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Please have some decency when it comes to Rakghoul Champion Mobs


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I only abide by the rules set by the game admins. Whatever else rules some random person makes up, his/her "decency" or "morality" can go somewhere the sun don't shine.


As in real life, I abide by the law of the land. No one else's made up law.


If someone punches me in real life, s/he goes to jail because s/he broke the law. I didn't. Simple.

Edited by Sadishist
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I only abide by the rules set by the game admins. Whatever else rules some random person makes up, his/her "decency" or "morality" can go somewhere the sun don't shine.


As in real life, I abide by the law of the land. No one else's made up law.


If someone punches me in real life, s/he goes to jail because s/he broke the law. I didn't. Simple.


That there is a real-life, awesome human being. Yep. We should all strive to be like that.



You're cute when you're upset for being found a hypocrite. I mean how can you possibly tell people to have morals and be polite when you can't even follow them yourself.




You're cute that you think I'm either upset or a hypocrite. Coming from someone who's clearly a pillar of integrity, that means the world to me, really.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I only abide by the rules set by the game admins. Whatever else rules some random person makes up, his/her "decency" or "morality" can go somewhere the sun don't shine.


As in real life, I abide by the law of the land. No one else's made up law.


If someone punches me in real life, s/he goes to jail because s/he broke the law. I didn't. Simple.


Are you saying that the only ethical standards you choose to abide by are those that have been codified into law? If so, you sure don't sound like a particularly pleasant person to be around!

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Jerks will be jerks, even the ones who think they are "entitled" to a particular mob, chest or quest item. That mob is not yours until YOU tag it. That chest is not yours until you open it. That quest item is not yours until you click on it. Until that time, they are fair game.


Yes technically that is true. However, in a situation like that where it is pretty clear and obvious that someone's intentions are to get to that item/node/etc. you could have some common courtesy and not wait for the dirty work to be done to just swoop in and snake said item out from under them. If for example you are on Oricon leaving the main base and make a small detour to get to the chest and while going in to clear and grab that chest, you probably wouldn't be happy and in fact be quite irate if someone jumped in as you grabbed aggro getting slowed down and snagged that chest from you. Really it's no different, it's not too much to ask that people not be a doosh canoe (yes I know it's not spelled correctly, I intentionally did it).

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Yes technically that is true. However, in a situation like that where it is pretty clear and obvious that someone's intentions are to get to that item/node/etc. you could have some common courtesy and not wait for the dirty work to be done to just swoop in and snake said item out from under them. If for example you are on Oricon leaving the main base and make a small detour to get to the chest and while going in to clear and grab that chest, you probably wouldn't be happy and in fact be quite irate if someone jumped in as you grabbed aggro getting slowed down and snagged that chest from you.

It is what it is, bro. People can deal with it or whine about it (or both, I guess).


Really it's no different, it's not too much to ask that people not be a doosh canoe (yes I know it's not spelled correctly, I intentionally did it).

Wow, you're so clever.

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I only abide by the rules set by the game admins. Whatever else rules some random person makes up, his/her "decency" or "morality" can go somewhere the sun don't shine.


As in real life, I abide by the law of the land. No one else's made up law.


If someone punches me in real life, s/he goes to jail because s/he broke the law. I didn't. Simple.


LOL! I love when people try to sound tough online.


Morality and decency are what define us as people. If you can't behave in a socially "moral" and "decent" way, you have no place in a society of people who can.


And who here is going to punch you? Are you sure you're in the right thread?

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I only abide by the rules set by the game admins. Whatever else rules some random person makes up, his/her "decency" or "morality" can go somewhere the sun don't shine.


As in real life, I abide by the law of the land. No one else's made up law.


If someone punches me in real life, s/he goes to jail because s/he broke the law. I didn't. Simple.


This may be the funniest thing I've read all month. So you just do whatever you want? Drive on whichever side of the street you wish, screw money, you take it if you want it. How do I go about joining the reality you live in that has only a law of the land and nothing like....traffic laws, civil laws etc...?

