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A perfect example of the ability delay


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i have not encountered this issue at all, on any characters. Get a better internet? looks like a simple latency issue on your side. Hardly something bioware can FIX. I swear, some people.


How many times does it have to be said that this is not a latency issue.


I am playing with 18-30 MS at all times. I experience this issue on multiple characters. This issue was reported for months during BETA.










Watch the video. Just watch it. Then watch the 9/10 other videos documenting this issue in other threads, from different players, from different locations, with different connections on different setups with different classes.


Then, hop on your speeder. As soon as the speeder appears under your character, move forward. You WILL be dismounted. The cast bar has finished. The Mount is under your character, but you are dismounted.


Edit: Just for you, here is a link to the video thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=82842

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like i said before, i do not have this issue, nor do any of my guildies. So its clearly not a client or game issues but something in the users end. Granted many people are experiencing it, but that proves noting, other than its something with their computer and/or internet. If i or anyone i play with were experiencing said "delay" id agree with you, but since we dont, i dont see the point of making a big whine thread about it, unless you expect Bioware to magically fix everyone's computer who is having this issue.


My advice, troubleshoot your own hardware before crying to Bioware to fix a nonexistent problem.

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like i said before, i do not have this issue, nor do any of my guildies. So its clearly not a client or game issues but something in the users end. Granted many people are experiencing it, but that proves noting, other than its something with their computer and/or internet. If i or anyone i play with were experiencing said "delay" id agree with you, but since we dont, i dont see the point of making a big whine thread about it, unless you expect Bioware to magically fix everyone's computer who is having this issue.


My advice, troubleshoot your own hardware before crying to Bioware to fix a nonexistent problem.


Your post is pretty hilarious. It's always funny when people are discussing a known reproducible bug and there's always that one person that says that they can't reproduce it and because of that it's obviously a non issue.


You're right that it's not a client issue, it's a server issue and that's probably the reason why you might not have noticed it. I've seen a plausible theory put forth that certain servers are overloaded which leads to them getting behind in processing, and thus sometimes causing small delays in triggering abilities.


The reason that it's a server issue should be rather obvious, as the behavior is the exact inverse of the expected client/server behavior during lag, as discussed in the earlier pages. Normally you expect the server to finish casting before the server, since the server will start once it receives the command from the client, however the client will only start once it gets the response. In this case we have the client finishing before the server, which means the server is doing something weird.

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like i said before, i do not have this issue, nor do any of my guildies. So its clearly not a client or game issues but something in the users end. Granted many people are experiencing it, but that proves noting, other than its something with their computer and/or internet. If i or anyone i play with were experiencing said "delay" id agree with you, but since we dont, i dont see the point of making a big whine thread about it, unless you expect Bioware to magically fix everyone's computer who is having this issue.


My advice, troubleshoot your own hardware before crying to Bioware to fix a nonexistent problem.


How can you say that it proves nothing other than its something wrong with the users computer/internet when its thousands of people noticing it?

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You came to a game seriously expecting PvP to be balanced and competitive from DAY ONE of launch? You're not one of those top tier people then, because they'd be smart enough to realize the game needs to be balanced first.


Did you actually read the thread, or just bash your head repeatedly against the keyboard to come up with this.


This is not about PvP Balance.


This is out a flaw in the combat system.

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Did you actually read the thread, or just bash your head repeatedly against the keyboard to come up with this.


This is not about PvP Balance.


This is out a flaw in the combat system.


I read the PvP QQ'ers on the first few pages, was a reply to those people not the OP.

Edited by Yvin
insult and the quote its in reply to
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This is a game breaking issue


Unfortunately, we'll probably have to wait until 1.1 to see it fixed (not sure it will matter by then, the game might already be in the bargain bin and free to play)


Don't be discouraged by the KOTOR/Star Wars tryhards, who tell you "IT JUST CAME LOL OUT ON A DAY AGO STOP RUSH"; any competitive player recognizes the issue you've brought up as a serious concern


I think the reason I disagree is that for me an mom is not. Cometition sport.....I think that for many of us to do not see this game as a competition sport are quite satisfied....aren't there games out there that are very comp sport focussed as moms wi lots of macros and add ons nd leaderbords and ways to rate and judge others.....maybe this game can stay a game and not become a competitive sport....

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You came to a game seriously expecting PvP to be balanced and competitive from DAY ONE of launch? You're not one of those top tier people then, because they'd be smart enough to realize the game needs to be balanced first.


this isn't about balance this is about a flaw in the gameplay, How is this difficult for you to understand?

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It's certainly a huge issue, especially for me seeing as I'm playing a trooper. Frankly it just becomes unbareable after a while but I'm already used to that having played LotRO which had similarly debilitating problems.


Full auto, mortar shot and other skills really do highlight how annoying and hindering this can be.

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also its prevalent while playing smuggler, pop into cover and then press an ability right as you are ducking, you will use a skill on your non cover action bar.



That's lag, time between you hiding in cover and the message getting to the server and back. It happens in pretty much any game with changing action bars, including WoW with stealth.

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It might even by a fault with the game engine itself.


This is what I would be afraid of. Often mmo engines have fatal flaws that simply can't be fixed.......like pets in WARHAMMER.


I would think if this was a fixable problem it would have been worked out months ago.

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This is what I would be afraid of. Often mmo engines have fatal flaws that simply can't be fixed.......like pets in WARHAMMER.


I would think if this was a fixable problem it would have been worked out months ago.


We definitely share the same fear here. Looks like it is here to stay but I still have hope.

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try mounting and moving forward right when it gets to 0.5/0.5. you will be dismounted every time, you have to wait like another 0.5 seconds till the cast actually goes through. this is a perfect example of the delay that is plaguing combat as a whole but especially ruins pvp.


i could get off a 1 second cast in WOW in less time then a 0.5 second cast in SWTOR.


this was by far my #1 complaint in beta and i was so disappointed that nothing improved come launch.


i will play this game forever if this is fixed.


the video proof requested


What are you talking about? Clearly it is an advanced feature of SWTOR particularly designed to make us into better players... This ain't no lag, you are simply not pro enough to mount yet, son.

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I'm with the others, if you fail to notice this or think it's important, your fooling yourselves. This WILL make any hardcore/diehard player move on quickly and subs won't last if they can't solve this. It's not a huge issue yet because people are facerolling through early levels. Wait till there are lots of 50s doing PvP and see where this thread goes.
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