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Rakghoul Event is Forced


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why are people complaining about being forced to buy the vaccine. you know in the real world you are forced to buy food or you starve to death. you know if you have a large bleeding wound u are forced to close it, or you bleed to death


Sometime some real mechanics are in a game. people just have to deal with it :rak_01::rak_01::rak_03:

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why are people complaining about being forced to buy the vaccine. you know in the real world you are forced to buy food or you starve to death. you know if you have a large bleeding wound u are forced to close it, or you bleed to death


Sometime some real mechanics are in a game. people just have to deal with it :rak_01::rak_01::rak_03:


I didn't ask to fall out of a window okay? You can't force me to get a cast. :p

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No matter what is done to the game it will be never enough for some, too much for others. Try something different people complain, do not do anything different people complain. I am not saying the event is perfect or a failure by any means.


The strangest thing to me is the fight of people against others so they do not have to play/talk/interact with others in a game with massive amounts of other players, maybe its just me, maybe i am just getting old, or maybe i just dont seem as upset over buying a vaccine or playing with others.

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Oh you didn't claim that everyone is out to get you? Really? Do you even understand what griefing is? Because that is exactly what griefing is. Targetted attacks on other players, aka, being out to get someone.


So first, clear out your own head and make a valid point. Are you, or are you not getting griefed? Because you don't seem to be quite sure of it.


Again, the fact that you have exhausted all arguments and are back to victimizing yourself only proves how moot your point is.


*Claps* Thank you! lol

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why are people complaining about being forced to buy the vaccine. you know in the real world you are forced to buy food or you starve to death. you know if you have a large bleeding wound u are forced to close it, or you bleed to death


Sometime some real mechanics are in a game. people just have to deal with it :rak_01::rak_01::rak_03:


News flash, this is a video game.

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Oh you didn't claim that everyone is out to get you? Really? Do you even understand what griefing is? Because that is exactly what griefing is. Targetted attacks on other players, aka, being out to get someone.


So first, clear out your own head and make a valid point. Are you, or are you not getting griefed? Because you don't seem to be quite sure of it.


Again, the fact that you have exhausted all arguments and are back to victimizing yourself only proves how moot your point is.


You get worked up over words I have never uttered but you have. Your anger is misplaced. It should be directed at yourself. As I said in my earlier post, I have never said the whole wide world is out to get me as you claim.


Also, your definition of "griefing" is unusual, it is not just about targeting. I prefer Google's definition: "1. (in an online game or community) a person who harasses or deliberately provokes other players or members in order to spoil their enjoyment." Anyone who participates in griefing is a griefer. But I do not believe everyone in the "whole wide world" as you put it is trying to grief ME. Or everyone is trying to get me or any such nonsense. I do believe however that the Rakghoul Event rewards griefers and penalises their victims thereby spoiling their enjoyment.


Also that by implementing the plague mechanic that way Bioware has moved away from its previous policy of allowing subscribers to choose which parts of this game they want to play. As I said I think it is a stuff up on their part. But if not and this is Bioware's deliberate plan for the future, then subscribers will have to make up their own minds as to whether they stay or go.


All pretty inoffensive I would have thought. After all I am as entitled to my own opinion, as is everyone else. And just because you have a different opinion, does not mean any one else has to accept it.


PS. One thing I would request is that if you want to comment on what I have said you quote my words exactly and not use your own reinterpretation which distorts their meaning.

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Some folks have a hard time understanding that.


That this is a game and we have every right to play it how we want just like you want to???


…I prefer Google's definition: "1. (in an online game or community) a person who harasses or deliberately provokes other players or members in order to spoil their enjoyment."… …I do believe however that the Rakghoul Event rewards griefers and penalises their victims thereby spoiling their enjoyment.


All pretty inoffensive I would have thought. After all I am as entitled to my own opinion, as is everyone else. And just because you have a different opinion, does not mean any one else has to accept it.


PS. One thing I would request is that if you want to comment on what I have said you quote my words exactly and not use your own reinterpretation which distorts their meaning.


No one is deliberately provokes other players or members in order to spoil their enjoyment….its a quest dude lol


and the victim can get reward assuming they just go and blow their rakghoul jiz on 3 other people.


you are entitled to your opinion and no one can chafe your mind on it no matter how biased it is and i understand that you're sticking up for others but you have to be able to look at it from both sides….I hated this event at first and when i found out there was a reusable vaccine i didn't waste time and i got it ASAP…If you don't want to do it thats your own fault. Also when I say, "you" I don't mean you per say i mean the people that don't want to do the event… If they stopped crying about getting jiz in their eye for 3 seconds they'd see Bioware gave them a way to put goggles on and protect them selfs…


It's a Star Wars game. That doubles down the silly. Or cancels it out. One of those.

yes because we all know no one swings glowsticks in real life may i refer you to exhibit (a)

Or shall I show you exhibit (b)
Or does exhibit ©
tickle your fancy?


