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Rakghoul Event is Forced


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Which brings me back to my point. Plague-bearers are not the self-centred carebears who cry when others have some fun. You are being one. If you are really affected by green pixels so much that you want to see players banished from playing normally for the simple offense of colouring some of your pixels green, there is nothing left to say. :)


But why should Event participants be allowed to interfere with other people's fun but not have it work the other way as well . That is just being hypocritical. But if you can't see the fun in that for others, so be it.


PS. Green pixels don't have fun or not, people do!

Edited by Vendd
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But why should Event participants be allowed to interfere with other people's fun but not have it work the other way as well . That is just being hypocritical. But if you can't see the fun in that for others, so be it.


PS. Green pixels don't have fun or not, people do!


How am I being hypocritical? You clearly say that you don't care about other people's fun, then call others hypocrites for not caring about yours'. You have also ignored every piece of friendly advice offered in the thread, including but not limited to, stop parking your butt next to plaguebearers. If you can't be bothered to actually play the game your own way, then don't complain when others don't let you.

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Get the [Anti Viral Mk-1] its a reuseable 5k vaccine. It gives you +22 Endurance and +32 Presence it is a relic but put it on your quick bar like you would a Stim/Ability. when you get infected click the relic, when you die and rez click the relic. there is now no way you can get infected to the point of being annoyed.


You can only get the relic by participating in the Rakghoul Event which many players simply do not want to do.


More importantly subscribers should not be penalised (financially or otherwise) for accessing Fleet to do the essential things (access trainers, mail, GTN, cargo holds etc) relevant to playing the rest of the game. Nor should they be penalised or griefed while they are on lowbie planets learning to play the game.

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You can only get the relic by participating in the Rakghoul Event which many players simply do not want to do.


More importantly subscribers should not be penalised (financially or otherwise) for accessing Fleet to do the essential things (access trainers, mail, GTN, cargo holds etc) relevant to playing the rest of the game. Nor should they be penalised or griefed while they are on lowbie planets learning to play the game.


And again, you ignore other advice that's been repeated a million times.


On Fleet? 2k gives you 6h of immunity. No risk of dying, so vaccine won't wear off; enjoy yourself.


On a lowbie planet? Congratulations. You earn a million credits for parking right next to someone who has been shining green for 20 minutes straight.

Edited by EzioMessi
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How am I being hypocritical? You clearly say that you don't care about other people's fun, then call others hypocrites for not caring about yours'. You have also ignored every piece of friendly advice offered in the thread, including but not limited to, stop parking your butt next to plaguebearers. If you can't be bothered to actually play the game your own way, then don't complain when others don't let you.


You twist my words again. I never said that I don't care about other people's fun. I want everyone to have fun. That is the whole point of playing the game. You just keep ignoring the key point that for many people the Rakghoul Event is not fun, especially for non-Event participants who are just trying to play the rest of the Game. They find themselves coming under attack for simply doing essential things like going to Fleet. That is not fun for them which Event lovers like you just keep ignoring or dismissing offhand.

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You twist my words again. I never said that I don't care about other people's fun. I want everyone to have fun. That is the whole point of playing the game. You just keep ignoring the key point that for many people the Rakghoul Event is not fun, especially for non-Event participants who are just trying to play the rest of the Game. They find themselves coming under attack for simply doing essential things like going to Fleet. That is not fun for them which Event lovers like you just keep ignoring or dismissing offhand.


And you keep ignoring the point that you have to be quite blind to actually get infected if you actually don't want to.

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this has just been 2 people going back and forth at this point, I wonder how long it will last as both clearly won't give in to eachothers argument, now to sit back and watch for the winner


PS, I am rooting for you Ezio.:rak_01:

Edited by Sangrar
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And again, you ignore other advice that's been repeated a million times.


On Fleet? 2k gives you 6h of immunity. No risk of dying, so vaccine won't wear off; enjoy yourself.


On a lowbie planet? Congratulations. You earn a million credits for parking right next to someone who has been shining green for 20 minutes straight.


You ignore advice that's been repeated a million times. Having to pay unnecessarily for vaccines (that do wear off) or getting greifed on lowbie planets when one is learning the game or on Fleet when one is accessing trainers, mail, GTN etc is not fun for those attacked. Nor is it reasonable that those people who are not Event participants to incur the costs and penalties. You just don't seem to care about the fun or lack thereof for other players.

