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Rakghoul Event is Forced


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You are paying the price for not paying attention to your surrounding. Seriously, the infected players in stage 2 are VERY visible (glowing eyes, green fumes everywhere, coughing fits), and even more before they explode, giving you ample time to move your butt away from them.


Oh, get over it. Fleet is not a raid or dungeon where you need situational awareness. Fleet is for conducting personal business of one kind or another.


And on the zombies you are just being silly. I see zombies all around me in various stages - at least one at each GTN outlet and others nearby. Some rush in just before they explode. I move away from one, I get hit by another. You are also missing the point. I should not have to do anything to access normal facilities essential to the game's operation such as accessing trainers, mail, cargo holds, GTN and so on. Fleet is not (or at least should not be) a war zone. In other MMORPGs such places are deliberately designated as "sanctuaries" where all hostility is suspended for precisely those reasons.

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I don't pvp at all. But I imagine if you had the relic you could activate it and switch back your power relic before you enter a warzone, so you'd always enter one vaccinated. Then if you die, either do the switch-click-switch again OR have a field day with whomever was going to infect you in the first place since the coughing reportedly interrups everything...hence the outcries, right?


Still not seeing the problem. And why wouldn't you try out some of the new dailies?


I shouldn't have to do that. That's the entire point. For starters, the infection shouldn't even be active during pvp as it completely screws with it. Secondly, the *********** vaccine should persist through death. Either way, I shouldn't have to deal with it.


I know this garbage is going to be a repeating event and if they don't change it to where the vaccine at least persists through death or just simply straight up disable it during warzones/arenas I will quit the game. I extremely dislike forced events like this and its literally ruining warzones/ranked arenas for me. Between that and the blatant glitcher running around in solo ranked on POT5 for the past 7 days I'm seriously considering quitting right now. BW needs to pull their heads out of their asses.


As for why wouldn't I try the new dailies? I'm not a pve player. I don't like pve, I want nothing to do with pve at 55. I only go out to these event areas for the sole purpose of doing some world pvp.

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Oh, get over it. Fleet is not a raid or dungeon where you need situational awareness. Fleet is for conducting personal business of one kind or another.
It is about as much situation awareness that you need when crossing the street (I am sure mommy taught you to look both ways when you do that, right?)


As for why wouldn't I try the new dailies? I'm not a pve player. I don't like pve, I want nothing to do with pve at 55. I only go out to these event areas for the sole purpose of doing some world pvp.

Wait, let me get this straight. You are PvPer but you detest getting debuffs from other players?

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why should I have to go do a bunch of dailies to get an item to avoid an event mechanic that I wanted nothing to do with to begin with?


What I underlined in your post is the exact reason why you should do the event, since you think its forced on you why not do the quests, get the relic, and pipe down… At first i hated this event because i got it on a lowbie in huttball and on a vengeance jug it persists through unstoppable if you have e coughing fit… I left the WZ and started the quests immediately so i could get the REUSEABLE vaccine.


Dude, you're just digging a bigger hole for yourself. The "infect 3 other players" quest is truly a classic griefing scenario the way you want to play it.


1st off how am i digging a hole for myself? because i wanna blow my load all over you toons and get a quest done? lol

2nd how is it griefing? so you got some rakghoul Jiz on you…big deal... do the quests (if you don't want to pay 2k every time you get Jiz in your eye) and buy the relic thats 5k for unlimited uses…….UNLIMITED


There are plenty of ways around this, including not supporting a very bad quest. Oh and just because the dev. team failed utterly to think things through, does not suddenly make it okay to violate the ToS rules.


Why would i not support it? thats like (in pvp) not using the fire traps, acid pit, pushing people off the bridge (in voidstar) pulling people to the respawn area (in civil war) for a 1 shot kill, knocking people in the mine field (novare Coast), or pushing people outside the safe zone in hyper gates. You're telling us not to enjoy the game as we see fit? and you can't say that you don't use any of the things i listed because EVERYONE does at some point. the scenarios i listed are the same as the rakghoul Jiz, just get the relic and stop crying about what got in your eye.


EA and Bioware owe us all a big apology for this aspect of what is otherwise a fun diversion. This is what always seems to happen when special event mechanics don't get tested on the PTS or some other real-world test before being unleashed.


I almost pee'd laughing at this part. You are truly the best troll I've ever seen…if you were serious…well ummm LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Edited by Jamalzero
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I do not play the game for your convenience or for anyone else's convenience. I play the game for my own convenience and, within the rules of the game, do not have to account to you or to anyone else. That is one of the positive aspects of SWTOR (or has been). I have answered your question. I see little point in pursuing this any further.


So you admit that you don't give a damn about others wanting to have fun with an event, yet complain when they don't care about your fun? Okay. That was the point I was making, thanks for proving it.

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It is about as much situation awareness that you need when crossing the street (I am sure mommy taught you to look both ways when you do that, right?)