News flash, this is a video game.


Yes its a game but even in other MMOs people get sick and puke or stunned and can't move…


Take pokemon for example you get poisoned or burned and you don't heal that, that $hit carries over until the effect wears off or you go to a poke center and could make your pokemon faint.


Kingdom Hearts (more of a hack and slash RPG) you get hit with poison Sora actually flinches when the poison takes damage and if you're running or attacking it stops him and he does a neo bullet dodge move lol


So this happenes even in solo player games (which this isn't) all game creators try to bring some sort of realism to their game to bring it to life so the players can relate, Im sure when you a have a stomach virus (which i would never wish on anyone) you'll do the same thing your character does.

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Some folks have a hard time understanding that.


Oh, don't you know that video games are serious business. It is not intended for you to have fun, nor for you to play the game whichever which way you want to play it. There is only one correct way of playing and that is MY way. This is a MMORPG (get on high horse here) after all, that means you HAVE to do it MY way. It's MY way or the highway etc. etc. etc.

(/sarcasm off)


It sure does get a bit tedious at times, doesn't it? :)

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I decided to just let my sub lapse rather then spend the entire event offline to avoid it. You can't prevent getting infected without spending alot of money, and you can't play once you get infected because of the constant freezes. It's the dumbest event I've ever seen in an MMORPG, and I've seen alot of them. Purely designed for griefers and people who enjoy going online to stand in one place for 15 minutes at a time. You won't a single person that says they enjoy this event that is not using it purely to grief other players trying to get their money's worth.


I enjoyed it and I don't grief. I liked the idea of an event that allows for PvP somewhere besides a warzone, and I enjoyed running the missions with groups of other people. I've only recently returned to the game and I made a lot of friends through this event. The bounty events are fun, but no one groups for them. This event is an actual social event.

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It is not intended for you to have fun, nor for you to play the game whichever which way you want to play it. There is only one correct way of playing and that is MY way. This is a MMORPG (get on high horse here) after all, that means you HAVE to do it MY way. It's MY way or the highway etc. etc. etc.

(/sarcasm off)


I hope youre including yourself in this post... I know everytime I say something (with my own personal opinion added to it) twards the end i say, "I understand not everyone thinks the way I do and Im not telling anyone how to play the game" I dont think ive seen you say that once but here you are being a hypocrite....I know this post is sarcastic but i hope you included yourself in this as well.

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Oh, don't you know that video games are serious business. It is not intended for you to have fun, nor for you to play the game whichever which way you want to play it. There is only one correct way of playing and that is MY way. This is a MMORPG (get on high horse here) after all, that means you HAVE to do it MY way. It's MY way or the highway etc. etc. etc.

(/sarcasm off)


It sure does get a bit tedious at times, doesn't it? :)


Yes it does.I don't see what is so hard about letting others play how they want.There is no reason to interfere with other players.It is a game and some can't seem to get that.

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That this is a game and we have every right to play it how we want just like you want to???




No one is deliberately provokes other players or members in order to spoil their enjoyment….its a quest dude lol


and the victim can get reward assuming they just go and blow their rakghoul jiz on 3 other people.


you are entitled to your opinion and no one can chafe your mind on it no matter how biased it is and i understand that you're sticking up for others but you have to be able to look at it from both sides….I hated this event at first and when i found out there was a reusable vaccine i didn't waste time and i got it ASAP…If you don't want to do it thats your own fault. Also when I say, "you" I don't mean you per say i mean the people that don't want to do the event… If they stopped crying about getting jiz in their eye for 3 seconds they'd see Bioware gave them a way to put goggles on and protect them selfs…



yes because we all know no one swings glowsticks in real life may i refer you to exhibit (a)

Or shall I show you exhibit (b)
Or does exhibit ©
tickle your fancy?




Yes its a game but even in other MMOs people get sick and puke or stunned and can't move…


Take pokemon for example you get poisoned or burned and you don't heal that, that $hit carries over until the effect wears off or you go to a poke center and could make your pokemon faint.


Kingdom Hearts (more of a hack and slash RPG) you get hit with poison Sora actually flinches when the poison takes damage and if you're running or attacking it stops him and he does a neo bullet dodge move lol


So this happenes even in solo player games (which this isn't) all game creators try to bring some sort of realism to their game to bring it to life so the players can relate, Im sure when you a have a stomach virus (which i would never wish on anyone) you'll do the same thing your character does.


