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Everyone play Pyro PT because I love explosion


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Force shroud...


3 seconds.... say hello to debilitate....say hello to losing a DPS race with a sniper while stunned....defense chance goes to 0 while stunned....that makes deflection useless while stunned....marksman spec can do 10000 white damage during a 4 second stun....the sniper uses dodge while the assassin mauls....


Dodge not only cleanses roots, it protects against most of snipers' damage.


Assassin can win 1 vs 1 against snipers, but operative is stronger against snipers than assassin is. Snipers have almost no defense against tech attacks, and almost all of operative's attacks are tech. Operative can also flashbang then heal.

Edited by TheCourier-
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"smashers" were not crying for a hybrid nerf. Everyone was because it breaks the matchmaking system. You had a spec that had fairly decent defensive utility that could also put out good dps. It wasn't broken per say, but it did **** with the balance of matchmaking and it made tanks more or less obsolete in arenas because even team ranked was running them.


Personally I think hybrids should never be allowed. 36 points should be required in a single tree before being allowed to put points into another tree do stop these matchmaking situations where people are being marked as dps but are actually healing/tanking. I don't think its broken or OP, but in a matchmaking environment it breaks the tool that is trying to form balanced teams.


The matchmaking system was offended in certain scenarios in solo ranked when there was no tank in the other team or 4 vs 4 dps. Which is no matter because almost no one queues. For unranked arenas, is too crapped to even state an argument.

Actually the only advantage of hybrid is against area attacks e.g predominantly smashers in arenas. Understandably, hiting 6.5 - 7.5k on tanks and 10+ on other poor classes and then only 4.5 on hybrid, is a source of frustration. Which BW eagerly relieved.

Edited by Aetideus
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The matchmaking system was offended in certain scenarios in solo ranked when there was no tank in the other team or 4 vs 4 dps. Which is no matter because almost no one queues. For unranked arenas, is too crapped to even state an argument.

Actually the only advantage of hybrid is against area attacks e.g predominantly smashers in arenas. Understandably, hiting 6.5 - 7.5k on tanks and 10+ on other poor classes and then only 4.5 on hybrid, is a source of frustration. Which BW eagerly relieved.


But AP as dps still kills smashers. BTW, the highest smash I have seen as AP PT was 6.1K and the majority are under 5K. Of course everyone now is switching to single target dps, cuz ops healers will heal through anything except a huge spike in damage. Pyro is a bit overrated, it just works great against warriors, which compromise easy 50% of PvP population, thus the assumption is that they are OP. That doesn't meant they are not good.


Of course the hybrid AP was OP and needed to go. You are not supposed to be doing 1K+ damage while guarding a healer.

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But AP as dps still kills smashers. BTW, the highest smash I have seen as AP PT was 6.1K and the majority are under 5K. Of course everyone now is switching to single target dps, cuz ops healers will heal through anything except a huge spike in damage. Pyro is a bit overrated, it just works great against warriors, which compromise easy 50% of PvP population, thus the assumption is that they are OP. That doesn't meant they are not good.


Of course the hybrid AP was OP and needed to go. You are not supposed to be doing 1K+ damage while guarding a healer.


Full AP defences against rage spec are better than tank still.

Edited by Aetideus
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I've been playing shield tech for a while now, and I am incredibly bored of it. The only reason I went ST was due to the lack of tanks that I saw in WZ's, and wanting to be a beefbag. I am going to be dropping a ton of comms switching my gear over to pyro in the coming weeks.
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I've been playing shield tech for a while now, and I am incredibly bored of it. The only reason I went ST was due to the lack of tanks that I saw in WZ's, and wanting to be a beefbag. I am going to be dropping a ton of comms switching my gear over to pyro in the coming weeks.


Nuuuuuu!!!! Get the Prototype!!! It's so much better, and seeing 4k+ Prototype Flamethrower ticks is amazing, try throwing that on your healer when he's getting focused by monkeys...and watch him be the only one come out of there alive LOL

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Pyro is best spec, this is common knowledge because incendiary round, assault plastique, sticky grenade, HiB, stockstrike is the best way to kill anything. First off- its got two explosions. Secondly, its got a cool HiB sound. Finally, you get to hit some ***** in the face. Even if it did 0 damage it would still be best spec world and that's what you guys do not realize.
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Its dull as hell. I wish I could respect my vanguard to some other AC. I always try to play it but at best it feels medicore. Its even duller than being a smasher. Explosions are dull and slow. Also cant remember maybe one or two pyros I've found annoying. Most of players simply seem to ignore pyros I've noticed.


Maybe they shine in ranked arena, but low level pvp, higher level warzones and pve seem not to have them quite much.


Troopers are second least popular class in game propably because many people like commmandos/bountyhunters. Without it would be least popular IMHO.

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Hi, you should all play Pyro Powertechs after 2.6, because concealment is getting buffed and no one likes those stun lock unsubs anyways, so you roll a class that makes them cry like a high school girl having her first

1) Explosion, and if you stack multiple explosions you get this


2) If that was not enough reason then this should be - Pyro is best spec world


I'm pretty sure everyone has already tried Pyro Powertech, the easiest FOTM class in the game.

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All wrong, pls explain why I can carry an entire WZ playing pyro.

It is best spec world, do not contest this fact.


I'm bit mystified by your statement. Far as I can tell best way to top damage in WZ is to do AOE dots.


Or by what way you mean you're carrying WZ's?

Edited by Jetflair
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