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this has just been 2 people going back and forth at this point, I wonder how long it will last as both clearly won't give in to eachothers argument, now to sit back and watch for the winner


PS, I am rooting for you Ezio.:rak_01:


I'm rooting for me too just so you know. :p


You ignore advice that's been repeated a million times. Having to pay unnecessarily for vaccines (that do wear off) or getting greifed on lowbie planets when one is learning the game or on Fleet when one is accessing trainers, mail, GTN etc is not fun for those attacked. Nor is it reasonable that those people who are not Event participants to incur the costs and penalties. You just don't seem to care about the fun or lack thereof for other players.


Yes they do wear off. In 6 hours. You know, that's such a short time for someone in front of a GTN terminal, sitting and doing nothing, right?


Hint: It isn't a short time


And the lowbie argument doesn't even apply here, because seriously, there's no one with level 3 speeder piloting chasing your butt across a lowbie planet just to infect you. As likely as not, they're on Fleet infecting a bunch of non-vaccinated, like-minded players.


In the rare case some crazy guy wants to specifically infect lowbies one by one (as opposed to, you know, infecting 3 peopel in one go on fleet): putting more than 4 metres distance between your lowbie toon and someone's explosion is not a miraculous task, especially considering they are coughing every 5 steps.

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I'm rooting for me too just so you know. :p




Yes they do wear off. In 6 hours. You know, that's such a short time for someone in front of a GTN terminal, sitting and doing nothing, right?


Hint: It isn't a short time


And the lowbie argument doesn't even apply here, because seriously, there's no one with level 3 speeder piloting chasing your butt across a lowbie planet just to infect you. As likely as not, they're on Fleet infecting a bunch of non-vaccinated, like-minded players.


In the rare case some crazy guy wants to specifically infect lowbies one by one (as opposed to, you know, infecting 3 peopel in one go on fleet): putting more than 4 metres distance between your lowbie toon and someone's explosion is not a miraculous task, especially considering they are coughing every 5 steps.


Simple translation - you just don't care about the lack of fun for other players.

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Simple translation - you just don't care about the lack of fun for other players.


Simpler translation: You concede that your argument is moot and have resorted back to your first (and unsurprisingly, irrelevant) point about the whole wide world being out to get you with their evil green pixels.


Gotcha. :D

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Simpler translation: You concede that your argument is moot and have resorted back to your first (and unsurprisingly, irrelevant) point about the whole wide world being out to get you with their evil green pixels.


Gotcha. :D


I concede nothing and have never said "the whole wide world being out to get me" green pixels or not. You hardly qualify as "the whole wide world". And has no one told you that telling untruths is a very ineffective form of argument, especially on forums where people can easily check what has been said. But I can see now that there is a minority of players here who think things are only fun if other players are not having fun and that the Rakghoul Event as currently designed is mana from Heaven for those people and if the victims are not able to effectively retaliate, even better. To me that is just a childish power trip at other people's expense.


What I will concede is that there is a wide unbridgeable gulf here between the people who think the game should be fun for all (and I count myself in that camp) and those that think the game should be fun for some and don't care about the rest (and I count you and some others here in that camp).


Whether the game should be fun for some or fun for all is not a decision for you or me. It is a decision for Bioware. It will be interesting to see where Bioware goes on this. And on that decision subscribers can make up their own minds whether to stay or go.

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Bioware adds an event that actually makes the game feel like a real, dynamic, exciting and unpredictable world and what do the players do? Cry hysterically on the forums.


"Oh noes! For one measly week I might have some slight inconveniences while doing my mindless chore of dailies! QQ"


I wish you people would stop ruining MMO's and go find some other hobby that already fits your soulless and generic mindset.

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Bioware adds an event that actually makes the game feel like a real, dynamic, exciting and unpredictable world and what do the players do? Cry hysterically on the forums.


"Oh noes! For one measly week I might have some slight inconveniences while doing my mindless chore of dailies! QQ"


I wish you people would stop ruining MMO's and go find some other hobby that already fits your soulless and generic mindset.


