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SWTOR is NOT a single player game!


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SWTOR is the most solo-centric mmo I have ever played. The evolution of MMOS has moved from hard to easy. The reason WoW was so successful was because it took a game like Everquest which was virtually impossible to solo for most classes and made it a hell of a lot easier.


Don't get me wrong I wouldn't want to play a game as unforgiving as original eq in 1999. I just had a heck of a lot more time back then and there wasn't much competition either. The problem with SWTOR is that outside of instances the game does not reward group play. I can remember non instanced events in EQ that required 50+ people to even attempt. You couldn't act like a ******* in EQ because if you did no one would help you and your character would never advance. I don't see those days ever coming back, but I think you will see new game mechanics emerge that make teamwork worth while.


I agree but, I guess I don't have any other game to compare it too for solo-centric or group centric as this is the only online game I have ever played. All I know is I have played solo for the last 6 months. I do have to say because unlike you others in this thread need everything spelled out for them, I have nothing against group play or events, just don't make it compulsory. nicely said :)

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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If it's not a single player game, it sure as hell feels like one...


I mean, other than FPs, Ops and other group content, like most people said, you just feel like you're playing all by yourself, if this is an MMO, then it feels like a dead one or one that's almost there...


Chat is dead, besides the (Polish) idiots who have no respect and the decency of speaking English in General, in a English game, players passing by you feel more like non-static NPC's than anything else, guilds feel like more player lists for Raiding, OPs, etc...


And talking about guilds, what's the point of being in one BTW? Besides the stuff described above? Most ones I joined are like, many members online, yet everyone is dead silent for HOURS, which ends up in me quiting them a few days later, there's no real incentive in staying other than Ops and FPs, camping in fleet and waiting for a group feels more socially than being in one, especially those that declare themselves "Social Guilds"...


This MMO, made the Story part a strong point, nice voice-overs and cut-scenes, but it Epic Failed in the Social aspect...

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MMORPG stands for many things, and it is a critical error to get stuck in any given letter, and then classify the game by it. The OP is stuck on the Mass part, and thus for those who want to play in a single mode are obviously in error, a logical conclusion based on a flawed principle that was established about twenty years ago.


Today's MMORPGs are being designed to satisfy a much wider market or distribution of players, such as Role Players, Person vs Person for instance. It is truly arrogant of anyone to think that their preference is the one and only one way of play, and thus anyone else's preference, if different, is just dumb or obtuse.


While there are mechanics that allows for interaction between players, there is an expectation of courtesy and respect for each other, and when folks simply does not observe them, the term griefing comes to mind. For myself, I have grown to hate the past few events provided by Bioware for they seem to induce griefing by possibly maliciously minded players.


If you have to get stuck with a letter, following the principle save the best for last, focus in the letter "G" That is "game". This is a game after all and we all play, ironically, to have fun.




+1, excellent comment.

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Well personally I like that you can play solo. In that aspect it's more like other Bioware RPGs and I think that's pretty cool. It also gives you options to play with friends (Heroics, Flashpoints, Raids) so you can play it either way.


The problem is when I want to play solo I really want to play solo. So hearing footsteps of people hopping around or drawing their lightsabers during a cutscene is SUPER annoying.

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When you are sick don't you also miss school/work because you don't feel up for it?


Nope. When I'm sick I'm determined to go to school/work and spread my misery around to as many people I don't like as possible. I even volunteer for overtime just so I can cough and sneeze on more people.


Sick days are for when I want a 24-48 hr vacation in the middle of the week.

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Funny, well OP here is something for you. I play and have played this game solo over and over again. And I will do it next time as well. The end game is still nothing to bragg about in SWTOR. Sow, how this game will be in the future? It will change over to more solo playing. Enjoy the game. :cool:
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Im not the one threatening to quit the game because i got rakghoul Jiz in my eye lol I understand everyone has their right to play the game as they see fit as long as its in the ToS but this is within the ToS… sooooooooo………..


Well I am a great believer in practice what you preach. If you are not prepared to take your own advice, why should anyone else? And someone saying they are going to quit the game is no threat to anyone. Other people are as entitled to express their opinions as you are. There is some advice I am happy to give to you: "If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out of the kitchen". Or more plainly, If you can't read opinions different to your own, don't!


PS. The Rakghoul Event does break the "spirit" of Bioware's own Rules of Conduct by including a mechanism which allows for the griefing of non-participants in the Event as I have already pointed out. And those who participate in the griefing are griefers. Dweessies was correct on that.

