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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In Game Barber Shop


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Yes, strongly in favour of a feature to edit my characters' appearance.


So much happens to each character on their journey, it should be reflected in their appearance -- throughout the Star Wars movies, main characters' appearances change as they progress. Even in their own trailer cinematics (Return, Hope, Deceived) they give us these awesome iconic characters in whose footsteps we want to follow... but you're either a fresh-freshed new recruit for your entire career, or a padawan with a long grey beard.


Surely it doesn't break anything to let you switch freely between the cosmetic options you had at character creation?


I already had to re-roll all my characters a few times to get them to match their voice and the way NPC's react to them. My attempt at a crusty, scarred ol' trooper with steel grey hair didn't survive the third or fourth time someone called me "kid" without irony.


(A larger sampling of each voice at character creation would be nice too, but let's not get distracted.)

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Is there an ingame barber shop? And if there isnt, are there plans to put one in soon? Just putting this thread out to see if im not the only one who desires to change their apearance without having to create a character from scratch. I'd understand if its one of those social things where you need to be ranked high enough socialy in the game to use a barber shop.


A barber shop for changing hair, a tattoo shop for changing tattoos, a gym so we can slim down that Mr. Fattie body type we picked when we were drunk one night, a dentist so we can get some shiny gold teeth, a plastic surgeon so we can change races and a guy with a saw to shave down those crazy zabrak antlers we thought looked good that same night we rolled a Mr. Fattie.


All that stuff, either in different stores on in one specialty boutique.


What can I say? I made a few rash choices.




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Like to see some more colors to pick from for non human species....


hot pink twi'lek with maroon leopard spots on the hear tails please!


Hell, if we can have a barber shop that gives us a color slider, I'm down.

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An in-game Barber Droid would be nice.


I picture it looking like the interrogation droid from Episode IV, but equipped with "plasma scissors".


Actually, perhaps that's where the original design for the interrogation droid came from?


It perhaps started out as a barber droid, but then they realized it was better suited for torture and interrogation?

Edited by ShavedEwok
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I am somewhat confused that on at least two occasions they have taken the time to inform us on the hoods up/down issue - but to this day I have yet to find a direct answer as to the "barbershop" issue.


One the Achilles heels of this game is it's alarmingly anemic character customization options. You'd imagine allowing recustomization with the options already available is a low investment large payback scenario for them. But never hearing a peep on this issue but taking the time to talk about hoods leads me to believe this is a feature they would want to monetize somehow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, please!


And yes to new hairstyles, too! If they need more ideas, my mother is a hairstylist; I'm sure she can send some in, ha. I'm surprised there aren't any braids or long hairstyles that are down for females... They can make capes all flowy while I'm running around on my smuggler and going down an elevator... Hair can't be that much more difficult, can it? And I think it'd look really neat and pretty. (Now, I'm envisioning long hair being all floaty as I call upon the Force on my Consular... lovely!)

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Totally agree with the barber shop need. Was watching all the movies this weekend and watched Obi-Wan going from clean shaven to beared to a little grey in the beard to a full grey beard and wished I could make changes like that too.


Being able to lower/raise the hood would be a *huge* plus as well. :cool:

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I'm also putting my vote for this as well. I have a couple of characters (including my main) that I wish to change their appearance a bit (hair, skin tone). It's come to a point that sometimes I have difficulty playing them because I realized I'd like them to look different from what I had initially intended.


Please add a Barber Shop or a Change Appearance Droid in the game. Would be much appreciated. :)

Edited by Gamman
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Nope thats not in the game yet, its quite simple, anything that add's flavor to the game but is not directly quest related is not in the game. its the only thing bioware/sw:tor is really lacking





emotes (most are just a crappy iconic txt line)

UI (movement and sizing)


Theres hoping they catch up and understand the importance of flavor...


Dude Chat bubbles would lag the heck outta the game, and theyd be annoying specially if you dont want random people convos popping up in front of you while they are whispering, Bubbles are so annoying and just take extra space, this is a game not a comic book come on

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i want them to make green and blue armors able to RE this way you can make your own appearance. Instead of this hideous armor they previewed for 1.2 they need to give us simple sets with an armor customizing "barber". With it they could charge you to add "pieces of flair" like mechanical parts, spikes, rips, lights, etc. Looking at this game compared to its competitors i fell a bit disappointed at its physical appearance abilities.
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Personally I would be very much in favor of having a 'barber shop' which allows you to access the same customization screen as you had during character creation. For each slider you wanted to change, you'd pay a moderate amount of Credits. So the more modifications/sliders you change, the more it would cost you to finalize.


When I initially made one of my characters, she looked great. But once ingame in conversations she had a puffed upper lip and horseteeth; and her light blue skin color is pretty awful and makes her look very bland. I'd give an arm and a leg to be able to change her :(


So I really hope that BioWare is willing to add a 'barber shop' feature (soon) which would allow us to access the character creation sliders and attach a price in Credits for each slider we want to change.

Edited by Danakar
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Personally I would be very much in favor of having a 'barber shop' which allows you to access the same customization screen as you had during character creation. For each slider you wanted to change, you'd pay a moderate amount of Credits. So the more modifications/sliders you change, the more it would cost you to finalize.


When I initially made one of my characters, she looked great. But once ingame in conversations she had a puffed upper lip and horseteeth; and her light blue skin color is pretty aweful and makes her look very bland. I'd give an arm and a leg to be able to change her :(


So I really hope that BioWare is willing to add a 'barber shop' feature (soon) which would allow us to access the character creation sliders and attach a price in Credits for each slider we want to change.


I agree with this post right here. Just so long as the credit sink provided by barber/cosmetic surgery fees isn't TOO expensive.

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I though that I had read it was confirmed that it will be in the game at some point. Can anyone else validate this?


It will. Maybe a year from now. BioWare doesn't seem to think it's a big enough issue to warrant it being necessary sooner rather than later. Same goes for additional character slots.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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