News flash, no one is saying you can't have your trolling event. We just want the damn vaccine to persist through death and have it disabled during warzones. Events are there for people who wish to do them. This garbage straight up forces it onto players who do not like doing events. I'm a pvper. I don't give a rats *** about the gree event or the bounty hunter crap etc...But at least I can choose not to do them. This crap I have to spam a vaccine every time I die or the stupid infection CC's me every few seconds and then you have players intentionally not using the vaccine to troll warzones etc...No ones saying you can't have your terrible pve event, but don't force it onto others.

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Only if you participate in the Event in which case it is not retaliation. I was talking about the rest of us who do not want to participate in the Event who are left with no means of retaliation - for example, like banishing them to explode in splendid isolation. That would be nice and would interfere with THEIR game play. Griefing the griefers would be such fun. I would support that.


if you get a vaccine they can't infect you thus they explode with noting to infect or at the least not you….so whats the issue again?

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You can only get the relic by participating in the Rakghoul Event which many players simply do not want to do.


More importantly subscribers should not be penalised (financially or otherwise) for accessing Fleet to do the essential things (access trainers, mail, GTN, cargo holds etc) relevant to playing the rest of the game. Nor should they be penalised or griefed while they are on lowbie planets learning to play the game.


Can you actually infect korriban and Hutta? I thought those planets were off limits…Dromund Kaas on the other hand thats open for all.


Much like on PvP servers your HP bar is blue on starter planets and once you get off your HP bar turns green permanently.

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Can you actually infect korriban and Hutta? I thought those planets were off limits…Dromund Kaas on the other hand thats open for all.


Much like on PvP servers your HP bar is blue on starter planets and once you get off your HP bar turns green permanently.


No, you cannot infect people on the starter planets. However those people who hate anything but a totally scripted game where they know exactly what is going to happen and when like to use that as an argument as to being forced to take part in some of the extremely rare dynamic content in this game.

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No, you cannot infect people on the starter planets. However those people who hate anything but a totally scripted game where they know exactly what is going to happen and when like to use that as an argument as to being forced to take part in some of the extremely rare dynamic content in this game.


Its amazing how thick headed so many of you are.

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Im not sure why someone would not want to do this event...an operation for people lvl25-55? WHY NOT? and online everyone is drooling over the weapons...And a lowbie doing the dailies get close to 100k ( thats about what my lvl33 jugg got in one day in the tunnels. And if you are not max level, it gives you a ton of exp and planetary comms.

So lets see...cool rewards (I am not a fan of the armor, but love the weps), experience, an operation, tons of creds and comms, interaction with other players, and something new in the game...

If you dont want in this event (that people have been wanting for,what? 2 years?) then dont log in.

This is an MMO it will always introduce new things. And judging by the SMALL crowd off people that are crying over this event, gree, the snowballs...etc, they fear change and just need to stop playing MMOs.

I participate in new content when it is introduced to see if it is something i want to do. I am not a fan of the bounty event...not sure why. I did enough to get the hat for my smuggler...then stopped.

More people are for this event than the ones that are against it soooo....deal with it and stop crying or log off.


“You can please some of the people some of the time all of the people some of the time some of the people all of the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time.”

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I concede nothing and have never said "the whole wide world being out to get me" green pixels or not. You hardly qualify as "the whole wide world". And has no one told you that telling untruths is a very ineffective form of argument, especially on forums where people can easily check what has been said. But I can see now that there is a minority of players here who think things are only fun if other players are not having fun and that the Rakghoul Event as currently designed is mana from Heaven for those people and if the victims are not able to effectively retaliate, even better. To me that is just a childish power trip at other people's expense.


What I will concede is that there is a wide unbridgeable gulf here between the people who think the game should be fun for all (and I count myself in that camp) and those that think the game should be fun for some and don't care about the rest (and I count you and some others here in that camp).


Whether the game should be fun for some or fun for all is not a decision for you or me. It is a decision for Bioware. It will be interesting to see where Bioware goes on this. And on that decision subscribers can make up their own minds whether to stay or go.


Oh you didn't claim that everyone is out to get you? Really? Do you even understand what griefing is? Because that is exactly what griefing is. Targetted attacks on other players, aka, being out to get someone.


So first, clear out your own head and make a valid point. Are you, or are you not getting griefed? Because you don't seem to be quite sure of it.


Again, the fact that you have exhausted all arguments and are back to victimizing yourself only proves how moot your point is.

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