Wait, let me get this straight. You are PvPer but you detest getting debuffs from other players?


Oh come on, the complaint about trolls ruining Ranked Arenas with the infection is totally legit. Nothing sucks more than losing Rating to a troll mechanic. They could simply pause the debuff timer when in wzs or at least in Ranked.

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Oh come on, the complaint about trolls ruining Ranked Arenas with the infection is totally legit. Nothing sucks more than losing Rating to a troll mechanic. They could simply pause the debuff timer when in wzs or at least in Ranked.


I honestly have no idea about Ranked PUGs, as it does not really sound like a good idea to me. If I chose to go ranked, I would do so with people I know and can be on voice chat for easier communication...

However, if someone decides to PUG into ranked just to harm other people's rating, well, then that is griefing and such player should be reported, IMO. However, exploding around the fleet is not griefing, as it does not harm people (much) and can be easily avoided.

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I honestly have no idea about Ranked PUGs, as it does not really sound like a good idea to me. If I chose to go ranked, I would do so with people I know and can be on voice chat for easier communication...

However, if someone decides to PUG into ranked just to harm other people's rating, well, then that is griefing and such player should be reported, IMO. However, exploding around the fleet is not griefing, as it does not harm people (much) and can be easily avoided.


When it comes to ranked PvP and group finder things, they simply shouldn't let people queue while infected.


Problem solved.


That's the only valid complaint about the event as far as I'm concerned.

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I honestly have no idea about Ranked PUGs, as it does not really sound like a good idea to me. If I chose to go ranked, I would do so with people I know and can be on voice chat for easier communication...

However, if someone decides to PUG into ranked just to harm other people's rating, well, then that is griefing and such player should be reported, IMO. However, exploding around the fleet is not griefing, as it does not harm people (much) and can be easily avoided.


That is just the difference between Solo Ranked and Group Ranked. There are many reasons players may choose to queue for Solo, including learning how to deal with the differences between Ranked and Regs, and none of one's friends being on. That queue already has so many problems because of luck of the draw MM, and the infections in there ruin it even more. I agree that they should be reported, although a vaccine that persists through death would go a long way in fixing that.

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That is just the difference between Solo Ranked and Group Ranked. There are many reasons players may choose to queue for Solo, including learning how to deal with the differences between Ranked and Regs, and none of one's friends being on. That queue already has so many problems because of luck of the draw MM, and the infections in there ruin it even more. I agree that they should be reported, although a vaccine that persists through death would go a long way in fixing that.


My problem with Solo ranked is exactly not knowing how competent or geared my team will be. If I play some scored team game, I prefer knowing what I can expect from my team.

And I think that even with the persistent vaccine, people who go there to grief others would not use it anyway... Paying 10k for a bunch of vaccines on level 55 (when ranked unlocks) is easy money.

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My problem with Solo ranked is exactly not knowing how competent or geared my team will be. If I play some scored team game, I prefer knowing what I can expect from my team.

And I think that even with the persistent vaccine, people who go there to grief others would not use it anyway... Paying 10k for a bunch of vaccines on level 55 (when ranked unlocks) is easy money.


It is easy money, but given how much more likely you are to die in a warzone or an Op, than you are out in the planetary quest zones, it becomes a nuisance. Yesterday in Regular warzones, I spent close to 20k on vaccines in just 3 matches. Given that I earned like 12k credits total in those 3 matches, I was actually making a loss, and someone who PvPs all day (especially Ranked) is likely to die a lot more.


And yeah, when you mentioned it I realized, a troll who wants to make his own team lose won't use the vaccine anyway. Better to make the debuff timer just pause inside a wz.

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It is easy money, but given how much more likely you are to die in a warzone or an Op, than you are out in the planetary quest zones, it becomes a nuisance. Yesterday in Regular warzones, I spent close to 20k on vaccines in just 3 matches. Given that I earned like 12k credits total in those 3 matches, I was actually making a loss, and someone who PvPs all day (especially Ranked) is likely to die a lot more.


And yeah, when you mentioned it I realized, a troll who wants to make his own team lose won't use the vaccine anyway. Better to make the debuff timer just pause inside a wz.


Ok, Warzones are a different thing, but in Arena, you can only die two or three times. And i think Arenas net more than 6k. However, for these situations when you get killed repeatedly it is much more hassle-free way to bite the bullet and run the event to get the relic

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So you admit that you don't give a damn about others wanting to have fun with an event, yet complain when they don't care about your fun? Okay. That was the point I was making, thanks for proving it.


No, that just twists what I have said. But I am opposed to griefing of other players and hindering the way others play the game. I have no sympathy whatsoever for griefers who get their "fun" by disrupting the game play of others. In relation to them, my only regret is that the game prevents me from griefing the griefers.