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PS. The Rakghoul Event does break the "spirit" of Bioware's own Rules of Conduct by including a mechanism which allows for the griefing of non-participants in the Event as I have already pointed out. And those who participate in the griefing are griefers. Dweessies was correct on that.




Look man if you dont want ot partake in the event all you have to do is get the [Anti-viral Mk-1] Relic. It cost 5k and it has unlimited uses becuase this exists spreading the virus IS INFACT within the ToS. Just because a few of you dont want to do the quests doesnt mean we, the rest of us, are griefing. Its because the few that dont want to do the rakghoul dailies to get 7500 rep, like thats hard to do... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: , is the reason you think you have to shell out 2k every time you get the virus and/or die because it does not persist through death.


**Off Topic**

Now if you want to make the argument of it not persisting through death then i will agree with you. Give us a way to get the schematics for the vaccine so you can Reverse Engineer the vaccine. this way we wont have to buy the relic, and make the vaccine persist through death (just to treat it like a stim, make the vaccine green (premium), RE to get Blue (prototype) the one that will persist through defeat, RE to get purple (artifact) thats the one that is reuseable AND will persist through defeat) so if you dont want to shell out for the relic or partake in the event you now have a way to get out of being infected for 6 hours and wont have to reapply vaccine after death.


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I understand my way of thinking is different from others namley yours "Vendd and Dweessies" but there is a higher portion that will agree with my way of thinking by saying that this event is not a griefers paradise...infact its it has a built in system to avoid your "so called griefing" you just choose to not get the built in reuseable Opt-out program.

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Look man if you dont want ot partake in the event all you have to do is get the [Anti-viral Mk-1] Relic.


What part of "I do not want to participate in this Event" do you not understand. You can only get the relic by participating in the Event. QED


More importantly subscribers should not be penalised (financially or otherwise) for accessing Fleet to do the essential things (access trainers, mail, GTN, cargo holds etc) relevant to playing the rest of the game.

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Logically, the event should have been contained to Alderaan. Either that or both the Empire and Republic have the worst quarantine procedures ever. And even worse security on their respective fleet stations.


Also, at what point in KOTOR lore did victims ever explode?

Edited by agamemnon-
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SWTOR is the most solo-centric mmo I have ever played. The evolution of MMOS has moved from hard to easy. The reason WoW was so successful was because it took a game like Everquest which was virtually impossible to solo for most classes and made it a hell of a lot easier.


Don't get me wrong I wouldn't want to play a game as unforgiving as original eq in 1999. I just had a heck of a lot more time back then and there wasn't much competition either. The problem with SWTOR is that outside of instances the game does not reward group play. I can remember non instanced events in EQ that required 50+ people to even attempt. You couldn't act like a ******* in EQ because if you did no one would help you and your character would never advance. I don't see those days ever coming back, but I think you will see new game mechanics emerge that make teamwork worth while.


Asheron's Call came out at the same time as EQ and was very solo friendly, so it's not about the good old days vs. now, it's about which game you started with. Since I started with AC (and played other, very solo friendly games like LotRO & CoH) and not EQ I don't find the amount of soloing to be odd in an MMO, it seems normal. It's the heavy focus on "end game" that seems weird and newfangled to me.

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Look man if you dont want ot partake in the event all you have to do is get the [Anti-viral Mk-1] Relic. It cost 5k and it has unlimited uses becuase this exists spreading the virus IS INFACT within the ToS. Just because a few of you dont want to do the quests doesnt mean we, the rest of us, are griefing. Its because the few that dont want to do the rakghoul dailies to get 7500 rep, like thats hard to do... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: , is the reason you think you have to shell out 2k every time you get the virus and/or die because it does not persist through death.


**Off Topic**

Now if you want to make the argument of it not persisting through death then i will agree with you. Give us a way to get the schematics for the vaccine so you can Reverse Engineer the vaccine. this way we wont have to buy the relic, and make the vaccine persist through death (just to treat it like a stim, make the vaccine green (premium), RE to get Blue (prototype) the one that will persist through defeat, RE to get purple (artifact) thats the one that is reuseable AND will persist through defeat) so if you dont want to shell out for the relic or partake in the event you now have a way to get out of being infected for 6 hours and wont have to reapply vaccine after death.


