 2 sets of gear to grind for. Admittedly, grinding for gear was much worse when the game first launched.


I just came back to the game,


I used to play on a PvP server, before it became a ghost town, and would always run around with my battlemaster armor on, and 2 sets of PvE armor on me for Hard mode Fps or Ops because it's a pain having to go to storage every single time. It's annoying having to swap gear all the time.


Now I play on a PvE server and I am almost always in a WZ queue while PvEing. When I get to max level I'm going to again have at least 2 sets of gear at all times. Running around in PvE gear this time, and having to swap to expertise gear every time a warzone pops. That is going to be even more annoying than when I was on a PVP server because going into warzones happens many times more often that going into flashpoint. The only option to avoid this hastle shouldn't be to run around in PvP gear all the time, because I want my guy to be the strongest he can be at all times, that's the whole point of getting the gear.


In a game, you don't want things that are a "pain" or are "annoying".


And what's the point of expertise gear anyways, It's just another ladder for the player to have to grind up and keep them playing, when in reality it is having the opposite effect on myself and most likely other players as well.


I wouldn't mind it as much if there was an extra mod slot on each piece of equipment that all of the expertise went into, just so I don't have to swap armor all the time to be a peak performance. But Ideally, all paths should lead to comparable top tier armor, be it the path of PvE, the path of PvP, or a mix of both.


Expertise was the main reason i quit the game in the first place, and once I play through the new Expansion, it will most likely be the reason I quit the game again.

Edited by Dayn
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The problem is the pace at which you get the currencies needed to get gear isn't the same in PvE and PvP and will never be the same.


In PvP, you can do warzones all day and are rewarded for each match by some warzones comms.

In PvE, you have to do operations but you can't do as many as you like because of the locks.

Therefore, if you'd get same gear in both, doing it through PvP would be faster.


The problem here is some people hate PvP, making gear faster to get through PvP would "force" them to engage in an activity they don't like.

Btw, in case it would be the other way, you would "force" people that don't like operations to do them to get geared sooner.


Thus, the solution is to have specific gear for each activity, a set for a role in PvE, another set for a role in PvP.

To differentiate the different sets, adding a specific stat on one is an easy solution so that's why we get expertise.



One thing though Bioware could do to reduce gear swapping would be to have more tabs in the character sheet one per role per activity (would be 4 atm) so we wouldn't have to carry sets in our inventory. The game could select which gear set is used based on what activity we are doing and the role we currently chose.

Edited by Turshek
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One thing though Bioware could do to reduce gear swapping would be to have more tabs in the character sheet one per role per activity (would be 4 atm) so we wouldn't have to carry sets in our inventory. The game could select which gear set is used based on what activity we are doing and the role we currently chose.


Hmm, this sounds very similar to the system WoW currently has, where if you swap specs, the armor you're wearing will reflect that spec now; though obviously you're proposing the system CHANGE your gear for you, not just the stats.


Though I'm against the removal of Expertise (as I'm a fan of PvP when I WANT to PvP), I would be for a system that lets us 'wear' multiple sets at any given time. Perhaps add an addition tab to the character sheet. Maybe they can add a new tab the the Character Sheet, and it can be called 'Alternate Gear' or something along those lines. When you enter this tab, you can equip the gear you want for your given need. For instance (I'll use a Guardian for the best example), you're given a PvE Tank Slot, PvE DPS Slot, PvP Tank Slot, and PvP DPS Slot. Now, say you're currently specialized in the Defense Discipline, of course you're going to go with Tanking gear. Now, you could activate what gear you want to use, and it'd make that the currently active stat-gear you're wearing. Now, say you swap to Vigilance, then you of course use your equipped DPS gear.


Now, I personally don't like the idea of the system picking the best gear for my current situation, as I can see countless potential problems with that, and would prefer it to be the players responsibility to swap gear. Though I don't personally have an issue carrying an additional set of gear around for when I want to PvP, I mostly keep it in my Storage Cargo on my Stronghold, and always port there if I decide to PvP, or need to get my Tanking gear over my DPS gear.

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Yeah, I said the game would automatically change gear set for us but I'm ok too with manually choosing in one click one of the 2 (or 4) sets a class can use, it would still be better than carrying and swapping each piece of gear when you need to. Edited by Turshek
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