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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Account wide friendlist and ignore list


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  • 3 months later...

Please take a look at this. The way it is now is really painfull.


I have many characters that I play on and when I meet someone that is retarded (racist, troll, ******e, ect..) I usually ignore them. When I meet people that I can do content with or friends that are not in the same guild, they get put on my friendlist.


The problem is that I don't want to write down every friend or ignored guy, and log into every toon to friend/ignore him/her. Please make it like OP says, account wide! Excelent suggestion, 1+!

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Please take a look at this. The way it is now is really painfull.


I have many characters that I play on and when I meet someone that is retarded (racist, troll, ******e, ect..) I usually ignore them. When I meet people that I can do content with or friends that are not in the same guild, they get put on my friendlist.


The problem is that I don't want to write down every friend or ignored guy, and log into every toon to friend/ignore him/her. Please make it like OP says, account wide! Excelent suggestion, 1+!


Agree wholeheartedly with this suggestion

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I think u can imagine how painfull is to manage all your friends and their alts on all our alts :(




been in favor of this since day 1


Truth is when I add a name to ignore, I dont want to interact with that person EVER

This character or some other character


And this way would open room to keep adding gold spammers whom I freaking hate with a passion

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I won't say the name, but there is a particular person on my server who names all of his characters the same 5-letter name with different accents on the vowels. He's one of the most aggravating and persistent trolls I have ever come across. I can't tell you how many times I've had to put that same 5-letter name on my ignore lists - putting every single one of his alts on the ignore lists of every single one of mine.



Edited by UTlNNl
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  • 7 months later...

Need to bump this.


Having 14 characters and just ONE friend has 14, will make both of you have to :

1. List all alts

2. Log to character

3. Add friends 14 characters to your characters friendlist

4. Redo on all 14 characters.


This is a PAIN!!

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I'm for it with the ignore list, but I'm against it on a friends list.


The reason I'm against it on the friends list is because it makes an ideal tool for stalkers. I have a couple of female friends in my guild that picked up a stalker in game. Eventually the GMs took care of it when they went overboard, but I don't know if I like the idea of someone I don't like being able to put me on their friends list and tracking every toon I am on. I know my those guildmates sure as hell wouldn't have.

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  • 2 months later...
Ignore needs to be account-wide.




As to the friends list being a possible stalker issue... make it a friend request that you must accept (and can revoke at anytime) and there should be no issues.

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Since the very beginning of playing TOR i have been surprised this game has no decent Social system. Why do we not have everything bound to account? It would be 10 times easier if everyone simply had a @handle (Account name) so everything is bound to that.


At least you recognize players better this way as well, and its way easier to ignore/befriend people account wide.

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As to the friends list being a possible stalker issue... make it a friend request that you must accept (and can revoke at anytime) and there should be no issues.


i see 1 problem with the friend request that you most accept.

now without it you can add all alts chars in you friend list and sent to then mails super easy by pressing only the first letter from then.

with the friend request that you most accept it means also that you cant add your alts more in you friend list since you most be online at the same time if you wane add then in your friend list and since you alts are on the same account you cant login on then.


i like this friend list system how it is now since i can add my alts in my friend list without login on it.

Edited by Spikanor
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Since the very beginning of playing TOR i have been surprised this game has no decent Social system. Why do we not have everything bound to account? It would be 10 times easier if everyone simply had a @handle (Account name) so everything is bound to that.


At least you recognize players better this way as well, and its way easier to ignore/befriend people account wide.

Your friend and ignore list being global to your legacy, great idea. The other stuff, bad idea. @handles using the account name is a particularly bad idea. If I want you to know my account name in game, I will tell you.

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I totally agree with legacy ignore. I have stopped logging off on the fleet due to, upon logging in, having to ignore the same spambots on multiple characters. While this is a small peeve, it would also be nice to be able to not worry about having to deal with the guy who plays as a dps yet queues as a healer, the guy who queues as a tank yet has strength and cunning mods in his orange armor even though he's a soldier, the guy in the flashpoint who clicks need on loot because Qyzen absolutely needs that piece of aim gear, and the kid who just started playing last week and won't listen to you when you try to give him advice.
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This, times a thousand. You'd think having multiple databases of friends/ignore lists is more cumbersome in comparison to having one master for the entire legacy? There could be issues merging faction lists though I'm sure the fix cannot be that difficult.


I'd at least give this low priority.

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  • 1 month later...
Account wide? I don't think that will work--we list our contacts ingame by their characters, not by their accounts. It wouldn't make sense having a contact on, say Harbinger and have that same contact appear on your list when you are on your character on Ebon Hawk. Of course one of the biggest problems there is, even assuming you can list him, trying to contact him would take much revision of the game.
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i am all happy with a option that we can add all chars from imp side and rep side in a friend list that we can easy mail the alts with it.

that my imp char easy can mail my rep char without that i most type the full name each time and most know with char name that can be easy to remember or not.

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