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I understand my way of thinking is different from others namley yours "Vendd and Dweessies" but there is a higher portion that will agree with my way of thinking by saying that this event is not a griefers paradise...infact its it has a built in system to avoid your "so called griefing" you just choose to not get the built in reuseable Opt-out program.


lol So if you don't want to particpate you have to particpate first.Got you.:eek:

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lol So if you don't want to particpate you have to particpate first.Got you.:eek:


so i just want to understand you correctly…you don't do dailies at all? not even on Ilum, Section X, Black Hole, CZ-198, Makeb, or Oricon? thats an easy 500k you're missing out on and Im not saying that is the incentive to doing them, I use them for the coms you get plus the Exp for my fresh level 50s trying to hit 55 thats a great way to get exp PLUS the rep you gain to unlock new schematics and weapons…I mean you can buy (69) main hand with elite coms with enough rep so your fresh 55 toons will have a full set of gear as soon as they pop 55…..


So yes if you don't want to participate in the Orgy that is the rakghoul plauge yes you have to participate in the dailies just enough to get "Newcomer" status (that takes all of 1 day if you do them on multiple toons) then buy the relic and you can stop there. This is what i did…I got the relic and i haven't been back to Alderaan since and i laugh at all the virus spreaders trying to blow their rakghoul jiz on me and never target me before attempting to infect then i laugh at them and walk away and not rez the idiot that blew their load prematurely

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so i just want to understand you correctly…you don't do dailies at all? not even on Ilum, Section X, Black Hole, CZ-198, Makeb, or Oricon? thats an easy 500k you're missing out on and Im not saying that is the incentive to doing them, I use them for the coms you get plus the Exp for my fresh level 50s trying to hit 55 thats a great way to get exp PLUS the rep you gain to unlock new schematics and weapons…I mean you can buy (69) main hand with elite coms with enough rep so your fresh 55 toons will have a full set of gear as soon as they pop 55…..


So yes if you don't want to participate in the Orgy that is the rakghoul plauge yes you have to participate in the dailies just enough to get "Newcomer" status (that takes all of 1 day if you do them on multiple toons) then buy the relic and you can stop there. This is what i did…I got the relic and i haven't been back to Alderaan since and i laugh at all the virus spreaders trying to blow their rakghoul jiz on me and never target me before attempting to infect then i laugh at them and walk away and not rez the idiot that blew their load prematurely


You took one sentence and created your own little story.Where did I say that?I just get a kick out of folks on this forum and their creative writing.I do dailies..pvp..even have the relics.That is me.Others don't want to partake of the event.That is their choice as it should be.That is what some seem not to grasp.It is about player choice.Just because I do things doesn't mean others should have to.Some folks just want to play the game.They don't want to spend their time doing events or maybe not this one.That should be up to them.In a sense I understand your trying to help but the point is some have other interest.

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You took one sentence and created your own little story.Where did I say that?I just get a kick out of folks on this forum and their creative writing.I do dailies..pvp..even have the relics.That is me.Others don't want to partake of the event.That is their choice as it should be.That is what some seem not to grasp.It is about player choice.Just because I do things doesn't mean others should have to.Some folks just want to play the game.They don't want to spend their time doing events or maybe not this one.That should be up to them.In a sense I understand your trying to help but the point is some have other interest.


(a) please put spaces in-between sentences it makes it look all jumbles and almost like on looooooong run on sentence with short pauses.


(b) I made my "Little Story" because and i quote

So if you don't want to particpate you have to particpate first.Got you.:eek:
making it seem like its coming from your point of view… If you were speaking for the "little guy" why not say If "they" don't want to participate "they" must first participate. That would imply that you're not speaking for your self but for others…anyway…


© My assumption comes from you saying "you must participate" those are dailies why wouldn't anyone want to do dailies of new content? I understand not everyone thinks the way i think but when something new is added to the game why not go check it out? It might be fun to do the dailies I mean they take all of 5 minutes if you don't do the heroic…same old Bull$hit, *In wizard of OZ Emerald City theme* "click-click here, click-click there, click-click everywhere, thats how we spend the day away at the marry old land of SWTOR" and you're done turn it in get the relic boom i no longer have to deal with the "griefing".