Gee I don't remember saying you can't play it the way you want.More of that creative writing I see.As far as realism..ahh if that is the way you want to play that is up to you but I going to go out on a limb and say your not going to feel the pain like you would in real world.

I sure those post by people who didn't like getting the plague were just for the heck of it.They probably were still enjoying their time.

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Gee I don't remember saying you can't play it the way you want.More of that creative writing I see..


Sometimes I think you can't read man. I'm asking a question, I'm not saying you said that; however, judging your grammar skills (GRAMMAR NAZI ALERT) since you still can't grasp the concept of putting spaces in between your sentences (when I asked you to several times) or separating your talking points by paragraphs, I can tell you're still in middle school or you're a grown man that's just about as dense as a bag of bricks...

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As far as realism..ahh if that is the way you want to play that is up to you but I going to go out on a limb and say your not going to feel the pain like you would in real world.


Sorry what point are you trying to make here?


I sure those post by people who didn't like getting the plague were just for the heck of it.They probably were still enjoying their time.


And what are you trying to say here in broken English? "I sure"??? lol

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Sorry what point are you trying to make here?




And what are you trying to say here in broken English? "I sure"??? lol


Gee I guess I'm not untitled to my opinion anymore.


"(d) I understand you are untitled yo your opinion and I am entitled to mine while this is an open forum, I won't try to change your way of thinking and you won't change mine so I'm agreeing to disagree…"


(a) please put spaces in-between sentences it makes it look all jumbles and almost like on looooooong run on sentence with short pauses.


(b) I made my "Little Story" because and i quote making it seem like its coming from your point of view… If you were speaking for the "little guy" why not say If "they" don't want to participate "they" must first participate. That would imply that you're not speaking for your self but for others…anyway…


© My assumption comes from you saying "you must participate" those are dailies why wouldn't anyone want to do dailies of new content? I understand not everyone thinks the way i think but when something new is added to the game why not go check it out? It might be fun to do the dailies I mean they take all of 5 minutes if you don't do the heroic…same old Bull$hit, *In wizard of OZ Emerald City theme* "click-click here, click-click there, click-click everywhere, thats how we spend the day away at the marry old land of SWTOR" and you're done turn it in get the relic boom i no longer have to deal with the "griefing".


(d) I understand you are untitled yo your opinion and I am entitled to mine while this is an open forum, I won't try to change your way of thinking and you won't change mine so I'm agreeing to disagree…


(e) I don't think this game is a Solo player game this is an MMORPG as much of you try to avoid/deny it… If this were solo there would be no Options to engage in PvP content, or do group missions/Ops missions. I think solo is more like Devil May Cry 4 where you can go online and play in bloody palace going through the 9999 levels and get an awesome prize at the end however the online portion of that was only for leader boards which come to think about it this game has none…… i wish it did for PvP…It would be nice to see IN GAME who has highest kill count on server, and PvP matches won, Medals earned, MvP votes gained so you could know who has the competency of their class and it would be cool to see people on the server with #1 status and be like i wanna kill him lol

Edited by well
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I hope youre including yourself in this post... I know everytime I say something (with my own personal opinion added to it) twards the end i say, "I understand not everyone thinks the way I do and Im not telling anyone how to play the game" I dont think ive seen you say that once but here you are being a hypocrite....I know this post is sarcastic but i hope you included yourself in this as well.


You are just being silly. I have often said that people should play the game in whichever way they want. That does not translate to me telling them how to play the game other than in the most trivial sense.


I am opposed to griefing. But only because it interferes with other player's enjoyment of the game. I have no problems with people griefing each other on a voluntary basis as long as all parties agree, in which case it is not griefing.

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Gee I guess I'm not untitled to my opinion anymore.


You are, if it's coherent lol


Why do you think vendd and I are having a charming little debate back and forth. I can understand what he's trying to convey. You on the other hand it's like talking to a kindergartner. lol

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You are, if it's coherent lol


Why do you think vendd and I are having a charming little debate back and forth. I can understand what he's trying to convey. You on the other hand it's like talking to a kindergartner. lol


I am crushed.Your opinion means so much to me.Since you let me be untitled to mine.

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I am crushed.Your opinion means so much to me.Since you let me be untitled to mine.


YES! hahahaha I have finally achieved my goal! Hahaha (by the way, I see you still can't put spaces in-between your sentences to make yourself look somewhat intelligent.)


Anyway back to the subject matter at hand how is this forced again unlike any other aspect of this game?

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