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Where is the mmo?!


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this game is practically single player, we were promised an MMO, why does my server say "full" when there are NO PEOPLE ANYWHERE?!?!! can you imagine what its like when its only medium?? i can quest for 3 hours and only see like 2 other people, and this is launch when everyone is levelling - in WoW i could quest for an hour and easily see 20 other people, and thats like 1-5 years after launch, i dont understand whats going on? why is there so much empty space?? why must i run through 3 rooms to get to my ship? bioware, wat r u doin???


RAISE THE SERVER CAPS ASAP, subs are going to leak massively after month 1 otherwise, calling it - yes im aware there are those of you that love the game, but what good is it if the rest of us have left and are no longer paying for your develoipers to make content? when you travel around to planets and instances counting the people, im just plain confused, how can my server be "Full" with so few people??


and get rid of the sharding, i still dont have a single friend that actually likes it, we honestly dont care about fighting over mobs, the vast vast majority of players prefer it to an EMPTY WASTELAND - stop trying to tell us what we want, we are telling you what we want, now be a developer that LISTENS before its too late, or are you determined to be another SOE?

Edited by WINTER__x
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this game is practically single player, we were promised an MMO, why does my server say "full" when there are NO PEOPLE ANYWHERE?!?!! can you imagine what its like when its only medium?? i can quest for 3 hours and only see like 2 other people, and this is launch when everyone is levelling - in WoW i could quest for an hour and easily see 20 other people, and thats like 1-5 years after launch, i dont understand whats going on? why is there so much empty space?? why must i run through 3 rooms to get to my ship? bioware, wat r u doin???


RAISE THE SERVER CAPS ASAP, subs are going to leak massively after month 1 otherwise, calling it - yes im aware there are those of you that love the game, but what good is it if the rest of us have left and are no longer paying for your develoipers to make content? when you travel around to planets and instances counting the people, im just plain confused, how can my server be "Full" with so few people??



When did you play WoW, 3 years ago? There is no one in the world anymore, hasn't been for most of the current expansion.


As for this game, just curious, what level is your character. If you are very high guess what? Most of us aren't racing to the end of this game, that probably has more to do with you not seeing anyone than anything else.

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this game is practically single player, we were promised an MMO, why does my server say "full" when there are NO PEOPLE ANYWHERE?!?!! can you imagine what its like when its only medium?? i can quest for 3 hours and only see like 2 other people, and this is launch when everyone is levelling - in WoW i could quest for an hour and easily see 20 other people, and thats like 1-5 years after launch, i dont understand whats going on? why is there so much empty space?? why must i run through 3 rooms to get to my ship? bioware, wat r u doin???


RAISE THE SERVER CAPS ASAP, subs are going to leak massively after month 1 otherwise, calling it - yes im aware there are those of you that love the game, but what good is it if the rest of us have left and are no longer paying for your develoipers to make content? when you travel around to planets and instances counting the people, im just plain confused, how can my server be "Full" with so few people??


and get rid of the sharding, i still dont have a single friend that actually likes it, we honestly dont care about fighting over mobs, the vast vast majority of players prefer it to an EMPTY WASTELAND - stop trying to tell us what we want, we are telling you what we want, now be a developer that LISTENS before its too late, or are you determined to be another SOE?


Basically what this guy says, except the exact opposite.

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Your entire OP is basically one over-written emotional outburst; but I agree with you on principle, or at least with what you're trying to say


The game feels very Single-Playerish, and empty. The on-rails Leveling doesn't help either


Ugh, you again.

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1. What level are you...did you get in on the early launch? Remember the game only came out on Tuesday. I've been putting about 4 hours a night and I'm only 13, been exploring as much as questing. I'm running into tons of people all the time.


2. Remember there is a small holiday on Sunday when people get presents..Expect to see a sizeable pop increase on Monday when people that got the game for Christmas get everything setup and going.


The main thing though is if you got in on early launch your ahead of everybody. The lower level zones are fine and have more than enough people.

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...i wont read it all. Just tell which server you play? (or game lol) I am on Bloodworthy and its worthy. I see other players all the time, I join them into groups (eg. when I am entering some zone and I can clearly see someone else is doing the same q), since Talon etc. I am having lots of "party" fun with other people, I am recently in a guild, so I just chat, interact with other players now on a much larger scale....


dude. And I could also play alone. Choose your game style - you chose single.

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I've done more group questing in this MMO than any other I've ever done in any MMO.


I leveled my Consular from level 5 to 13 with my best friend and will continue to do more.


If you are finding this too single player, it's because you are choosing to do so.

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you guys are still failing to even respond to the point that the server is FULL and there are way way way less than a thousand people playing, certainly not the 5k+ - 10k that youd expect, the starting planets are tiny also, you guys wont be thinking as much when you get to tattooine and see 34 people spread out accross 2 shards! (34 people on tatt would be desolate as it is, and then sharding it?? why??)


what the heck???