(d) I understand you are untitled yo your opinion and I am entitled to mine while this is an open forum, I won't try to change your way of thinking and you won't change mine so I'm agreeing to disagree…


(e) I don't think this game is a Solo player game this is an MMORPG as much of you try to avoid/deny it… If this were solo there would be no Options to engage in PvP content, or do group missions/Ops missions. I think solo is more like Devil May Cry 4 where you can go online and play in bloody palace going through the 9999 levels and get an awesome prize at the end however the online portion of that was only for leader boards which come to think about it this game has none…… i wish it did for PvP…It would be nice to see IN GAME who has highest kill count on server, and PvP matches won, Medals earned, MvP votes gained so you could know who has the competency of their class and it would be cool to see people on the server with #1 status and be like i wanna kill him lol

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Maybe if they made it so you could kill the Plauge bearer in STAGE 2 ONLY people would shut up… Tbh I would love to see someone hit stage 2, their HP bar turns red, and no matter what faction that player is now up for grabs. If no one kills him/her and they explode they spread the infection but IF they get killed they just die and they can't blow up until they either go in a PvP match and die or if they wait out the 10 minutes in STAGE 2 ONLY and then find someone to blow up on BUT they are still flagged not only so players can kill them but NPCs will also kill them…THAT would be interesting and be hilarious…


I say stage 2 because yes it may take a lv 10-25 about 10-15 minutes to get 2k depending on if they're new or not but a seasoned player or 25+ should have no issues clearing the vaccine before it hits STAGE 2 ONLY and commence the bank fest on him/her.

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The plague event itself has many fundamental issues, and we can see those interactions across these postings.


One issue, that in my opinion may bully minded players uses as a convenient excuse is: If the developers made the mechanic, then it is appropraite to use the game sponsored utilty. That is I have the right to go infecting other players because the developers made it possible for me to do so, even more important, the developers wants me to do so, for they gave me a title that I can earn that depends on how many people I get infected.


Another issue, is that for myself, I have a sense of right or wrong with regards to one's own personal integrity. I like to have freedom of choice, and very much dislike when someone else makes that choice for me. Another person, from above, infects me because they are jerks or simply are trying to earn the title. Now I am stuck having to respond by their actions imposed on me, actions I had no chance to say say no. So now I am forced to do the event's quests if i want to get rid of the effects or endure the effects for a period of time; or I can go to the healer bot and pay 2K credits for an antidote; once more a spenditure that was produced by someone else's actions, and not mine, sure I have the choice to pay for the heal or not, but the fundamental issue is why was I placed in that situation? It surely was not of my making and thus the fundamental issue. As other players are so quick to point out, there are work arounds, but the fundamental issue still is why do I have to avail myself to those work-arounds in the first place.


Frankly, knowing that the variety of ages, maturities, and personality make-up of the players; I truly lay the fault of this fully on the game developers who created this situation and encouraged the poor behavior; companies should be more professional than this.



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(a) ...............© My assumption comes from you saying "you must participate" those are dailies why wouldn't anyone want to do dailies of new content? I understand not everyone thinks the way i think but when something new is added to the game why not go check it out? .....................


Personally, I have NEVER taken part in any event, including the first incarnation of this event, ever. (other than server made ones back when Ilum still had potential) They simply do not interest me. Additionally, I have 8 L55s and have never once completed Oricon, never done anything on that little moon I cannot recall the name of, and have not done Black Hole daily's since the cap was 50, even then I only ran them a handful of times. So, there you go, your assumption is flawed.


This event could of been improved drastically however, if people who caught the illness, were properly confined to Alderaan, or if they managed to escape, were fair game and could be targeted by members of their own faction. Seems to me that the announcements on the fleet are garbage.


I would also add in relation to the topic at hand. People seem hung up on the massive and multiplayer letters of MMORPG. Things have changed to suit more casual gamers now, a lot of whom prefer to play the game alone. I put myself in both brackets actually. I am too old to care about making online friends with people who are probably younger than my kids, but I do enjoy playing group PVP, with and against people, but, they are really nothing more than a super enhanced AI.


I also note that few people care that the R and P have pretty much all but gone from these types of game.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I was reading the reply from the poster about Role Play and sadly realized how right he was, but then in the many games I played, there has not really been a true RP server.


In a true RP server, we are supposed to actually be the alt and talk as we play that alt, there i sno (something) no talking about RL, no introduction of information that we player know that the alt would obviously does not, etc.


I would love to go to a server that was RP for real, but I am yet to see that ever happen...



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Fair enough. Let's also have THORN guards stationed at every space port and around the fleet who shoot you on sight once you proceed to a stage two infection. Wouldn't want to undermine that authentic outbreak experience, after all.

EXACTLY! In a real outbreak situation with a disease that turns you into ravening monster, you would be either quarantined until you were cured or dead or killed. With the amount of outbreak on fleet, they would likely vent the station to space. I dont mind the idea, (well I mind the rakghoul thing in principle, but that's besides the point,) i would prefer it stay on Alderaan, as Alderaan would be quarantined.

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