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No, that just twists what I have said. But I am opposed to griefing of other players and hindering the way others play the game. I have no sympathy whatsoever for griefers who get their "fun" by disrupting the game play of others. In relation to them, my only regret is that the game prevents me from griefing the griefers.


there is literally a quest that requires 3 infections, and give a dna canister for it, now that's motivation to spread the plague, as it is for players like me who want to get as many of those canisters as possible to get infected mounts we need to do that quest every day, its not that we are griefing, its that literally there is a quest that requires it.

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there is literally a quest that requires 3 infections, and give a dna canister for it, now that's motivation to spread the plague, as it is for players like me who want to get as many of those canisters as possible to get infected mounts we need to do that quest every day, its not that we are griefing, its that literally there is a quest that requires it.


That may be motivation for you, but it is still griefing. That the Rakghoul Event sanctions the griefing but prevents any retaliation against the griefers just adds insult to injury.

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Leveling a character through Alderaan is now annoying as all hell. Every time I go to the main town I get mobbed by plague bearers. Why can't only people who accept the event quest trigger the plague bearers to attack them? I have no desire to participate in this event and now Alderaan is unplayable to me




I walked on to the fleet to do upgrades and this crap happens. It's not fun when it's forced !!!! I have a limited time to play and I don't have time to wait it out. If they want people to quit the game they should just shut the servers off and refund the money(if you pay to play). Event if there was a way to abandon the event ..... wait is there?

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That may be motivation for you, but it is still griefing. That the Rakghoul Event sanctions the griefing but prevents any retaliation against the griefers just adds insult to injury.


What!???? :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02: You can infect them lol :eek: :eek: :eek: Holy crap you just retaliated! :eek: :eek: :eek:

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Even if there was a way to abandon the event ..... wait is there?


Get the [Anti Viral Mk-1] its a reuseable 5k vaccine. It gives you +22 Endurance and +32 Presence it is a relic but put it on your quick bar like you would a Stim/Ability. when you get infected click the relic, when you die and rez click the relic. there is now no way you can get infected to the point of being annoyed.

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What!???? :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02: You can infect them lol :eek: :eek: :eek: Holy crap you just retaliated! :eek: :eek: :eek:


Only if you participate in the Event in which case it is not retaliation. I was talking about the rest of us who do not want to participate in the Event who are left with no means of retaliation - for example, like banishing them to explode in splendid isolation. That would be nice and would interfere with THEIR game play. Griefing the griefers would be such fun. I would support that.

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Event if there was a way to abandon the event ..... wait is there?


No. Unfortunately the designers allowed Event participants to grief non-participants. And to make it easier for themselves many choose to focus on the Fleet and lowbie planets to grief people faster. Some have even been crowing on these forums about how they treat the GTN as a "PvP area". That it is only one way combat (non-participants can't retaliate against them) seems to make them even happier.


PS. You can just Ignore the trolls.

Edited by Vendd
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No, that just twists what I have said. But I am opposed to griefing of other players and hindering the way others play the game. I have no sympathy whatsoever for griefers who get their "fun" by disrupting the game play of others. In relation to them, my only regret is that the game prevents me from griefing the griefers.


But it lets you grief the griefers. Can't you see? Simply moving your butt forces them to find another victim for the daily. Vaccinating yourself half a second before they explode is also the most cruel troll you could do to them.


If you are levelling (like most complainers on this thread say they are), the planets are frikking massive, and there's no reason to be next to these "griefers".


If you are on Fleet for an extended period, you have no risk of dying, so just vaccinate and quit whining for the next 6 hours.


The only place where this is frikking annoying is wzs or Op runs with a group of PuGs, because the risk of dying is multiplied by a thousand there. Anywhere else, you are complaining for no reason.

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I walked on to the fleet to do upgrades and this crap happens. It's not fun when it's forced !!!! I have a limited time to play and I don't have time to wait it out. If they want people to quit the game they should just shut the servers off and refund the money(if you pay to play). Event if there was a way to abandon the event ..... wait is there?


1) Pay a whopping 2k credits.

2) Don't die to trash mobs

3) Enjoy

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But it lets you grief the griefers.


That is like hitting someone with wet tissue paper. If we are going to have sanctioned griefing I mean some real means of retaliation for non-participants - like banishing plague spreaders so they explode in splendid isolation. They would have to start all over again and could even miss their quest and achievement completion. That would be poetic justice and even some fun for non- Event participants.

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That is like hitting someone with wet tissue paper. If we are going to have sanctioned griefing I mean some real means of retaliation for non-participants - like banishing plague spreaders so they explode in splendid isolation. They would have to start all over again and could even miss their quest and achievement completion. That would be poetic justice and even some fun for non- Event participants.


Which brings me back to my point. Plague-bearers are not the self-centred carebears who cry when others have some fun. You are being one. If you are really affected by green pixels so much that you want to see players banished from playing normally for the simple offense of colouring some of your pixels green, there is nothing left to say. :)

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