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Rakghoul Event is Forced


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Participating in the Alderaan events may be optional. Being infected with the Rakghoul plague is not and comes at a cost to people who don't wish to participate (both financial and otherwise because of the stupid interrupt). Griefers have descended on the Starter Planets and on the Fleet to target other players as they go about their quests, read their mail, access cargo holds, trainers or the GTN.


No one on the starting planets can get infected, this has been confirmed so stop trying to spread lies. Secondly it's called situational awareness. If you can't pay attention to your surroundings as you do stuff, then you deserve to be infected.


I swear some people just refuse to adapt and would rather just cry.

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I heard people crying and spitting that there is no new content and that the game is stale and repetitive. Suddenly one day I log in and there is some brand new stuff to do with hot little rewards.

A day or two later I log on here and people are crying and spitting that the new content is bad, "expensive", not fun, irritating and "forced" upon them.

I sturggle to understand people, they are really weird.

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I heard people crying and spitting that there is no new content and that the game is stale and repetitive. Suddenly one day I log in and there is some brand new stuff to do with hot little rewards.

A day or two later I log on here and people are crying and spitting that the new content is bad, "expensive", not fun, irritating and "forced" upon them.

I sturggle to understand people, they are really weird.


So were they the same people posting here?If so can you link their post.Thanks.

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No one on the starting planets can get infected, this has been confirmed so stop trying to spread lies. Secondly it's called situational awareness. If you can't pay attention to your surroundings as you do stuff, then you deserve to be infected.


I swear some people just refuse to adapt and would rather just cry.


There are plenty of comments on these forums of griefers descending on Starter Planets ruining the game for lowbies. I find those reports more credible than your own. Your comment about situational awareness is naive - you move away from one plague spreader and get hit by another. The griefers are all over the shop.


And I am not surprised that people are complaining about a dumb Event with a dumb game mechanic designed to reward griefers and to penalise players underwhelmed by the event and more interested in the rest of the game. They are entitled to. And who are you to be crying about people freely expressing their opinions on these forums, that is what they are there for.

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So were they the same people posting here?If so can you link their post.Thanks.


I never intimated they are the same people, simply chucking out my view that the game developers can't win really.


The content they put in for Christmas was complained about, Makeb was complained about and it just continues. I am just puzzled as to what folk want really.

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There are plenty of comments on these forums of griefers descending on Starter Planets ruining the game for lowbies. I find those reports more credible than your own. Your comment about situational awareness is naive - you move away from one plague spreader and get hit by another. The griefers are all over the shop.


And I am not surprised that people are complaining about a dumb Event with a dumb game mechanic designed to reward griefers and to penalise players underwhelmed by the event and more interested in the rest of the game. They are entitled to. And who are you to be crying about people freely expressing their opinions on these forums, that is what they are there for.


Honestly, it rewards people who sit on fleet and AFK, not griefers. We're getting our panties in a twist over nothing.

I get the feeling that most of the people here would stop complaining if you had been around during the pre-LK zombie event in WoW. THAT was an event that rewarded griefing (which was fun as hell, btw. Seeing how many NPCs you could infect was hilarious, and the all out war between the people trying to infect the populace and the ones trying to stop them was some of the most fun I've ever had in an MMO).

The rakghoul plague is a minor inconvenience comparatively :rolleyes:


I feel like you'd still complain even if the vaccine was 1 credit and available from a vendor every 5 meters (You'd complain about the NPCs clogging up the game and ruining your immersion, I'm sure)

Edited by Beslley
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Yeah.... if 2K for 6 hours of immunity is over the top...... then said character has other actual play issues then the event, IMO.


That depends. Some people buy mods, armoring and enhancements from the GTN along with hilts and barrels. A lower level player will have issues with credits and it's 5 hrs.

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That depends. Some people buy mods, armoring and enhancements from the GTN along with hilts and barrels. A lower level player will have issues with credits and it's 5 hrs.


You don't need to buy anything while leveling other than skills, and the credits that quite literally fall into your lap during the leveling/questing experience should be plenty enough to get you a vaccine. If you're buying mods of the GTN while leveling, you're doing it wrong.


