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We REALLY need to see when a target evades. REALLY.


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Some folks here have the opinion that the game should be entirely skill based- that if you line the shot up, you should do damage. Others will argue for the RPG aspect- correct play doesn't fully simulate what's going on, and some thing will miss or crit.



I'm not going to step into that- I prefer the second view, but both have a lot of merit and both are good design choices with plenty of pedigree.




But what we REALLY SUPER NEED is flytext on dodge/evade. When I miss several railgun shots in a row, or go thirty seconds without landing a burst laser, my intuitive reaction is to check myself- in any pure skill based game, if I start missing shots, my belief is that I need a steadier hand, different play, some tea, a break, whatever. I doubt myself.


Meanwhile, if I get an unlucky streak- a series of parries or resists or misses in whatever RPG I'm playing, I will be frustrated by events beyond my control, but I won't doubt myself.



So when I snipe a fast moving target, it feels good. But when I fail to snipe a fast moving target, I don't know if I need to get better or roll better dice. It's not always obvious to me whether the shot was perfect and the dice missed, or the other way around.







This is creating a huge problem for me- I need feedback on my performance in this skill based game, even if that is just "evade" flytext. Please devs, help!

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I agree.


I would personally rather see evasion reduced or removed, but in the meantime we definitely need an indicator to tell us when our shots do not connect due to RNG. The ground game has these indicators, I don't know why GS wouldn't.


Unlike changes to evasion, adding flytext for evades/misses would be very easy to add to the game.

Edited by sollinton
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Yeah it would be also nice just so people can see how much evasion is actually doing. Right now I feel like too many people are just assuming that whenever their shots are not connecting it must be evasion doing it - it couldn't ever possibly be their own fault. I have had people call me out as a "evasion stacking scrub," and "I would have kill you if it wasn't for your $%$#% evasion" on my FF even tho my FF only ever uses quick-charge or directional. It cracks me up, but we could do with a more transparent system.


Also give us combat logs please.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Well. Seeing evades as evades certainly wouldn't hurt, but i don't really need it.


If i fire at an enemy, and there is no damage, and i don't know whether i missed or whether t was evaded, what do i do?


Fire again.


What would i do if i knew whether it was missed or evaded?


Fire again.



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Well. Seeing evades as evades certainly wouldn't hurt, but i don't really need it.


If i fire at an enemy, and there is no damage, and i don't know whether i missed or whether t was evaded, what do i do?


Fire again.


What would i do if i knew whether it was missed or evaded?


Fire again.




Bingo! It would be nice, but its not NEEDED. What would it change? If the shot is evaded or not, you're still gonna fire shots until the target is dead; or barrel rolls to the cap ship lol.

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Well. Seeing evades as evades certainly wouldn't hurt, but i don't really need it.


If i fire at an enemy, and there is no damage, and i don't know whether i missed or whether t was evaded, what do i do?


Fire again.


What would i do if i knew whether it was missed or evaded?


Fire again.




i can't fault your reasoning here, but i'd still like to have an 'evaded' flytext. that at least tells me there's nowt wrong with my shooting.

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Bingo! It would be nice, but its not NEEDED. What would it change? If the shot is evaded or not, you're still gonna fire shots until the target is dead; or barrel rolls to the cap ship lol.


What it would do is provide a little more empirical information on how big an impact evasion is actually having on the game. Agreed it's not needed but it might help settle the debate.

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Well. Seeing evades as evades certainly wouldn't hurt, but i don't really need it.


If i fire at an enemy, and there is no damage, and i don't know whether i missed or whether t was evaded, what do i do?


Fire again.


What would i do if i knew whether it was missed or evaded?


Fire again.




We need evade/miss flytext so we know whether we need to adjust our aim.

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We need evade/miss flytext so we know whether we need to adjust our aim.


Correct. And so we can improve! "You hit the target" is a VERY basic piece of information that my motor cortex wants to know. Instead, I only get that feedback SOME of the time. I need it ALL of the time.



It's a basic request. The game is absolutely unfinished without it.

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We need evade/miss flytext so we know whether we need to adjust our aim.


You have GOT to be kidding? You don't see the mouse cursor change when you are lined up properly with the lead indicator? Is there really *any* doubt that you are on it or off it?


The only thing that "evasion text" might positively do for you the attacker is to let you know, "Hrmmm, he evaded the last 3-6 seconds of fire, maybe he just used distortion field?" While nice to have when shooting at evasion based scouts, I would hardly call this something we REALLY REALLY need...