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Can anyone be banned this way? If not, I don't care.


Yeah people don't care, neither do I, I /ignore and forget them quickly and not just from that toon, but all my toons including all my healers. I also advertise them to my guild and my friends especially the tanks and other healers. I really wish /ignore would include that legacy and not just that toon. :( But whatever, they are forgotten. Much rather remember people that actually have manners, which there are many of them in this game, it is just jerks get written about on the forum all the time.

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If you play the game you have the right to play it any way Bioware wants to let you. The type of behavior mentioned happens all the time in the game and is just sort of a given.


However something to consider, actions have consequences and how you treat other players can matter. I personally have been playing the game a few months and have watched a few players walk from it over how they were treated by segments of the community. Now you can say what you like about it and call them names, but they still walked. Fewer players is usually not healthy for MMOs. I have also seen players decided to stick around because people took time and effort to help them.


Now are most players going to leave the game over feeling an objective or chest was stolen from them? Likely not. I am just saying that overall looking out for the next guy or gal and not treating PvE content as competition can bear good fruit. Treating the game as dog eat dog can lead to other issues.


Again if you play, you have full rights to do whatever Bioware allows. It is just a game.

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Dear lord there are a lot of egoistic people around. I really am happy that it's not that big of a deal if someone steals an mob or clicky.


Two things really bother me about much (apparently and unfortunately) of the community though.


"But then I should, like, follow the guy all the way from space station in case he wants to kill that champ mob - HOW COULD I KNOW?" - Really? If a non-stealther is fighting mobs directly blocking the way to a nearby, "rare" champion how can you not think that he might be in for that one? That excuse is just conscious ignorance (if that word exists).


"It's a dog-eat-dog world" - It might be - because people like YOU are perpetuating that notion and behaviour. How can you not see that YOU then ARE the "problem"? It's not a God-given fact that the world, unaffected by us, is dog-eat-dog; it becomes so when you act like it.


Thank you.

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"It's a dog-eat-dog world" - It might be - because people like YOU are perpetuating that notion and behaviour. How can you not see that YOU then ARE the "problem"? It's not a God-given fact that the world, unaffected by us, is dog-eat-dog; it becomes so when you act like it.


Unfortunately, the way the game is designed, it's somewhat true, though. You can try to be polite, and the fact that the majority of people are rude will mean you don't get what you want. Of course, that just creates a vicious cycle where more people who might have been inclined to do the right thing realize they can't trust other players to do the same and start acting like dipsticks because it's the only way to protect themselves from the other dipsticks.


This is why I simply choose not to partake, because I have weighed the degree of the rewards against how much I don't want to feel I'm acting like a dipstick.

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Thankfully the people I've met in-game have been overwhelmingly good people. I understand that everyone is in a race to get whatever loot/item there is, but largely, the community is full of decent people who understand common courtesy.
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It is what it is, bro. People can deal with it or whine about it (or both, I guess).



Wow, you're so clever.



Never claimed it to be clever, it is however part of a joke between myself and some friends. Surely even someone as obtuse as you can grasp that yes?

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If you want to be successful at questing and avoid being hassled by people, you'll learn to tag and click first. Otherwise, no one to blame but yourself for not being quick enough.


Again, dog eat dog.


So, if I'm trying to tag a mob, and swtor keeps freezing b/c the event is a lagfest, and somebody with a more expensive computer swoops in, it's *my* fault because I'm "uneducated"? I bet you're popular in parking lots.


As to it being a "dog-eats-dog world", should we refer to look on your face as a dog-eating grin? "Dog" isn't really the word I'd use, but the word I'd use does start with a 'd'...

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its no surprise that the 'take what I want, you can't stop me!' players often troll on forums too. Soo many times since I started, I've seen scrubs just standing behind my toon, staying out of aggro range and following me to the clickies. I don't get annoyed any more. I go to the fleet/ship and craft. Its not worth stressing over, though I understand why some quit entirely Edited by Kane_Ren
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