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I don't know what game your playing, but I am in a group 80% of the time, the areas have people running around, the fleet station always has a good amount of players around, the game is huge people are spread out all over.. I don't think a single player game would have over a hundred servers.. /shrug
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Not sure why you cant see many people...


Coruscant, Taris are packed most days Ive been on with up to 3 - 4 instances of each zone on Republic.


If you are 30+ then of course there will be less people there, its not a race! :)

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you guys are still failing to even respond to the point that the server is FULL and there are way way way less than a thousand people playing, certainly not the 5k+ - 10k that youd expect, the starting planets are tiny also, you guys wont be thinking as much when you get to tattooine and see 34 people spread out accross 2 shards! (34 people on tatt would be desolate as it is, and then sharding it?? why??)


what the heck???


We need to find out whats the server pop cap and how exactly the instance pop works. Example being 100 people being on the fleet, yet when I drive around the whole thing I only see 20 people....

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i can sit on the republic fleet and take screenshots of the glactic trade network completely empty, when my server is "full", i can do the same allover coruscant, our capital city - when our server is "full" - how can the apologists really refuse to consider stuff like that?
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i can sit on the republic fleet and take screenshots of the glactic trade network completely empty, when my server is "full", i can do the same allover coruscant, our capital city - when our server is "full" - how can the apologists really refuse to consider stuff like that?


72 hours. :rolleyes:

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Not sure why you cant see many people...


Coruscant, Taris are packed most days Ive been on with up to 3 - 4 instances of each zone on Republic.



That's the problem, you can't world pvp if 20 people are split between 4 instances. I have literally seen 3 republic players on my server (Twin spears) and it's one of the heaviest populated servers (at least the que says so). Before you say your leveling to fast or whatever excuse, I help my guildies in the pvp zones as well and never see anyone. I'm hoping the staggered launch somewhat killed this and not the instanced zones and world.

Edited by gripenfelter
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72 hours. :rolleyes:


you should have seen orgrimmar 72 hours after release, or the city in age of conan, or the city in WAR etc - guess what? they werent wastelands, even if the game did suck, AND HOW IS IT RELEVANT? THE_ SERVER_ IS_ FULL_







Edited by WINTER__x
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i didnt play a lot so far but, leveling 2 characters to lvl 15 or so was actually better than expected - scenario pops were plentiful, finding someone to do heroics/flashpoints quite easy... did more "shared/grouped" content here so far than i did in WoW gazillion years ago when it launched
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Lets compare SWTOR to that other MMO. How many group quests does that other MMO have when leveling? Zero-many? SWTOR as 6+ group quests on every planet you visit, each with enticing rewards to encourage you to group.


If you are not seeing people you are likely well ahead of the curve or playing at off peak times for your server. I have toons ranging from 7 to 27 and I have been able to group for every heroic quest and flashpoint I have come across, in a reasonable amount of time.


Abundance of Multi-player Quests? Check

Immersive and rich story telling? Check


Yeah, SWTOR is an MMORPG, that other game is a single player adventure game with multi-player support.

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you guys are still failing to even respond to the point that the server is FULL and there are way way way less than a thousand people playing, certainly not the 5k+ - 10k that youd expect, the starting planets are tiny also, you guys wont be thinking as much when you get to tattooine and see 34 people spread out accross 2 shards! (34 people on tatt would be desolate as it is, and then sharding it?? why??)


what the heck???


First, ease up on the punctuation. I don't know what Question Marks did to you in the past, but I can't see any reason why you'd have to over-use them every time.


As for server pops, there's 2 parts to that. Remember how we got into the game in waves? Yeah, me too. I know. Crazy, right? Well, it spaced people out pretty evenly, so rather than having 500 - 1000 people on Tython, Ord Mantell, Korriban, and Nal Hutta, there were maybe 200-300 in each to start with. And then they continued adding people, slowly, to keep that going.


I don't have an exact figure, but between your Fleet Station, your 4 starter worlds, your flashpoints, and then every world up to a certain point, I'd bet you could add that up and find 5,000 people concurrently. But it's more or less spaced out so that there isn't a glut at any one point. There's no concentration of people in one spot, which is the point - questing becomes a nightmare when there's multiple people running the same quest in the same spot and the mob competition gets to "waiting for respawns."


Soon enough, you'll find your 500 people in one spot, with 3,000 off questing and 1,000 in flashpoints. For now, enjoy your ability to quest with relative impunity.

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That's the problem, you can't world pvp if 20 people are split between 4 instances.


atleast someone gets it, the shards are spread way too thin and the caps seem woefully low, they promised us sharding would only happen as a last resort, now we see it everytime you cross paths with another player and the game divides by zero, bioware promised us that wouldnt be the case? seems we were lied to about that, as well as cross faciton communication, and. and, and..

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