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I agree with the OP.


When I first began flying in GSF I actually thought people were cheating when I hit their ships square on the nose and didn't get any kind of numbers. Given my machine specs and data connection I was pretty sure it wasn't on my end, so that was pretty confusing to me and I had to go fishing through the forums to figure out what was going on.


Maybe the damage numbers could be grayed out indicating that they had been evaded? As it stands now, when GSF releases to the general public of F2P accounts there's going to be a lot of confusion and false hacking/exploit reports made.

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You have GOT to be kidding? You don't see the mouse cursor change when you are lined up properly with the lead indicator? Is there really *any* doubt that you are on it or off it?


I'm pretty sure they aren't talking about the reticle changing from gray to red, that one's pretty obvious.


The only thing that "evasion text" might positively do for you the attacker is to let you know, "Hrmmm, he evaded the last 3-6 seconds of fire, maybe he just used distortion field?" While nice to have when shooting at evasion based scouts, I would hardly call this something we REALLY REALLY need...


It's just that having this kind of feedback would let the player know that something was actually happening, otherwise they might think their aim/trigger timing is just horribly off, the game is glitching or that their opponent is exploiting.

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Another factor which people also don't factor is server lag. You know sometimes you have players who due to their bad internet connection or something, have bad lag so will 'rubber band' between two points instead of flying in a straight line, it also factors in when your shooting someone.


I can't remember the thread but a dev stated that all calculations are done on the server side GSF. This means that on your screen and computer, what might be a 100% absolute hit from your point of view (or 120% if you throw in Co-pilot ability) might be a lot less than that, as when you let go of your mouse button, the server gets the 'you fired command' but according to it, the enemy ship you are shooting isn't exactly at the spot you are aiming at, resulting in a miss. This is due to lag from the person you are shooting at transmitting its actual location to the server.


When your shooting at a rubber banding enemy ship using railguns, it is very obvious why you missed but sometimes due to small amount of lag, sometimes it seems you just missed a guaranteed hit for no reason even though the enemy might not even have high evasion or popped distortion field.


So yes, having some sort of indicator of whether it was a 'evade' or just a plain 'miss' will help.

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Blah, was about to mention potential lag, and then I see above user already mentioned that.


It is indeed often questionable if misses are due to lack of proper aim, evasion or lag. Or a combo. I've seen people blame it on evasion. Is it? I've seen people blame it on lag? Is it?

This would be able to tell. It might be evade less time than most people think... we all know the engine this game uses, right?

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This would be nice to have, but I wouldn't consider it a must have. I certainly wouldn't call the game incomplete without it.


What I would prefer to happen first, or at the same time, would be combat logging. If we could parse actual performance it would validate or invalidate a lot of the arguing that goes on here.

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Another factor which people also don't factor is server lag. You know sometimes you have players who due to their bad internet connection or something, have bad lag so will 'rubber band' between two points instead of flying in a straight line, it also factors in when your shooting someone.


I can't remember the thread but a dev stated that all calculations are done on the server side GSF. This means that on your screen and computer, what might be a 100% absolute hit from your point of view (or 120% if you throw in Co-pilot ability) might be a lot less than that, as when you let go of your mouse button, the server gets the 'you fired command' but according to it, the enemy ship you are shooting isn't exactly at the spot you are aiming at, resulting in a miss. This is due to lag from the person you are shooting at transmitting its actual location to the server.


When your shooting at a rubber banding enemy ship using railguns, it is very obvious why you missed but sometimes due to small amount of lag, sometimes it seems you just missed a guaranteed hit for no reason even though the enemy might not even have high evasion or popped distortion field.


So yes, having some sort of indicator of whether it was a 'evade' or just a plain 'miss' will help.


Sometimes I think the missile-oriented Strike Fighters are just for fighting people with latency!

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Sometimes I think the missile-oriented Strike Fighters are just for fighting people with latency!


In theory.... until you have some Really silly lag where an Enemy bounces literately 4 inches across your screen backwards and forwards every few seconds.... Try getting a solid lock on that :(

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In theory.... until you have some Really silly lag where an Enemy bounces literately 4 inches across your screen backwards and forwards every few seconds.... Try getting a solid lock on that :(


When I see this usually all I have to do is wait and watch them pile into the satellite, asteroid or wall, since that seems to be what happens 9 times out of 10. It's one reason I've never bought that they were cheating... :p

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