If you have a bit of rep from doing the dailies, you can also buy the lowest-level trinket off the event vendor, which when used provides the same immunity as the vaccine, and it's reusable.

Edited by Beslley
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Honestly, it rewards people who sit on fleet and AFK, not griefers. We're getting our panties in a twist over nothing.

I get the feeling that most of the people here would stop complaining if you had been around during the pre-LK zombie event in WoW. THAT was an event that rewarded griefing (which was fun as hell, btw. Seeing how many NPCs you could infect was hilarious, and the all out war between the people trying to infect the populace and the ones trying to stop them was some of the most fun I've ever had in an MMO).

The rakghoul plague is a minor inconvenience comparatively :rolleyes:


I feel like you'd still complain even if the vaccine was 1 credit and available from a vendor every 5 meters (You'd complain about the NPCs clogging up the game and ruining your immersion, I'm sure)


Sorry, but you are talking through your hat if you think the Rakghoul Event "rewards people who sit on fleet". People go to fleet to access mail, the GTN, trainers, cargo holds etc. There is no reward in opting out of the Rakghoul Event only to be faced with extra cost, inconvenience and a nasty interrupt because jerks see them as a quick and easy way of gaining their achievement. The fact that the event includes a dumb game mechanic which allows plague spreaders to hinder other players but does not allow those players to hinder plague spreaders only adds insult to injury.


I was there when WoW had its dumb zombie event and the forums erupted and players suspended their subscriptions when the griefers targeted the banks, auction houses, mail boxes and quest givers, killing all the NPCs. Yes it was bad, but so is this for players who want no part of the Rakghoul Event. At least in that case Blizzard had the good sense to quickly correct their mistake and bring that event to a rapid close and never repeat it as far as I am aware.

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You arn't forced to buy anything.
Did you miss the reading comprehension classes at school?


Id suggest you to read that post again thank you. If i need to do ANYTHING at all if i want to stay out of the event, its not optional.


In case you can't figure it out, its not optional if i need even the slightest bit of active input on my end to avoid it, in this case looking up a vendor and spending credits for griefing protection

It's your fault for not paying attention to where you go afk

The main event is on Alderaan, not the fleet. Havíng to watch out for random ***** coming running being infected on a entirely different planet or space station to avoid the thing means its not optional because it require active input from my end to not get hit.

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You guys can say I'm whining all you want, point is whenever one of my characters in any game dies, I delete them. I play every character in every game like it's a hardcore character from the Diablo 2 days. So when I have mobs and mobs of plague bearers chasing me down that I had no idea existed in the main city of Alderaan, I get pissed. Then when I have another character die from the plague because it spread to my lvl 14 Jugg running Black Talon (I had no idea you exploded until 20 minutes ago when my Jugg exploded), I get even more pissed. This event completely ruined my playing experience when it could easily be triggered by those who want to participate in it by accepting a quest.


Say I'm complaining all you want, I just don't want this event forced on me.


And who decided to play a hardcore permadeath style?



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You guys can say I'm whining all you want, point is whenever one of my characters in any game dies, I delete them. I play every character in every game like it's a hardcore character from the Diablo 2 days. So when I have mobs and mobs of plague bearers chasing me down that I had no idea existed in the main city of Alderaan, I get pissed. Then when I have another character die from the plague because it spread to my lvl 14 Jugg running Black Talon (I had no idea you exploded until 20 minutes ago when my Jugg exploded), I get even more pissed. This event completely ruined my playing experience when it could easily be triggered by those who want to participate in it by accepting a quest.


Say I'm complaining all you want, I just don't want this event forced on me.

Did you make this story up just for this thread, or have you spun it out at other times as well?

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The thing is, is that not everyone wants to take part in this event. Its being forced in a way that people have to buy vaccines or do the event itself to get the rep high enough to get the relic to prevent you from getting the infection.


This should have stayed on Alderaan. I had 2 characters that managed to get the infection as I logged in. No way to react. There are not that many places that are safe on fleet right now.

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The thing is, is that not everyone wants to take part in this event. Its being forced in a way that people have to buy vaccines or do the event itself to get the rep high enough to get the relic to prevent you from getting the infection.


This should have stayed on Alderaan. I had 2 characters that managed to get the infection as I logged in. No way to react. There are not that many places that are safe on fleet right now.

2k. Vaccine. 6 hours. Deal with it. It's a game.

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I'm not going to read 11 pages of replies and I'm fairly sure its been said but just in case, I'll say it again here. There's a whole lot more to Alderaan than just the main pub and imp centers. Trust me. I've unlocked the whole map.


Only thing that makes Alderaan 'unplayable' is that now Alderaan in and instance of 36 people walking thru House Thul feels like walking thru a 200 person instance of fleet. And that's really just an annoyance until you get out of the area.

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2K is a lot for a low level toon. If you die, you have to replace it. Its not even worth it at this point to even buy it if you PVP at all. It does not persist after death.


Not really. 2k comes quickly for any toon outside of the starter planets so this argument is invalid.


Considering there is a quest for infecting 3 people every day, people infecting others aren't griefing...they are questing.


And you don't have to use the vaccine until you get infected, then pop it and you are not only clear of your current infection but immune for 6 hours for the low price of 2k credits.


If you are on Alderaan, you have your speeder by then. If you pop the plaguebearers just run away until you are out of combat and your problems are solved.


You also have the option of doing the event, buying the relic that lets you do the same thing as the vaccine and then stop worrying about getting infected. The relics cover multiple levels so you should be able to find one that would allow you to quest freely.


In short, you have multiple options but whining about content being added to the game isn't one of them.

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I am not whining because I am doing the event. You are not looking at it from both points of view. Not everyone wants to take part in the event, but it is forced if you have to grind the rep to get to the point to buy the relic.


Not sure if doing the event once (how can you know it is not fun until then?) can be considered grinding.

Or, you can simply buy that vaccine/cure for the horrible space plague epidemic.

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I am not whining because I am doing the event. You are not looking at it from both points of view. Not everyone wants to take part in the event, but it is forced if you have to grind the rep to get to the point to buy the relic.


Probably not, but those few should not interrupt the enjoyment of the rest.


And I've actually found an easy way to complete the daily and make everyone happy. I go to Coruscant, hang out in the Cantina and 5 minutes before I explode I hit General Chat and offer 30k credits and a vaccine to anyone who lets me spread my rakghoulish goodness to them. I get the daily and some poor lower level toons get some credits and 6 hours of protection. It's a win/win.

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Probably not, but those few should not interrupt the enjoyment of the rest.


And I've actually found an easy way to complete the daily and make everyone happy. I go to Coruscant, hang out in the Cantina and 5 minutes before I explode I hit General Chat and offer 30k credits and a vaccine to anyone who lets me spread my rakghoulish goodness to them. I get the daily and some poor lower level toons get some credits and 6 hours of protection. It's a win/win.


This is actually a great idea. Might have to do this to facilitate my 1000 infection achieve :D

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That is what I am getting at. Not to interrupt the enjoyment of others.


I usually keep my characters on fleet. Like I said before I had 2 characters that as soon as I logged in, the character contracted it. No option to get the vaccine ahead of time and I was not able to go to the vendor to get one because it will not let you interact with the vendor.


For the people who don't want to contract the plague, they have to buy the vaccine, do the dailies until you can get the relic which requires newcomer status, or stay away from the areas that the plague is contained at.

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That is what I am getting at. Not to interrupt the enjoyment of others.


I usually keep my characters on fleet. Like I said before I had 2 characters that as soon as I logged in, the character contracted it. No option to get the vaccine ahead of time and I was not able to go to the vendor to get one because it will not let you interact with the vendor.


For the people who don't want to contract the plague, they have to buy the vaccine, do the dailies until you can get the relic which requires newcomer status, or stay away from the areas that the plague is contained at.


You can interact with the vendor if you are plagued. It might get interrupted occasionally but you can get the vaccine if you already have the plague.

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